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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare Results
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Wednesday Night Warfare 9/24/2014
Author Message
John Msdison 2.Faggot

XWF FanBase:
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09-24-2014, 10:34 PM

[Image: qtjAJzn.png]

Perth Arena
Perth, Australia

Bryan James
- vs -
Doc Shaw
- vs -
Real Soviet Damage
- vs -
Dwight Schrute
X-treme Rules, 1 Fall

- vs -
Hot Todd
Standard Match

Liz Hathaway
- vs -
Azrael Erebus
Street Fight

- vs -
Loverboy Lane
Xtreme Death Match

Blake Myles
- vs -
- vs -
Jonathon Thomas Cross
- vs -
Fatal 4 Way, 1 Fall

Peter Gilmour
- vs -
Christian Gunn
Playground Brawl

MAIN EVENT Part 1 of Double M.E.
- vs -
- vs -
Luna Hightower
Universal Contender, 1 Fall
Winner enters the 4-way Universal Title match next week with Peter Gilmour, Eli James, and Shades!

MAIN EVENT Part 2 of Double M.E.
Shades & Luke Gunnar
- vs -
Aerial Knight & Woeful
Standard Tag, 1 Fall
Guest Ref #1: Eli James!
Guest Ref #2: Crimson Face!
What will happen when Shades, Crimson Face and Eli James are in the same place at the same time, and Eli has the chance to screw Shades over?
(Refs may post an RP stating intentions and send segments, etc)

Welcome to another episode of Wednesday Night Warfare. Tonight, we're opening the show with a pre-match promo from Real Soviet Damage!

Out Of The Black by Royal Blood starts playing and Real Soviet Damage hits the ring, microphone in hand, with a completely dead pan look on his face.

"Добрый вечер , вы жалкие оправдания мужчин и женщин , я Федор Орлов и готов принести боль!" he shouts angrily. "That's basically me introducing myself and telling all of you how stupid you are."

Damage grins as he is bombarded with boos from the crowd.

"I was on the front row last week in Russia when I saw the worst match in my life. The so called wrestlers in the back disgust me with their hardcore anything-goes mindset and the main event last night was a perfect example of how you putrid ingrates behave. A match involving actual SHIT?! Disgusting!"

He spits on the ring canvas and paces around the ring, getting soaked in the booing.

"I am here to bring back ACTUAL wrestling to XWF, wrestling that involves skill and wit. Australia and everyone sitting at home, prepare for damage, REAL SOVIET DAMAGE!"

Real Soviet Damage leaves the ring to a collection of boos and a few americans in the crowd chanting USA.

Bryan James
- vs -
Doc Shaw
- vs -
Real Soviet Damage
- vs -
Dwight Schrute
X-treme Rules, 1 Fall

The bell rings and Dwight flies forward hitting a punch to the gut of Bryan James. James leans over grabbing his stomach. Doc Shaw turns around towards Real Soviet Damage and gets nailed by a big boot that floors him. Dwight bounces off the ropes and goes for a Dwight Clothesline, but James grabs the arm and hits a big arm drag. Real Soviet Damage has mounted the downed body of Doc and is pounding away at the head of him. Powerful blow after powerful blow. Doc is reeling from each and every shot to the now-swelling face! Chaos has ensued in this match!

James lifts up Dwight and hits an atomic drop. Dwight rolls around holding his tailbone. James turns his attention to his other two opponents. He sees Real Soviet Damage and runs hitting an enzuigiri knocking Damage off the body of Shaw. James stands up and springboards off the second rope trying for a plash on Damage. Damage catches him and slams him down on Shaw! Dwight is back up and rushes forward nailing a DWIGHT CLOTHESLINE knocking Damage off balance enough to stumble through the ropes to the floor with a thump. Dwight rolls outside and begins checking under the ring. He finds a trash can full of goodies and rolls it under the ring. Dwight gets back in the ring and looks in the trash can. He pulls out nunchucks! He whips them around pathetically before he brings it down on the shoulder of James! James rolls away clutching his shoulder.

Damage gets back in the ring and hits a blow to the back of the head of Dwight. He whips him around and nails a spike DDT. He stand over Dwight and spits in his face before dealing a stomp to the face! Real Soviet Damage picks up the reeling Doc Shaw and begins hitting multiple European uppercuts. They just keep coming! One right after the other! Doc is barely standing. Soviet grabs him and hits a fallaway slam! He grabs the arm of Doc and whips him up directly into a SOVIET SOLUTION! (Short-arm lariat) He covers Doc!



T-NO! Bryan breaks it up.

Bryan stands up but he’s holding shoulder from the nunchuck shot earlier. Soviet stands up and looks at the shoulder of Bryan and smirks. Bryan releases his shoulder and is motioning for Damage to bring it. Damage walks and they begin exchanging blows with both holding the other’s heads! Right punches both ways! Damage pushes James back and James hits a springboard clothesline knocking Damage to the mat! He turns around and Doc is stumbling forward. James hits DESPERATION! (Stunner) He covers the non-moving Shaw!


2… NO! Dwight comes from nowhere to break it up.

He sets up behind the slowly standing Bryan James. He has a steel pipe in his hand from the trash can! Damage spots this and jumps up. He turns Dwight around and wretches the pipe from his hand. He throws it away and spits in the face of Dwight! Dwight turns around and gets hit by a BLACK OUT! (powerslam onto his knee) Dwight rolls out of the ring. Bryan charges Damage who locks on a guillotine choke! Bryan is struggling to lift the enormous mass, but he does long enough to move him on top of the long-time prone body of Doc Shaw. Shaw’s shoulder are down but the move has twisted so both men are on top of Shaw! The referee is counting!




The two men release the hold and look at the referee for an explanation. The referee talks to the announcer.

Winner by Double Count : Bryan James and Real Soviet Damage

The two men look at each other and then begin throwing more punches back and forth as they move the brawl all the way up the ramp and disappearing through the entrance way.

After seeing that brawl, we cut to the backstage area where something else is doing down. At a basement?

The basement of a building is generally reserved for things like the boiler room and this building is no different however the basement of this building is also doubling as John Madison's makeshift office.

And what an office it is. A piece of wood placed on top of two red milk crates is set up to function as a desk. There is a lap placed on the edge of the "desk" except that it's not plugged in. A moldy white bucket is turned upside down which is being used by John as his desk chair and on the floor are what appear to be blankets of skin.

The door to the "office" opens up and in steps Ozymandias, one third of the Warfare Management Team.

Ozymandis: "John it smells disgusting in here. What is that?"

John Madison: "I took a shit in the corner earlier."

Ozymandis: "Jesus Chris John, that's disgusting."

John Madison:"What, bitch? I had to go. What do you expect me to do?"

Ozymandis: "Go use a bathroom like everyone else."

John Madison:"That's two floors up. Who has time for that? I'm trying to run a show here, Oz. Unlike you, I don't have the luxury of taking breaks. I'm a busy man! So go on and tell me what you want."

Ozymandis: "Fine, John I came here to talk to you about this card for next week."

John Madison:"What about it?"

Ozymandis: "Well we need to make it and I wanted to get some of your thoughts on it."

John Madison:"Well who all has asked to be booked so far?"

Ozymandias pulls out a note pad and starts rattling off the names.

Ozymandis: "Well aside from the people already booked in the Universal Title match there's Mastermind, Kendall Sawyer, Enigma, Blake Myles, Luke Gunnar, Maverick, Real Soviet Damage, Liz Hathaway, Cain..."

John Madison:"Real Soviet Damage is that a person?"

Ozymandis: "Apparently."

John Madison:"Ok well first thing is first, I want Enigma to face Cain."

Ozymandis: "John they are both in The Brotherhood, why would you do that?"

John Madison:"Because fuck Sebastian Duke and The Brotherhood! That's what Luca alway says."

Ozymandis: "Sorry but no, John. I will not let you book that match. It doesn't make sense at the moment."

John Madison:"Fine! You figure out what to do with them then."

Ozymandis: "You really should be collaborating with me on drawing up this card, John."

John Madison:"Well I don't have time for that. Shane wants me to finish this project before the end of the night."

Ozymandis: "And what project is that?"

John Madison:"Need to know Oz. Need to know."

Ozymandis: "Fine don't tell me. Anyway, I'm thinking of putting Sawyer in a match with Hathaway. Hathaway has been calling out the Heyman Alliance so now she can face another member of that group."

John Madison: "Whatever. I don't even know who Kendall is. Does she have big titties?"

Ozymandis: "No, she- BAH! Damn it, John. Look, is there anything else you want to suggest for next week?"

John Madison:"Yeah that Universal Title match. I'm going to be the ref for it."

Ozymandis: "What? Absolutely not. It's bad enough that you forced Peter Gilmour into that match, I'm not letting you step in as the ref to make sure that he walks out the champion."

John Madison:"Too late Oz. It's happening. Peter Gilmour is going to be the Universal Champion. This place will finally get on it's knees and suck his dick! The Gillitude Era is among us."

Ozymandis: "No way. I'm going to Shane."

John Madison:"Go ahead! Run to Shane! It was his idea."

Ozymandis: "What?"

John Madison:"That's right Oz man. That was Shane's idea. I'm just doing what the boss ordered."

Ozymandis: "Unbelievable."

John Madison:"Oh and by the way, I'm pretty sure Kendall is facing Jack-something. So your little thing with the Heyman Alliance and Hathaway will have to be put on hold for now. You sick freak."

Ozymandis: "Says the guy who's running the show in a basement, surrounded by skin."

"Yeah, well... Don't forget to shut the door on your way out!"

The door John is speaking of is actually a big piece of cardboard taped to the wall in three spots like it were door hinges. Ozymandias walks out of the room and doesn't even bother with the door."

- vs -
Hot Todd
Standard Match

The Zelda song plays as Hot Todd runs down to the ring and waits for his opponent.

Symphony of Destruction starts to play, and smoke pours into the arena, giving an ominous feeling. Maverick comes out, taunting the crowd every step of the way. After Maverick hops into the ring, he relaxes on a turnbuckle, waiting for the match to start, going on a turnbuckle facing Todd.

The match kicks off with the two wrestlers trading punches. The exchange comes to an end as Todd ducks one of Mavrick's strikes, and puts him on the mat with a back suplex. Todd gets back up and continues to work over Maverick, using some headbutts. Todd then runs off the ropes and hits a big splash on Maverick and pins him.




Todd goes back to work quickly with some more headbutts, targeting the rib cage of Maverick. Todd throws Maverick into the corner and runs after him for a running punch but Maverick moves out of the way! Todd ends up punching the ring post, possibly breaking his hand in the process!

Maverick brings Todd to the mat with a take down and then locks in an armbar.

Todd kicks his foot out in order to catch a rope break.

Maverick throws Todd into the ropes, takes the arm again, and puts him in another armbar. This time he has Todd on the center of the mat.

Todd rotates his body though and powers out of the hold.

Todd throws some punches at Maverick who's trying to maintain leverage on the arm. Todd breaks free, runs off the ropes, and hits Maverick with a superman punch! Pin by Todd.




Todd stands up over Maverick and looks around as he calculates his next move. He runs off the ropes, nearly breaks his neck doing a forward roll, and hits the Rolling Blunder (Rolling Thunder) on Maverick and pins him.



Kick out!

Todd goes to the top rope now. He reaches into his pants and pulls out... A CAMERA! Todd waits for Maverick to recover. He takes a picture of him with the camera and then jumps off the top rope to nail him over the head with it, but Maverick counters by drop kicking the camera into Todd's face!

Maverick grabs Todd and gives him a spine buster onto the camera that Todd tried to use on him! The camera has been smashed into a bunch of small pieces!

Maverick drags Todd by the legs to the center of the ring, and turns him over into the Pure Perfection (Lion Tamer)!

Todd reaches forward but Maverick drags him into the center every time he moves an inch.

Todd taps out! It's all over!

Winner: Maverick

"Woo! Good job!"

We hear someone cheering through a microphone on the stage, and it's our GM John Madison! What the hell is he doing out here, interrupting Maverick's celebration like that?

John Madison: "Maverick, sir, great job out there tonight. Don't think that I forgot about what went down earlier this week either. I saw what you did to Bobby Z and I was impressed! Very impressed! You remind me of a younger Peter Gilmour with all that tenacity you show. Did you know Gilmour is a 13 time X-Treme Champion? Maverick, if you continue down this path, one day you might be just as good as Pe-"

Maverick: "Hey John! Do you actually have something important to say or are you just gonna run your mouth about Peter Gilmour?"

John Madison: "Bah, fine! But if you ever need some advice, you can come to me and Peter. Now, without further adieu, it's time to answer the question on everyone's mind right now. 'Who is the X-Treme Champion?' Well the answer to that question weighed heavily on the outcome of the match up that we just saw. Maverick, welcome to the XWF, buddy. You've made an impact faster than anyone else I've seen around here (besides Peter of course), and so I'm rewarding you with this."

John picks up a bag, unzips it, and shows Maverick what's inside...

[Image: xwfxtreme.png]


John Madison: "That's right! Ladies and gentlemen, your new X-Treme Champion is none other than MAVERICK!"

John throws down the bag and begins to celebrate on the stage as Maverick nods his head in approval from the middle of the ring. John's attention has been taken off of the X-Treme Title completely as it remains inside of the gym bag behind him.

Wait a minute...

Who's that coming up behind John?

Oh my God, it's X-PAC!

What the fuck is Sean Waltman doing here?

X-Pac is carrying a Wendy's cup. John doesn't see Pac behind him.

X-Pac shows us the inside of the Wendy's cup. It's filled all the way to the top with SHIT!

Maverick is yelling at John to turn around as X-Pac holds the cup of feces over the gym back that contains the X-Treme Title.

But instead John is walking towards the ring to congratulate Maverick. Maverick runs out of the ring and tries to run past John, but John grabs him and hugs him.

John Madison: "Good job, buddy! You're gonna go far!"

X-Pac laughs at Maverick as he POURS THE CUP FULL OF SHIT INTO THE BAG THAT CONTAINS MAVERICK'S X-TREME TITLE! This is happening while John Madison's back is turned.

But Maverick is finally able to break free from John's bro hug, and runs past him.

X-Pac runs away as Maverick chases him off. Maverick is left with the bag that contains his shit covered X-Treme Title.

John turns around, oblivious to everything that just happened. He walks up to Maverick and the gym bag that has the shit covered X-Treme Title. John looks into the bag and cannot believe what he sees.

John Madison: "You... You..."

Wait a minute, John thinks that Maverick took a shit on the X-Treme Title! John looks furious! He can't believe that Maverick would do such a thing.

John Madison: "You took a shit on the X-Treme Title, Maverick!"

Maverick: "No, that wasn't me!"

John Madison: "You're a terrible liar... but you're an AWESOME champion! Come here! Stuff like that is what's gonna make you one of the best!"

WHAT? Our General Manager isn't pissed. In fact, he seems to be thrilled by what happened. Oh my, what has Maverick gotten himself into?

Liz Hathaway
- vs -
Azrael Erebus
Street Fight

Because this match takes place in an alley way and not a standard ring there is no bell to signify the beginning of the match. So to rectify this situation Azrael Erebus lunges at Liz Hathaway and using her head smashes it in the hood of an abandoned car three times.
Azrael: “Ding ding ding bitch.”
Erebus lifts Hathaway up in the air and slams her down on the hood of the car and then drags her off the hood by her hair.

Erebus yanks Hathaway’s head up and hits her with a few elbows to the temple. Erebus pulls Hathaway to her feet again and with Hathaway a little wobbly Erebus goes for a mule kick by Hathaway catches the foot mid motion and counters with a Hurricanranna. Hathaway climbs on top of the abandoned car and leaps off, catching Azrael with a perfectly placed Senton Bomb and then a pin…



Kick out!

Hathaway reaches to the side of Azrael’s head and picks up a glass bottle and then smashes it over Az’s forehead busting him open right above the eye. Hathaway climbs off of Az and picks up the now broken glass bottle and waits for Azrael to rise to his feet. Which he does but not before kicking Hathaway right in her juice box.

Hathaway doubles over in pain giving Azrael the opportunity he needs. He quickly grabs Hathaway and sends her flying into the trash dumpster across the alley way with a release German Suplex. Hathaway’s body smacks hard into the hard metal exterior of the dumpster and then slumps to the ground. A dent has been left in the side of the dumpster.

Azrael surveys the alleyway looking for something to use against his opponent. He spots something a few feet away and walks towards it but is cut off by Hathaway who somehow managed to get back to her feet despite the vicious hit she just took. She grabs Azrael by the head and slams it into the side of the dumpster and then follows up with a drop kick that sends Azrael crashing into the side of the dumpster back first.

Hathaway slowly gets back to her feet but before she can even react Azrael roars to life and spears Hathaway right through a door leading into who knows where. Azrael is the first one to his feet, he grabs Liz and starts dragging her hair first down a hallway. When he gets to the end of the hallway he kicks a door open which leads the two right into a theater, but not just any theater an adult theater as evidence by the moaning and slapping of body parts on the screen. Azrael stops for a moment to take it all in and Liz being the silver tongue lesbian that she is, is unphased by the erotica on screen and drop toe holds Azrael right into the crotch of a man who was currently treating his body like an amusement park.

The man jumps to his feet freaked out and kicks Azrael in the head and slaps Liz in the face while pulling up his pants. Hathaway goes into full Aunt Flo mode and starts beating the ever living fuck out of the modern day Pee Wee Herman. While Liz is beating down the poor man Azrael rises to his feet. When Liz finally stops her assault she turns around and walks right into a cutter and then pin by Azrael.

The ref who apparently followed them all the way into the porn theater slides into place and begins counting…



Kick out!

Liz pull’s Azrael up and walks him down the aisle towards the screen upsetting the various creepy men who were trying to enjoy an erotic film. Liz jumps onto Azrael’s back and puts him into a sleeper hold. She locks it in good and as she does so Azrael goes from standing up down to one knee.

The ref leans in to check Az who keeps his arm up. Liz pulls tighter. Azrael’s body starts to go limp but then out of nowhere as if he got a second wind Azrael reaches back and yanks Liz off of him and slams her onto the floor.

Azrael quickly lifts her up to her fit and then…Stars’ Fall. Right through the movie screen tearing a decent sized hole in the screen. The handful of creepy men in the room are immediately in an uproar but Azrael doesn’t care instead he goes for a pin.




Winner: Azrael Erebus

As soon as the match ends Azrael vanishes into thin air meanwhile the few men that were in the theater whacking off all walk over to the downed body of Liz Hathaway and one by one they pull their cocks out, and jerk themselves until they each blow their massive loads all over Liz's face and before she can be woken up they put their pistols away and scamper off. Maybe if Liz had put in some effort this week, she wouldn't be wearing the milky mask

We cut to the backstage area to catch up with a wrestling legend. It's X-Pac! He's looking pretty confident after that little stunt he pulled earlier. He's chatting up a female XWF staff member. The woman suddenly takes a step back.


X-pac is nailed hard in the back with a steel chair. X-pac falls to his knees in agony. A hooded individual, who has their back to the camera, smashes X-pac again in the back as X-pac is now led face down. The woman screams and runs away from the scene.

The hooded attacker then hits X-pac with the chair repeatedly. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 chair shots in the back. The individual takes their hood off.

It's Scully!

Skull smirks and throws the dented, damaged chair to the ground. No one will be able to sit on it ever again. Mr. Untouchable then lifts up a helpless X-pac and tosses him into a nearby vending machine. A can falls down to the bottom of the slot. Scully grabs the can of coca cola and opens the can. He drinks a little bit. The Scully Meister then holds a beaten X-pac up and talks trash to him.

Scully "Wanna jump me on Madness, huh?"

Scully smashes the can over X-pac's head as X-pac falls backwards and coke goes everywhere. X-pac is now laid out on his back.

Scully "It's the X to the R to the A to the Y. That's what you're gonna need after The Skull has finished with you....You skinny runt!"

Scully then goes in his hoody pocket and pulls out some brass knuckles. He has a twisted look on his face. He has done enough damage. Mr. Untouchable mounts over X-pac and places the brass knuckles on his right hand. The Brit then lifts X-pac's motionless head and punches him right in the head. X-pac is now busted wide open.

Skull gets up of X-pac and grins from ear to ear. Scully is proud of the vicious assault. Mr. Untouchable goes in to his hoody pocket again and pulls out a piece of paper and a black marker pen. Scully writes something on the piece of paper. Scully then grabs a lifeless X- pac and puts him over his shoulder and carries him to a locker room. Skull puts X-pac on the ground and goes back in his hoody pocket. He pulls out some sellotape and tapes the paper to X-pac's back. Scully knocks the door.

The door opens and the Universal Champion, Shades looks down at badly beaten X-pac. There is no one else in sight. Shades notices the piece of paper and takes it off the fallen, X-pac's back.

It reads:
"Scully was ere!"

Shades looks round once more.

Shades: "Okay then..."

The scene fades to a commercial break.

As per Scully's request, here are some commercials:

- vs -
Loverboy Lane
Xtreme Death Match

As per the rules of the match the ropes have been replaced with barbed wires, the turnbuckles will shoot out fire from the top anytime contact is made with them, there are tables, chairs and sheets of glass have been placed around the ring.

Peter Gilmour the King of Xtreme is already in the ring. How he managed to get over or through the barbed wire ropes is anyone's guess but there he stands. Loverboy's theme music plays and out steps "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane wearing his third of the Trios Belts. Accompanying him as always is his trusty bodyguard Diesel who has the other two thirds of the trios titles stacked on his waist. Lane walks up the ring steps and tries to climb into the ring is unable to do so due to the barbed wire ropes so instead Diesel picks Vinnie up and throws him into the ring. Lane lands on his feet and just as he does Pest charges at him. Lane sidesteps Pest and using the back of Pest's head shoves his opponent towards the ropes where Diesel is waiting with a big boot.


Pest hits the boot head on and falls back to the ring floor like a tree that was just chopped down.

Lane looks at Diesel and tells him to get off the ring apron and stay out of the match.

Diesel looks at his friend a little confused but complies with the request.

Lane pulls Pest up to his feet and then tosses him into the corner.


Fire shoots out of the top of the turnbuckles catching a little bit of Pest's hair and burning it off.

Pest immediately starts shaking around patting at the back of his head to put out the little fire.

Lane just stands there laughing and then...

Superkick right to the face of Pest.

Lane covers for the pin.



Kick out!

Lane gets up quickly, looks over to Diesel and points to a metal chair.

Diesel walks over, grabs one of the metal chairs and tosses it into the ring.

Lane catches the chair in mid air and turns around only to be flattened with a clothesline from Pest.

Pest mounts Lane and starts laying waste to Lane's face.






Diesel is pacing around the ring clearly frustrated that he can't get involved to help his friend out.






Pest then yanks one of the dildos off his head and jams it down Lane's throat.

Pest jumps up to his feet and starts mocking Diesel.

Lane yanks the dildo out of his mouth, springs to his feet and cracks Pest across the face with it and then plants him with a snap DDT.

Lane grabs Pest and pulls him back up to his then puts him down again with a snap powerslam and a pin.



Kick out!

Pest kicks out again prompting Lane to pick up the metal chair that was laying in the center of the ring and starts going to town on Pest's knee until the chair itself is bent beyond usefulness.

Loveboy pulls Pest back up and then kicks his leg out with a vicious sweep.

Sweep the leg Johnny!

Who the fuck is Johnny?

Loverboy plays to the crowd a little bit and starts strumming an air guitar while Pest get back to his feet.

Pest and Loverboy lock up in the center of the ring. Loverboy is overpowering Pest but taking advantage, Mr. some shitty fed kicks Vinnie in the knees, making Lane fall to his knees. Pest sends his dildo crown forward and smashes Lane’s forehead with an ugly looking headbutt. Vinnie looks dazed as Pest throws himself back for another headbutt, but Vinnie counters! Placing a foot into some shitty fed’s gut and throwing him over into the barb wire ropes!

Pest twists in agony as he is all caught up in the barb wire, his skin tearing as he tries to fall out of this precarious spot. Vinnie gets back to his and helps Pest out. With a vicious fucking dropkick! Pest falls out to the outside onto broken glass and he holds his body in agony.


Oh shit! Looks like Pest landed on a tripwire bomb set up outside the ring, either that or someone’s microwave burrito is ready.


Nope! Definitely a bomb! A cloud of smoke rises quickly up as we- Wait! Where the hell is Pest? He’s not on the outside! Vinnie scans around trying to find pieces of Pest! Where the fuck is this guy?

HOLY SHIT! Pest is falling from the ceiling with his elbow out! Vinnie doesn’t know but the fans sure do! That bomb must have blown him up towards the rafters!!! Pest is falling at great speed towards Vinnie. Loverboy notices and gets his arms up, trying to catch Mr. some shitty fed! But he can’t dodge out the way! Pest with a super elbow drop lands on top of Loverboy and goes immediately into the cover!



3... NO!!

Vinnie gets a shoulder up! How the hell did he manage to do that!?

I guess Pest can’t believe it either as he removes one of many dildos from his crown and tries to stuff it down Loverboy’s gullet! But don’t Vinnie doesn’t roll that way and grabs Pest’s hand trying to fight back also trying to drive the dildo down Pest’s throat. This is like a very gay duel of fates.

Vinnie punches Pest away forcing him to drop his vibrating crown jewel; both men get back to their feet around the same time and lock up once more...

Out of no where Pest gets destroyed with the Black Label Driver(Vertebreaker/Cop Killa) and Loverboy goes for another pin.



Kick out!!

Holy Fuck how did Pest do it?

Loverboy gets sent rolling across the ring from the force of that kickout! OH MY GOD! Mr. some shitty fed is up on his knees shaking like a million vibrators! His fists pumping, his head nearly spinning off of him and those dildos wagging! HE'S DILDOING UP! MY GOD, HE'S DILDOING UP AND LOVERBOY'S PUNCHES ARE HAVING NO AFFECT! He blocks the next punch and headbutts his frontal dildo right into the mouth of Loverboy, dropping down to his knees with the dildo between his teeth! Jawbreaker! Fucking shit! Blood is gushing from Loverboy's mouth! He's looking around wondering what the hell he has to do! He makes a last ditch effort by grabbing Pest and tosses him into the barbed wire ropes.

Pest gets tangled in those stupid fucking barbed wire ropes until Diesel reaches up and grabs Pest by the dildo and yanks him out of the ring.

The barbed wire ropes on that side of the ring and now gone having been yanked out of the turnbuckles thanks to Diesel's brute strength.

Diesel kicks Pest in the gut and then jackknifes's him onto the concrete floor. Lane climbs out of the ring and puts Pest into the Dragon Clutch Sleeper.

The ref walks over and raises's Pest's arm but it falls right to the floor. He was knocked out cold from the powerbomb.

The ref signals for the bell but that doesn't stop Lane who pulls back even harder until Diesel talks him into stopping. Lane gets up, grabs his third of the trios titles from his bodyguard and then spits on the unconscious body of Mr. dildo land

Winner:"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane

Blake Myles (killed by a potato)
- vs -
- vs -
Jonathon Thomas Cross (killed by a potato)
- vs -
Fatal 4 Way, 1 Fall

As Warfare comes back from commercial we see Blake Myles and Jonathan Thomas Cross laying on the ground, their bodies riddled with paint ball pellets and a giant russet potato is jammed in each of their mouths.

I guess they won't be making it to their match.

There’s the bell, and the usually eager Mastermind is perplexed and reticent here… RoboWrestler1 has stomped out to the center of the ring and is waiting for Mastermind to make a move, it seems. I think Mastermind was probably counting on there being two other competitors in this match!

Robo raises a fist toward Mastermind and launches it across the ring! Mastermind had it scouted and rolls out of harm’s way as the robotic first buries itself into the wall of the arena. Solid Australian construction held up to the test!

Mastermind is to his feet and he rushes at the Robot!


Mastermind’s clothesline did absolutely nothing to the 400 pound machine! MM goes off the ropes and tries again…


Still nothing! Can you even hurt a robot?

Mastermind is uncharacteristically climbing the ring ropes, here… he’s going for a missile dropkick…


It wasn’t very effective!

Mastermind to his feet, he’s thrown everything at the giant mechanized Mini-Gauntlet winner, and hasn’t even wobbled him. OH NO!

RoboWrestler1’s upper body begins spinning as his arms outstretch – a cyclone of clotheslines! Mastermind gets caught on the chin trying to duck under and it sends him clear across the ring and into the corner!

RoboWrestler1 is on the prowl, and he can tell Mastermind is hurting… Mastermind very slow to get to his feet, and Robo has him by the throat with his remaining hand! Mastermind thrown to the opposite corner with a loud splat! And collapses into a puddle on the mat.

This just isn’t a fair fight, ladies and gentlemen, what can Mastermind possibly do to a 400 pound robot? It’s like fighting a forklift!

Mastermind is struggling to get up as Robo is stalking him into that corner again slowly. Robo reaches over and drags Mastermind to his feet, then even higher! Mastermind is dangling in the grip of Robowrestler1, and he looks like a helpless kitten being carried by its mother! Mastermind kicking at the face and chest of Robo but there’s no effect, and RoboWrestler1 drops Mastermind throat first across the top rope.

Robo moves in for the kill, swinging for the back of Mastermind’s head – NO! Quick thinking on the part of the Master of Minds as he drops his body weight and pulls the top rope down, sending the heavy robot to the outside in a clatter of metal! Mastermind finally has an advantage!

As RoboWrestler1 is quickly getting to his feet, Mastermind runs to the other side of the rig and slides out, grabbing a chair from ringside. Robo is climbing back in and Mastermind is as well… Mastermind runs at him and swings for the fences!


OH MY GOD! The chair sparked on RoboWrestler1’s head, but he didn’t even budge! Mastermind’s fallen to his knees and is wringing his hands together, he may have broken all of his fingers slamming that chair into the frame of RoboWrestler1!

Wait just a minute… Robo is lifting Mastermind up in a full nelson, the man is helpless, and he’ pointing him in the direction that his robofist flew earlier… the hand has managed to release itself from the hard concrete wall and it’s flying right back at high speed toward Mastermind’s face! He’ll kill him!


Mastermind moved! Mastermind Moved!

Mastermind managed to duck his head down at the last possible second and the disembodied robot fist slammed right into RoboWrestler1’s own face! Robo’s been tossed halfway up the entrance ramp from the impact!

Mastermind looks determined, he must know this might be his only real chance to win this match, but he can’t pin him out there on the arena floor! Robo’s already started getting back up, can anything stop this killing machine?

Mastermind heads up the rampway, and he’s moving toward the production station… what the hell? Mastermind is pulling at the electrical conduit cables feeding the lighting systems! Mastermind has a live cable! That’s got to be 50,000 volts!


The lights flicker and go dark, but come back after a moment showing Mastermind standing over the body of RoboWrestler1! He’s electrocuted him!

There’s no way Mastermind can lift the 400 pound machine and drag him to the ring for a pinfall, and he knows it – He’s jogging back to the ring to try and score a count out!

Mastermind is in the ring and the referee is counting Robo out!




Robo’s started to move! He can’t get to his feet though, I think his legs are fried!



RoboWrestler1 is dragging himself by his elbows, quickly crawling up the entrance ramp.


What’s this? RoboWrestler1 has pulled a pistol from out of his thigh! He quickly points it at Mastermind and pulls the trigger!



The referee breaks the count and rushes to check on Mastermind… oh thank god, they were rubber bullets! Mastermind isn’t dead he’s just severely injured and possibly brain damaged – we’re so lucky!

Meanwhile, RoboWrestler1 has managed to claw his way back to the ring, and he’s pulling himself up and under the bottom rope… he’s crawling to Mastermind’s motionless body… well wait now, what’s the commotion back at the production area? There’s some jew looking guy with an old Mac… holy crap, is that Jeff Goldblum? IT IS! And he’s got an Apple Macintosh Powerbook 5300!!!! Jeff Goldblum must be uploading a virus into the RoboWrestler1 databases like he did in Independence Day!

RoboWrestler1 stiffens and falls completely to the canvas, he’s shut down all the way! Both wrestlers are dead in the ring! The referee has no choice but to count them both down!






RoboWrestler sits up...


RoboWrestler then stands at attention...


Mastermind rolls over and gets to one knee, the ref stops counting.

RoboWrestler reaches into his side holsters and pulls out two pistols. He takes aim at his opponent who is finally getting to his feet. Mastermind turns around and as he does notices two red dots on his chest and then...









Mastermind's body starts convulsing as RoboWrestler starts laying waste to his opponent with rubber bullets. Mastermind falls backwards to the mat unconscious. RoboWrestler walks over to Mastermind and puts his big metal boot onto Mastermind's chest for the pin.




Winner: RoboWrestler1

Peter Gilmour
- vs -
Christian Gunn
Playground Brawl

We go to a local play ground in Perth where Christian Gunn is waiting next to the merry-go-round. It turns out that Christian brought his entire class with him on this field trip across the world. Christian has his fists taped up and looks ready to go.

That's when we hear a motorcycle off in the distance. As the motorcycle gets closer, Christian is able to see that it's Peter Gilmour and he tells his classmates to stand back.

Christian Gunn: "Everyone find your assigned buddy and watch from the sidewalk!"

Sure enough, Gilmour has decided to show up to this brawl with the 8 year old. That's your number one contender, folks.

Peter Gilmour: "Ready to die, kid?"

Christian Gunn: "Shut up, fat boy!"

Peter Gilmour: "I'm not fat! These are muscles!"

Christian Gunn: "Whatever bozo. Get off your girly bike and fight me like a man!"

Peter Gilmour: "Oh I WILL!"

Peter hops off the bike and takes off his leather jacket. His sexy muscles bulge out of his tank top, surely making all the little girls in Christian Gunn's class we-- w... WORRIED! Worried that Christian might get his head knocked off! Gah!

Peter walks up to Gunn and grabs him by the shirt. Gunn fights back by kicking Gilmour in between the legs!

Peter Gilmour: "OOOMP!"

8 year old Christian's classmates cheer him on as he delivers an uppercut that knocks Peter back-first onto the metal slide.

Christian runs up to Gilly and tries a drop kick, but Gilly moves out of the way and Christian slams into the slide.

Christian falls and hits the back of his head on the slide and falls to the ground.

Peter gets up. He points at Christian and laughs, like a bully.

Peter Gilmour: "Aww, are you gonna cry for your mommy?

Peter grabs Gunn and gives him a back breaker! Come on, Peter! He's just an 8 year old boy!

Peter laughs wickedly as he pins Christian Gunn with one foot.




Peter can't believe it! This little kid has some fighting spirit in him.

Peter: "Stay down, you little punk!"

Peter takes Gunn over by the merry go round. Pete tries to choke slam Gunn onto the merry go round, but Gunn reverses it and gives Peter an arm drag onto the merry go round! Christian's classmates cheer!

Christian instructs his classmates to enter the playground. They follow Christian's commands as he comes up with the idea of them working as a team to spin Peter around on the merry go round. Peter gets up to his feet and looks worried as Christian and his classmates begin to spin the merry go round! Peters getting spun around by Christian and his class! After about a minute of spinning, it finally comes to a stop.

Peter wobbles off of the merry go round, dizzy as hell. One of Christian's classmates gives him a boost up, allowing him to drop kick Peter in the face!

Peter stumbles and waves is arms and he struggles to maintain is footing.

Peter ends up taking a spot next to the jungle gym, with his back leaned against it. That puts him in a bad spot though as Christian Gunn and his classmates take turns walking up to Peter and kicking him in the balls. It comes out to a total of 15 kicks! Poor Peter!

Tommy Gunn: "Have you had enough yet, Peter? I can call them off if you're done being a jackass."

Peter Gilmour: "SUCK MY DICK!"

Christian Gunn is focused on the match and moves towards the prone body of Peter. Gunn hears a loud stomping and turns to see the massive frame of WOE! Woe lifts Gunn up and hits a massive Gorilla Press Slam to Christian! He lifts him up and slams him down again with ease. WOE screams out in fury!


Woe runs off the playground and off into the sunset before Tommy can even react to what happened.

Following that distraction, Peter is able to regroup.

Peter pushes off the jungle gym and tackles a portion of Christian's classmates!

More kids run after Peter but he gives them all back body drops as he rushes Christian Gunn. He grabs Christian and goes for the DEATH STRIKE but Christian counters with a hurricanrana! Christian makes the pin.



Kick out!

Christian begins to drag Peter towards the seesaw. What does he have in mind there?

Christian tries to pick Gilly up, but Gilly fights him off with an elbow strike to the belly.

Peter then gives Christian an inverted atomic drop, followed by a lariat!

Gunns classmates boo him loudly! Aerial Knight is trying to coach Christian from the sidelines. Meanwhile, Tommy is doing everything he can to stop himself from getting involved.

Peter laughs sadistically as he picks Christian up over his head. He tries to slam Christian over the seesaw, but Christian breaks free from Gilly's grip and gives him a back stabber!

Christian then yells to his clasmates: "GET THE SEESAW!"

At that point, one member of the class sits on one end of the seesaw, while the rest of the class drags Peter to the other end. They place the seesaw down on Gilly's head! The entire class then sits on the seesaw which is now crushing Gilmour's head into the dirt!

Christian stands with both feet planted on Peter's chest for the pin!




Peter pushes the kids off of him but it's too late!

8 year old Christian Gunn has just defeated the 13 time X-Treme Champion Peter Gilmour!

Winner: Christian Gunn

Peter gets up right away, furious, and begins to throw Gilmour Cutters left and right to all those kids who were responsible for embarrassing him. He takes out the entire class before Tommy Gunn finally jumps in to break it up.

Tommy Gunn: "That's enough, Peter! The match is over!"

Peter: "FUCK YOU!"

Tommy and Gilmour are now trading punches in the middle of the playground as the cops show up. The cops aren't fucking around as they notice 16 kids knocked out on the ground. Our feed cuts out as we witness them using a taser on Gilly while Tommy is being put in handcuffs.

MAIN EVENT Part 1 of Double M.E.
- vs -
- vs -
Luna Hightower
Universal Contender, 1 Fall
Winner enters the 4-way Universal Title match next week with Peter Gilmour, Eli James, and Shades!


Cameras open up in the back to see a vicious sight. Cain is throwing Luna Hightower through a wall! This match hasn't even had its participants introduced yet and Cain is unleashing hell on Luna in the back, kicking her around and then throwing her through a door that leads out into the hallway. He grabs her by her hair and drags her down the hallway right out through the entrance way and down the ramp toward the ring. The ref is trying to get Cain to ease up but instead Cain press slams Luna through the ropes from the outside, landing her into the ring as she rolls a few inches toward the center. Cain hops up onto the apron and steps in.

The ref is standing in the way asking him to wait until the match begins and until Blizzard can be introduced, but wait!

I don't think so!

It's Shane Anonistrator!

Shane: I'm talking to YOU ref! I don't think you're going to stop Cain's momentum right now. I LIKE what I'm seeing! Ring that damn bell! This match is officially ON!

The bell rings as Cain goes to work on Luna Hightower with Blizzard still nowhere in sight. He grabs her by her hair and lifts her up into a swinging toss that sends her across the whole ring, crashing into the corner turnbuckle with a hard thud. Cain is breathing heavily and he looks like he's completely crazed!

He rushes over and pulls Luna up to her feet, wrapping both hands around her throat and choke tossing her clear across to the opposite corner of the ring now. He's tossing this bitch around like a rag doll! Cain shoves the ref out of his way as he moves in quickly on Luna and pulls her up again, lifting her up over his shoulder and hitting a running powerslam. He stomps his boot down into her face a few times and kicks her in the side before clamping down on her throat with his right hand and lifting her back up into the air right off the canvas but Luna FINALLY is able to counter, twisting out of his grip in mid air and landing beside him, sweeping his legs out from under him. She goes for a cover!


She is literally tossed up into the air on the kickout and suddenly the fans are starting to pick up! They're looking toward the entrance... HERE COMES BLIZZARD!

Cain doesn't see Blizzard approaching, instead still focusing on Luna and nearly taking her head off with a huge clothesline. Blizzard stalks the ringside area, keeping low as Cain focuses on Luna. He pulls her up and headbutts her right in the face once, twice, three time, and a fouth! Luna is gushing blood from the nose after that and Cain loves it, literally putting his fingers in her mouth to grab her by the jaw and throw her halfway across the ring with one arm. He could have ripped her jaw clean out with that! Cain wipes her blood across his chest and grins menacingly as Blizzard is still unseen at ringside, keeping low and ready to pounce at any moment.

Cain steps over Luna and pulls her up by the throat and right into THE DEVASTATION OF MAN! That elevated jawbreaker plant has knocked her completely out!

Cain goes for the cover...



...BROKEN UP BY BLIZZARD! Aidan Collins unleashes a flurry of fists to Cain's face, whips him into the far ropes, and... GETS NAILED WITH DAT BOOT FROM CAIN! Blizzard spins in the air before landing hard and Cain quickly pulls him back up into a chokeslam but Blizzard knees him in the face to break the hold and then catches the stumbling Cain right in the face with a bicycle kick. Blizzard turns his attention over to Luna who is starting to move and he waves her off like she's a worthless piece of trash anyway, turning back to Cain and waiting on him to get to his feet... Blizzard charges! Cain raises a boot but Blizzard stopped himself, dodging back to avoid the boot and then darting forward again to kick Cain's leg out from under him. He stomps Cain a few times and drops a knee into his face before just bitchslapping the shit out of him! Cain tries blocking the bitch slaps as he gets up and finally he kicks Blizzard in the knee cap to take him off balance.

Cain kicks Blizzard in the chest to send him reeling back but Blizzard uses the momentum to bounce off the ropes and straight toward Cain with the ICE PICK! He got him!

Blizzard goes for the cover...



...BROKEN UP BY LUNA! Blizzard can't believe this crazy bitch! He slaps the shit out of her and shoves her, running forward to catch her with the Ice Pick but Luna rolls out of the way as... ICE PICK TO THE REFEREE! Blizzard just inadvertently took out the ref!

Luna spins Blizzard around and goes for a DDT but Blizzard blocks it and punches her in the gut, turning it into THE COOL DOWN! He just laid her out flat with that cradle driver!

Blizzard covers Luna...



...the fans are counting but the ref is still down after that devastating Ice Pick. Where's Shane now? Or anybody? Where are the staff members when their arrival would help Blizzard out instead of screw him over?


Cain with a huge elbow drop to the back of Blizzard to break up the pin. Cain lifts him up... chokeslam to hell! RIGHT ON TOP OF LUNA! My god!!!!

Cain covers them BOTH!


...the fans are counting but... Blizzard twists his body to break up the pile up and Cain rolls off as Luna remains completely motionless and covered in blood on the canvas.

Cain and Blizzard both get to their feet as fast as they can and... ICE PICK! Blizzard caught Cain and the momentum sends Cain tumbling through the ropes to the outside!

Blizzard rushes over to Luna and drops down on top of her again, slapping his hand on the mat for a count to happen but there is none. He finally reaches over and grabs the referee's limp hand...

Blizzard actually forces the unconscious referee's hand to count!




He's done it! Except... there is no official bell and the referee is still not moving. Blizzard raises his hands in victory nevertheless.

Winner: Blizzard

Will this be recognized as official?

A few seconds later, Shane Anonistrator walks out from the back again!

Shane: Great job, Blizzard! You've proven yourself here tonight!

Blizzard nods his head in approval, raising his arms again.

Shane: But then again, so has Cain.

Blizzard gets a "what the fuck you talking about" look on his face as Cain enters the ring, still feeling the effects of that last Ice Pick and holding his ribs. Luna remains motionless on the canvas.

Shane: In fact, so has Luna!

Now the fans are really confused. What's this crazy potato fucking freak talking about?

Shane: You've all proved yourselves in different ways here tonight. Cain has proven he is a merciless beast who is out for blood, but isn't quite as refined as he needs to be or else he would have easily taken this match when you take into account what a HUUUUGE head start he had.

And then we have Luna who has proven herself to be a giant, blood oozing tampon who never belonged in this match to begin with, just as Blizzard had stated.

And lastly we have Blizzard, who made certain the "lastly" applied by basically waiting and biding his time, which may be considered a good strategy in the opinions of some people but ultimately I feel it's why this win was tainted here tonight. Blizzard, we both know if you had come out at the start of the match, you'd have taken this easily.

Cain doesn't look pleased by that comment, slamming his hands down on the ropes and sounding like he's growling non-words.

Shane: So here we are with a situation where I am forced to make a decision. Do I accept the fact that the person MAKING the pin also COUNTED their own pin by using the limp hand of the official he knocked out himself? Do I allow Blizzard to move on and enter the Universal Title match next week?

There is a considerably positive reaction from the audience, especially female members, some of whom have exposed their breasts.

Shane: Or do I allow BOTH Cain and Blizzard to advance into the Universal Title match?

There is also a large reaction from the crowd.

Shane: How about... neither! We promised the XWF fans a true NUMBER ONE CONTENDER MATCH... a match in which ALL parties give it their all from start to finish! A match that sees a clean ending from an official who is conscious! Did we get that? NO!

So here's what we're going to do.

Next week.

THE REMATCH for the number one contender slot. Except this time, Luna Hightower won't be an actual competitor in the match. Instead, she will simply serve as THE REFEREE! That's right! Next week it's Cain versus Blizzard, ONE ON ONE with Luna as the guest ref. Winner of the match will go on to face the Universal Champion at our next pay per view unless whoever the champion is decides to face them before then!

The fans roar at the thought of seeing Cain and Blizzard going at it again, full force next week!

Shane: I'm expecting both of you to outdo yourselves tenfold as you head into this match next week. What we saw from you this week was impressive, but not as well planned as it should have been. Blow us away next week! Show us WHY whoever walks out the winner next week DESERVES that title match! Now if you'll excuse me, I have a shit filled condom to go wedge between my ass cheeks.

The fans are left in awe, all trying to picture what Shane just described himself doing. Ok, maybe just the gay ones. The rest are excited about seeing the big rematch for the Number One Contendership next week!

MAIN EVENT Part 2 of Double M.E.
Shades & Luke Gunnar
- vs -
Aerial Knight & Woeful
Standard Tag, 1 Fall
Guest Ref #1: Eli James!
Guest Ref #2: Crimson Face!
What will happen when Shades, Crimson Face and Eli James are in the same place at the same time, and Eli has the chance to screw Shades over?
(Refs may post an RP stating intentions and send segments, etc)

The fast paced guitar strums of Rise Against's "Survive" begin to blare through the speakers as the crowd begins to boo and cheer at the same time. However, all of them are silenced as the song suddenly increases in volume. Just before the lyrics hit, "The Aerial Knight" makes his appearance by jumping onto the entrance ramp and throwing his fist into the air. Wasting no time, he runs right past the audience and slides into the ring, all with a small smirk on his face. He then stands up and bounces off the ropes a few times. After doing so, he goes to his respective corner and waits for his partner.

Kraken's "I Wanna High Yeah" hits the speakers and out walks Woe. Woe jumps straight up into the air and brings his fist into the walkway. He laughs as he walks to the ring. He leaps onto the apron and jumps over the top rope.

Both men stand and look toward the entrance as they await their opponents for this main event.

Pounding bass drums hit the arena like thunder as "The Enemy" by Godsmack takes over the PA. Luke Gunnar storms out with a violent look in his eye and a smirk on his face. His eyes do not leave the ring as he continues to storm towards it. Once he reaches the squared-circle he wastes no time and leaps up to the ropes and through them into the ring. Luke is ready and roaring for combat as he paces back and forth in anticipation.

The opening riff of "Denial" by Sevendust slowly fades in as the lights very slowly dim to a dark orange hue. After a few seconds, the vocals begin as the silhouette of "Shades" takes a turning step out from the back, arms lowered and head down, wearing his trademark, orange tinted shades and the Universal Championship. He remains standing still with his fists held out just a couple of inches from his sides as a clear mist rises up around him. Finally, "Denial! Seems it had to come!"-- as the chorus of the song kicks in, his head shoots up and he breaks right into a steady march to the ring, shaking some of the moisture off of his face and body as the jumping particles glow under the spotlight that follows him down the ramp. He is the definition of concentrated intensity; muscles tense, jaw clenched, and eyes focused dead on the ring as he approaches and rolls in quickly under the bottom rope the moment he reaches it.

Once inside the ring, his stare is locked cold onto his opponents. Shades remains completely still, tensed and taking in deep breaths as his shoulders slowly rise and descend. A few seconds later, keeping his eyes still locked, he raises his hand and very slowly removes the shades from his eyes, bringing an ominous feeling to the arena.

Next up, the lights go out as "Open" by Hellblinki starts to play... the lights come on very dim with a blue haze with fog smoke everywhere. Eli makes his way to the ring smiling and taking his precious time.. he's in no hurry as he makes the competitors wait for him.

Once inside the ring, a few seconds pass and nothing else happens. Eli James looks ready to officiate this match but there seems to be no sign of the Crimson Face, the second guest ref for this match. Where could he be?

Eli decides there's no time to wait for Crimson Face to come from whatever crazy dimension he might be traveling from so he signals for the bell and this match begins with just one ref!


Shades starts off the match for his side, and Woe shoves Heartsford aside before running right out to engage the Universal Champion! Before Shades can even react, he's greeted by a huge punch to the face from the big man! Shades stumbles backwards a few inches, all the while Woe's on him, throwing punch after punch to Shades' stomach as he backpedals into a neutral corner. Woe laughs before backing up and coming forward for a lariat to the trapped Shades, but Shades gets his boot up just in time! Woe gets cracked in the face and stumbles back, almost mirroring his first bit of offense. Shades explodes out of the corner and connects with a running enzuigiri that drops Woe to his knees! Eli James stands a safe distance away, smiling at the unfolding action as Shades locks in a front headlock before twisting around and dropping Woe to the mat with a swinging neckbreaker! Heartsford pounds on the top of the turnbuckle nearest him and shouts for Woe to get it together.

Woe pushes himself up off the canvas as Shades gets back to his feet. Shades drops one foot down across his back but it doesn't stop Woe from getting back up to one knee. Quickly, while Shades' leg is still falling back to the canvas, Woe pulls his other leg out from under him, sending Shades crashing down onto the canvas! Woe gets all the way back up to his feet before nonchalantly making his way over to his corner to tag in Heartsford!

Heartsford hops over the ropes and onto the top turnbuckle. Sizing up the grounded Shades, he leaps and collides with Shades! Elbow drop! Shades rolls over onto his stomach and writhes as Heartsford kips up! Gunnar's pacing along the apron, shaking the rope furiously with each step. Heartsford grabs Shades by the hair and rips him off the mat and onto his feet. However, Shades isn't up for very long before Heartsford drops him back to the mat with an arm drag! Keeping a grip on his arm, Heartsford lays a series of elbows in on the side of Shades' head! After a flurry of five or so shots, he grabs onto Shades' hair and pulls him back down onto the canvas.

Heartsford covers. Eli gets into position to count the pin.



Kickout! The champ kicks out with authority! Heartsford goes right back on the assault though, laying in stomps to Shades' ribs but Shades rolls out of the way and over to his side of the ring, where he tags in Luke Gunnar! Gunnar wastes no time in stepping between the ropes, running head on right into Johnathan Heartsford! Heartsford catches Gunnar right in the chest with a huge kick that knocks Gunnar right off his feet! Gunnar hits the mat hard and lurches into a seated position, coughing. Heartsford follows up with another kick, this time to Gunnar's head. Gunnar falls over to his side from the impact and grabs ahold of his head. Smiling, Heartsford stomps on Gunnar's temple before lifting him up to his feet and whipping him into his own corner. Woe laughs and smacks Gunnar in the back of the head as Heartsford makes his way over to said corner. Upon arrival, he slaps Woe's hand and the big man comes into the ring. He sizes the prone Gunnar up and hits a huge splash that squishes Gunnar between the turnbuckle and Woe's massive body. As Woe backs away, Gunnar drops to his knees. Woe laughs and peels Gunnar off the mat, but Gunnar hits him hard with a left to the stomach! Woe doesn't double over at first, but the second shot does hunch him over slightly and Gunnar drops him with a snap DDT! He lays in a few stomps to the back of Woe's head before peeling him off the canvas and slinging Woe's massive arm up around the back of his own neck and using all of his strength to muscle the big man up and drop him down onto the mat with a suplex!

He transitions into a cover!



KICKOUT by Woe, sending the smaller Gunnar flying through the air and crashing onto the mat! Shades reaches into the ring for a tag but Gunnar brushes himself off and gets back to his feet as Woe gets to his. Gunnar rushes in and collides right into the bigger man with a jumping elbow to the side of the head! Woe doesn't even flinch and shoves Gunnar off him. Stumbling backwards from the impact of the shove, Gunnar stops himself mid trip and launches forward with another jumping elbow! Woe catches him in mid air! He sets Gunnar off for the Bat Buster (Muscle Buster) but Gunnar starts to wriggle out of the hold! He struggles, and escapes the hold! Neckbreaker! He's dropped the big man! Shades is still reaching in for the tag and Gunnar obliges! Shades comes in like a house of fire!

Running, spinning wheel kick right to Heartsford, knocking him off the apron! Heartsford crumples up and falls to the floor below as the champ turns his attention to the fallen Woe. He sizes the big man up and ascends the turnbuckle, Woe pushes himself up to his feet, looking slightly out of it...

Diving spear! He collides with a huge impact that takes the bigger man right off his feet again! The cover!



Kickout! Woe still kicks out with authority, but without launching the Champ into the air this time. Likely with all the air knocked out of him on account of the diving spear, Woe rolls over onto his stomach and takes a deep breath. Shades doesn't let him make the most of it, as he jams his elbow right into Woe's spine and drags it along, up and down. He then lifts it up and drops it down hard across Woe's back again. Shades yanks Woe up to his feet and backs up, before charging forward with a jumping tornado fist! Woe looks like he's out on his feet, swaying back and forth wildly. Shades shakes his head, before hitting a spinning wheel kick! And another! And a third! Woe collapses! Shades covers!



Broken up by Heartsford!

Gunnar rushes in and starts trading blows with Heartsford and both men end up collapsing through the ring ropes as they brawl with each other and they roll around on the outside trying to gain the upper hand. Heartsford eventually gets to his feet first and Gunnar comes charging him but is caught with a drop toe hold that sends Gunnar's face smashing right into the ringside barrier! My god, he's busted wide open after that and looks completely dazed as he stares up at the lights. Heartsford rushes back into the ring just as Shades had Woe waist locked and ready to suplex. Heartsford catches Shades in the side of the head with a flying forearm that dazes the champ!

Heartsford heads over to the ropes... Excalibration! He hit that springboard DDT perfectly to Shades!

Woe and Heartsford both stomp Shades a few times before Woe rips him up from the canvas like a rag doll and winds up to blast him with a massive fist but out of nowhere Shades spins out of the path of the fist straight into a leg sweep that takes the big man down. Heartsford goes to grab Shades but Shades catches him with an inverted atomic drop, not once but THREE in a row! Those family jewels must be shattered!

Shades quickly gets into position... BLACKLIGHT! Shades cracked the hopping around in pain Knight with that sick superkick right to the back of his head! He goes down!

Woe charges Shades who ducks under a clothesline and locks Woe from behind straight into that rolling German suplex he calls Heaven Sent, and he holds it for the pin! The way all Woe's weight came crashing down upside down onto the back of his head may have knocked him out as the ref counts!



...THREE! Eli James has made the count for Shades!

Winners: Shades & Luke Gunnar

Shades raises his hands in victory as Eli James hands him the championship and then Eli James turns his attention back to Woe and Johnathan Heartsford on the canvas. What's Eli doing?

Eli drags Woe over on top of Heartsford... but why!?

Eli James is... no... he's climbing the turnbuckle!

He leaps! My god! He just leaped up so high that the fans lost sight of him!

A few seconds later the body of Eli James comes crashing right back down onto Woe and Heartsford! That was the Six Million Star Frog Splash! One of Crimson Face's moves!

Eli James stands back up and smiles, and as the lights begin to flicker, it's as if we see him change before our very eyes... INTO THE CRIMSON FACE as the lights remain a red tint throughout the arena!

What the hell is going on!?

Luke Gunnar re-enters the ring and Crimson Face stands between Shades and Gunnar, raising both of their hands in victory before pointing up to the X-Tron where we see the real Eli James bound and gagged to a chair, struggling to break free. How long has he been back there? The tron dies out as the fans still can't believe what they've seen.

What a show it's been here tonight! What will happen next week when Shades steps into the ring to defend his championship against THE REAL Eli James and THE KING OF WRESTLING Peter Gilmour? And how will Enigma's briefcase and Kendall's imaginary briefcase come into play that night? And in what way will shit somehow make its way into the show yet again? Tune in next week to find out!
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[-] The following 4 users Like John Msdison 2.Faggot's post:
Maverick (09-25-2014), Peter Fn Gilmour (09-25-2014), Scully (09-24-2014), Vincent Lane (09-24-2014)
Vincent Lane Offline
Rock n' Rolling XWF Owner and Megastar

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

09-24-2014, 10:56 PM


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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

09-25-2014, 01:56 AM

OOC: For some reason the intros for the main event were missing, so now they've been added back in.

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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Maverick Offline
With Fire in My Soul, I Return.

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

09-25-2014, 02:49 AM

".... Goddammit X-Pac."

1x Hart Champion
1x Tag Team Champion
1x Xtreme Champion
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Tommy Gunn Offline
Director of XWF Security

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

09-25-2014, 03:21 AM

Peter Gilmour...

11 Time X-Treme Champion.

5 Time Tag Team Champion.

2 Time Hart Champion.

Former Trio Champion.

Lost to an 8 year old.

[Image: PFcRGRj.png]

Record: 8 - 2
1 x RTX Champion
1 x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
1 x Federweight Champion

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[-] The following 1 user Likes Tommy Gunn's post:
Maverick (09-25-2014)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

09-25-2014, 04:43 AM

Things just got worse for the xwf..... next week the blood flows... nobody is safe

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

09-25-2014, 04:47 AM

Btw lame finish to my match but the 16 gilmour cutters? Niiiiiiice

Peter should've did that to the cops.

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Diesel Offline
WWF Champion in Perpetuity

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

09-25-2014, 12:26 PM

I'm so glad we got you back on track Shawn. Those losses were starting to hurt. WWF Superstars was a good show because HBK was on it. ONLY because HBK was on it!

[Image: D3sH9QK.png]RUNS ON
[Image: F86sS8z.png]
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Diesel's post:
Vincent Lane (09-25-2014)
Liz Hathaway Offline
Do you have the power to let power go?

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

09-27-2014, 06:33 AM

OOC: My intentions were not to no show, but school and work caught up with me and I just had no free time to do pretty much anything. Sorry to @Azrael Erebus I know he was looking forward to it just as much as I was.

[Image: 246195bf6992c5da7d09ff840f1abc76.jpg]

XWF Record

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