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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Heavey Metal Weight Championship
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Shitting pin Knight's Opin Mouth
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The Undershitter

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09-17-2014, 03:11 PM

As Aerial Knight snores loudly in his bed, a gong is heard and suddenly the form of the UNDERSHITTER appears, squatting on Heartsford's chest!!!!

Shitter shits in the Knight's opin mouth, laying a thick biscuit right on his tongue!

[Image: VWNI8nf.jpg]
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Hot Todd (09-17-2014), Ozymandias (09-17-2014)
Hot Todd Offline
Best Damn Cameraman The XWF Has To Offer

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(can't get crowd reactions; awkward; probably going to be fired soon) 

09-17-2014, 03:16 PM

T: "Boy, who shit in your cornflakes."

*Todd pulls a face like that was a really good joke*

[Image: MImh2js.png?1]
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Vincent Lane (09-17-2014)
AerialKnight Offline
The Knight that Fights with Honor

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09-17-2014, 04:00 PM

Johnathan is KICKING OUT wildly since the rather large piece of shit landed squarely in his esophagus! He coughs it right back out! The piece of shit hits the Undershitter square in the eye! It gives him a nasty case of E.Coli!

-Shitting PIN
-OPIN again
-Squatting on the chest technically counts as pinning.
-That log of shit is ON TOP of the cereal.
-One has to LAY on a bed, so that counts.

Johnathan washes the shit out of his mouth and looks back at the party.

"Sir Todd, if you do something as disgusting as that ever again, I swear I'll make sure you'll never lay one ever again."

Singles Win/Lose/Draw

Tag Win/Lose/Draw

“Knighthood lies above eternity; it does not live off fame, but rather deeds.” - Dejan Stojanovic

[Image: Kb8kiu6.png]
[Image: Mr262Fx.png?1]
[Image: Qmzdsrs.png]
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The Undershitter

XWF FanBase:
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09-17-2014, 04:47 PM

You foolish rabbit turd!

Do you not see and smell my glorious stains on your cold body?


My Undershitter will take the belt from the knight and wipe his pudding filled derrierrrrrrr.

And the only thing the knight will be doing is.

Resting, in fart poop.

The Undershitter lowers his head, his cool hat hiding his eyes as the reanimated corpse of Paul Bearer pulls silly faces
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[-] The following 1 user Likes The Undershitter's post:
Vincent Lane (09-17-2014)

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