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Introducing Kate Astrofey
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Kate_Astrofey Offline
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04-04-2013, 09:27 PM

OOC: It's long, but its interesting (to me at least) Hope you enjoy.

From inside a van, the camera captures the paved streets turn to gravel roads as the car nears an ominous chiseled stone building.

A male voice says, "Is this it?"

Another more voice replies from the driver seat thick with Southern drawl, "According to the map, yes it is. I was told we were looking for the Erie County State Psychiatric Hospital and both the map and that big engraving say we're here."

The previous male voice replies with a sense of disgust and fatigue, "They're digging up wrestlers from mental institutions now? We've reached a new low."

The Southern man counters, "Your job is not to criticize the hiring department. we shoot stories, nice little interest pieces. And besides from what I hear, this gal has quite a bit of talent."

"Ugh. It's a chick? Come on... A chick wrestler is barely a wrestler. They never have the skill to run against the real talent."

The Southern man makes no reply and gets out of the van. After a moment the cameraman follows him out of the van from the passenger door.
Gravel crunches beneath their shoes as the two men approach the tall arch of the doorway to the Erie County Psychiatric Hospital. The camera tilts upwards for a wormseye view of the engraved lettering on the weathered Sandstone arch.

The cameraman comments as his partner opens the door and enters, "Friggin nut house, I can't believe this. What's next? Graveyards? Garbage Dumps?"

The camera tilts as the cameraman enters the door behind his filming partner. He finds his partner at the reception desk speaking with an elderly nurse in a pressed uniform.

"We're, ah, with the XWF and uh, I believe ma'am a Doctor Gordon told you to expect us."

"Yes, yes." The elderly nurse replies. "You're hear to help our Kate. Oh dear, I'm afraid she's quite a mess lately. Dr. Gordon thinks allowing her to re-enter professional wrestling would be a positive step in her recovery from her psychotraumas."

The Nurse leads the camera team away down a hall that stretches on for what seems like forever. The camera shakes slightly with each step the camera man makes down the pristine white hallway.

The Elderly Nurse stops at a small nurse's station tucked into the left side of the hall, on the right side of the hall, steel doors with fogged windows continue to stretch on for dozens and dozens of yards. The camera zooms on a nearby door with the label '243' etched on brass in bold black numbers. The inhabitant of 243 then throws himself against the fogged window. and slides down as if he were dying until he is no longer in view through the fogged window.

"Friggin nuthouse" the voice from behind the camera says with contempt.

"Chris!" The Southern man says, "They need your I.D."

"Sure Jimmy. Calm down, will ya, jeez!"

The camera fumbles as the camera man fumbles for his I.D. and hands it to the elderly nurse who escorted them down the strange hallway.

"Thank you, dear." The elderly nurse says "Nurse Browne will be guiding you further from here. She'll be introducing you to our Katie."

"Thank you ma'am." the Southern man says as the grey haired nurse walks away from the XWF camera crew.

The camera focuses on the nurse that had escorted them thus far. Then as the new voice speaks to them the camera turns quickly to face Nurse Browne. She appears to be a well educated woman in her mid-thirties, with a demeanor suggesting an air of snobbishness. Her chin length straight black hair falls evenly on both sides, obviously cut by an expensive professional. On top her dark hair rests a pristine vintage nurse cap.

"Well gentlemen, My name is Nurse Browne and I'll be guiding you to Kate's room and answering any questions you have regarding her and her stay at Erie County psych."

"Pardon me miss." Jimmy the southern speaking man says, "Your name tag there says your name is Christine, may I call you Christine?"

The nurse rolls her eyes and replies sharply, "No. You may not call me Christine. I am the head nurse of this hall and I feel the title of Nurse is an appropriate recognition of my accomplishment. Don't you?"

She smiles wickedly until she notices the cameraman. Then her smile, however wicked returns to a stony, expressionless face of cold professionalism.

"Let's go see Kate. She's very eager to meet with you all." The nurse says and turns her back to the camera

As Nurse Browne lead the XWF camera crew further down the hallway the camera lowers its view point as Chris the cameraman uses his camera to check out the rear of rather attractive but cold Nurse Browne. As the camera passes her shapely butt it lingers as the cameraman stares at her stockinged legs and five inch high black slingback heels. A sudden thud against the window of a passing room causes the cameraman to readjust the camera to a more level viewpoint in time to notice Nurse Browne and Jimmy have stopped at another Nurse's Station tucked into the wall. Unlike the previous station this one contains numerous monitors all showing the same scene from different vantage points of a young woman sitting on the corner of a bed clutching a pillow with a look of pure terror plainly exposed on her face.

"As I said before," Nurse Browne says as she motions to the monitors with her hand. "I am the head nurse of this hall, but I am also assigned to be the primary caregiver of our troubled Kate. The responsibility comes with many extra duties, but I find the reward of working with such a special woman as Kate to be far more valuable than the inconvenience to my time."

Jimmy replies, "So Nurse Browne, you are the best authority on Kate's condition and abilities? As well as I suppose her mental stability.

"Doctor Gordon is by far the best authority on most of the medical technical details. But as far as everything the XWF is interested in, I'm the go-to woman regarding Kate."

"So, uh, would you say she's mentally sane?" Asks Jimmy in an uncertain voice that betrays the usual confidence his accent conveys.

"Heh." The Nurse curtly laughs. "Sanity is a point of view, not a state of being. Kate simply IS. She's everything she is in total full capacity. She is mentally and physically incapable of being anything other than what she is."

"err... uh, In layman's terms?" Jimmy replies

"Hmm... going to have to talk simple speak to you morons then, it seems." The Nurse says as a scowl of contempt comes across her face. "She has tendencies to be very aggressive and indicates that she enjoys the pain and discomfort of other people."

"Wait, before we meet this chick, I wanna know what you mean by very aggressive." The voice from behind the camera says with a trace of uncertainty and concern.

"What I mean is that she may assault someone without provocation. On multiple occasions she has assaulted other nurses and fellow patients here. The result often being fractured bones and excessive bruises."

"Has she,uh..." Jimmy asks with uncertainty. "Uhh... assaulted you?"

Nurse Browne smiles, "Of course not." She replies with a renewed air of confidence. "Kate and I have a special relationship of understanding. Though you might say that I control her rages."

"So we're uh we're..." The cameraman stutters

"Safe is the word you're looking for dimwit." Nurse Browne says, "And yes, you're safe if I am present in the room with Kate and you two oversized kiddies."

"Though you should know that she is sensitive to expressions of body behavior that indicate to her hostility. For example- aaaieeee!

The Nurse's warning was cut off by her scream as she clutches her forehead in her hand and starts to stagger in her excessive heels. Finally after what feels like a full minute her shriek stops and the only noise Nurse Browne makes is a faint wimper. Then after an excruciatingly long minute she stands up to full height as if nothing happened.

"You'll have to excuse me I've been getting these strange headaches lately. Like quick little stabbing pains deep in my brain. Dr. Gordon has evaluated me and says tha there is no evidence of any problems in my brain. So they're most likely muscle pains coming from my neck into my head muscles."

Jimmy replies with a sense of relief, "Well, Nurse Browne, we're glad you're ok, but you were saying about something that causes Kate to act violently."

"Oh yes. Whatever you do don't show your teeth. Smiles are good but don't show your teeth when you do. In the animal kingdom showing one's teeth is a sign of challenge and aggression. In some recess of Kate's brain her responses to Animal stimuli have increased beyond normal human levels. Before an attack she will try to intimidate you, often pounding on various items in her reach usually accompanied with vicious screams and growls. She may throw things at you in an effort to scare you away. If these displays take place during your stay with her, it is best that you exit the room immediately. She will perceive your retreat as a victory for her show of force and very quickly she'll forget about whatever it was that offended her."

[i]nurse Browne searches her pockets for a rinbg of keys and after a few seconds she finds the key needed to enter the adjacent Room 295 containing Kate.

"Shall we?" The Nurse says and gestures for the camera to follow. Jimmy stays behind until the camera passes by him.

"Kate, honey, you have some visitors." The Nurse says in a sweet tone that seems very unusual to hear out of the mouth of the excessively confident Nurse that had spoken to the XWF representatives earlier.

A woman sits on the corner of a poorly made bed clutching a pillow. She appears haggard and unkempt. Her clothes have numerous holes in them and in some places they are haphazardly stitched together. Dark circles trace beneath her eyes where behind a glassy haze her green eyes tremble and then dart from the cameraman to the nurse and then they settle for an eerie moment on the camera before they dart and settle on Nurse Browne.

"Th, th, th?, th...?" Kate sputters as her facial expression changes at an abnormally slow rate to something resembling excitement.

The Nurse nods as Kate struggles to use her words. "Yes dear, the people you've been waiting for. Go on."

"Are these the XWF people?" Kate says with such fluidity that it makes her previous stuttering seem like a cruel self-deprecating joke.

"We are." Jimmy says proudly through his Southern accent. "We're here to introduce you to the XWF fans out there. We've seen your performances on the Indie circuit and think you deserve a shot to wrestle with our top notch talent. If you think you're up to the challange."

Kate grins. "Challenge? For sure. I'll tell you right now fat man, your so called talent and your fans haven't seen anything like me before. Not only do I promise to entertain but I will dominate your federation in such short time your heads will spin."

Kate stands up and throws her pillow on the ground. Both Jimmy and the camera turn to Nurse Browne to see if Kate's confidence and throwing down of her pillow are indicators of a coming violent outburst. Nurse Browne stares fixated on Kate as the young woman takes to her feet. Nurse Browne nods her head in approval.

Nurse Browne starts to speak for Kate, "Well, you're obviously familiar with her abilities as a competitor based on her performances prior to her incident that lead her to be in the care of the State of Ohio. Kate, do you feel you are ready to wrestle competitively?"

"Am I ready? Hell yeah I'm ready!" Kate says with renewed enthusiasm. I should have never left, if it wasn't for that asshole of a judge sending me to the nut house I would have been competing in the big leagues by now."

"Now Kate," Jimmy says cautiously. "can I call you Kate? But can you relate to us your story of what incident it is that put you here in this institution?"

"Yeah you can call me Kate. I'm not like the pompous Nurse Browne over here." Kaste replies to Jimmy's question. "Well I was passing through Ohio heading to an indie wrestling event in West Virginia. I stop at this rinky dink Hotel outside some redneck town near some big tourist attraction or something. I check in and in the middle of the night I hear some noise out by my car. Turns out some hillbillies thought it might be fun to rip me off."

Jimmy nods his head and says, "So you confronted them?"

Nurse Browne speaks before Kate can continue her story. "Not only did she confront them but she leapt from the second floor balcony onto her car and jumped on the trunk hood while the thief was rooting through the truck space. He had two fractured vertebrae. Two more thieves had their heads smashed through the side windows, receiving severe lacerations. She used the car door to shatter one thief's knee cap."

Kate cuts the Nurse off, "Yeah I did. I shattered his knee cap like a dinner plate!"

The Nurse responds, "Kate please, let me explain the rest. I think you might be getting too excited and you know how that's bad for you."

"Yeah I know. But tell the rest good like. Don't ruin my great moment." Kate pleads

The Nurse continues, "Great moment, indeed. So Kate continues to assault and beat these thieves long after their threat has passed. She entered a state of mind described by some as a blood lust. Two men received broken ribs, one later developed into a punctured lung. The last is now blind from Kate's pushing glass shards into his eyes. As we later discovered Kate has an affinity for knives and sharp objects. She becomes irrational if she is separated from her Butterfly Knife for more than a half hour.

The camera turns from Nurse Browne to Kate now sitting on the bed again listening eagerly to the story of her violent history while she twirls a butterfly knife carelessly in her right hand.

"Well Nurse Browne," Jimmy says "This is all very interesting, but how many violent outbursts has Kate had since she's been here at the Psychiatric Hospital?"

"Well, that's a complicated question." The Nurse responds "Kate has a tendency to tred very close to the edge of violence. She'll have a minor outburst over very minor things, such as she may not like the food or another nurse may be rude to her. But these outbursts tend to be very minor. Typically limited to violence towards inanimate objects, rather than people."

"Tell them." Kate says from her bed in a quiet voice filled with anticipation. "Tell them... about David."

"Who's David?" The cameraman asks urgently.

"David..." The Nurse says and sighs "David was another patient with a superiority complex and tendencies towards violence and a history of drug abuse. He was committed to our hospital shortly after Kate was. He had a violent outburst and killed his wife. During hid time at our hospital he had taken to provoking Kate at any opportunity that arose. Often with insults and limited attempts to injure her."

"Sounds like a tough customer." Jimmy says as his eyes meet briefly with Kate's

the Nurse continues, "David thought so too. One night he decided to make his move against Kate. He broke free of his cell during rolecall and assaulted our guards, killing one by dropping him from the third floor interior balcony. David then proceeded to assault one of our older security guards from whom he stole the guard's taser gun and baton. He later found Kate in the cafeteria for breakfast. After shocking and otherwise incapacitating the guards he assaulted Kate with the stun gun and, Kate? Do you want to finish?"

Kate sets her knife gently down on her pillow and stands up with excitement. The camera steps back a few feet from Kate as she excitedly tells the rest of the story.

"So this guy, David starts coming towards me pointing the stun gun and yelling at me all sorts of names. He's like 'You bitch! You whore! I'll kill you!' But i have no idea what he's talking about. I've never seen this guy before in my life. So he shoots the gun and zaps me... and God Damn it hurt. I'm like thrashing out on the table and he's getting closer cause he thinks he's going to beat me with just the stun gun. I thought about playing dead, but it hurt so bad I literally couldn't stop screaming. And he keeps getting closer and closer and I figure out exactly what I'm going to do. Finally he gets all up in my face saying some shit trying to be creepy, dark and Sadistic and stuff. But then..."

Kate lowers her shirt top to reveal two star shaped scars on her chest

Kate continues "But then, I think to pull the shockers out and stick them right back in him. But I didn't know at the time that they were barbed so they stick inside your flesh. But I knew I wouldn't have a chance to get him this good again so I pulled them out anyway, which is how I got these nice little rip scars."

She points to the scars with one hand while the other holds the shirt to show them to the camera and her guests. The camera focuses in on one of the scars and their distinct shape from when Kate pulled the barbs from her skin, obviously tearing it in several places

"So I pull the out." Kate continues "and they're still shocking my hands now but this idiot couldn't figure out what I was doing so he kept pulling the trigger. Then I jam them right in his friggin neck!

Kate replicates the motion of sticking the barbs into her attacker's neck over and over again.

"I did it twice, because the first time it didn't look like they were all the way in. But I guess they were because when I pulled them out I tore chunks of his skin out like what happened when I pulled them out of my chest. But I stuck them in his neck again and this time they looked good and deep. But this David guy was kind of an idiot and he never let go of the trigger. So the moron kept electrocuting himself."

"One moment Kate, let me explain to the gentlemen what happened from a medical point of view." Nurse Browne interrupts as Kate clenches her fists as she recalls her victory. "As I mentioned before, David had a history of hard drug use and somehow he had obtained a substantial amount of heroin inside the hospital, when he began his assault he was under the influence of heroin. And heroin stresses the heart. With the electric shock introduced in addition to the heroin in his system, David's body couldn't withstand the stress and entered Cardiac arrest. In his death convulsions his body seized up and continued to pull the trigger. He ultimately died from drug use and heart attack. The violent outburst of his was his own fault and it is unfortunate that he died, but Kate can not be held responsible for his outburst that resulted in his own death. For that reason, Dr. Gordon felt it necessary to treat the incident as an interior affair rather than involve the outside authorities."

"But the point is," Kate interrupted, "Is that I kick major ass In life and in the ring... if I could just wrestle anymore. "Electric shock, I'll take it and I'll bounce right back to come right at you!"

"You sure do Kate" Jimmy says and turns to the camera to point towards the hallway. "For now I think we've heard what we need to hear. In the meantime the XWF will be sending its people for you in the future."

The camera exits the room and Jimmy follows until its only the XWF camera crew alone in the hallway. Nurse Browne stays in Kate's room for a lingering moment.

"Whew. I'm glad to be out of that room." The camera tells Jimmy who is now facing the camera. "That chick gives me the creeps."

"She gives me the creeps too." Jimmy replies. "She's going to be unstoppable in the ring though. Nobody I know can take that kind of punishment that she's talking about."

Nurse Browne exits the room and locks the door as she leaves Further down the hall a tall man in white lab coat walks briskly towards the XWF camera crew and Nurse.

"Here comes Dr. Gordon now. Nurse Browne says as the man nears them and stops to lean against the counter of the Nurses Station.

"You're the XWF camera crew doing the story piece on Kate?" The doctor says in a deep gravelly voice.

He shakes hand with Jimmy and nods to the camera man

"As I said to your administrators," Dr. Gordon continues "It is my professional opinion that it is in Kate's best interest to resume her wrestling career. She has subtle inclinations towards violence and unless these are released in a healthy manner they may build up to catastrophic levels until an extremely violent outburst occurs. It is in her best interest to continue wrestling for sport as a release for her inclination towards violence. Then she can resume a healthy and active life as a productive member of society."

"This is purely speculation, Dr. Gordon, but do you think she's capable of intentionally injuring or incapacitating a wrestler in the ring?" Jimmy asks.

"Capable?" Dr. Gordon responds. "She's definitely capable of doing that, but I wouldn't say she's likely to do so. When it comes to professional sport, Kate is remarkably respectful of the rules and other competitors. She may play a little dirty at times, especially if her opponent initiates rule breaking actions. But I'd say Kate isn't likely to exceed her opponent in brutality outside of the rules of the Sport. Within the ring she's perfectly as safe and sane as any of your competitors. But that's not to dismiss her abilities. If she believes she can win, she'll fight to win. She can withstand a surprising amount of punishment in the interest of winning. but events on the level as her initial crime and the David incident aren't likely to re-occur unless she feels exceptionally provoked. But fortunately, Nurse Browne has agreed to accompany Kate and act as a handler and mediator. So expect Kate to give her best in the effort of competition, but her unnecessary violent outbursts aren't likely to re-occur."

"Well that's good." Jimmy says, "The XWF needs wrestlers and champions, not psychopaths."

"Nurse Browne, how are your headaches?" Dr. Gordon asks changing the subject.

"They're still pretty strong, but I think I'm still able to help Kate into the real world. I'd hate to let her down."

"Good. Good." Dr. Gordon says as he nods his head. "Well gentlemen, I have to depart. Best of luck to you and I hope you enjoy working with Kate."

Dr. Gordon waves as he walks down the hallway towards the exit near the main doors at the front of the building. As he departs through the white steel doors. Nurse Browne grips her front head and bends over in pain as she seems to experience a new headache. She lets out a scream and almost as if nothing happened she stands back up and looks directly into the lens of the camera.

"Wow." She says with slight exasperation. "I didn't think it would be so real."

The Nurse acts strangely for a moment as she waves her hand before her eyes as if inspecting it. she stomps her feet on the tile her heels clacking as they connect with the hard floor.

"Yes... " She says as she talks to herself. "It's just like the real world. I never thought...." She trails off as her words turn into thoughts until her eyes flash with realization. "Kate!"

Nurse Browne walks to the door of Kate's room and pauses. She looks towards Jimmy and then the cameraman and speaks while she fumbles with her keys as if she forgot which one opens the door.

"Boys. You are free to leave. I think you know the way out." She then looks closely at each key inspecting it. "But we already know you're going to try to spy on Kate and I. I'll give you a tip: the monitors in the nurse station will record everything that occurs between Kate and I in this room. You can either record the monitor screen as things happen or wait a moment after I finish with Kate and I'll just give you the disc myself. Your choice."

Nurse Browne jams a key in the door lock and opens the door pausing a moment to look at Kate before entering. Finally after a moment she enters the room and seems to rush over to Kate.

The camera turns to the monitor and records the occurrences in Kate's room. Nurse Browne enters slowly and stares at Kate. Finally she breaks the stare and runs ver to Kate and embraces her firmly.The speakers crackle to life as the convey the dialogue in the room.

"I can't even believe this!" Nurse Browne says as she ends her embrace and holds Kate's hand in hers. "You're so real! I never imagined this place to be so real!"

Nurse Browne raises Kate's hand to her face and inspects it closely.

"Right down to fingerprints. Morrison was right! I can hardly believe it."

Kate hesitantly speaks with uncertainty. "Are you ok? You're acting like you've never seen me before."

"I haven't. Well, not like this. I'll explain it to you in a moment but for now those XWF boys are still watching."

Nurse Browne turns to face the camera in the room that routes the picture to the nurse's station. It feels as if she's staring through the monitor and directly at the XWF camera crew. Finally she speaks to them

" I know you gentlemen are still watching. You are free to leave, I believe you know the way out. But I know you want to know what's going to happen in my conversation with Kate here. But I also know that if the cameraman, Chris, I believe it is, if he stays he might have a heart attack when he learns what I know. So, Chris, turn your camera off and leave. Jim, you are free to stay I think you're ready to learn the truth. I will give you a copy of the monitor footage when I am finished with Kate."

With that said, Nurse Browne turns back to Kate and sits down. She removes a pack of cigarettes from her pocket and removes two. She lights one for herself and offers the other to Kate. The camera turns away from the monitor and briefly shows Jim before facing the ground as the cameraman fumbles around with the various buttons.

"I think that Nurse Browne has lost her marbles hanging around these crazies for so long." The cameraman says "I think anybody would if they're around that psychopath Kate for too long. But she looks like she bought the farm."

"No kidding, Chris. You go back to the car and wait for me, I want to stick around a little longer and see where this goes." Jim says as he turns to face the monitor.

"Sounds good Jimmy. But promise me this: if that Kate chick starts any violent shit, you run out of here and meet me at the car and we'll get the hell out of here There's no reason to stick around with all these nut cases any longer than we have to."

"I hear you Chris, but I got a feeling that I need to stick around a little bit longer here. Like my future might depend on it." Jimmy replies.

"Oh don't give me that garbage, Jimmy, you're not a resident here so don't start acting crazy too!"

With that the camera turns off and the segment ends.
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