It's as though the mindless one, the red faced impostor, thinks I am unable to affect his world.
Check your x-dollars and see that I not only have filled your belly with piss but also increased your bank account as a showing of good faith. For it is you, Gator, who has referred me into 100% embodiment of this existence I used to only visit remotely.
Now, with you my "referrer" as they say, we are forever entwined. It looks like Earth as you once knew it when you had a fully functioning mind is about to get interesting again as I dangle you from strings your petty choice of observance cannot even gauge.
Pissed me off? No, you pissed me in. Into your very being. What do you think that swishing is when you jump up and down?
I wave my hands and once again show Gator that he has willingly submitted himself into a breached sector of realism that I myself control, as I slam him against a newly risen wall without so much as laying a finger on his measly body. He tells me it's not happening, that he's unaffected, as vines grow from that very wall and twist around his narrow neck and limbs. Not so tight that they cut off circulation or disable his ability to speak incoherently, but just tight enough to keep him there until I say otherwise.
I do it again. Yes, I summon yet another wave if primates' piss wind and I slam that wave so hard into his body that he is forced through, shattering that wall and breaking the vines that had controlled him while he tried telling me he wasn't affected. This time, the urine has no room to fill his already yellowed belly as it simply absorbs into his mask. Somehow, some way, his unoriginal mask has taken in 9,000 gallons of monkey piss in less time than it takes him to drift away out of my site, for now, but not forever.
You're welcome for the deposit.
Both in funds, and in yellow vitality.
9,000+ gallons of urine & $277 @Gator
Both exist. Both happened. Neither are the end of it.
You're welcome.