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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
The Revelation (RP#3)
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LH Harrison Offline
The Inspiration of the XWF

XWF FanBase:
Kids, women, some teens

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by adult males)

08-30-2014, 04:43 PM

Eyelids open and blink repetitively awake. LH sits up and blinks repetitively trying to wake up. His entire face is throbbing in pain. He tries to move his hands to his face but they are handcuffed behind him. He sighs deeply.

Hey look! The big Inspiration is awake.

The sound of laughter is heard scrambling its way through LH’s head as his headache intensifies. He feels his seat bounce up a bit making it known to LH that he’s riding in a car. He finally is able to hold his eyes open for more than a second. LH is sitting in the back of a nicer police car with two of the agents sitting in the front seat with the gate between them. The one in the side seat is laughing at LH.

You don’t seem so tough now, do ya? You sick fuck.

Don’t… don’t call me that.

What? A sick fuck? You hung a guy upside down on a cross with his middle fingers removed and his face a gory mess. What the hell else would I call you?

LH lowers his head and looks at his shirt. Blood soaks the front of his shirt from his probably broken nose. Crimson, dried, crusty blood. The smell of iron emanates from the stain on his shirt. A drop drips down from his nose and splashes on his pants. The red liquid splatters across his khaki shorts.





LH awakens to find himself in the room of white. There is nothing but white in the entire room. The transparent table and chairs are in the center of the room again except God is already sitting. LH slowly walks up to the table and takes a seat across from the entity. He stares straight ahead, but nothing changes. Neither moves. LH begins to speak but stops. He looks down.

I’m sorry Father.

As you should be. I told you how to get rid of the demon within, and you didn’t do it. You chose to not believe in yourself and let that demon control you. I guided you to the XWF for a reason, and you DARE disobey me?

LH holds his gaze at the table. He then notices the only color in the room that isn’t white… The red spot on his shorts. It stands out incredibly against the ocean of white in the room. It’s spreading. It spreads to consume his entire shorts. Now his entire shirt. His whole body is covered in blood as well as his clothes. He’s drenched in it. It’s dripping onto the floor from him. The floor is becoming more blood-red. He begins to freak out at the sight. He looks ahead to see how God is reacting. The transparent being is also drenched in blood! God is staring straight into the eyes of LH as blood pours all over his body. The walls begin to take on a crimson shade. LH can’t take his eyes off of the bleeding God. The face moves around before finally morphing into something he thought he’d never see again.

That wide, sadistic smile.

Those dark swirls of black and red in his eyes.

LH The Great was back.

Did you miss me, Henry?

No, you’re gone. I exorcised you! What did you do to me? What did you do to God?

I didn’t do anything to you! The better question is what did you do to me? I’m the one covered in blood thanks to you! And God?!

The demon laughs at the mention.

You created him.

What are you talking about? I didn’t create God!

You did! You created him as an alternative to facing your demon. You used him as a crutch. You used God to guide you.

No, it’s… it’s not true.

Believe whatever you want to believe, Henry. This is your head after all. Do you think anyone would believe you if you told them that you talked to God in a white meeting room?

LH stares at the blood-red scene that surrounds him. He’s struggling to breathe as he tastes the blood filling his throat.

You think you know everything Henry. You think I’m the root of all of your struggles, but you’re wrong. You’re the focal point. You’re the origin. You created all of this.

You created me.

LH stares ahead with an incredulous look. He sputters and blood splatters on the table.

Oh no, don’t speak. It’s rude to talk with your mouth full.

The demon laughs.

Just listen. Think about the day that Mr. del Toro was murdered do you remember? Think long and hard.

LH instantly shakes his head and then stops. Suddenly he begins to remember. The scene fades from red allover to black.

The scene fades into LH Harrison sitting on his bed.

…At Relentless, you will see the first singles win for LH Harrison. You will see my first pinfall. You will see the Era of Inspiration move-


LH turns to look towards the door. He gets up and walks to the door. He opens it and an incredibly attractive blonde lady is standing outside wearing a white blouse and jean shorts that accentuated her features flawlessly.

OMG are you LH Harrison?!

Ye- Ahem. Yes.

Oh my gosh! I totally saw your awesome match with Loverboy! You guys were a fantastic team! Can I have your autograph?

Oh uh sure. Wait how did you know I was staying here?

I saw you when you checked in! I tried to catch you then, but you had already left.

Oh, alright then. Do you have a paper or something…?

The girl begins unbuttoning her blouse and pulls a sharpie out of her back pocket.

Can you do it here?

She pokes her bottom lip out in a most adorable fashion. LH begins to blush at both the sight of her adorable frown and the sight of her breasts.


He begins to think about the wild weekend that he had with Loverboy. He thinks about all the ways in which Loverboy has helped him expand his way of life beyond what he has always believed. He thought… what better way to inspire the masses than fit in? LH smiles and takes the Sharpie.

Sure thing beautiful.

The lady blushes at the word and seems star-struck. LH reaches over and signs her bosom emphatically. He smiles at her as she seems to be on cloud nine.

Is there anything else I can do you ma’am?

She giggles adorably.

Yes there is actually…

She then launches herself onto LH and begins kissing him emphatically. LH tries to force her off of him, but she’s latched herself on. She continues pushing him back until he falls on the bed. She begins trying to unbutton his pants.

No, no! I’m a married man!

She shrugs and takes off her blouse. LH looks dumbfounded and can’t say anything. He stands up and pushes her towards the door.

What, why are you doing this?! You called me beautiful!

I was being polite!

He opens the door and pushes the girl out. He turns around but hears a high-pitched scream outside his door. He pinches the bridge of his nose and shakes his head.

I say one word to a woman and she goes insane.

LH walks over to the bed and notices that the lady has left her blouse on the floor. He groans. He picks up the blouse and walks toward the door. He opens it and a short man is standing in front of the door staring up at him. He looks down at the hands of LH Harrison and sees the blouse. His jaw clenches as he stares back into the face of LH Harrison.

Is that… my daughter’s blouse?

Your… oh no.

The man punches LH with his full force behind it right into the eye of LH Harrison. Harrison stumbles backwards trying to gain even footing. He hadn’t expected to get hit on his off day. He goes to swing but is still feeling the ramifications of the Mind Sleeper from Mastermind and the man dodges easily. LH stumbles forward beginning to feel his eye throb. He turns around and is smacked in the other eye with a right hook. LH crumples to the floor in severe pain. The short man picks LH up and runs him head first into the wall. LH falls to the ground and is barely moving. The man spits on LH. He pulls a knife out of pocket. He lifts the body of LH and sets him against the wall.

Prepare to die you piece of shit. No one rapes my daughter!

LH is barely moving. LH sees the man get ready to stab him with the blade and kicks him in the knee. When he does that the knife falls out of the man’s hand and right beside LH. LH picks up the knife. He looks at the blade, but he can’t bring himself to use it. The man begins to stir. LH begins breathing frantically and he thinks. What would a murderer do? What would… Cain do?

He would kill.

LH forces the knife forward straight into the man’s eye. The man howls as he stands up. He stumbles around the room as LH begins to get to his feet. He looks at the man and is filled with nothing but anger. He grabs the man and stabs him viciously in the face once… twice… thrice… at least a half dozen times until his face became an indescribable gory mess of blood. LH stands up and wobbles over to the bathroom. He looks up into the mirror and notices his head is bleeding from where he hit the wall. He also noticed two other things. One was that his eyes appeared sunken in with a little black around them with the blood running through and around his eyes. In his dizziness it seemed to create a whirlpool of red and black. But the other thing that seemed to bother him even more was his mouth. It was curled into a grotesque and demented looking smile. As soon as he notices the smile, he drops it. He thinks he must be possessed thanks to that confrontation with Cain.

It’s all that murderer’s fault… It’s… all of their fault. They… they must pay. For all of this. For the way that they changed me. I… I must destroy them.

He walks back into the other room and picks up the knife. He writes on the ceiling.

The three men cometh, the three men impact, the three men shall fall. – | _ | - | 1:1

I willtear them down.

LH leaves the room, locking it behind himself.

The scene returns to the room in red.

So now you know. You did this. You’re the murderer. I’m not even here.

The ‘demon’ begins to vanish. The room begins to fade from red into darkness.

The scene fades from black into the smell of smoke and fire. He opens his eyes to reveal the police car has been wrecked on the side of the road. The driver and the other agent both have bullet holes in their heads. The back door to the police car is open. LH crawls to the door and rolls out. His head is throbbing. He hears a voice and looks up. He sees a man rushing towards him. The man picks him up and pulls him into a vehicle.

Hey bro! Henry! Bro! I’ve got you. It’s okay!

LH’s vision fades to black as he sees the sniper rifle in the floorboard.

(To be continued)

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