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XWF: Relentless Day 2
Author Message
Giovanni Ferrari

XWF FanBase:
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08-24-2014, 01:35 AM

[Image: icNAB7M.png]

Live From University of Phoenix Stadium
Phoenix, Arizona
August 22nd - 24th

Top 3 Battle Royale
Robbie Vegas - vs - Kaiser - vs - Jose Antonio Vega - vs - Cristóbal Urebay - vs -The British Boulder - vs - Sal Jones - vs - John Brooks - vs - Kristen Silver - vs - Vile - vs - Tim Foil - vs - Doctor Louis D'Ville - vs - Luke Gunnar
The last three remaining stars will receive future title shots at the General Managers discretion.

RTX Title Match
Guppy Parsh©
- vs -
Miss Joy
w/Jessie-ica Diaz as Manager
Standard One Fall
OOC: Diaz may do one promo to aid Miss Joy.

Tag Team Title Match
Azrael Erebus & Kendall Sawyer©
- vs -
Liz Hathaway & Kristy Jackson
- vs -
The Za & Blizzard
Standard One Fall

X-treme Championship
- vs -
Standard One Fall
X-treme Rules

Top 3 Battle Royale
Robbie Vegas - vs - Kaiser - vs - Jose Antonio Vega - vs - Cristóbal Urebay - vs - Sal Jones - vs - Kristen Silver - vs - Doctor Louis D'Ville - vs - Luke Gunnar
The last three remaining stars will receive future title shots at the General Managers discretion.

Robbie Vegas, Jose Antonio Vega, and Sal Jones are waiting in the ring already. We've been told that a few of the competitors have had difficulties getting to the arena or in one case, the city of Phoenix. We haven't heard all the reasons why, and we can't wait any longer for them to arrive so let's get on with the show!

The sound of drums sticks clapping together waves throughout the arena.

"Don't try to take this from me

Don't try to take this from me


The sound of Paramore's 'Now' blasts throughout the arena, many of the people in the crowd instantly letting out a chorus of boos as to know what awaits them. After a brief few moments, out onto the stage walks Kristen Silver, her usual grin planted across her face. Her assistant, Erin Williams, can be seen in the background in the shadow of Kristen, slowly stepping out onto the stage and following the lead of Kristen.

Kristen takes no time in lapping up the crowds displeasure towards her, almost posing in a cocky way at the top of the rampway before extending both of her arms out, knowing she's the center of attention.

House of 1,0000 Corpses by Rob Zombie plays over the speakers, and Dr. Louis D'Ville enters a darkened arena, illuminated only with red lighting and smoke. He approaches the ring slowly, with slight concern for the safety of his next patient.

Pounding bass drums hit the arena like thunder as "The Enemy" takes over the PA. Luke Gunnar storms out with a violent look in his eye and a smirk on his face. His eyes do not leave the ring as he continues to storm towards it. Once he reaches the squared-circle he wastes no time and leaps up to the ropes and through them into the ring. Luke is ready and roaring for combat as he paces back and forth in anticipation.

Urebay comes out as soon as his music hits and waves to the crowd before running back behind the curtain pretending to be shy. He comes out of the curtain again and screams to the crowd that he loves them all before running to the ring slapping hands as he goes past. Once in the ring he runs the rope repeatedly before settling into a corner and resting with his legs up on the ropes.

Kaiser comes out almost immediately and slowly walks to the ring, he mocks being interested in the crowd before stepping over the top rope and raising his fist.

Ding ding ding!

As soon as the bell sounds, the big massive man known as Kaiser charges forward, and absolutely decimates Sal Jones and Robbie Vegas with clotheslines from either arm! The two crash hard to the mat, as Kaiser laughs and drops his massive legs down atop Jones. Jones' lower body spasms upward from the impact before Kaiser gets up and lays a couple of stomps into the fallen bodies of both men. Meanwhile, Cristobal Urebay's busy manhandling Jose Vega, hitting him with German Suplex after German Suplex! The back of Vega's neck must be severely injured from the repeated impacts! Urebay finally decides to let up, before peeling Vega up to his feet and absolutely crushing him with a San Fran Destroyer (Canadian Destroyer)!

Elsewhere, Luke Gunnar and Dr. Louis D'Ville are exchanging blows. Rights and lefts being thrown by both men with neither giving an inch. Kristen Silver, meanwhile stamps her feet in the middle of the ring, clearly pissed about no one paying attention to her before realizing she isn't getting hit and promptly cooling down a little.

Kaiser peels Vegas up to his feet and tosses him over the ropes, thus giving us our first elimination of the match!

Robbie Vegas - Eliminated!

Urebay, not to be outdone, smashes the back of Vega's skull with his elbow before wrapping his legs around the back of the fallen man's head and continuously smashes his face into the mat - Sweet, Sweet Love! He does this for a full thirty seconds before releasing the hold and peeling Jose up to his feet. Jose, wobbly and discombobulated from the maneuver, backs up into the ropes and rests there, head spinning all around. Something that Cristobal takes advantage of, as he absolutely clobbers Vega with a huge superkick that sends him toppling over the ropes and onto the floor!

Jose Antonio Vega - Eliminated!

D'Ville and Gunnar still continue their exchange, currently Gunnar has the upper hand and has backed D'Ville into the corner diagonal from the one where Kaiser has Jones. Kaiser lifts Jones up onto the top rope before following him up. Setting him up, Kaiser drops Jones onto the cement with a powerbomb off the top rope onto the floor!

Sal Jones - Eliminated!

And then there were five. Urebay and Kaiser stare each other down before the former gets caught completely off guard by Kristen Silver, who absolutely clobbers him with a spinning heel kick to the back of the head from out of nowhere! Urebay collapses to the mat as Kristen backs up a bit, clearly intimidated by Kaiser's much larger size. However, when she hits the ropes a lightbulb goes off in her head and she rushes forward off the ropes, colliding right with Kaiser's knees with a low dropkick! Kaiser drops to his knees as Kristen gets back up to her feet, and connects with a roundhouse kick that sends Kaiser down the rest of the way. However, Kristen doesn't get too much time to celebrate her accomplishment before Urebay, back up to his feet, holding the back of his head, and pissed off about the cheap shot. He winds back and clocks her across the jaw with a wicked elbow that sends her stumbling back and covering her mouth. Cristobal laughs before charging in a pinpoint accurate dropkick that connects right where his elbow had, dropping her to the mat!

Meanwhile, D'Ville seems to have gotten the upper hand on Gunnar, doubling him over with a punch to the stomach before dropping him to the mat with a snap suplex. Getting back to his feet hastily, he lays in a couple of stomps before Gunnar rolls out of the way. Pushing himself back up to his feet as well, Gunnar comes in with an elbow smash that connects with the nose of D'Ville, causing him to stumble aback. Or at least it would had Gunnar not grabbed him by the back of his head and pull him into his clutches. Despite D'Ville's struggles, Gunnar musters up the strength to drop the slightly bigger man to the ground with a huge spinebuster!

He maintains his post spinebuster position and uses it to aid in his offense, delivering a series of punches to the face of a grounded D'Ville. After a few blows however, the Doctor moves his head out of the way and pushes Gunnar off him with his feet. Shaking his head, he gets back to his feet and blasts Gunnar with a headbutt that busts both men open. Either that, or the blood's already flowing so much from one of the pair's heads that it stained the other within milliseconds of splitting it open!

Meanwhile, Kristen Silver is being double teamed by Kaiser and Cristobal Urebay! They hoist her up with ease and drop her down with a double suplex! She hits the ground hard and grabs her lower back with her hand, cringing and yelping in pain. From there however, Kaiser and Urebay deliver soccerball kicks in stereo that make her scream more, before falling flat on her back. Kaiser pulls her up to her feet and whips her into the ropes and on the rebound tosses her up into the air, with a huge flapjack! Meanwhile, Urebay, sensing his opening, waits for Kaiser to turn around...

And when he does...

Cristobal almost decapitates him with a huge superkick! The beast is left still standing, though wobbling back and forth on his feet. He's essentially unconscious on his feet as what's left of his body's ability to control its position desperately clings to him remaining standing though as Kristen Silver starts to stir, she throws an elbow that connects with the back of Kaiser's knee! This is the straw that broke the giant's balance as he falls to the mat, and Kristen rolls out of the way at the last second, narrowly crushed under the weight of the biggest man in the match.

Pushing herself up to her feet, she runs right into Cristobal and delivers a series of kicks to his right leg. A flurry that backs him into the ropes, and as he tries to push her off, she comes right back in with a Silver Lining! (Superkick)! Cristobal goes over the ropes but he holds on! He begins to stand on the apron, and Kaiser, having gotten back to his feet, sees Kristen and Cristobal and decides to charge in. An action that Kristen sidesteps, adding in a punch to the groin for goof measure! Kaiser falls forward with the momentum of his running, and his shoulder connects with Cristobal's stomach; knocking him off the apron and onto the floor!

Cristobal Urebay - Eliminated!

Back to D'Ville and Gunnar, who've been fighting a back and forth war in their own right, we see both men looking ragged, bleeding and bruised. D'Ville's got him up, thinking Lobotomy (Swinging brainbuster into sit out face plant) but Gunnar reverses it! Mill City Misery (Hellevator)!

He hits it! Looking over to the other two in the ring, he sees Kristen Silver struggling and pretty much failing at forcing the much larger Kaiser over the ropes. Being the smart/good guy he is, he goes over and goes for the assist, and the pair of them force the bigger man over the ropes and onto the apron. After a series of strikes to daze the beast so he doesn't just step over the ropes immediately, the pair back up and hit him simultaneously with dropkicks! The big man's bells are certainly rung here, and his grip on the rope falters. It falters until his grip fails entirely and he falls to the floor!

Kaiser - Eliminated!

There's the final three! Kristen Silver, Luke Gunnar, and...


A little out of it initially, he sneaks up on both Silver and Gunnar, before dumping them both over the top rope! Being that this attack was incredibly unexpected, neither think to catch the rope and instead fall to the ground.

Kristen Silver and Luke Gunnar - Eliminated

Winner: Doctor Louis D'Ville!

Though again, as previously stated, Gunnar, Silver, and D'Ville will all be receiving title shots in the future!

RTX Title Match
Guppy Parsh©
- vs -
Miss Joy
w/Jessie-ica Diaz as Manager
Standard One Fall

Guppy Parsh and Miss Joy are both in the ring and excited to begin the fight. Circling the the ring, their eyes trained on one another as the fans nearly blow of the roof with their shrieks of excitement. Oh, yes! The audience is hungry....nay STARVING! For not only this battle but for blood shed as well! And the participants of this match are willing to oblige! The stakes are high, the fate of the RTX championship is on the line and by the looks of both these competitors, the only thing certain about this battle is that it'll be brutal!

With a single chime of the ring bell, this match begins!

Miss Joy starting things off with a Flying Crossbody!

Guppy Parsh soars back from the impact and slams against the ropes and Joy is right after with a Russian Leg Sweep! Parsh is down; however, not for long as he rolls out of the path of Joy's Leg Drop, jumping up to his feet and going on immediate offense with a Roundhouse Kick to Joy's jaw followed by an Armdrag and then a Body Slam!

Joy is down now and feeling the pain as Parsh sends a few stomps into her mid-section, ribs and stomach causing her to recoil in agony on the canvas. Writhing about as Parsh, really puts his weight into those kicks and stomps!Yet Joy's not bested yet! No, she reaches out with a scream of fury as she latches onto Parsh's leg mid-stomp and yanks him down to the canvas. A look of pure aggression and determination in her eyes as she climbs on top of Guppy and begins to wail on him with a few Mounted Punches!

Over and over again, Joy's fevered blows connect with Parsh's face until he's busted wide open! Blood spills from his nose and stains his spandex as Guppy finally powers through Joy's punches and slaps, and he catches her with a Headbutt!

And then another Headbutt!

Joy drops back, grabbing her head as Parsh rises to his feet. He wipes a bit of the blood off his face and then Parsh is off to the ropes. Climbing them quickly before mounting the top turnbuckle, were he strikes a pose similar to the famed caped crusader. Glaring down at Joy in silent contemplation before he leaps and for a moment....Guppy flies! He soars down in the form of a perfect Frog Splash! Descending majestically and hitting Joy with pin point accuracy! From there it's simply a hook of the leg and the ref begins to count!




Jessie Diaz, who had been immersed in what appears to be a game of Flappy Doge on her cell phone, finally looks up and makes herself known in this match by giving a rigorous - thumbs up, at the fact that Joy kicked out. Promptly going back to her game afterwards. Joy gingerly climbing to her feet as Parsh returns to his. Barely dodging a Clothesline from Parsh, Joy manages to get him with a swift Side Kick and then follows it up with a Hip Toss that sees Guppy slamming into the corner!

From there Joy rushes towards Parsh with a Spear; however, Guppy rises his foot right at the precise second before contact and Joy's head slams right into it! Guppy Parsh caught her with a Big Boot and Joy instantly meets with the canvas!

Elbow Drop to Joy's face! She surges in pain and Guppy yanks her from the canvas by her hair. Wrenching her head back; by that tuft of hair he has knotted in his hand, Guppy hits Joy with a Backbreaker! Joy crashes to the canvas and Parsh soon greets her there with a Double Knee Facebuster!

Now Joy's busted wide open!

Her nose is gushing blood as Parsh gets up and pulls Joy right with him before he sends her right back down with a Powerbomb!

The fans are now on their feet and losing their damn minds as Jessie Diaz throws her phone, though it probably had more to do with losing her game, than it did with anything that happened in the ring. However, her act did prove to be in favor of Joy, as the now airborne phone, winds up cracking Guppy Parsh in the head! It must have been a really hard phone too, cause its impact sends Parsh right to the canvas! Still, it's not a game changer and Parsh simply climbs back to feet, looking annoyed and clutching his head as he stomps on the cell phone.

During this brief moment of mindless destruction, Parsh is distracted and Joy; with the aid of the ropes, has risen to her feet. Joy charges forward with a Flying Crossbody that sends Parsh back into the turnbuckle. From there she come up with an Uppercut and then a Double Axehandle to Parsh's face! However, Parsh swiftly fires back with a few knees to Joy's ribs. Joy lurches forward and Parsh executes the - GAMEEND! (Double-Arm DDT)

Joy slams to the canvas and Guppy drops down on top of her, covering Miss Joy for the pin!




Winner: Guppy Parsh

The ref helps Guppy to his feet and hands over Parsh's retained championship as Guppy raises his hand in victory! And as Guppy celebrates , Co-Overlord of Warfare - Giovanni Ferrari emerges from the back, wielding a microphone. An interesting occurrence that silences the screaming fans and catches Guppy's immediate interest as Gio begins to speak.

Gio: "Congrats on that superb win there Guppy! Really, hats off to you mate for that epic victory! I really enjoyed all that spunk and vigor you brought to the fight. It was inspiring is what it was. In fact, I was so moved by that performance, I decided to throw caution to the wind and go a little mad with power. Well, I'm already sort of mad in general, so it wasn't too far of a stretch to embark on a trip into madness with power. It actually seems more productive as well cause that's the reason I'm about to make a game changing decision. A real whopper of choice that will forever change things in this federation! Anywho...Guppy, I've decided to get rid of the RTX title."

The fans gasp and Guppy looks pissed.

Gio: "Now, now...relax Guppy, I don't mean I'm tossing the title away. I'm scrapping the RTX title. As in the name of the belt. That's a rubbish title for that belt anyway. And you! You are a champion deserving of something grand! A title that's defining of a champion that's of your status! Your caliber of greatness. You are an amazing gift to the sport of wrestling Guppy and that title you earned and retained, should scream that! Proverbially of course, we don't actually have the funds, the technology or heck, even the motivation, that's needed to create a screaming title."

The fans give a mixed reaction and Guppy doesn't look mad anymore.

Gio: "Now you may wonder how I'll come up with a new title for that belt? How I might rename it, in order to really fit the quality of your amazing worth? Well, the answer for that is, I'm not going to. Nope, you're going to do it, Guppy. You get to rename the title and have that name stick, for as long as you wield it because starting today, whoever holds that belt gets to name it whatever they desire and as long as they retain it, that's what the title shall be known as."

Gio grins.

color=teal]Gio: "That is, until someone else claims it."

A brief pause.

Gio: "I have full confidence in you Guppy. I believe that you can come up with something truly befitting your greatness and I look forward to hearing what the new name of the title is, whenever you decide to make that official statement. Which unfortunately, won't be tonight...but it will be soon, right champ?"

Guppy nods and smiles widely.

Gio: "Good. Well, that's all I came out here for, so if you'll excuse me, I have to go see a man about a horse. Seriously, there's a horse in my office and I don't know how it got there but it's dead and it smells worse than Archie Lawson's dirty drawers. Yeah, I don't know what he stores in his desk but those drawers stink to the high heavens! Anyway, I'm off. Congrats again champ!"

With that Gio exits the arena and Relentless fades to a commercial.

Liz Hathaway and Kristy Jackson are walking backstage, ready to make their appearance for the pay per view. The tag team title belonging to Kendall Sawyer and Azrael Erebus lay on their shoulders.

They chat quietly as their path is blocked by a monstrous figure. In unison, Kristy and Liz both say "who the..."

Not allowing them to finish their statements, they're interrupted by the boisterous voice of the Madness General Manager.


The monstrous figure wasn't Paul Heyman. It was in fact, the current WWE champion Brock Lesnar, one of Paul's various clients. Paul Heyman steps out from behind, then in front of the Beast Incarnate.

Ladies and...

I use that term loosely.

Allow me to introduce you to the BEAST INCARNATE!

The WWE Champion that quite literally squashed the face of the WWE, John Cena at SummerSlam!

It occurs to me, that the two of you possess something that belongs to me!

You hold something that my Heyman Alliance treasures so greatly.

I'm giving you this one opportunity to do the right thing, ladies. I beg you, for your own good, do the right thing and hand over those titles.

The ladies smile, but say nothing.

You had your chance.

Without warning, the entirety of the Heyman Alliance is in full force, dropping the imposter tag team champions to the floor. Sawyer, Erebus, Gunn and Davids all stomp the ladies down into the cheap carpeting that lines the hallways.

The action recedes and Hathaway and Jackson are left down and out. Tommy Gunn reaches down and picks up the tag titles, handing them off to their rightful holders. The Heyman Alliance members depart, leaving Brock and Heyman behind.

I'm sorry it had to be this way. You did bring this on yourselves.

Let it be a lesson to you two cunts, if you want to be famous and make an impact, you don't want to do it using any of the Heyman Alliance as your launching point.

An old friend of mine used to love saying, 'luck is for losers.'

That said, good luck tonight.

Tag Team Title Match
Azrael Erebus & Kendall Sawyer©
- vs -
Liz Hathaway & Kristy Jackson
- vs -
The Za & Blizzard
Standard One Fall

Making their way to the ring first, they are the tag team champions, Kendall Sawyer and Azrael Erebus!

Azrael bursts from the back and takes off running down the ramp. Stopping just before hitting the ring, he turns to the crowd with a wink and a smirk. Then he slides into the ring, bounds up to his feet and hops up onto a turnbuckle, where he waits for the fight to begin.

Their opponents, first, the tag team of Liz Hathaway and Kristy Jackson!

Fog fills the arena, and when the beat drops, it evaporates and Liz comes out and pumps up the crowd. She then gets on her knees, punches the ground twice, does the cross symbol on her chest, and then gets up. She walks to the ring, pumping the crowd up. She slides in the ring and jumps on the top rope. She then points to the crowd, and throws up a peace sign. She hops off the turnbuckle, and stands in her corner, awaiting her opponent.

"DEV - In The Dark" begins to play over the Tron and the lights dim slightly. As the first verse kicks into gear, Kristy Jackson steps out from the curtain and onto the stage. She stops at the end, right before the ramp, and crouches down, slapping the metal before standing back up and making her way down the ramp to the ring. Once she gets there, she rolls underneath the bottom rope and stands up in the ring, before stepping over to her corner.

And introducing second, The MOTHERFUCKING Za and Blizzard!

The beat drops. The synthesizer hits. A dense fog blankets the ramp. A video plays as the opening lyrics start, showing The Za cruising Jersey in his blue and yellow corvette. Cut to The Za macking on bitches and lifting heavy ass weights. Cut to the Jersey Shore, The Za strolls on the boardwalk without a shirt, pointing at girl, yelling “I work out!” The Za ascends slowly from below the stage, a giant pair of aviators covering his eyes, reflecting the blue and yellow strobelights back to their origin. He pumps his crotch to the beat, fist pumping as the elevator comes to a stop. His bleach-blonde hair is slicked back, his custom Affliction shirt soaked, sticking to his jacked ass pecs. He clearly got his pump on before coming out. The Za walks down to the ring with a shit eating grin on his face and half a chub. Kids try to slap his hand but he flicks his ball sweat at them. The Za hates kids and supports abortion up to the 100th trimester. He slides into the ring, ascends the turnbuckle and looks at the crowd. “I’m the best EVAH!” he screams at the handicapped people in the corner. He throws his shirt to the hottest girl in crowd. She is a 2, because this is a pro wrestling crowd. He fights back vomit as he looks at the crater face who caught his expensive shirt. He wonders if she’ll hock it for Proactive or wear it when she masturbates. Gross.

The lights dim down in the arena and the fans begin to boo, knowing what’s about to happen next. The ring announcer speaks loud and clearly to announce the arrival of the all-time greatest.

“Ladies and Gentleman, the greatest of all time in XWF and on our planet Earth… Aidan Collins.”

Aidan Collins walks out in a spotlight, wearing a shiny gold robe. The audience’s negative reaction is thunderous and Bliz stands there solemnly, waiting for them to pipe down. When they finally do, his theme song kicks in and he sings with the music along into the mic.

“It may not mean nothing to y'aaallllllll…
But understand nothing was done for meeeee….
So I don't plan on stopping at allllllll….
I want this shit forever man, ever man, ever man!
I'm shutting shit down in the malllllllll…
And telling every girl she the one for meeee…..
And I ain't even planning to calllllll…..
I want this shit forever mine, ever mine, ever mine, ever mine!”

Aidan throws the mic on the ground and starts a slow walk towards the ring, totally pumped up from the most gangster rapper in the game today, Drake. Fans yell obscenities at him, probably out of jealousy because Aidan only preaches the truth. He walks up the ring steps and into the ring before disrobing and giving an orgasm to any female in the audience.

The bell rings after we just spent a good 29 minutes on fucking entrances.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the rules, three superstars are in the ring at once and can tag in and out their partners. One fall finishes the match.

Sound crazy and confusing? Good.

We start off with Azrael, Za, and Liz in the ring; Az, Za, and Liz.

Liz walks right up to Za and smacks him across the face! Stupid move because Za goes behind Liz and takes her down to the mat with intensity. He then transitions into a headlock.

Az acts like he wants to dive into the action but instead moves back into his corner where Kendall rubs his shoulders and gives him a pep talk.

Za rises to his feet while squeezing Liz's head. Za lets go of the hold while rotating his body, and gives Liz a snapdown. That puts Liz in position as Za puts her in a double underhook. Liz somehow manages to squirm free though and rushes to the bottom rope to safety.

Liz recovers and goes after Za with a kick, but Za catches her foot and throws her away with a dragon screw.

Liz pops back up but Za catches her with a front head lock. Unable to break free, Liz decides a different approach, and punches Za in the balls in order to break free of his grip.

Za is down on the ground holding his crotch now. Liz laughs at him while she delivers some stomps. Liz then throws Za into the ropes and delivers a flap jack.

Just as Liz is getting up after hitting the flap jack, Azrael runs up and punts her in the head!

Az pins Liz right after!



Za throws himself on top in order to break the pin.

Az gets up immediately and begins raining down on Za with punches. Az then drags Za to his corner and tags in Kendall.

Az put Za in an arm wrench as Kendall steps through the ropes and delivers a kick to Za's exposed elbow.

Kendall then takes Za to the middle of the ring where she plants him with a snapmare and follows up with a soccer ball kick to the back.

By this time, Liz has recovered and she also delivers a soccer ball kick to Za, targeting the chest instead of the back.

Kendall one ups Liz by kick Za again in the back, producing a loud thud.

Liz responds by also kicking Za in the chest.

Kendall with another kick.

Liz with another...

Kendall acts like she's gonna kick Za again but instead jumps forward and kicks Liz in the head!

Kendall pins Liz



Kristy Jackson breaks up the pin.

Meanwhile, Za has managed to roll over to his corner and tag in Blizzard.

Blizzard walks right up to Kendall and begins to hit her with knife edge chops.

Blizzard throws Kendall into the ropes and hits her with a bicycle kick! Pin by Blizzard.



Azrael stomps Blizz in the head.

And at that moment, Za reenters the ring and attacks Azrael! But Azrael dumps Za out of the ring, utilizing a back body drop.

Az goes to the outside to follow up on his attack. He rams Za multiple times into the barricade before returning to his corner.

It's gonna be tough for the referee to keep these guys in line.

Blizzard picks up Kendall using a side headlock. He drops her with a scoop slam, followed by a rolling elbow.

Blizzard goes to apply the Sharpshooter on Kendall, but Kristy hops over the top rope after being tagged in, and takes down Blizzard with a spear! Kristy makes the pin.



Pulled off by Kendall.

Kendall spins Kristy around but Kristy is the aggressor as she delivers a European uppercut that knocks Kendall to the mat.

Kristy turns around and Blizzard says hello with a vicious lariat. Blizzard then kicks Kristy out of the ring.

Blizzard turns his attention to Kendall, pulling her up by her gorgeous hair. Kendall finds an opening though and punches Bliz in the gut. That only frustrates Bliz though as he lunges into Kendall with a knee to her rib cage.

Kendall begins to crawl towards her partner to make the tag, but Blizzard grabs her by the ankle and pulls her back. Kendall keeps trying to get away but Blizz grabs her by the waist and gives her a German suplex to isolate her from her partner.

Blizz taunts Az as he runs off the ropes and goes for the curbstomp... but Kendall moves her head out of the way and hits Blizz with a chop block.

Blizz gets taken down to one knee from the chop block. He tries to push through the pain by standing back up but Kendall just follows up with a low blow! That one's definitely enough to put Blizz down.

Kendall pulls Blizz back up and gives him a swinging neck breaker.

That allows Kendall to crawl over to her corner and make the tag to Az.

Az runs inside the ring now. Kristy Jackson is on the apron but Az bumps her off, sending her flying into the barricade. Az lands a roundhouse to the side of Blizz's jaw, keeps him from falling back, and drops him with a sit-out powerbomb! Pin by Az



Liz and Kristy BOTH kick Az off of Blizz. And both ladies are now stomping the hell out of the former extraterrestrial.

But wait, Kendall off the top rope, dives onto both ladies with a flying cross body.

The Za runs in but Kendall takes him out with a super kick. Kendall then kicks him out of the ring.

Az has Kristy and gives her the Darkest Light (Cross Rhodes).

Blizz takes Liz and hits her with The Rebel Yell (Twisting Reverse STO)

It's now Blizzard, Azrael, and Kendall left in the ring.

Az and Kendall both run off the ropes and nail Blizzard with a pair of Yakuza kicks! Az pins Blizz.



Liz reaches in and pull Az off of Blizz and out of the ring.

Liz and Az trade punches on the outside now. Za and Kristy do the same.

Kendall, the illegal participant, takes Blizzard and gives him the Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness (Killswitch)! Kendall then runs off the ropes and takes out Za, Kristy, and Liz with a suicide dive! Kendall goes back into her corner as Azrael, the legal partner, slides in the ring to make the pin.



Kick out!

There was too long of a gap after that Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness was executed.

Azrael places Blizz in the center of the ring and climbs to the top rope. He goes for the World's Descent (Senton Bomb), but Blizzard moves the hell out of the way.

Blizzard gets up and takes out Az with The Ice Pick! (DEVASTATING spear) He's about to make the pin when Liz and Kristy run into the ring and attack him with kicks! Brutal kicks! These two women are out of control, damn it!

Liz and Kristy each grab one of Blizz's legs and they split him like he's a wishbone. Liz then chokes Blizz with her foot while Kristy stomps on his balls likes she's crushing a barrel of grapes.

The referee tries to get Kristy and Liz to stop. The Za runs in to try and stop them. Za tackles Kristy to the floor. He then goes after Liz, but Liz moves out of the way and Za ends up tackling the referee instead!

Liz spins Za around, and gives him the Thank Me Later (Reverse of Fate)!

Za rolls out of the ring in pain as we look over at the downed referee.

Meanwhile, Blizz is holding his balls and his throat. Those women did a number on him.

Liz grabs Az who's still hurt from the Ice Pick spear and goes for the Thank Me Later (Reverse of Fate), but Az reverses that into the Darkest Light (Cross Rhodes)

Blizzard, from behind, spins Azrael around, and nails him with a kick, followed by The Cool Down (Cradle Pile driver)

Blizzard goes for the pin but the referee looks dead!

Blizzard stands up and yells for a referee. Blizz seems to have no luck when it comes to referees...

OUT COMES PAUL HEYMAN. Oh yeah, that's just what we need right now.

Paul isn't even running that fast. Seriously, that's the only official we have right now?

Paul makes the count.



TITLE BELT SMASH! to the back of Blizzard's head!

Unfortunately, we can't disqualify people in a triple threat situation.

Paul Heyman verbally reprimands Kendall, telling her to "put that title down!"

Liz is back in the ring and going to work on Az.

Meanwhile, Kristy has Blizz in the corner where she's hitting him with some chops to the chest.

Liz throws Az into the ropes, Liz goes for a kick but Az ducks under and kicks her in the stomach. He then gives her the Oncoming Storm (Eye of the Hurricane). Azrael then climbs to the top rope.

While Az is climbing, Kristy goes for a running bulldog on Blizz, but Blizz pushes her off. Blizz then catches her on the way up with The Ice Pick (Spear!) At the same time as that's happening, Azrael hits Liz with the World's Descent (Senton Bomb).

Azrael pins Liz and yells at Paul Heyman to make the count before Blizz can get Heyman's attention to count his pin.

Heyman goes to make the count for Azrael... at the same time that the ORIGINAL referee recovers and sees Blizz covering Kristy.

1, 1

2, 2

3! 3!

Heyman calls for the bell, screwing Blizzard for a second time!

But wait, the original referee gets up and stops Heyman from declaring the winner!

The referee and Paul Heyman get into a shoving contest until Heyman floors the referee with a punch to the face.


Who the hell won the match though?

Blizzard walks out of the ring and grabs both Tag Titles, handing one off to The Za.

Blizzard is declaring himself the winner here...

But wait, Kendall knocks out The Za on the outside with a roundhouse kick and takes back her championship!

Kendall is now declaring her team the winners!

Blizzard and Kendall are now arguing in the ring, each with a belt in hand.

Paul Heyman is still down and out.

"AHEM! Welllllll... "

Miranda Tigris! Thank God, anyone but Heyman.

Miranda: This isn't going to work now, is it? Both teams made a pin that was counted to three by an XWF official. Legal or not, the count was official for both sides. Damn it, Heyman...

Screw it, listen up, all four of you. I'm ruling this match a no-contest! We will have a rematch with Blizzard and The Za challenging Kendall Sawyer and Azrael Erebus for the Tag Titles on a future edition of Warfare!

Loud boos erupt from the crowd. We hate draws in the XWF!

Miranda: Yeah, I know. But look at it this way: free title match on TV for everyone!

Who knows? Maybe it will be a tables match or... a ladder match... or a TLC Match?! Tune into Warfare and find out!

X-treme Championship
- vs -
Standard One Fall
X-treme Rules

The first eight chords of "Sick Sick Sick" by Queens of the Stone Age ring out as a pale blue mist leaks from the floor. Mystica walks in slowly, draped in a flowing white robe, which he discards after he passes through the mist. He glares down at the ring, gives a slight smirk, and presses his hands together in prayer. After bowing his head for a moment, he walks calmly down to the ring and slides in under the bottom rope.

The arena goes dark but when the first "diving down the hole" hits, Griffin runs out and the empire logo comes up on the screen behind him as he head bangs his way to the ring and then climbs a turnbuckle and throws boxes of girl scout cookies into the crowd.

Ding ding ding!

Mystica and Griffin lock up in the center of the ring, two almost evenly matched figures in both height and weight and neither willing to give an inch in these opening moments, which in and of themselves are so crucial to the pace of the match following them. Neither man flinches or gives an inch, as they draw into a stalemate though the referee is hesitant to get between them. Eventually however, Griffin pulls away and backs off a few inches, before coming back in with a wicked uppercut that stuns Mystica. Griffin uses this opportunity to do some early damage, taking Mystica down with a spinning neckbreaker. From there, he stomps on Mystica's face before sliding out of the ring and looking underneath it for a weapon. Clearly, he wasn't going to be wasting any time in assuring that this match made it to a level of violence that would deem it worthy of the moniker "X-Treme"!

The first thing he sees underneath the ring is a steel chair which he takes without hesitation, sliding back in the ring as Mystica gets back to his feet, shaking loose the cobwebs although possibly a little too soon. Too soon, because just as he seems to be clear, Griffin cracks the chair over the top of Mystica's head! He lets go of the weapon and the seat wraps around his neck! As Mystica falls to the mat, Griffin smiles a sinister grin, before stomping twice on the exposed bit of the seat, causing it to clamp up and close around Mystica's trachea each time. After a while of this though, Mystica appears to come to and wriggles the weapon off his neck, and into his hands. He tries to stand, but Griffin lays a couple of stomps and kicks into his ribs, forcing him back onto the ground. Griffin has been taking the fight to his challenger as soon as the bell rang!

Though, Mystica scampers away from his opponent, giving himself enough time to get back to his feet, chair still in hand. Griffin, cautious enough to charge in right away and get cracked, but too proud to put up with Mystica's taunting and provocations for very long, comes in and closes the distance between himself and Mystica, only to get a shot from the top of the chair to the stomach! A move that doubles him over as Mystica hammers the chair into Griffin's back like he was swinging an executioner's axe! Griffin's knees buckle from the force of the blow and he collapses on the mat, spasming upward on the landing! Not done yet, Mystica lays the chair on Griffin's back, before ascending the top turnbuckle. He measures the distance, and leaps off, looking for a leaping double stomp! Griffin rolls out of the way however, making the entire trip up for naught, sans a now aggravated ankle. Griffin, forcing himself haphazardly up to his feet, tries to take advantage of Mystica's hurt ankle, only to get caught with a chop to the chest, followed by a front headlock.

DDT! Onto the chair!

Mystica may have knocked Griffin out cold here! He goes for the cover and the ref slides into position!




Griffin shoots his shoulder up and pushes his way back to his feet. Only then does he shake loose some of the cobwebs the move gave him, only to look back and get caught with a running knee strike to the face from Mystica, resulting in Griffin being on the receiving end of a bloody nose! Not a gusher, by any means, but certainly bleeding. Griffin touches his face and looks at his hand, seeing a few droplets of the red stuff staring back at him. He responds to that by wiping said hand off on the mat and shaking his head disapprovingly, almost as if to say "that was a mistake".

Mystica however, doesn't appear too concerned.

Griffin hops up to his feet, rushing in with a huge Superman punch that knocks Mystica off balance and into the ropes. From there, he lays the probably busted chair on a specific spot on the mat before whipping Mystica into the opposite set of ropes. On the rebound, he executes a scoop powerslam that drops Mystica's body on the chair! Mystica rolls over onto his side, hand clutching his back and an almost shocked look appears on his face, before he makes eye contact with Griffin's leg, and behind his eyes a fire begins to burn.

Now it's Griffin's turn to not be impressed. On his way out of the ring, he stomps hard on Mystica's stomach, forcing all the air to exit his body. Laughing, he makes his way around the ringside area before converging on where the timekeeper sits, minding his own business. Something that's shattered however, when Griffin tries taking the ring bell! The timekeeper struggles to maintain possession of the bell, which results in Griffin smashing the poor sap's head against the bell before snatching it away and making his way towards the ring, where Mystica's still struggling to stand.

Griffin runs over to the kneeling Mystica and drops the bell down across the back of his skull! Mystica falls back onto the mat as Griffin lays the bell on the canvas too. He peels Mystica up, and lifts him...

Brainbuster! Onto the chair!

Griffin goes for the cover!



Kickout! How?!

Mystica, albeit weakly, gets the shoulder up and Griffin looks beside himself! He peels Mystica up off the mat again and prepares to do the same thing once more, though Mystica blocks it. Griffin tries it again but no avail. He tries it one more time but gets cut off by the wild punches from Mystica that find a home in his ribs! He loosens his hold and Mystica squirms out, still visibly dizzy from the brainbuster. He stumbles around the ring until coming to a rest in one of the corners. Hoping to catch a break and take a breather, instead he gets caught in the aim of Griffin with a Stinger Splash!

No! Mystica ducks out of the way at the last second and Griffin crashes into the corner! It's apparent at this point however, as blood begins to pour down the back of Mystica's head, that he's suffered a pretty nasty cut as a result of the brainbuster onto a bell. He grasps at the back of his hand, only to find when he pulls it away a stain of crimson though he doesn't let that distract from the task at hand, as Griffin turns and comes out of the corner, only to get blasted with a koppu kick! Griffin crumbles to the mat as Mystica rolls out of the ring, seemingly on the hunt for his own weapon to bring into the match. After a quick scan of the area underneath the ring, he smiles and pulls out something large. A table! He picks the table up and slides it under the ropes, before climbing up onto the apron himself.

Griffin is up to his feet by this point, making his way over to the table as Mystica leaps off the ropes with the Winged Horror (Flying Forearm Smash)! He clocks Griffin with that maneuver, knocking Griffin flat onto his back! Mystica then returns his attention over to the table and sets it up, noticing then that there's a splintery patch at one of the corners. He peels Griffin up to his feet and attempts a suplex through the table, but Griffin gets the knee up and takes control of the situation, walking Mystica over to said corner and slamming his head into it twice, before dragging his forehead across it with a sickening yank. Following that up with a wicked knee to the same place and it's no wonder Mystica's bleeding profusely from two spots now. Who knows how many pieces of wooden shrapnel are lodged in his head now too!

Mystica stumbles back a bit, giving Griffin some time to adjust the position of the table so that its close to one of the corners.

Griffin then goes over and drags a still standing Mystica over to the corner overlooking the table, hoisting him up to the top turnbuckle and following him up. He sets Mystica up for a superplex, but Mystica throws a forearm shot that breaks the hold momentarily. In that moment, he grabs onto the ropes with his hand and kicks his legs out only to bring them around to clock Griffin in the back of the head! Mystikick! (Enzuiguiri)! Though without the running that's accustomed to the move, so one has to be worried about the effectiveness. The kick however is powerful enough to send Griffin falling backwards and crashing into the table! The table breaks upon impact and Mustica woozily climbs down from the turnbuckles, going for the pin.




Now it's Mystica's turn to look beside himself! He takes a few deep breaths and wipes away some of the blood pouring over his eye sockets before throwing a series of forearms to the face of the fallen Griffin, and then sliding back out of the ring. Frantically he looks, scours for anything to aid him but it isn't until his eyes fall upon a nondescript burlap sack does he look satisfied. He snatches the sack and rolls back into the ring. Loosening the string and pouring some of its contents out, he reveals the sack to be carrying thumbtacks! Mystica pulls Griffin up to his feet and tries to set him up for the Maw of Oblivion, but Griffin breaks free of the hold! He hoists Mystica up! The Talon! (Prince Devitt's Prince's Throne)! Mystica's body slumps over onto the pool of thumbtacks as Griffin stomps his further into the pool before going for the cover.




Mystica kicks out and gingerly rolls over onto his stomach and tries to push himself off the mat. Griffin meanwhile looks over to the bag of tacks, realizing there's some left and grabs it. He makes a beeline for the damn near wrecked chair and tries to open it up anyway. To his surprise it opens and he sets the chair up, before dumping the remaining tacks onto its seat. Then he pulls Mystica the rest of the way up and leads him over to the chair. He cinches in the double chickenwing, beginning to walk towards the ropes when Mystica stamps on his foot! An action that causes Griffin to let of his hold just enough for Mystica to escape and get Griffin in a clutch of his own! he takes a step closer the chair and -- Maw of Oblivion (Headlock Driver)! Onto the tack laden chair! The seat snaps off the rest of the chair as Mystica rests said rest of the chair atop Griffin's chest and drive his knees into it for the cover, hooking the leg by grabbing Griffin's foot and pulling it upwards at a 90 degree angle.




Winner and New X-Treme Champion: Mystica!

Although a hell of a fight was put up by the former champion, a definite strong showing in his debut!
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[-] The following 11 users Like Giovanni Ferrari's post:
(08-24-2014), Gator (08-24-2014), Guppy Parsh (08-24-2014), Kristen Silver (08-24-2014), Liz Hathaway (08-24-2014), Luke Gunnar (08-24-2014), Mystica (08-24-2014), Ozymandias (08-24-2014), Peter Fn Gilmour (08-24-2014), Socrates (08-24-2014), Zoey Ryback (08-25-2014)
Kristen Silver Offline
The Most Important Person In The World

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

08-24-2014, 02:44 AM

Great show. Great effort from some in the Battle Royale. Been a bit busy over the week so most of my free time was spent on the writing rather than reading other stuff but I've managed to get up with a bit of it, read over all of RP's aimed at the Battle Royale, great job guys.

Really enjoyed Liz's work too.

Awesome job close to the start of the Battle Royale too, loved the little moment of Kristen stomping her feet because nobody was paying attention, really love little things like that that show attention to detail. Awesome job all around to everybody involved.
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[-] The following 2 users Like Kristen Silver's post:
Liz Hathaway (08-24-2014), Vincent Lane (08-24-2014)
Liz Hathaway Offline
Do you have the power to let power go?

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

08-24-2014, 05:04 AM

Oh you're just to kind.

[Image: 246195bf6992c5da7d09ff840f1abc76.jpg]

XWF Record

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Mystica Offline
Monsters Are Real


XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

08-24-2014, 05:16 AM

((OOC)) Fantastic show, mate! And props to Griffin. I hope to see some more from him in the near future.

[Image: b7zaJm8.jpg]

  • 1x Tag Team Champion
  • August 2013 Superstar of the Month (Thank you all so much!)
  • 1x US Champion
  • 1x X-treme Champion
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[-] The following 4 users Like Mystica's post:
AerialKnight (08-24-2014), Griffin (08-24-2014), Ozymandias (08-24-2014), Vincent Lane (08-24-2014)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

08-24-2014, 08:04 AM

Great show

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Peter Fn Gilmour's post:
Ozymandias (08-24-2014)
Griffin Offline
XCW born and raised

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

08-24-2014, 08:56 AM

Congrats mystica on the well earned win, I'll adress where i go from here on griffin's nest later.

((OOC: seriously man nice work, And thank you you put in some great work.
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[-] The following 4 users Like Griffin's post:
(08-24-2014), AerialKnight (08-24-2014), Ozymandias (08-24-2014), Vincent Lane (08-24-2014)

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