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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Relentless Day 1 (August 22nd) PPV RP Archive
Loose Ends RP 5
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The Enigma Offline
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08-18-2014, 04:44 PM

Sunday, August 17, 2014 – 6:15 AM EST – The Poconos, Pennsylvania

A three hour and fifteen minute trip took me about three hours. That will happen when traveling between the hours of three AM and six AM in the morning. The problem however was that as I pulled into town I realized that I was in such a rush to leave The Compound that I never bothered to wait and get the address of where Nicholas is hiding out. So reluctantly I make a call to Matthew. A few rings and he picks up.

MATTHEW, TECH WIZARD: “Everything ok?”

ENIGMA: “Yes. Fine. No traffic.”

MATTHEW, TECH WIZARD: “What can I do for you?”

ENIGMA: “I need the address.”

MATTHEW, TECH WIZARD: “Are you sure you want to do this?”

ENIGMA: “Yes. Now please give me the address.”

MATTHEW, TECH WIZARD: “And if I refuse?”

ENIGMA: “You won’t. And do you want to know why I know that?”

“Because you and I both know that giving me the address is a much safer option than me driving around a town crawling with feds looking trying to find the whereabouts of Nicholas.”

Matthew lets out a small sigh and then gives me the address. I hang up the phone, plug the address into the cars GPS and within ten minutes I am parked on the side of the road, approximately one mile from the address Matthew gave me. I figured it might be smarter to park here, where I did and walk to the house rather than driving up. Especially if the house is being watched, which from what Matthew told me is not the case. But you can never be too careful.

It took me about eight minutes to get through the dense forest and to the house. I stopped behind a tree line about twenty five feet from the home and looked around. Nicholas’ truck is parked in front of the house. Despite the moderate temperatures the windows are all closed on both the ground level and the second floor.

I walked along the tree line to the back of the house, remaining crouched behind the trees so as to not draw any attention by anyone who may be awake inside or outside on the rather large porch that extends from the front and around to the back of the home. Satisfied that no one is outside I slowly made my way towards the house, up the back stairs and to the backdoor. As suspected the door was locked. As were all the windows on the first floor. Fortunately one of the skills I picked up over the last few months was lock picking. Ironically the person that taught me this was Nicholas. Thirty seconds later and I was slowly and quietly pushing the backdoor open. I open it far enough to poke my head in and after being satisfied that no one is on the ground floor I walk into the home and quietly shut the door behind me. My guess is that Nicholas will be awake at some point in the next thirty to forty five minutes. So with that I decided to take a seat at the head of the dining room table, a seat which gives me a good vantage point of both the front and back doors as well as the steps.

Approximately Thirty Minutes Later

From my seat in the dining area I can hear the sound of a toilet flush and then the water progressing through the interior pipes of the house. A couple of moments later Nicholas starts to make his way down the steps. While sitting at the table I wrestled with the idea of remaining seated while Nicholas descended the steps or standing up. It seems like a trivial matter but I am not trying to give Nicholas a heart attack. In the end I decided to stand up as it allowed Nicholas to see me from a safe distance rather than not noticing my presence until he was only a few feet from me.

As I suspected my quick rise from a seated position to standing at the head of the table did in fact surprise Nicholas but that surprise was quickly tempered when he realized who it was that was in the home.


ENIGMA: “Are you here alone?”


“Is everything ok?”

ENIGMA: “Yes and no.”

NICHOLAS IAN GERHART: “It’s the no part that concerns me.”

ENIGMA: “I figured it might. But it’s nothing that can’t be taken care of.”

NICHOLAS IAN GERHART: “I see. Would you like some coffee? It’s instant. Not very good but it does the job.”

ENIGMA: “Sure why not.”

NICHOLAS IAN GERHART: “So how did you find me?”

ENIGMA: “Same way I find everyone.”

NICHOLAS IAN GERHART: “Cream, sugar, both?”

ENIGMA: “No thank you.”

“Anyway, my contact tells me that there has been an increasing FBI presence here in town for the last weeks and that the local authorities have a sketch of your face. No idea where they got it from.”

NICHOLAS IAN GERHART: “I promise I have been extremely careful.”

“I hardly ever leave here and when I do it’s only out of necessity.”

ENIGMA: “I know Nicholas. You have been very careful but somehow the cops have connected you to me. I don’t know exactly what tipped them off to me originally but I do know what expedited their desire to find me.”

“Somehow they managed to track you here and I have no idea how.”

NICHOLAS IAN GERHART: “Me either. But you are right, this is definitely not good.”

ENIGMA: “No it’s not.”

“But that is why I am here.”

“We need to get you out of here as quickly and quietly as possible.”

NICHOLAS IAN GERHART: “Ok. Just give me a few minutes and I can grab my stuff from upstairs.”

“Coffee will be done in a minute so feel free to serve yourself.”

ENIGMA: “Thank you.”

Nicholas walks back upstairs to pack whatever he needs. While he does that I walk over to the cabinet, grab a cup and pour some coffee into it. I then reach over and grab the bottle of Jameson and pour some of that, probably more than I should have into the cup and start drinking. Nicholas was right, this coffee is terrible.

A few minutes later and Nicholas descends the stairs again, this time with two black duffle bags over his shoulders. He drops them at the front door and walks over to where I am standing and grabs a travel mug and fills it with coffee. Taking a que from me he also pours some Jameson into his mug and then screws the top on.

NICHOLAS IAN GERHART: “Where are we going?”

ENIGMA: “Well that’s what we need to figure out.”

“I can’t take you back to where I am staying, it just wouldn’t be feasible.”

“Do you have any ideas?”

NICHOLAS IAN GERHART: “To be honest I don’t. I hadn’t really given it a whole lot of thought. I thought this place would be safe enough that I could stay here until things calmed down.”

ENIGMA: “Any other family in other parts of the country you could go stay with?”

NICHOLAS IAN GERHART: “Unfortunately no. The only family I have is my father and he’s back in New Jersey. I have a friend looking in on him. He’s not well.”

ENIGMA: “I understand.”

“Alright, grabs your stuff, we will figure it out on the road.”


ENIGMA: “Yes, absolutely.”


Nicholas turns his back and walks towards the front door to grab his bags.

ENIGMA: “Nicholas, I just wanted to say thank you…for everything.”

Before Nicholas could turn around to acknowledge what I just said I reached into my inside jacket pocket and pull out my 9 millimeter handgun and fire two rapid fire shots into the back of Nicholas’s head.



His body lurches forward from the impact and then crashes into the wall before slumping down along the wall face first. The suppressor that was attached to the gun did a good job of limiting the noise enough that none of the neighbors assuming they were awake would have been able to hear anything that would startle them.

I walk over to the coffee pot that quickly clean off the handle which had my finger printers on it and then walk out the back door and back into the woods.

It is unfortunate that things had to end the way they did for Nicholas. He was a one of a kind find. Truly remarkable at his job, and a nice guy at that. But unfortunately despite his instance on loyalty he was a gamble that I could not afford to take. Especially with the fact that he has seen not just my face but my brothers as well. This had to be done. And I had to be the one to do it. Nicholas deserved that much. At some point the police will discover his body, hopefully it will be soon so that his loved ones have a body to say goodbye to. As for his sickly father. He will be looked after. I promise.

Fade To Darkness.

I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had an underlying truth.
~Umberto Eco

[Image: LoylT4w.jpg]
[Image: TKO12Eu.jpg]

Former United States Champion
Former X-Treme Champion
Former Trios Tag Team Champions w/Sebastian Duke and Azrael Erebus
Former Ark/24-7 Champion x 2

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