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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Relentless Day 1 (August 22nd) PPV RP Archive
"Loverboy" - training montage (1/3)
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Vincent Lane Offline
Rock n' Rolling XWF Owner and Megastar

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08-18-2014, 01:32 PM Heart  "Loverboy" - training montage (1/3) -->

(("Loverboy" Vinnie Lane has found his way out of the desert and has exorcised the poltergeist of Azrael Erebus from his soul. Now, he is feeling much more like his old self. After contacting the hotelier from the Westin in Phoenix and clearing up the incident that occurred between them when he first became afflicted, Loverboy was invited back to the hotel and even given a comp room for one of his nights. After his sojourn into the desert and subsequent spirit journey, Loverboy was more than ready for a respite and was thrilled to make his way back to Phoenix. Now, Loverboy has been joined by the rest of his crew: Donny Brooks, the brickhouse drummer, Alex Braun, the quiet bassist, and the duo of "Dangerous" Dave Mustang and Johnny "Twisted" Steele, the Disintigrators. Psyched for their arrival, Loverboy has rented out a local gym for the week in order to properly prepare for his upcoming title match at XWF: Relentless. As the group walk into the gym, flicking the lights on, they are happily surprised to see a fully set up boxing ring as well as all of the usual amenities of a typical workout area.))

Loverboy: Sweet, dude, this is just exactly like the website said it would be. The ring is fucking perfect!

((Loverboy drops his duffel onto a bench and starts removing his boots and jeans, stretching and arching his back as he leans forward.))

Loverboy: I'm so stoked you guys are finally here - it's been a rough few days, man, seriously. And I haven't had a drop to drink!

Donny: Oh yeah? Was the thin air too much for you up in first class, Vinnie? Us guys had it real fucking easy driving the van from Atlanta to god damn Arizona, did we?

Loverboy: Guys, guys, come on, you know I need to decompress before a big match. I would have totally got you all plane tickets, but how the hell would the gear get here? Or the 'Grators' bikes?

Alex: Don't sweat Donny's attitude, Vin. He's not the one who had to sit next to him and smell his god damn gas station food farts. Had to get taquitos, this guy...

Donny: I should have took that goth chick from the Flying J in Dallas and left your ass there, Iceman.

Alex: Fuck you, Donny, that was a guy.

Donny: You don't know that!

Loverboy: Guys! Come on! Gear up already! We've got a shit ton of work to do and I want to hit the bar tonight. It's high time we tore a hole through downtown Phoenix, am I right?

((Alex and Donny nod and shake hands - a minor tiff between friends that's nothing new to them. They begin stretching and dressing out along with Loverboy, dumping out old wrestling boots and pads that don't look like they've seen much use in a while.))

Loverboy: I was starting to worry about you clowns, you know? It took you way longer than what I expected. I was starting to think you all took a shortcut through Juarez! Ha!

((Johnny and Dave share a knowing look and Johnny opens his mouth to respond, but Dave waves him off and shakes his head. The two bikers then remove their matching Disintigrators leather vests and start stretching.))

Loverboy: Donny, this is what I think we need to do today. This guy in the match this weekend? Sebastain Duke? He's a huge son of a bitch.

((Donny stands and stretches out his muscular 6'6", 270 pound frame.))

Donny: How huge?

((Donny raises his eyebrows and seems a little surprised.))

Loverboy: He weighed in at 6'8, and like 300 plus.

Donny: Yeah, okay, he's a big sucker. So what's the plan?

Loverboy: Well, Donny, today I want you to kick my ass.

Donny: What the fuck?

Loverboy: Seriously, dude! I need to be ready to take a serious beating from that guy and be able to get back up. I've barely gotten a scratch in my last few matches, other than a boot from Cain that just about cracked my ribs. I got a little work in with Griffin back in his private ring, but that dude can't throw a clothesline or a punch like you can, man.

Donny: Nobody can, Vinnie. You're right, though, you don't need to go into that match soft. You sure you're ready for this?

((Donny flexes his broad chest, rippling the muscles beneath his skin. Loverboy looks up at him as he finishes pulling on his silver boots, then hops up off the bench and sprints toward the ring.))

Loverboy: Come on, big guy, don't just stand there like a statue. Give me your best shot.

((Loverboy slides into the ring and bounces from the ropes a few times to get a feel for them as Donny saunters over and pulls himself onto the apron. Hopping over the top rope, Donny throws a few warm up punches, air boxing in the corner, then moves to the center of the ring.))

Donny: You ready?

((Loverboy answers by slicing a sharp knife edge chop across Donny's chest, instantly reddening his pale skin. Donny recoils and throws a wild haymaker, which Loverboy easily ducks, running behind him and rebounding off the ropes, then baseball sliding between Donny's legs when Donny tries to send a boot to his face. Loverboy nips up and spins around to face Donny.))

Loverboy: You're a little rusty, man! This is good though, I need to have that instinct for a bigger guy. Use my speed to stay out of range and pick my shots. Then, I -

((Donny sends a lightning quick right jab into Loverboy's grin, sending him splattering to the canvas.))

Donny: Lesson one. Shut the fuck up and quit sticking your jacked up jaw out like a god damn pinata. You ain't gonna beat Duke in a fistfight, you hear me? Get up.

((Loverboy shakes the cobwebs out of his head and gets to his feet. He swings his arms to limber them up again, and then goes collar and elbow with Donny, who immediately starts shoving him around, moving him toward a corner. Before Loverboy gets trapped in the buckles, though, he snaps a quick standing switch and ends up behind Donny, using his own momentum to shove him forward into the turnbuckles and taking the wind out of him.))

Donny: Good. Stay quick. Stay smart.

((Donny throws a back elbow, but it's slow and predictable. Loverboy ducks under and buries a shoulder deep into Donny's midsection. Donny grunts and then just grabs Loverboy's shoulders and shoves him backward, sending him into a back somersault on the canvas. Rushing out of the corner, Donny goes for a big clothesline but misses as Loverboy ducks it and jumps onto his back with a sleeper hold. He only has him for a moment, however, as Donny grabs his arms and flings him forward over his head in a judo throw. Loverboy quickly hops up and runs to the ropes, and comes back with a surprising high knee. Donny is wobbled, but standing. Loverboy runs to the corner and scales the turnbuckles, diving at Donny with a cross body... and he's caught.))

Donny: What are you doing Vinnie? You don't go up top.

Loverboy: Shit.

((Donny hoists Loverboy up and sends him crashing into the mat with a jumping powerbomb that rattles the ring ropes. Loverboy is writhing in pain.))

Alex: Holy shit, Donny, don't kill him!

Donny: He's got to be able to take it, Iceman. You think Sebastian Duke isn't going to get a surprise powerbomb off on him?

((Donny drops to the mat and hooks both of Loverboy's legs, and Johnny Steele counts from outside the ring.))

Johnny: One! Two!

((Loverboy muscles his shoulder up, still wincing from the thunderous move. Donny grabs him by the head and yanks him to his feet, slapping him in the face.))

Donny: Come on, Vinnie, suck it up!

((Donny lifts him and slams him back down hard, Loverboy instantly back bending from the mat and grabbing at his spine while he hollers in pain. Loverboy rolls into the corner, but Donny follows him close behind, leaning down to grab him again... but Loverboy quickly utilizes a seated, modified drop toehold that sends Donny to his knees and propels his head into the second turnbuckle. Donny stands up quick but is immediately caught with a flash superkick when he turns around. Stumbling forward, Donny walks right into a waiting Loverboy who swings his arms around and lifts him upside down - dropping him in the Black Label Driver! Loverboy rolls onto Donny and hooks him.))

Johnny: One! Two! Three! Shit, you got him, Vinnie!

Alex: That was actually pretty damn good, Loverboy.

Dave: Can we hit the town now, Jesus, I thought we were going to have to go to the emergency room for a second there!

((Loverboy rolls off of Donny, who sits up slowly, holding his head. Loverboy is breathing heavy and still clutching t his back as he stands and then helps Donny to his feet.))

Loverboy: No... Donny, we have to go again.

Donny: What?

Alex: Vinnie, you're nuts. You need to regroup, and get some hydration. No way you can still have any stamina after that powerbomb.

Loverboy: Alex, look, Sebastian Duke isn't an iron man. He's a hard hitter, a sudden death machine. I don't need to last twenty minutes with him, I need to take a big hit and catch him off guard by not going down. If that's going to happen I need to push myself. I got lucky there, but I guarantee Donny isn't going to get caught that easily again, and neither is Duke. Now come on and let's do it again.

Johnny: It's gonna be a long night...

Dave: And hard to watch.

Alex: No. He's right. Vinnie's right. The son of a bitch has grown up a little.

((Alex walks to a ring bell nearby and smirks.))

Alex: Alright Donny... kick his ASS!




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