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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Relentless Day 1 (August 22nd) PPV RP Archive
fatal 6 way rp #2
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Bobby Charles Offline
XWF's Prodigal Son

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

08-17-2014, 11:23 PM

"..You know what, chris? I'm fucking tired." bobby zi said, as he sat across the Waffle House booth, from his long time friend.

"Who isn't these days, man. I mean, I'm FINALLY getting a break from that wrestling school in who knows how long, and yet, I still need to show up just in case there's trouble from that twisted fuck, danielson." [color=pink]

[color=yellow] "You have an interview to do, chris. That's why you have to go. I can handle danielson. I'll talk to him..."

Both chris and Bobby, had been signing autographs at a comicbook convention earlier in the day, and both had been on the road too long. Going back to chris's townhouse in Philly was on both of their minds. bobby was looking forward to the pull-out couch, and cable tv to fall asleep to. He just hoped chris wasn't planning on bringing a female friend that night. zi wasn't in the mood to hear any wrestling matches coming from upstairs. Unless of course she had a friend to keep him company instead..

"So what do you think? You going to be able to handle those 5 of your opponents at that ppv? I mean, not to sound like a dick, but you have lost 2 consecutive matches,I know that you're not feeling at a hundred percent." chris inquired, while dipping the corner of a slice of toast into his egg yolk.

"barney green won't be a problem, chris. He'd NEVER be a problem. He was nothing in the 'good old days' and he's even less now. I don't even know why he bothers."

"Maybe, he believes that practice makes perfect?" chris offered.

[color=yellow] "If that's the case, he needs to practice way more than he has time in this life. I'm going to show him why it is that people like him never get out of the midcard range to the main event like am gonna do it in short time..."

"Are you gonna eat that?" chris asked, grabbing Bobby's toast that was left to cool on the side of his plate.

"No, go ahead." He told him as chris was already using it to wipe up the last of his egg yolk on his plate.

"michael mcbride is a minor player. And at that match at ppv ,he's going to know just how minor he is. I bet you chris, that I'll have him beaten so bad, he'll need to be carried out of that match, he is hopeless..."

"Well, if it's all the same to you, i wish you the best luck man, but Hell, Incase i can bring "old lead pipe" if you want it..."

"You have that?" zi asked.

"I have ONE of remember dangar pulis? he left it in my car one night when we went out drinking. That bastard puked all over the back seat." chris gave a grin, "Not like it really mattered. It was rented under his name."

"What a fucking idiot. I've never liked him. His name wasn't even a name, of accurate." bobby complained and they both laughed

"but wait,how would you manage to beat mastermind? ,i thought he is the only challenge of yours.." said chris

"i know it wont be easy,bexause it him and i needed this win the most, but trust me there is nothing that can stop me and i have a plan how to crush his "mind sleeper" thing, I'm tired of seeing him come out, acting like he's the best wrestler of all time, and his fucking same old boring promos. He's going to learn a lesson, and I'm going to be the one to teach him,"

"I know man,but.."

suddenly bobby stops him before he finished his word

"Dude, no offense. But will you just shut up about that man? You're giving me a headache." zi finally said.

chris and zi paid their bill, and left the Waffle House as the scene faded to black...

Former 2× X-treme ChampIon
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