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MADNESS - 7.15.14: Part 1
Author Message
Paul Heyman

XWF FanBase:
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07-16-2014, 04:06 PM

[Image: J4ZYCXe.jpg]

July 15, 2014
Verizon Center
Washington, D.C.

Shinedown's 'The Sound of Madness vibrates your ears as lime colored pyro explodes all over the Verizon Center. The camera pans the screaming crowd before settling on Joey Styles at ringside.



Joey pauses, allowing the fans to settle down just a little bit.

JOEY STYLES: “Last week on this very show, Paul Heyman proved beyond a shadow of a doubt why he is truly the best General Manager ever to step foot inside the Xtreme Wrestling Federation! The highest Madness ratings in months as Paul Heyman re-assumes control of the XWF Flagship!

“In a week that showcased new XWF talent as well as distinguished veterans, it was a night that won't soon be forgotten!

“Paul Heyman made his presence felt all night long, especially in the two title matches that capped off the night! Frodo Smackins was a tenth of a second from becoming the new Television Champion! Later on, Heyman made it obvious to Eli James, that he never stood a chance of becoming the Universal Champion...”


JOEY STYLES: “Oh God, not again!”

Vickie Guerrero, Paul Heymans assistant, emerges from backstage.


JOEY STYLES: “I really hate her.”

Ladies and gentlemen, I'm proud to introduce to you, the General Manager of Madness... Mister PAUL HEYMANNNNN!

Paul Heyman emerges from backstage with a leather folder and a microphone in his hand. He smiles from ear to ear as he walks quickly down toward the ring. Vickie Guerrero follows him.

As he enters the ring, his entrance music cuts out.

Ladies and gentlemen... my name.... is Paul Heyman...

JOEY STYLES: “Ya know? I think the Maniacs already know that.”

Last week on the very XWF Flagship that is Monday Night Madness, we were treated to a little bit of a teaser. A teaser video, where at the end, it became apparent that the Man of the Mist himself... MYSTICA... was coming back to the Xtreme Wrestling Federation...

Now, not only is that big news, but its also great news...

You see, I am a huge fan...

JOEY STYLES: “That's putting it mildly.”

Of Mystica.

Mystica will be in action tonight in the main event and he is in fact, here right now! What I'd like to do, is call back there and ask him, if he'd kindly come out here to the ring.

Moments go by, but nothing.

JOEY STYLES: “Mystica is a big name with even bigger star potential.”

Heyman gets ready to speak again but is interrupted by “Sick Sick Sick” by Queens of the Stone Age.

JOEY STYLES: “He's here! Live on Madness! It's Mystica!!!!”

Mystica takes his time coming to the ring. He looks out at the cheering fans, completely emotionless, just taking it in. He enters the ring and stands face to face with the Madness General Manager. The music fades as Heyman smiles at the man in front of him.

First of all, Mystica, I'd like to personally welcome you to Madness.

Second of all...

He hesitates awhile prior to finishing his second statement.

JOEY STYLES: “Second all... WHAT?”

Second of all, Mystica, I know that you are currently...

a free agent...

JOEY STYLES: “Well, I know where this is going.”

So, what I have here, is a contract for you to come to Madness full time. I do realize before your hiatus, you were a contracted star to Warfare, but lets face it, that show sucks. That show isn't worth the sweat off my balls!

I call it Borefare for a reason.

See, a big star like yourself needs to be with other big stars. Stars like your tag team partner tonight, and might I add, the Universal Champion, Azrael Erebus. Stars like Eli James. Stars like my very own Heyman Alliance clients, Steve Davids and Kendall Sawyer. Stars like Sebastian Duke...

That list isn't complete without stars like Mystica!

JOEY STYLES: “Wow! What a tactic! Mystica makes his first appearance back here tonight on Madness and Paul Heyman is trying to sign him before he ever even gets a chance to visit Borefare!”

Mystica appears to genuflect before the GM of Madness, but Heyman soon realizes Mystica is gesturing for Heyman to hand over the microphone. Heyman smirks, and passes the mic over to Mystica's outstretched hand.

MYSTICA "Oh, Paul. You certainly know how to flatter a gal. You've always been quite good at flattery, haven't you? Whatever benefits you in the long run, yeh? But hey, that's a skill I can admire. Manipulation. It is something we share, Paul.

JOEY STYLES: "Uh-oh...where's Mystica going with this?"

MYSTICA: "So, you see...I'll exercise a little manipulation right here. I've been on Warfare. And you're right in calling it BOREfare, Paul. I got to the top of the mountain once with the US Title. And yes, I did abdicate my position many months ago. But it was for the good of many. I can't let this planet be destroyed before I can personally swallow it whole!"

JOEY STYLES: "Wow...what a, uh...selfless guy?"

MYSTICA: "So, Mr. Heyman...I'll give you this: you have my services as a competitor...for now. At least until I find a means of re-entering my true form."

With that, Mystica once more genuflects before the GM of Madness, and extends both hands -- one offering the microphone, and the other extended for a business handshake.

Hold up, just a second here. Is this some oil field from 1930's?

No, it's not.

See, Mystica, I have no problem shaking your hand, but allow me to inform you, sir... that it means nothing! Handshakes are neither legal, nor binding. Signatures are.

JOEY STYLES: "He's not wrong."

Mystica, I want you on Madness. I have no reservations in admitting that. What I need from you, is your signature. Your autograph, so to speak, on this official Madness contract!

Heyman then lowers the mic and extends the leather folder toward Mystica.

MYSTICA: "Oh, very well... You humans and your commercial laws and whatnot."

He quickly snatches the folder from Heyman's hand and pulls out the contract. After a moment spent looking over the fine print of the many pages of stapled-together paper, Mystica nods, both to himself and to Heyman. With a bit of a flourish, he reaches into his breast pocket and withdraws a fine, blue-ink ballpoint pen. But then, for a moment, he hesitates...

JOEY STYLES: "What's this? Mystica appears to be thinking it over!"

MYSTICA: "It just struck me, Mr. Heyman. Shall I sign Mystica? Or Marcel LeCourt? And goodness, what of my assistants? I don't see anything about them in here...Ah, sod it!"

He tosses away his own concerns and scribbles something unintelligible beginning with an "m" before placing the contract back in its folder and handing it back over to Heyman.

JOEY STYLES: “Mystica has signed on the dotted line! He's officially part of the Madness roster!”

Madness fades to commercial.

JOEY STYLES: “We are back here on Madness and we are ready to go to the ring for our first match of the night!”

”Hunt You Down” by Saliva plays.

JOEY STYLES: “Here comes Gregor, Victor and Rudolf! Together, they comprise the three man strike force known as the Mafia Men!”

”Welcome to the Jungle” by Guns 'N' Roses plays.

JOEY STYLES: “Shelby Cobra! She's a bitch with an attitude and it makes no difference to her whether its a one on one, a triple threat, or in this case tonight, a three on one handicap match!”

The Mafia Men:
Victor, Gregor, Rudolf
- vs -
Shelby Cobra
3 on 1 Handicap Match

The bell rings and Shelby stares across the ring from a crouched position at the Mafia Men. The Mafia Men begin discussing who will start off the match. Shelby decides to give them very little time as she charges in and delivers a drop kick to Victor. Victor crashes back into the turnbuckle catching the other two Mafia Men off guard.

Gregor is the first to advance toward Shelby. He grabs her by the hair as she gets back to her feet and she drops to the mat, using her own hair as a tool that takes Gregor down in an arm drag like fashion.

Rudolf gives a full head of steam toward Shelby, but she ducks a lariat attempt. Rudolfs momentum carries him toward the far side ropes. He helps up his fallen comrade, Gregor. Shelby Cobra takes advantage of the momentary distraction and delivers a double running clothesline to Gregor and Rudolf, sending them both tumbling over the top rope and down to the floor.

Cobra decides to return her attention to Victor who still remains in the corner. She charges into the corner, but it proves to be a mistake as Victor lifts his leg up, delivering a big boot to the face of Shelby Cobra. She lands flat on her back and Victor quickly goes for the cover.



JOEY STYLES: “And Shelby kicks out! Victor tried to use the element of surprise as a weapon, but its not successful here!”

Out on the floor, Gregor and Rudolf are gathering themselves up. The run and slide into the ring and join in with their teammate, Victor in beating down Shelby Cobra. Together, they lay in the boots, stomping away on the defenseless woman.

JOEY STYLES: “The referee is quickly losing control of this thing!”

The referee is successful in pushing Victor away from the action, then tries to get Gregor and Rudolf to leave the ring. They shove him away and Victory rejoins the fray. They stomp her into the mat as she tries to get away. She finally rolls out of the ring and falls to the floor.

The Mafia Men remain in the ring and the referee once again tries to regain control of the match. He's pushed away again and he finally begins a five count.


Shelby roots around under the ring.


She pulls out a chair and heads back to the inside.


She runs toward Victor with the chair.


CR 5! ACK!

JOEY STYLES: “The referee is calling for the bell here! But what's the official decision!? He reached the 5 on his DQ count and Shelby cracked Victor in the skull with a chair!”

Shelby starts swinging wildly, Gregor and Rudolf avoid contact with the chair as they grab Victor and begin to retreat.


JOEY STYLES: “This match is officially a draw. The referee has disqualified the Mafia Men and Shelby Cobra!

“Maniacs, when the Madness returns, we have fatal four way action involving the number one contender to the Universal title, Morbid Angel!”

Madness fades to commercial.

Madness returns and we're in the office of Paul Heyman. Heyman is hard at work, or at least, it appears that way. Several seconds in, his office door bursts open and Shelby Cobra walks in.

VICKIE GUERRERO: "You can't go in there!"

Shelby ignores Heymans assistant. Heyman looks up from his desk.

PAUL HEYMAN: "Vickie, its okay dear. She obviously has something on her mind, and me being the fair guy that I am, I'm here to listen.

"Please, Ms. Cobra. Take a seat. Let's hear what's on your mind."

Shelby Cobra remains standing for a moment, before giving into Heymans request and taking a seat.

PAUL HEYMAN: "Vickie, close the door please."

Vickie quietly disappears out of the office, closing the door behind her.

PAUL HEYMAN: "So, Ms. Cobra. Let's hear it. What is on your mind?"

SHELBY COBRA: "Hmm. Well Paul. Last week on Madness. I must say I, I had a blast. So I didn't win. Big deal. I'll get a belt sooner or later. I just had one little problem. When you came out and did your little speech. I couldn't help but notice you saying something about throwing me to the wolves.

"Care to explain that one?"

Heyman squirms a little, quickly contemplating how he's going to weasel his way out of this one.

PAUL HEYMAN: "Oh, I didn't mean anything negative by that. In hindsight, I can see how it could look like that, but Azrael Erebus and Eli James are bonafide stars within this company. You, as much talent as you obviously have, are a little wet behind the ears. A little green, so to speak.

"Obviously anything can happen and, in this company, usually does... As the cliche says, Ms. Cobra, any given sunday... You could have shocked the world last week, but the odds were against you. You're young. You're new to the Xtreme Wrestling Federation. For you to go out there and win the whole damn thing would have been an upset.

"So, Ms. Cobra, what I meant when I said 'throw you to the wolves' was more a shot at Eli James and me making it impossible for him to win the title rather than any intended shot at you.

"One day, ONE DAY, Ms. Cobra, you may very well hold the very title Azrael Erebus now holds.

"I very much look forward to that day. Why?

"Because now that I'm in control of Madness and hold 100 percent ownership of the show, you are ALL Paul Heyman guys."

Heyman leans back in his chair. Shelby couldn't help but to bust up laughing.

SHELBY COBRA: "Please. Don't give me that shit, Heyman.


"I know you very well. I'm not fool. You're a pretty damn good chess player, maybe the best. To tell you the truth. I'm not even that mad. Like I said. I enjoyed the match, So with that being said. We all know not everyone can be a "Paul Heyman Guy" If that was true. Someone would have beaten Taker's streak a long time ago. You have a gift of some sorts. For unknown reasons. Every client you have, goes places. I want that Paul. I wanna be at the top and stay there. I like the spotlight on me. As Eli said.

"I'm not saying to just snap your fingers and make me a Paul Heyman girl. Oh no. I want to earn it. I've never been handed anything in my life. My club and other stuff have made me one rich bitch. Why? Because I earned it and I wanted it. So you bet your ass I'm willing to earn you as my advocate."

Heyman sits up, leaning against his desk. He then stands and walks behind Shelby Cobra. He places his hands on her shoulders and starts to rub. She stares wide, in front of her. Looking slightly uncomfortable as he begins to rub. He quickly stops and starts pacing. He then looks up at the walls of his office. On those walls, portraits of himself with his biggest made stars: Senator, Punk, Show, Lesnar, Sawyer... and more.

PAUL HEYMAN: "So you want to be a 'Paul Heyman Girl'?

"That's quite interesting, Ms. Cobra.

"I kind of think the Heyman Alliance is full at the moment. But, here is what I will do for you. Go to Borefare this week. Raise hell. Take somebody out. I don't care who. Their stars, their officials, Miranda Tigress... Giovanni Whats His Face...

"Pick a target, and destroy them.

"Take them down and let them know that Paul Heyman sent you.

"I want complete brutality. Make them wish they were a Heyman guy. Make them wish I was never born. Make them fear Paul Heyman having control of Madness once again.

He stops staring at what he calls his "trophies" and returns to his seat.

PAUL HEYMAN: "If you do that, Ms. Cobra, I might be inclined to make room for you. Maybe not necessarily part of the Heyman Alliance, but somebody I will guide to stardom anyhow.

"Here's the catch, Shelby.

"You have to impress me. If I'm not impressed, I won't help you.

"So, what's it gonna be?"

Heyman leans back in his chair. A sinister smirked formed on the lips of Shelby.

SHELBY COBRA: "Well Mr. Heyman. I would tune into Warfare to find out."

She rose from her seat and put her hand out to shake his.

SHELBY COBRA: "Thank you for your time Mr. Heyman."

PAUL HEYMAN: “It was my pleasure...”

Shelby Cobra makes her exit. Paul leans back in his chair, his arms folded behind his head. He shakes his head then gives off his famed evil grin as Madness fades to commercial.

JOEY STYLES: “We're back here on Madness and it seems as though Paul Heyman has lit a fire under Shelby Cobra! You can bet your ass I'll be tuned into Warfare this week to see what she does!”

Morbid Angel
- vs -
- vs -
Ashe Dawson
- vs -
Khalif Compton
Fatal 4 Way Match

The arena fades into almost darkness "Dreadnaught" starts to blast throughout the arena as Ashe Dawson's X-Tron video starts to play. A shadowed figure appears from backstage suddenly a spotlight hits the figure who is Ashe and as he walks to the ring the lights start to come back on. By the time Ashe enters the ring the arena is as bright as it was before his entrance and his music fades out.

Jessie Kresa walks out hitting her boobs with a flask in her hand. She is screaming things to the fans as she beats on her ample breast.

Khalif Compton rushes down from the back and attacks Kresa from behind knocking her to the floor! She rolls down the ramp as Compton stays on the attack. She rushes to her feet and is met with a fist to the jaw and a boot to the stomach! He then throws her into the side of the ring and she falls to the ground! Khalif raises his hand in victory as Ashe Dawson jumps over the top rope and tackles him to the ground with amazing force! Ashe quickly gets to his feet and starts kicking Compton in the head and dropping elbows!

The lights go out in the arena! The sounds of Aeon’s God Gives Head in Heaven plays over the PA system but the lights to not rise! A scuffling sound is heard then the lights flash on to see Morbid Angel holding Ashe Dawson and Khalif Compton off the ground by their necks! The two struggle to get away from the demon! Jessie Kresa comes from behind with a fist to the genitalia!

The fist hits so hard it drops both men and Morbid. Kresa wastes no time with the demon on the ground and kicks him in the face! She then jumps on Morbid Angel’s back and attempts to choke Morbid Angel with her forearm.

Morbid stands up quickly gasping for air as this beast of a woman clings to him like a tick on a dog, choking the life from him. Morbid starts to swing her around to get her off and Ashe Dawson tackles Morbid to the ground! Compton jumps on top trying to take out the oversized death machine with a rumored tiny penis.

Morbid struggles to fight off the 3 person attack with little success! Losing oxygen quickly Morbid goes limp! The three stop and look at Morbid slumped against the barricade Kresa looks at Morbid then at Compton and Dawson and then back at Morbid Angel before throwing a fist into the face of Dawson! Dawson falls off Morbid Angel and quickly gets to his feet.

Compton head butts Kresa then follows it with a punch to the face and rolls the 450lb mammoth of a man on top of Kresa, trapping her underneath! Compton and Dawson exchange fists and chops! Compton gets the upper hand and DDTs Dawson onto the concrete floor! Dawson twitches on the ground and Compton rolls Dawson into the ring and climbs the ropes for a high flying move!

Kresa is still on the outside underneath Morbid Angel’s massive wall of muscle. The camera zooms in and see’s Morbid Angel’s eye Open wide! HE IS ALIVE!

Morbid grabs Kresa and lifts her above his head and tosses her at Compton, knocking him from the top rope and crashing onto the mat with Kresa rolling beside him. Morbid Angel quickly climbs onto the ring apron and to the top rope and to attempt a high flying move himself and manages a weak belly flop two feet away from anyone! Morbid rolls around gasping for breath!

Kresa gets up and attacks the Morbid one with everything she has! Morbid is slow getting to his feet between the barrage of fists and kicks. Kresa throws Morbid into the corner. Morbid charges out for a close line and……SUPERKICK! Kresa Super kicks Morbid and he falls to the mat! Dawson goes to attack Kresa and….SUPERKICK! Kresa just Super kicked Ashe Dawson! Compton puts Kresa in a head lock and throws her into the ropes and she bounces off and…..SUPERKICK! All three men are down on the mat! Superkicked!

Jessie Kresa goes for the pin on Ashe Dawson



………… Morbid Angel throws Kresa across the ring.

Kresa gets to her feet and Morbid charges in and gives his infamous tit punch of death! And Kresa looks at Morbid and kicks him directly in the balls!


Compton hits the 540 kick on ODB!

Compton gets back to his feet and Morbid Angel leaps into the air and delivers a Shining Wizard to Khalif Compton! Compton falls flat on his back on the mat and Morbid goes for the win by hooking the leg of ODB!




WINNER: Morbid Angel

JOEY STYLES: “Morbid Angel gets back to his winning ways here on Madness!

“Wait a minute! Victory Forever! This guy never loses!

“Maniacs, we'll be right back!”

Madness fades to commercial.

Madness returns from its commercial and we're following Heyman into the locker room of his Heyman Alliance. Once inside, Tommy Gunn, Steve Davids, Kendall Sawyer, Vellore Brommer sit in a semi-circle. Heyman stands at the forefront.

So tonight, the main event is a big one. Kendall and Steve take on Mystica and the Universal champ in one of the biggest tag team main events Madness has ever seen. Tonight, the Alliance needs to make a statement.

Tonight, you... my clients... need to take advantage of what is in front of you and win this match. There is a lot of hype and excitement surrounding the return of Mystica and for good reason. He's a legitimate main eventer. He's a hell of a competitor and you know its not going to be easy.

Azrael Erebus... we all know the kind of competitor that he is.

Heyman stops and stares at Kendall Sawyer.

Kendall, did you bring your briefcase?

She lifts it off the floor beside her and slaps the side.

Steve, you have yours?

I never leave home without it.

Good. We can claim the Universal Championship tonight if the opportunity presents itself. I don't care which of you do it, so long as its successful...

Got mine, guys.

The Alliance members look around in confusion.

Who the hell said that!?

Tommy Gunn stands up and moves aside, revealing Frodo Smackins sitting in a chair directly in Tommy Gunn's shadow.

What the hell are you doing here, Frodo!? This meeting is intended for the Heyman Alliance only!

Yeah, I know. You forgot to text me. Luckily I was following Sawyer and Gunn. Why didn't you let me know?

Frodo, you're not a member of the Heyman Alliance. You don't have a briefcase. You don't have any business being here!

Explain this shit, then. Paul, I earned my briefcase!

Frodo lifts up a plain gray Halliburton briefcase, showing it to Heyman.

Come on, Paul. You can tell them. Tell them how I'm the new secret weapon. No one will see it coming. Oh, wait. I got it, we've got a mole in here. I bet it's Davids. Don't worry, our secret is safe with me.


I just...

The entire Heyman Alliance stares at Heyman who for once in his life is at a loss for words.

This meetings over!

Great meeting guys!

Paul Heyman storms out of the locker room as Madness fades to commercial.

JOEY STYLES: “Welcome back, Maniacs! It looks like Frodo Smackins is trying to weasel his way into the Heyman Alliance!

“Right now, its time to go back to the ring!”

”The Monster” by Eminem and Rhianna plays.

JOEY STYLES: “Here comes Mastermind! He's undoubtedly one of the most unique stars in the game today! Tonight, he looks to get back to his winning ways when he takes on Joey Hawkins!”

”Trophies” by Drake plays.

JOEY STYLES: “He's not had a lot of luck to this point, but Joey Hawkins is a dedicated warrior in the ring. One day, luck might just fall his way. Maybe even tonight!”

- vs -
Joey Hawkins
Standard Match

The bell rings and the two competitors stay within their respective corners, staring each other down. The two come charging toward each other and immediately a back and forth brawl ensues. Hawkins strikes first, then Mastermind, then Hawkins, and back and forth they go.

Amid the brawl, Hawkins stuns Mastermind after catching him square on the jaw with a punch. Mastermind staggers back toward the ropes and Hawkins charges toward him. Mastermind ducks down and tosses Hawkins up and over the top rope and down to the floor.

Mastermind exits the ring and stands on the ring apron. Joey Hawkins gets back to his feet while on the floor and Mastermind leaps off the apron, delivering a flying clothesline to Hawkins and taking him right back down to the floor.

Mastermind gets back to his feet and pulls Hawkins up by his hair and rolls him into the ring. Mastermind climbs back on the apron and rather than entering, he climbs to the top rope. Mastermind leaps off the top, delivering a flying head butt to Joey Hawkins.

Mastermind hooks the leg for the win.



JOEY STYLES: “Hawkins kicks out! It's all Mastermind so far in the early part of this match.”

Mastermind gets to his feet. He reaches down and lifts Hawkins to his feet before tossing him hard into the corner. Mastermind charges toward Hawkins in the corner. At the last second, Hawkins lifts both feet up and Mastermind crashes head first into them.

Mastermind staggers backward. Hawkins hops up onto the middle rope and leaps off. He grabs the head of Mastermind and drives it into the mat with a DDT. Hawkins hooks the leg and goes for the win.



JOEY STYLES: “Mastermind kicks out after Joey Hawkins turns the tide here!”

Joey Hawkins gets back to his feet, albeit a little slowly. Once he's up, he runs toward the ropes. Off the rebound, Hawkins leaps into the air, landing an elbow drop on the fallen Mastermind. Hawkins gets back to his feet and stands back against the ropes, waiting for Mastermind to get to his feet.

As Mastermind gets to his feet, Hawkins charges in, delivering a spear to Mastermind. After the spear, Hawkins begins delivering punches to Masterminds head. The referee steps in due to the punches being closed fisted, and Hawkins stops his assault and climbs back to his feet.

The referee continues to admonish Hawkins as Mastermind starts getting back to his feet. Hawkins pulls the referee aside then delivers the Brogue Kick to Mastermind then immediately hooks the leg.

JOEY STYLES: “This could do it right here!



JOEY STYLES: “Mastermind kicks out!”

Joey Hawkins is livid that the kick didn't put Mastermind away. He argues with the referee as Mastermind struggles to get to his feet. Hawkins shoves the referee and the ref immediately shoves him back, as Hawkins momentum carries him backward, he finds himself in the grip of Masterminds sleeper hold.

JOEY STYLES: “The Mind Sleeper!”

Hawkins struggles against the sleeper but finally begins to succumb. He falls down to his knees and begins to fade quickly. Mastermind lets go and Hawkins falls to the mat. Mastermind grabs Hawkins legs and begins to turn him over into a Boston crab, but Hawkins, knowing what's coming, quickly crawls toward the ropes, breaking the hold before its even applied.

Mastermind maintains a grip on Hawkins' legs and rips him away from the ropes and back to the center of the ring. He turns him over and successfully applies the Boston Crab.

JOEY STYLES: “The Mind Controller! In the center of the ring!”

Hawkins yells out in pain. He scratches and claws his way toward the ropes, but he's just too far away. Joey Hawkins has no choice but to tap out.

WINNER: Mastermind

JOEY STYLES: “Joey Hawkins gives it up! Mastermind takes the victory in a good back and forth match! Hawkins just can not catch a break!”

Madness fades to commercial.

Madness returns and immediately...

"Young Lust" by Pink Floyd begins to play.

The fans get up to their feet in cheers. John Austin slowly makes his way out from behind the curtain, dressed in a custom made white suit with dark shades covering his eyes. He is seen caring a black bag across his back.

JOEY STYLES: “Here comes the salty vet, John Austin. He was not schedule to be here tonight but its always great having John grace us with his presence.”

John greets some of the fans before entering the ring. He motions for a mic from ringside. He is handed a mic and asks for the music to be died down.

JOHN AUSTIN: “Thank you all for that great reception. You know a-lot has been going on in my life prior to my return to XWF. Prior to my injury sustained at the hands of the New World Order, I ended up meeting someone. This certain someone has changed my life in more ways than anyone will ever know.

“A week before my XWF return, I got the news that would change my life, I was going to be a father for the very first time.”

Fans begin clapping and John nods his head in approval.

JOHN AUSTIN: “Thank you, I appreciate that.

“See, I came out here night after night and gave you my all. Sometimes I won and sometimes I lost but I put on the best show that I could give you despite what was going on in my private life.

“You all are what makes John Austin the man he is today. With my battles against guys like Ezekiel Carter, Matt Lennox or NeoNero, I never gave up. No matter how violent or brutal the matches were I never gave up. Unfortunately though, its time for John Austin to start winding his career down.”

The fans in the arena begin to boo.

JOHN AUSTIN: “I don't want to be one of those sad tales about how I missed my child's first steps, the child's first words because I was so locked in to the business. I am going back home and getting ready for a new chapter in my life.”

John drops the bag and unzips it, pulling out his wrestling boots that have his initials engraved in them. He lays them in the center of the ring. Young Lust by Pink Floyd begins to play as John exits the ring. He walks back up the ramp as the camera zooms in on the boots. Chants of "Thank you Austin" can be heard in the arena.

JOEY STYLES: “What a career this young man has had. Hopefully we'll see Austin again sometime down the road.

“I speak for the rest of the Xtreme Wrestling Federation when I say, thank you John Austin. You were the source of a lot of fun moments on Madness and in the XWF in general. You will certainly be missed.

“We'll be right back.”

JOEY STYLES: “The Madness is back and up next, the Xtreme Champion Mark Flynn and the legendary John Black team up to take on Aaron Andrews, who is already in the ring and Bobby Zi.

“Last week on Warfare, Bobby Zi stole the Xtreme title away from Mark Flynn. Tonight, will Mark Flynn get his revenge? Or is it possible that Bobby Zi may indeed walk out as the new Xtreme Champion?”

Tha Lost Soul plays.

JOEY STYLES: “Here comes the former Xtreme Champion and current holder of the physical title, right now! Bobby Zi!”

”Elanor Rigby” by the Beatles plays.

JOEY STYLES: “Here he comes, Maniacs! The King of the Midcarders! Free Win Mark Flynn himself! The real Xtreme Champ!”

”Sic Them Youngins On 'Em” by Ice Cube plays.

JOEY STYLES: “On the roof has come off here at the Verizon Center! The living legend himself! It's JOHN FUCKING BLACK!”

Aaron Andrews & Bobby Zi
- vs -
Mark Flynn & John Black
Standard Tag Team Rules

The bell rings and it'll be Mark Flynn starting things off with Aaron Andrews. The two tie it up in the center of the ring and Flynn easily backs Andrews into the corner. The referee calls for a break and he receives it. Flynn backs off and Andrews charges toward Flynn. Flynn reaches down and delivers a counter power slam and hooks the leg.



JOEY STYLES: “Bobby Zi with the save! Andrews was not about to kick out there!”

Bobby Zi is still working over Flynn until John Black makes his presence felt with a drop kick to the back of the head. Zi stumbles forward and through the ropes to the outside as the fans go nuts for John Black. The referee back Black up and he exits the ring back to his corner.

Flynn gets back to his feet, rubbing the back of his head from the vicious boot he took from Bobby.

On the outside, Bobby Zi has reached his feet and sneaks up on John Black who waits patiently for the tag. As Mark Flynn reaches out for said tag, Bobby Zi rips Blacks feet out from under him. Black incidentally hits his chin off the apron and falls to the floor.

JOEY STYLES: “That move right there from Bobby Zi ensures that Flynn can't tag out and recover from that kick!”

Flynn realizes what happened and charges toward the ropes. He dives through with Bobby Zi as his target. Unfortunately for Flynn, Bobby saw it coming. Bobby steps out of the way and Flynn crashes to the floor. Bobby slides into the ring and grabs Andrews and rips him to his feet.

JOEY STYLES: “That's kind of unbecoming of a tag team partner!”

Bobby tosses his own partner in their designated corner. Bobby steps out of the ring just long enough to tag himself in. Bobby then re-enters the ring and tosses his own partner out of the ring. Mark Flynn slowly rolls himself back into the ring and Bobby Zi goes for the cover.



JOEY STYLES: “Flynn with the foot on the rope, stopping the three count! Flynn is so cerebral. He always knows where he is... at least physically, maybe not so much mentally... even when it seems like he doesn't.”

Bobby gets to his feet and waits for Flynn to get up. As Flynn does, Bobby moves in. Flynn swings but bonny ducks it and traps Flynn in a rear waist lock.

JOEY STYLES: “John Black has made it to the apron and barely misses a quick tag attempt from Mark Flynn!”

Bobby delivers a German suplex to Flynn, then rolls over, lifts him up, and delivers a second, and then a third and goes for a cover.



JOEY STYLES: “John Black with the save! These fans here in the nations capitol are just clamoring for John Black to get in this thing!”

The referee ushers John Black back out of the ring. Bobby slowly gets back to his feet. Flynn is slow to rise and as he does so, Bobby takes a swing. Flynn ducks it. With Bobby's back now facing him, Flynn delivers a reverse DDT out of desperation.

Flynn begins to crawl toward the corner. John Black begins hopping on the apron, reaching for the tag.



JOEY STYLES: “And this place just came unglued! John Black is now the legal man!

“And here comes Aaron Andrews! He's also legal now after Bobby Zi made the tag!”

Andrews enters and charges toward John Black. Black counters with a huge spine buster that shakes the ring. Black gets back to his feet and Andrews staggers to his. Black kicks him in the gut and delivers a DDT. Black goes for the cover.



JOEY STYLES: “Bobby Zi makes the save here! Now here comes Flynn! The referee just lost control!”

Flynn goes after Bobby but is quickly dumped over the top rope and to the floor by Bobby. Black gets back to his feet and has his eyes set on Andrews. Aaron just makes it to his feet and receives a drop kick to the head. Andrews falls to the mat and Black is a man on fire until he gets rolled up from behind by Bobby Zi!

JOEY STYLES: “A hand full of tights and feet on the rope!”




JOEY STYLES: “What the hell! Bobby Zi wasn't even the legal man here!”

The bell rings and Mark Flynn rips the Xtreme title away from the time keeper. He enters the ring and delivers a round house title strike to the back ob Bobby Zi's head. Andrews makes his way to his feet and he receives the same fate.

Meanwhile, the fans are booing louder than ever at the screw job John Black just received. Black is in the referees face.

JOEY STYLES: “This is a grave injustice! John Black and Mark Flynn just got...”


The fans begin to quiet down as Paul Heyman emerges from backstage.

The only person around here allowed to perform screw jobs is me!

This is the most absurd thing I have ever seen and I will be damned if a living legend like John Black is going to get screwed on MY show!

The fans go nuts all over again.

It is my official ruling that this match will continue! This match will continue and right now, John Black you and Aaron Andrews are the legal competitors! Bobby Zi's pinfall is voided due to the fact that he was not the legal man!

You could make the argument that if the pin never happened, then Mark Flynn should be disqualified for using the title as a weapon.

In typical Paul Heyman fashion... That never happened!


The bell rings and the fans continue to cheer hard in favor of John Black.

JOEY STYLES: “The people love him!”

John Black stands in the center of the ring, and he slowly turns 360 degrees, taking it all in. More than 15,000 fans screaming his name, urging him to victory.

JOEY STYLES: “I think Mark Flynn already did the hard part. Bobby Zi and Aaron Andrews are both out cold!”

John Black grabs Andrews and rips him to his feet. Black lifts him up in a firemens carry as Mark Flynn climbs to the top rope. Black drives Andrews into the mat with the Death Valley Driver as Flynn flies through the air...


Flynn lands his flying knee drop to the skull and John Black stands, once again looking around at the crowd cheering him on. He places one foot on Andrews chest. Mark Flynn hits the mat and makes the count along with the referee as the crowd counts along.




WINNER: Mark Flynn & the Living Legend, JOHN BLACK!

JOEY STYLES: “John Black makes a triumphant return to Madness!”

Flynn briefly raises Blacks hand in victory, before backing up the ramp. John Black stands on the stage, taking in the monumental crowd response as Madness fades to commercial.

”America The Beautiful” begins to play quietly in the background as the Xtron comes to life.

A female voice greets us.

Detroit, Michigan...

A once great city...

File footage shows a booming Detroit. Days from when it was truly the Motor City. The days when factories for General Motors, Ford Motor Company and Chrysler Corporation ruled the city.

A booming metropolis...

Jobs weren't scarce...

Money was hard-earned...

Workers were paid well...

The file footage fades out. Present day Detroit fades in. Trash is strewn along desolate streets. Numerous shots of closed down factories. Dozens of shots of foreclosed homes, rundown neighborhoods, homeless people sleeping in the alley ways and parks of the once great city and pot hole laden streets fill your screen.

The voice of Kennedy Nikomedes joins us.

”In my America, Detroit will once again boom. The car manufacturers will come back to Detroit and it will become the Motor City once again. You can ask how I'll do it and the answer is simple. If American manufacturers send our jobs overseas, then their companies and their products will no longer be welcome here.

“I know it sounds harsh, and it is. The reality is that these American companies move their productions elsewhere and bring their products back to America to sell to the hard working American people. They do this because labor is cheaper, yet the prices for automobiles continue to rise at a staggering rate, lining their corporate pockets with cash they'll never need and never use.

“In my America, these companies and hundreds of thousands of others will be forced to bring our jobs back, or face dissolution. Their American branded companies will be dissolved, their American patents sold off to other companies that are willing to put our jobs back where they belong.

“To my fellow Americans, the power rests within your hands. In 2016, you can vote for your run of the mill career politician, or you can take the power back. You can vote for your futures. You can vote for your childrens' futures. You can vote for your grandchildrens' futures.

“You can vote for Kennedy Nikomedes in 2016.”

Shots of different founders flash across the screen.

”My name is Kennedy Nikomedes, and I approved this message.”

Paid for by Citizens for Niko 2016.

Madness fades back to commercial.
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[-] The following 8 users Like Paul Heyman's post:
Bobby Charles (07-16-2014), Frodo mother fucking Smackins (07-16-2014), Khalif Compton (07-16-2014), Mastermind (07-16-2014), Morbid Angel (07-16-2014), Mystica (07-16-2014), Ozymandias (07-16-2014), Peter Fn Gilmour (07-16-2014)
Frodo mother fucking Smackins Offline
Big Dick Playa

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

07-16-2014, 04:31 PM

"Well, lookit, I'm in the Heyman Alliance! And Kennedy supports my city! Kennedy 2016! DETROIT FOREVER!!"

[Image: ZXX7HJw.png?1]

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[-] The following 1 user Likes Frodo mother fucking Smackins's post:
Guppy Parsh (07-16-2014)
Guppy Parsh Offline
Person Against The Rape Of Lizards

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Kids, disabled people, casual fans

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by most adult male fans)

07-16-2014, 05:02 PM

(07-16-2014, 04:31 PM)Frodo Smackins Said: "Well, lookit, I'm in the Heyman Alliance! And Kennedy supports my city! Kennedy 2016! DETROIT FOREVER!!"

"Somebody had to be the new A-Team! Good luck in there, Frodo!"

[Image: H1oMImx.jpg]

XWF Top 50 of All-Time (#22 on 2015 and 2017 editions, #26 on 2021 edition)
1x RTX/Ruler of the Road to Extreme Xtreme WORLD Champion
2x Trio Tag Champion (1x as Tri Bute /w Ms. Diaz, Ms. Snow Pharaoh, and Mr. Supernova) (1x /w Benito Angelo and Jervis Cottonbelly)
1x Ark of The Covenant Champion
Winner of Gaybe Lincoln's XWF Tag Team Tournament /w Scully
Leader of the PAT-RO-oL's Anti-Rapist Division

Shoutout to Graves for the banner

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[-] The following 2 users Like Guppy Parsh's post:
(07-16-2014), Frodo mother fucking Smackins (07-16-2014)
Frodo mother fucking Smackins Offline
Big Dick Playa

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

07-16-2014, 05:22 PM

"Thanks, Guppy. I don't think I'm going to be able to fill your shoes."

[Image: ZXX7HJw.png?1]

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Guppy Parsh Offline
Person Against The Rape Of Lizards

XWF FanBase:
Kids, disabled people, casual fans

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by most adult male fans)

07-16-2014, 05:33 PM

We're the same size! You can borrow my shoes any time you want. =< D

[Image: H1oMImx.jpg]

XWF Top 50 of All-Time (#22 on 2015 and 2017 editions, #26 on 2021 edition)
1x RTX/Ruler of the Road to Extreme Xtreme WORLD Champion
2x Trio Tag Champion (1x as Tri Bute /w Ms. Diaz, Ms. Snow Pharaoh, and Mr. Supernova) (1x /w Benito Angelo and Jervis Cottonbelly)
1x Ark of The Covenant Champion
Winner of Gaybe Lincoln's XWF Tag Team Tournament /w Scully
Leader of the PAT-RO-oL's Anti-Rapist Division

Shoutout to Graves for the banner

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Frodo mother fucking Smackins (07-16-2014)

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