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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare Results
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Warfare - 7/9
Author Message
Miranda Tigris Offline
It all comes down to one thing: Power

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

07-10-2014, 11:43 PM

Verizon Wireless Arena
Manchester, New Hampshire

Percy Gains
- vs -
Michael 'King' Reece
- vs -
Ben Bones
Standard Triple Threat, One Fall

- vs -

Mafia Men(Gregor, Victor and Rudolf)
- vs -
DOCA_HVP2014, Phoenix Death and Slade
Tornado Tag

Joey Hawkins
- vs -
Frodo Smackins
X-treme Jello Wrestling
Both men will fight in a kiddie pool full of half solidified lime Jello
Weapons will be laid out around the pool for use
Opponents may win by pin fall, submission or K.O

Clyde Baker
- vs -
Peter Gilmour
Standard, One Fall

Contendership For The X-treme Title Match
Jessie Diaz
- vs -
Irish Eddie Sheehan
Special Guest Referee - Mark Flynn
Last Person Standing
Winner will go on to face the X-treme Champ on the next edition of Warfare!

Peter Gilmour is seen entering his locker room but as he steps in his head jerks back and his body follows, stumbling all the way across the hall and into the wall as a fist with a green glove remains extended from his locker room door way.

Gilmour touches his lip after being punched in it and then looks up to see DOCA HVP, otherwise known as Mr. Proxy.

It's nothing personal, I assure you.

DOCA HVP steps out from the locker room and holds his arms out to his sides inviting Gilmour to strike back. Gilmour sees the blood on his hand after touching his lip and is enraged, charging as DOCA HVP goes low with a sliding sweep that causes Gilmour with his momentum to flip up and over DOCA HVP's crouching body. When Gilmour lands on his head, DOCA HVP is already wrapping him into a grounded neck lock and rapidly punching him in the top of the head as fast as he can.

Someone around here doesn't like you and feels you need to be shown the way.

A few more strikes before Gilmour is able to get his hands up and block a shot. That's when DOCA HVP tightens his arm around his neck and yanks, turning this into an anaconda vice and locking up Gilmour's arm.

Don't like being punched? How about passed out?

More and more pressure is applied to the vice for a few seconds before DOCA HVP switches into a full on blatant choke with his forearm crushing into Gilmour's adams apple. DOCA HVP wraps him in a body scissor to ensure he cannot wiggle free.

Ssshhhhhhhh, hush little baby don't say a word.

Gilmour's face is red as he weakens and slowly fades away. DOCA HVP jerks his neck back a few more times even after Gilmour's body is limp before releasing and shoving his body away from him. Standing up to his feet and looking down, he smirks.

This has been an anonymous hit via proxy. Should the initiator of this hit choose to reveal his or herself at anytime, you will know it. Have a good night.

He walks off, not caring that Gilmour was passed out and couldn't hear him.

Percy Gains
- vs -
Michael 'King' Reece
- vs -
Ben Bones
Standard Triple Threat, One Fall

Percy Gains is already in the ring, waiting for his debuting opponents to make their way down.

At the first note of the song, the arena goes dark except for a few purple lights shining from the stage area. The chorus comes in with a loud scream of "YOU CAN'T STOP ME!!' and at that, Reece comes bursting through the curtains, full of energy, bouncing and pounding his chest. He runs to both ends of the stage, pointing out at the crowd, and feeding off of their excitement. Keeping that excitement, he goes down the ramp, veering from side to side high fiving fans. Enters the ring via the steel steps, goes to the farthest corner, stands on the second rope, and throws both fists in the air triumphantly.

"Chop Suey" by System of a Down plays and Ben Bones walks to the ring with no taunts from the ramp.

Ding ding ding!

Gains looks around the ring, looking both of his opponents over. His attention shifts from Bones to Reece. Back to Bones. Then again to Reece. And to-- no! Reece with a huge spear that rocks Gains and brings him right to the mat! Bones jumps in the fray, rushing over to Reece who's getting back to his feet. He scoops Reece up off his feet and the mat and slams him backfirst onto the mat! Bones then lays a few stomps into both men's fallen bodies before going for the cover on Gains. The ref takes a bit too long getting into position and Reece throws a wild kick that just so happens to connect right with the crown of Bones' head! The pin's broken up and both Reece and Bones get back up to their feet, leaving Gains struggling and using the ropes to reach his. Gains finally does and rolls into the corner to catch his breath, but before he can Bones whips Reece right into the same set of turnbuckles!

Gains doesn't move in time and gets positively squashed!

Then Bones runs in and hits a Stinger splash into both men! Reece takes a few steps forward and falls face first to the mat while Gains slides downwards into a seated position with his back against the lower two turnbuckles. Bones peels Reece up to his feet but Reece grabs Bones' arms and throws them off him, following that up with a straight punch to the stomach! As Bones doubles over, Reece explodes up from his knees and hits a massive spinebuster! Following that, he drops the big elbow right across Bones' sternum and goes for a cover but Bones kicks out before the ref can even drop to position.

Reece peels Bones off the mat and sets him up for a suplex. But no! Bones is blocking it! Everytime Reece tries to pull him up Bones shifts his weight and lands feetfirst in the same position! Bones hits a punch to Reece's ribs and hits s uplex of his own! He rolls through! Astounding that a man of his size can pull something like that off but he does! He lifts Reece up for a second one but as Reece goes up he hits Bones in the face with his knee and Bones' grip loosens. Just what Reece needed to land on his feet right in front of the staggered Bones and hit a belly to belly suplex! Gains still hasn't stirred after getting crushed in the corner!

Bones hits Reece with a kick to the midsection as he leans over to peel him off the mat and gets up on his own accord. With Reece doubled over, he hits a backbreaker on him and turns his attention to the now at least conscious Gains. He walks over to where Gains is seated and pulls him out of the corner. He sets him up...


The pin!



SAVED by Reece! He pulls Bones off Gains!

King Driver! (Dominator)!

Onto Gains! He pushes Bones off Gains' body and covers the fallen, broken Percy Gains.




Winner: Michael "King" Reece

The arena goes dark static replaces the current image on the XWF Tron and then a voice begins speaking, the words appearing on the tron in unison...

What happens...

...when 3 General Managers...

...have no plan?

The words disappear and are replaced with the a familiar face...


It's time to light a fire under this place!


- vs -

Cry Little Sister by Carfax Abbey begins to play as the lights in the arena go black.
The entrance fills with smoke as Kraven steps out from behind the curtain and stands
In the smoke staring out coldly to the ring. He begins his slow walk to the ring through
The smoke as a purple hugh lights up the entrance ramp. Once he reaches the ring
He scales the steps and steps on the apron, he turns and gazes into the crowd with a
deadly stare before entering the ring. He then makes his way to his corner and sits on
the mat, leaning against the bottom turnbuckle with his arms to his side, resting on the

The lights go out, and then when they come back on Mastermind is seen standing on the top rope waving to the crowd.

Kraven doesn’t like to wait for Mastermind to get his crowd boosting out of the way and attacks by ripping him from the ropes and throwing him into the ropes and hitting a jumping close line!

Mastermind jumps to his feet and is on the attack by jumping on Kraven and forcing him to the mat! He then desperately starts grabbing at Kravens arms trying to get a good hold but Kraven punches him in the face and Mastermind rolls off!

Once they are both to their feet, Kraven makes the first move and jumps to the top rope to do something but is quickly taken down by Mastermind crashing into the ropes!

Kraven sits on the top turn buckle holding his mashed testies while Mastermind suplexes Kraven from the top to the mat! Kraven bounces once and lays lifeless! Mastermind jumps to the top rope and looks around with a wicked glare! He leaps off and hit’s a frog splash! Quickly Mastermind goes for the pin!

Mastermind stops and shakes his head and laughs. He rolls Kraven onto his back and grabs his ankle for a submission. Being confident that Kraven is unconscious he doesn’t put much pressure on the joint and has the ref check.

The Ref raises Kraven’s hand and it falls to the mat….

He raises it again and it once more falls to the mat….

Mastermind starts shaking his head for the impending victory

The ref raises it a third time and it starts to fall…but stops only an inch from the mat! Mastermind thinks it fell and he has Won and lets go and goes over to see the crowds face for his win!

Kraven is quick to his feet and punches Mastermind in the spine causing his legs to give out! Kraven jumps on Masterminds shoulders and rips his arm up and starts to strangle Mastermind with his thighs!

Mastermind falls back to the mat and tries to free himself as the life fades from his face and as a last ditch effort he throws a leg onto the ropes and the ref breaks them up.

Kraven walks to the other side of the ropes while the Ref gives Mastermind a few seconds to stand but instead he rolls out of the ring! Kraven runs over to the ride of the ring and sees Mastermind scurry underneath the ring.

Kraven walks around the ring looking for where he might be and starts jumping around in hopes that the floors recoil will bounce off his head! But as he jumps the canvas rips open and Kraven goes crashing to the floor underneath the ring! Mastermind pulls himself from the hole and stands beside it! He looks down and grabs Kraven and pulls him up through the hole! Kraven limping from the unexpected fall and stumbles into the ropes. Mastermind rushes over to end Kraven but Kraven grabs Masterminds knee and drops him to the mat! Mastermind quickly roll to get up and Kraven attaches himself to his back and wraps his legs around in true UFC fashion! Locking his arms around Masterminds neck and choking him! The ref Checks just in time to see Mastermind tap out!


Mafia Men(Gregor, Victor, and Rudolf)
- vs -
DOCA_HVP2014, Phoenix Death, and Slade
Tornado Tag

Slade is the first out to the ring and seems to not even be paying attention to the fans. He just walks into the ring and waits for his partners.

Next up, DOCA HVP walks to the ring, taking his shades off midway down the ramp and tossing them into the crowd. Once in the ring he pulls on the ropes to test them out and get a good stretch in the corner before looking out to the crowd and wiggling his eyebrows at the most beautiful woman in the front row. DOCA HVP has his manager with him who resembles an actual real life troll and stands out at ringside.

Now Phoenix Death comes out through a cloud of white smoke with sirens going off. He walks slowly down to the ring and takes his coat and hat off before turning toward the entrance to await the opponents.

"Hunt You Down" by Saliva hits the speakers as all three Mafia Men emerge from the back, plus their manager for this evening, The Don. The Don looks on in approval as his men head into the ring and The Don remains out at ringside. He can't help but notice DOCA HVP's hideous manager "the troll" not too far away from him and The Don gets a look on his face like he smells some bad fish. The Troll laughs.


Just as the match is set to begin, DOCA HVP gives his partner Slade a friendly nod and extends his hand for a hand shake. Slade accepts and a split second later his blood is flying up into the air straight out of the newly opened gash across his throat!

[Image: Blood_Splatter_1.gif]

DOCA HVP's serrated blade on his 6 foot combat knife just ripped through Slade's neck like a saw through butter.

"Normally I'd say this isn't personal but in your case, it is very personal. If it's up to myself and PD to do all the work today, that means you lose.

"You lose the right to breathe our air and take home any kind of check.

DOCA HVP holds Slade up by a handful of his hair while gashing, gashing, gashing, gashing his throat again and again. Then, he gashes again. Then does it again. Now he gashes Slade's throat.

Fans in attendance start yelling about how he's gashing his throat which prompts DOCA HVP to gash Slade's throat some more until, oh no.

Slade's body drops with a thud.

But his head does not!


[Image: blood_splatter_by_mortzilla_jpg.jpg]

Slade's head is thrown clear across the ring and slams into Rudolf of the Mafia Men's chest and the momentum sends him falling out of the ring with the head clutched in his arms like he caught a basketball.

DOCA HVP kicks Slade's headless body out under the bottom rope and cracks his knuckles like he's ready to begin and everything is perfectly normal.

"The Troll" at ringside starts to stomp on the body of Slade as "The Don" goes over to his man to give him some new orders after seeing this has turned into a 2 on 3 in Mafia Men's favor.

Slade has officially been removed from this match! Rest in piece, Slade...

Rudolf is not happy about having Slade's blood all over him and he boots Slades decapitated head far out into the audience! Many of the fans yell "goal!" as a result.

The ref isn't sure what to make of the fact that DOCA HVP and Phoenix Death are at a numbers disadvantage but he just goes along with it and orders this tornado tag to begin!

The Don is waving his men into action as the three Mafia Men storm toward DOCA HVP and Phoenix Death, catching them off guard in the corner and just pummeling the two. Rudolf takes his blood stained shirt off and pulls it over DOCA's face while Gregor stomps away. Victor pulls Phoenix Death to the middle of the ring and hits a DDT before pulling him right back up into a series of knees to the gut and following it up with another DDT and Phoenix Death looks to be out of it!

Victor goes over to DOCA who is now behind held with his arms restrained by Gregor and Rudolf. Victor unloads with a series of closed fists right to DOCA's exposed face and he can't even defend himself as the others keep his arms locked. Now all three just start hammering DOCA with clubbing blows to the head and back, forcing DOCA down to the canvas face first.

The Don looks pleased at ringside but starts yelling to his mean to turn around because here comes Phoenix Death! Phoenix Death hits a double clothesline taking down Victor and Rudolf and then catches Gregor's foot as he was about to kick Phoenix in the gut. Phoenix tosses the foot upward to make Gregor fall backwards and then leaps up to drop an elbow across the fallen Gregor's chest.

But wait!

Frodo runs down the ring, and sees the Mafia Men fighting DOCA and Phoenix Death, he climbs the turnbuckle, and in a solid leap he performs a glorious diving clothesline that takes out Gregor, and Rudolph. He gets to his feat and throws his fist firmly into Victor's jaw, and kicking his knee out from him. With all three men down Frodo goes to work, the other team backs away as Frodo does their work for them. He lifts Gregor up first, and drags him over to the corner, before hitting a Shayouken! that sends Gregor back. He leaves the trash in the corner before pulling Victor up next and shoving him into the center of the ring, and climbing the turnbuckle opposite Gregor. Victor starts getting to his feet but he gets hit with a powerful LolNope (flying superman punch off the top rope) which sends him down. Frodo then lifts him up and whips him into the corner with Gregor. Rudolph begins to get to his feet and is greeted with a Shining Wizard from the Hobbit. Frood then delivers a Somersault Leg Drop on Rudolph before getting up, lifting up Rudolph and whipping him into the corner with the other two before running to the back.

Phoenix with the cover on the fallen forward Rudolf!


...Broken up by Gregor as Victor follows up with a series of stomps to Phoenix Death.

DOCA is back to his feet and pulls Victor around into a short arm clothesline before taking Rudolf down with a big kick to the chest. Phoenix Death gets back to his feet and now he joins DOCA in stomping away on Gregor repeatedly while the other two Mafia Men try to recover.

Phoenix Death pulls Gregor up and holds him in a full nelson while DOCA HVP just unloads with rapid undercuts to Gregor's stomach and then cracks Gregor in the mouth with a big haymaker. Phoenix Death lifts the full nelson into a slam driving Gregor down onto his back. DOCA immediately drops down to make the cover!


...Broken up by Victor! Phoenix Death kicks Victor in the head and throws him out of the ring right at the feet of The Don who begins shouting new orders to his man. Behind Phoenix Death comes Rudolf with a sleeper hold! Rudolf is yanking Phoenix' head back and forth and the two are going in circles with Phoenix unable to escape the hold! DOCA HVP measures them up and charges at Rudolf's back in an attempt to hit the back of his head with a superman punch but Rudolf turned Phoenix around just in time for Phoenix to be the one to get struck in the face! Phoenix goes down hard as a result of his own partner's miscalculation!

DOCA can't believe his eyes and Rudolf quickly takes advantage with a spear! Rudolf with the cover!


...Broken up by The Troll! DOCA's manager has saved the day!

The Don has seen enough and he reaches in under the ropes to yank the rather short freak right out with ease, causing the small man to flop on the mat at ringside and get knocked out after hitting his head.

Victor and Gregor now join Rudolf in a full on assault of DOCA and Phoenix. They pull Phoenix up and hold him while Gregor climbs the ropes... "YOU'RE MINE!" Gregor just nearly broke Phoenix clean in half with that flying spear off the top! All three stomp Phoenix in the head and stomach until Victor turns to DOCA and pulls him up. Victor makes eye contact with Rudolf who is backing up a few steps. Victor shoves DOCA forward... "LISTEN TO ME!" That's Rudolf with his patented flying clothesline that takes DOCA down!

Gregor yanks Phoenix Death up and shoves him into the same move but this time delivered by Victor!

Phoenix and DOCA are both down and out!

Victor goes for the cover on DOCA...



...KICKOUT! He got out of it at the last possible moment! Gregor can't believe it but he wastes no time in covering Phoenix Death...



...Broken up by DOCA! He literally rolled across the ring to punch Victor in the face to stop the pin and now Gregor and Rudolf are all over DOCA!

Victor holds his face for a few seconds before turning his attention back to Phoenix and pulling him up... but... LOW BLOW! Phoenix Death just smashed him right in the nuts!

Rudolf charges at Phoenix and clubs him in the back and starts to stomp away on him while Gregor and DOCA trade shots back and forth. DOCA blocks a right from Gregor and then yanks his arm straight down into an instant crippler crossface! That's his patented "MAKE A DEAL!" submission hold!

The Don from ringside yells at Rudolf to turn around and break up the hold, which he does but as he comes crashing down it was Gregor he hit with a double axe handle as DOCA released and rolled out of the way at the last second! Gregor turns around just in time to receive a superman punch from DOCA! Phoenix Death gets back to his feet and catches Victor with a leg sweep and then shoves him out under the bottom rope. Phoenix Death rushes over and tackles Gregor as DOCA irish whips Rudolf into the far ropes... then catches him with a huge double fist smash right in the face that sends Rudolf twirling around and flopping hard on the canvas! That's "THE PAY LOAD!" from DOCA! He covers Rudolf as Phoenix Death has Gregor tied up in the ropes and Victor is still outside of the ring. The ref begins the count with DOCA pinning Rudolf...




Winners: DOCA HVP & Phoenix Death

DOCA and Death instantly roll out of the ring and head up the ramp with their arms raised. The Troll slowly recovers from his earlier fall and joins them as The Don enters the ring and checks on his men who do not look happy!

Joey Hawkins
- vs -
Frodo Smackins
X-treme Jello Wrestling
Both men will fight in a kiddie pool full of half solidified lime Jello
Weapons will be laid out around the pool for use
Opponents may win by pin fall, submission or K.O

Ding Ding. The sound of the bell went off. Frodo and Joey didn't waste anytime. They rushed each other and started to trade blows. Joey was getting the upper hand, He forced Frodo back into one of the corners and started to unload a fury of punches. He stopped and taunted to the crowd. He got some cheers but mostly boos. Joey turned to get back to work, but Frodo wasn't there. Joey had a confused look on his face. It seemed that Frodo went up in smoke, but little did he know Frodo had rolled out of the ring and made his way to the other side and got in. Joey turned to talk to the Ref but as soon as he did. Frodo was already running to him and hit Joey with a spear. Frodo went for the cover.




Frodo got to his feet and got Joey's to his then Irish whipped him off the ropes, Joey bounced off, Frodo tried to hit Joey with an uppercut but Joey countered with his own spear. Joey got to his feet and brought Frodo to his but was soon put down with a body slam to the mat. Joey walked over to the ring post and climbed up top. Joey flipped off Frodo and jumped from the top rope trying to hit him with a diving leg drop, but Frodo had recovered and rolled out of the way in time. Joey landed hard on his ass which caused him pain. The little man smirked and rushed up the top rope and waited for Joey to get to his feet. Once his was. Frodo leaped off and strike Joey in the face with a flying Superman punch(lolnope) Joey went down and Frodo went for the pin.




Somehow Joey was still alive. Frodo got up and started to stomp Joey's head into the match.




Stom- Joey somehow grabbed Frodo's foot and pushed the little guy away which sent him off balance and Frodo fell down to the mat. Joey was getting to his feet but slowly. The stomps had made his nose bleed, he wiped the blood but by the time he got to his feet. Frodo was up and charging at him ready to hit Joey with a clothesline but Joey reacted quickly and reversed it into a spine buster. The wind was knocked out of Frodo. He laid on the mat spread out. Joey got to his feet and looked down at the fallen man.

Joey Hawkins-"I'm ending this now!"

Joey grabbed Frodo by the hair and got him up, from there he put Frodo's head between his legs and lifted him up and hit him with a powerbomb, but he didn't let go and lifted Frodo back up and hit once more with a powerbomb(Heavy Heat). Then went for the cover.



Three- Frodo kicked out just in time. How? Who knew but Joey was angry. He got to his feet and stepped back into one of the corners of the ring and waited for Frodo to get up. Frodo didn't know where he was at as he got to one knee, he was stilled dazed from the powerbombs. Joey waited like a snake ready to strike it's prey, Frodo now to his feet slowly turned, Joey ran and did a Brogue Kick and aimed for Frodo's head but The King of Dwarves ducked and rolled out of the way. Joey caught himself on the ropes and turned to face Frodo, but once he did, he was hit in the jaw out of nowhere by Frodo's Shayouken!, which sent Joey flipping up into the air then crashed landed onto the mat hard. Frodo went for the cover and hooked Joey's legs.




Winner by Pin fall. Frodo Smackins.

Clyde Baker
- vs -
Peter Gilmour
Standard, One Fall

Standing 6' 1'", weighing 185 pounds; from Nome, Nebraska: Clyde Baker!

Standing at 6' 5", weighing 345 pounds; from Los Angeles, California: Peter Gilmour!

Peter walks up to Clyde and punches him in the face! Clyde smacks back-first onto the mat with a loud thud. Peter pins Clyde down with his foot over the sternum, and gives him a series of stomps to that region. Peter picks up Clyde with one hand and shoves him into the corner. He charges in for an attack but Clyde kicks his feet up and taps Peter in the chin with the toe of his boot. Peter loses his footing and drops to one knee. Clyde knocks him the rest of the way down with a shoulder block. Peter gets up and runs after Clyde, but Clyde gives him a judo throws which causes Peter to roll out of the ring. Peter tries to get back in the ring, but Clyde knocks him back with a baseball slide into a DDT on the outside mat. Clyde rolls Peter in the ring after that impressive move and pins him.



Kick out!

Clyde picks up Peter for what looks like will be a fireman's carry, but Peter blinds him with an elbow strike. Peter reverses it into a crucifix pin.



Kick out!

Peter and Clyde recover simultaneously. Clyde throws a punch but Peter blocks it and gives him a Samoan drop in the center of the ring. Peter picks up Clyde into an arm twist hold and drops an elbow to the back of Clyde's shoulder. Peter then runs off the ropes and delivers a Yakuza kick to that same region. Peter pins Clyde.



Kick out!

Peter takes Clyde to the center of the mat and goes for the End Game (Package piledriver), but Clyde reverses it into a back body drop. Clyde then jumps backwards and down onto Peter's chest, and throws some mounted punches. Clyde picks up Peter, kicks him in the stomach, and throws him into the ropes. Clyde tries for a leg lariat, but Peter catches his ankle and reverses the move into a leg whip. Clyde tries to make a swift recovery, but Peter dispatches his second Yakuza kick of the night; this time into the bridge of Clyde's nose. Peter pins Clyde.



Kick out!

Peter climbs to the second rope and goes for a leg drop, but Clyde rolls out of the way. Peter hurts his ass. He gets up to both knees but Clyde is there waiting for him, and drops him down with a snap DDT. Clyde pins Peter.



Kick out!

Clyde takes his chances on the top rope this time. He goes for a corkscrew crossbody but Peter catches him and delivers him to the mat with a power slam! Peter hooks both legs immediately after.



Kick out!

Peter gets Clyde in the center of the ring and goes for the KILLSWITCH (GTS into RKO), but as he gets Clyde into the fireman's carry, Clyde shifts his weight and reverses the move into a DDT! Clyde hooks the leg of Peter.



Kickout! kick out! kickout!!

Clyde runs off the ropes and catches Peter across the face with a spin kick. Peter stumbles backward into the corner, dropping to one knee. Clyde rams his knee into Peter's face with a corner attack. Clyde then pulls Peter out of the corner and gives him a dragon suplex with a pin!




Clyde questions the count made by the ref; it was pretty damn close.

Clyde waits for Peter to slowly get up so he can go for the Your Irreversible Fate (Roundhouse kick followed by Twist of Fate). Clyde goes for the roundhouse, but Peter ducks it and catches Clyde with an RKO! Peter hit half of his KILLSWITCH move with that. He's gonna see if it's enough to put Clyde away.




Peter throws Clyde into the ropes, tries to catch him for some kind of power move, but Clyde pulls a move out of desperation and flings Peter across the ring with a huricanrana! Clyde runs up to Peter and nails him with the Sincere Expression Of A Lasting Impression (Standing SSP) and pins him.



Peter gets his foot on the rope!

Clyde gets up and kicks the leg that saved Peter, out of frustration. Clyde then drags Peter by the leg into the center of the ring and tries to lock in a Cloverleaf, but Peter reaches up and pulls Clyde into a small package pin.




Peter takes Clyde and goes for the ENDGAME (package piledriver) but Clyde blocks it by punching Peter in the stomach. Clyde goes for a Twist of Fate instead, but Peter reverses that into a German suplex- but Clyde lands on his feet! Peter has no idea! Peter turns around and tastes the leather of Clyde's boot after a roundhouse. Clyde tries a Twist of Fate again, but Peter breaks free from it and catches Clyde as he turns around with a falcon arrow!

Peter picks up Clyde, shoves him between his legs, and gives him the ENDGAME (Package Piledriver) finally.

Peter pins Clyde.




Winner: Peter Gilmour

But wait!

"Hey Gilmour, do you remember how I said that attack earlier was nothing personal?

Gilmour turns to see DOCA HVP standing there with a plunger in hand. He cracks it over Gilmour's head and it breaks in half!

"Well this one is also not personal, but from a different person entirely. Your buddy Sid Feder says hello.

DOCA HVP grabs Gilmour and kicks him in the nuts before taking him down with a double leg. He mounts and just starts to pummel Gilmour's face with lefts and rights. He ground and pounds Gilmour's eyes until both of them are swollen and officials are trying to pull him off.

DOCA HVP gets up off Gilmour and puts his hands up like he's finished. The officials start to help Gilmour to his feet as DOCA HVP bounces off the ropes and comes flying at Gilmour like he's Superman with both of his fists just extended straight in front of him. He flies right into Gilmour's eyes with both fists!

"Enjoy your new raccoon eyes. Sid specifically requested that you look like a bandit in the night so I'm sure once that swelling goes down and the darkness sets in around those eye sockets you'll be just that. And remember, this is nothing personal between you and I. This was not my fault. Consider yourself correctively assaulted, and you're welcome.

He cracks his knuckles and smirks as he steps through the ropes like a boss and exits.

Contendership For The X-treme Title Match
Jessie Diaz
- vs -
Irish Eddie Sheehan
Special Guest Referee - Mark Flynn
Last Person Standing
Winner will go on to face the X-treme Champ on the next edition of Warfare!

Hailing from Seattle, Washington, standing at 5 feet, 7 inches and weighing in at's - Jessie Diaz!

The lights in the arena fade to black as "Contact" by Trocadero begins to play over the loudspeakers. Small flashes of white light pierce the darkness at random intervals, until the lights explode back to life as the vocals begin. It is at this point when Jessie emerges from the back, making her way to the ring. During the walk, she doesn't once look up from the ground. Upon reaching the ringside area, she rolls under the bottom rope and gets back up. She brushes herself off before heading to her corner.

Coming at you from Boston, Massachusetts, at a height of 6'4" and weighing in at's - Eddie Sheehan!

The lights go out as the intantly recognizable bass and fiddle kick in. Green lights begin to flash. The lead kicks in. The drummmer goes for a walk. Eddie walks out as they scream "I'm a sailor peg!", his face hidden by his hood. The crowd cheers as he raises his right fist in the air, massive and wrapped in athletic tape, decorated with a large, bold "B".

He drops the hand and walks down to the ring, ready for combat, rolling his shoulders and stretching his neck. He slides into the ring and ascends the turnbuckle to his right, raising his right arm in the air again. He removes his hoodie and throws it on the ground, then stretches out using the ropes, ready for the match.

Flynn indicates to the timekeeper to get the bell ready. Sheehan and Diaz tentatively come out of their separate corners, jaw jacking, getting psyched up for the fight. Flynn beckons both Sheehan and Diaz to the center of the ring. Both come to the center, fists at the rea-


Flynn lords over Diaz’s fallen body and shouts into the back of her head.

“1! 2!”

Counting twice as fast as regulation!! Pumping fingers into the air to match his count!

“3! 4!”

Diaz scrambles, her hands forcing her body back upright! Flopping up, shaking out the cobwebs from that rabbit punch!!!

“5! 6!” Flynn now up to his second hand!!

And Diaz leaps right back to her feet! Beating the fast count barely!

And gets right in Flynn’s face as the crowd howls! They want Flynn to get his!!!

Flynn doesn’t back down, instead yelling at Diaz to back down.


Diaz howls angry!!!

Then turns to Sheehan. Despite her rage, she seems to understand this game… The faster she takes out Eddie Sheehan, the faster she gets her claws into Mark Flynn.

Flynn stays on Diaz a second longer… Maybe hoping that she would have taken a swing…

Then, Flynn points a finger toward the timekeeper’s table!

For some reason the bell seems defective. The timekeeper is trying to ring it, but no sound is emitting! Flynn...always the thinker in these types of perils, solves this dilemma by screaming at the top of his lungs


And with that spirited display from Flynn, this Last Person Standing match...BEGINS!

Jessie Diaz and Eddie Sheehan, jump right into the swing of things. Sheehan catching Diaz with a fierce left hook, followed by a swift right jab that sends Jessie's head veering sharply to the side! As this happens, Eddie sends a few knees into Diaz's ribs and then promptly hip tosses her right towards the ropes. Diaz slams into the ropes and bounces off, soaring back at Sheehan who's charging in with a Running Clothesline!

Diaz, thinking quickly, ducks and rolls under Eddie's arm and Sheehan continues forward. Crashing into the ropes as Diaz jumps to her feet, Eddie stumbles back and is greeted with a Mule Kick from Diaz that sends him flopping forward onto the ropes! From there Jessie grabs Eddie and spins him around before delivering a Neckbreaker followed by a Standing Senton!

Oh shit! Eddie rolled away just in time and Diaz crashes into nothing but canvas!

Both Diaz and Eddie, rise up slowly, meeting each others' gaze and then soaring towards each other, ready for combat! Sheehan, quick to strike, comes in with some immediate, heavy impacting kicks, followed by a Spinning Backfist. But Diaz returns fire with a Forearm Smash and then some swift knees to Sheehan's gut that send Eddie lurching forward, leaving him in the perfect position for a Roundhouse Kick to the head from Diaz! Sheehan flies off to the side from the force of that kick and Jessie races after, hitting Eddie with a Clothesline that drops Sheehan straight to the canvas! After that move that nearly tore of Eddie's head, Diaz climbs onto Eddie, instantaneously serving some rapid Mounted Punches followed by a brutal Headbutt that busts Eddie wide open!

Blood pours from Eddie's nose as he drops back and Diaz climbs to her feet. Choosing to rush off to the ropes and ascending them quickly, Jessie takes her position on the top rope. Preparing to make an impressive leap, she is unprepared for Flynn, who leans on the top rope as he pretends to stretch. This causes Diaz to drop from the top rope, slamming face forward onto the canvas as Flynn giggles and points. Jumping up Diaz turns to Flynn, who smiles and waves his hand forward in a - bring it on, motion in order to provoke Diaz. However, if she mouths off to Flynn, she'll be disqualified and Diaz knows this. So with a highly flustered and frustrated, sigh and a stomp of her foot, she turns back towards Sheehan. Just in time to see Eddie rise from the canvas!

With a scream of determination, Jessie Diaz charges at Eddie Sheehan! Flying right towards Eddie with a Spear! However, Sheehan manages to dodge the Spear as Diaz tastes the ropes! From there Sheehan delivers a Double Axehandle to Diaz's spine that causes Jessie to slam chin first, right down onto the ropes. Bouncing backwards from the impact, Diaz drops to the canvas. Not even a second later, Eddie is right there to stomp his boot into her ribs, stomach and sides. Really putting his weight into it and grinding his boot into Diaz's body as she writhes in agony. After several devastating stomps, Eddie wrenches Jessie up from the mat, only to quickly returns her to it, with an Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex!

Jessie collides with the canvas and Sheehan tears her up from it yet again. Tossing Diaz off towards the ropes, Sheehan follows as she smashes into them. Immediately sending Diaz right back into them with a Short Arm Clothesline after the initial bounce back, Eddie immediately latches onto Diaz and spins her around into a Front Headlock that swiftly transitions into a Guillotine Choke!

Both Diaz and Sheehan, crash to the canvas! Eddie Sheehan wrenches the hold and Diaz wails in pain, looking as though she's ready to tap at any instant. Mark Flynn stares on hungrily as he cheers and screams for Sheehan, while pulling out a tiny Eddie Sheehan figurine from his beard. A figurine, that appears to have been created entirely out of macaroni, Flynn proudly holds this macaroni 'Eddie' high in the air as he points outward. Then, right at that exact moment, fireworks wielded by a few unidentified XWF staff members, are cast off. Fireworks that come together and somehow spell - EDDIE SHEEHAN, above the ring!

Unfortunately, a spark from the fireworks land on Eddie's tights and start to burn them! Eddie screams and jumps in the air, releasing Diaz as he shrieks and slaps at his own ass in order to put the fire out. Once Eddie successfully puts out the blaze, he immediately gets in Flynn's face. Screaming at the top of his lungs, that Flynn's shenanigans royally screwed him there. Sheehan even goes as far as smashing the tiny figure of himself that Flynn constructed of macaroni! Smacking it from Flynn's hand and stomping on it repeatedly, until it was nothing but bits of crushed, dried pasta particles.

A tear wells up in only Flynn's left eye. He sniffles a bit and then, that one single tear, rolls down his face. Moving in super slo-motion as the cameras zoom in really close. As the single tear slips into Flynn's beard and disappears, a new look crosses into Flynn's eyes. A look of ANGER and BETRAYAL! Wearing this mask of newfound disdain, Flynn pulls his fist back and cracks Eddie right in the jaw with a hard left hook!


With Eddie Sheehan distracted, Diaz had time to rise to her feet. She charges forward and catches Eddie with a Flying Dropkick! Sheehan hits the canvas and Diaz slips from the ring. Reaching right under and grabbing onto a steel chair, before ascending up onto the apron and continuing up to the top rope, Diaz mounts the top rope and throws the steel chair at Sheehan. From there Jessie leaps off the top rope, soaring majestically into a magnificently delivered Senton Bomb! The steel chair slams into Eddie, followed by Diaz as she crashes into him, dead on!

Eddie surges from the pain as Jessie jumps up to her feet. Steel chair immediately in hand, Diaz begins smashing it into a downed Sheehan! Over and over again! Non-stop! Until the chair is nothing but a severely mashed up chunk of steel! Diaz then places that mass of deformed metal right onto Eddie's head before executing a - Knee Drop!

The combination of that chunk of metal and Diaz's Knee Drop is exactly the right recipe to finally render Eddie Sheehan, unconscious! Flynn rushes over in order to make the count.






Winner: Jessie Diaz

As Diaz holds the chunk of deformed steel up in victory, Flynn congratulates her with a - The Logical Conclusion! (guillotine choke into a back breaker into Cody Rhodes' Cross Rhodes)

Diaz slams to the canvas and Flynn boots her in the jaw for good measure as he looks down and laughs. While Diaz is down and in serious pain, holding her spine as she attempts to rise, Flynn pulls a microphone from his beard and leans in.


Hold on a second, is that... ?

Bobby Zi! From out of nowhere! He's going absolutely nuts; beating all three of the people in the ring with a steel chair!

Bobby stands in tha middle of the ring, a steel chair in one hand and Tha x-treme championship in the other. The broken, bloodied body of mark flynn lays before him. Fans are wondering whats goin on as some booing wild. Zi patiently watches with a sick smile on his face, he slowly sits down beside flynn and says

‘can i have you bustards attention now....’

tha fans looked shocked as some booing wild..

‘’ .. I warned each and every one of you, every single fan.. every..single..superstar inthe back, I warned you all that if this here belt...‘’

*bobby raises the belt above his head to show everyone -

‘’..I warned you that if i didnt get a title shot for ‘’MY‘’ championship, then there would be severe consequences and this..‘’

*bobby points at the bloodied face of flynn -

‘’..this is what happens when you piss off tha wrong guy. ..

The crowd still continue to boo and jeer bobby who now begins to laugh. He puts down the belt and stares at flynn whos face has now become a crimson mask...

‘’..already one months ago when i lost my title to flynn, if you can remember I specifically set monday as the deadline for flynn, before he is fired i told Ozy that i will face flynn after i kicked the nuts of joey and lived up that promise...*bobby looks at his watch - ‘’..and,By my watch marky boy , the deadline has passed it doesnt seem paul will give me my shot as he did last monday and he led my hand to act...‘’

‘’.. so whilst you're enjoyin your job their in your house , listen up and listen up good paul. This belt, MY belt, I'm taking it and I'm not coming back until you come out and say sorry to me and hand me my title shot..‘’

‘’... . If you don't then maybe..maybe I will sell this belt on eBay and make a little money for myself? Or hell, maybe I will get it melted, I hear gold is selling pretty high at the minute, or maybe i will take this title to my homeland, southafrica and I will throw this belt in the trash and treat it like a piece of shit like the way you company treated me!"

‘’ .. monday night , paul or you will heard the last of me ...‘’

Bobby throws the mic down and exits the ring. He makes his way up straight to the ramp...

And on that note, Warfare comes to a close as sudden as Zi's attack!

[Image: Tigris_zpsa877dd35.jpg]
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[-] The following 5 users Like Miranda Tigris's post:
(07-11-2014), Archie Lawson (07-11-2014), DOCA_HVP2014 (07-11-2014), Ozymandias (07-11-2014), Peter Fn Gilmour (07-11-2014)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

07-11-2014, 04:19 AM

Somebody gonna die nxt week. DOCA ur a dead man.. and sid.. heh.. I'll see u soon..friend

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
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Frodo mother fucking Smackins Offline
Big Dick Playa

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

07-11-2014, 08:38 AM

"Ok, why? Peter why go after Mr. Proxy, he was paid. As for Joey, told you I'd win, fat boy. And Mafia Men, took all three of you out. Again. See ya Wednesday."

[Image: ZXX7HJw.png?1]

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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

07-11-2014, 09:01 AM

Mr. Proxy carried out the hit so he dies first.. then I find Sid and ask him why he wanted the hit on me.. then i find the real person who put the hit on me.. and kill him or her!!

Nobody is safe now!!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
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Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
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Mrs. Peter F'n Gilmour

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

07-11-2014, 09:37 AM

I admit. I hired him. Because you won't give me my divorce. Despite having to stay away from me you won't sign the damned papers. I want them signed. And I want it now.

[Image: JDBXAeW.jpg]
[Image: LEU246w.jpg]
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DOCA_HVP2014 Offline
Mr. Proxy

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

07-11-2014, 11:31 AM

DOCA HVP (pronounced Mr. Proxy) and his manager known as the Troll are both shocked at Peter Gilmour's displaced anger:

"Remember what I said, Gilmour. This was not personal. And when you consider the fact that this was only my first week of paid hits and you have not one but two different people place hits on you, I'd say you already have enough business to settle with others before you come looking to make things personal with me.

"You and I are just business right now. On the other hand, Slade and I were personal and you saw where that got him didn't you? Which do you prefer? A paid hit via proxy or to have me ending your life? I will end you, Peter, if you make this personal.

"That being said, I am now open to my next round of hits. Contact me directly, anyone who would like to pay to have someone shown corrective action through raw assault.

"Lastly, nice work out there, Phoenix Death. We made short work of those Wop Men. Best part of the whole match was when the Don let the Troll fall flat on his face

"Hey! Fuck you dick head!

"Shut up and get my bags, Troll. I'm not paying you to take offense to my words.

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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

07-11-2014, 12:15 PM

u cant end me because I cannot be killed.. but the ppl that hired you.. they will be ;)

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
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Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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DOCA_HVP2014 (07-11-2014), Wallace Witasick (07-26-2014)
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DOCA_HVP2014 (07-11-2014)

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07-11-2014, 01:24 PM

Aliens that used to be human.

Human's that pretend to be aliens, or perhaps something more ridiculous.

Actual aliens.

I think I'm going to like it here.
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

07-11-2014, 09:39 PM

(07-11-2014, 01:01 PM)Azrael Erebus Said: "Peter. Serious question here, do you think you aren't human? Are you under the assumption you're of a different species? What are you that you can't be killed because humans - die, and very easily, I might add. It's one of the main reasons this horrid transformation I underwent, is so terrifying. I'm a mortal and I can be killed. Gilmour, if you aren't human, than whatever being you are is awfully pathetic to allow mortals the ability to beat you up and even rape you. Multiple times. Why would you let that happen? You say you can't be killed and ordinarily, that could be taken as your usual inane banter but if you aren't human and you're of a species beyond humanity, then how the fuck can you live with yourself?

dont worry azzy. you will find out soon enough

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
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Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Peter Fn Gilmour's post:
Wallace Witasick (07-26-2014)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

07-12-2014, 02:10 AM

I'm gonna rip your tits off and shove them down your throat u filthy cunt

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
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Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

07-12-2014, 08:13 AM

Bring it bitch. I'll make u bow down and suck my dick

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Peter Fn Gilmour's post:
Wallace Witasick (07-27-2014)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

07-12-2014, 03:26 PM

The answer will come after that belt becomes mine

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
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(07-13-2014), Wallace Witasick (07-27-2014)
Tony Santos Offline
Santos Glares at You

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07-12-2014, 03:36 PM

(07-12-2014, 03:26 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: The answer will come after that belt becomes mine

Stop trying to be ominous and come to the realization that you're just a fucking idiot.

September 2013 and May 2019 Star of the Month
1x Hart Champion
1x Television Champion
1x Xtreme Champion

[Image: VIh61T5.jpg]
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(07-13-2014), Wallace Witasick (07-27-2014)
Tommy Gunn Offline
Director of XWF Security

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07-12-2014, 04:39 PM

(07-12-2014, 03:26 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: The answer will come after that belt becomes mine

So then it's never coming.

We all know you can't win singles titles anymore.

[Image: PFcRGRj.png]

Record: 8 - 2
1 x RTX Champion
1 x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
1 x Federweight Champion

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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

07-13-2014, 12:03 AM

maybe so but i will make them bleed and take them to their limits..

and santos.. suck my dick.. and then suck feder's since u fear him

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
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Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

07-13-2014, 12:36 AM

Heh I'll fuck u in the ass and make u humble

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
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Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Peter Fn Gilmour's post:
Wallace Witasick (07-27-2014)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

07-13-2014, 11:52 AM

whats everybodies obsession with raping ppl? u should talk to frodo

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
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Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Frodo mother fucking Smackins Offline
Big Dick Playa

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

07-13-2014, 01:56 PM

"Oh, we've done more than talk. By the Diaz, Shelb, I think you left your anal beads with Sarah."

[Image: ZXX7HJw.png?1]

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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

07-13-2014, 04:18 PM

u wont be using them because im going to shove them down your throat until u die

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
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Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
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