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Cyren interviews THE VOICE!
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C Y R E N Offline

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03-25-2013, 08:25 AM

Backstage at the recent Shove-It, in the midst of the carnage and havoc which follow in the wake of the violent show, a sweaty Cyren stands next to none other then XWF newcomer C.M. Punk!

Cyren produces a Mic, as he rests his hand on Punk's shoulder!

CYREN: Welcome, friend! Now, I know I just laced up my boots for the last time, but from one Legend to another in this industry, I'd like to ask you what your aim is in coming to the XWF? What's the 'brass ring' to you?

At this, Cyren waits for the man's response.
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CM Punk Offline
Better Than God.

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

03-25-2013, 02:45 PM

OOC: Response soon. Just got home;

[Image: XoJfzQK.png]
1x European Champion

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CM Punk Offline
Better Than God.

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

03-25-2013, 03:00 PM

CM Punk..Oh, wow. My goals? To escape the boredom and dwindling failure that is WWE, but mainly to continue being the damn best at what I do, on this microphone and in that ring. I am no short of immortal and for anyone to not see that is ignorant. Jeff Hardy, win or lose, I will unleash a beating on you just like I did in WWE. And Ann Thraxx.. Add another x to your name and it represents your sleazy image, you slimy pest. That's all any of you are. Pests. Now, C Y R E N, why'd you retire?

[Image: XoJfzQK.png]
1x European Champion

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C Y R E N Offline

XWF FanBase:
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03-25-2013, 03:07 PM

After his client has said his piece and in turn has a query, Cyren takes a moment to step back and rub his chin for a moment.

Soon enough, he flips the microphone under his chin.

CYREN:That's a great question, Punk! Now, prior to a response, allow me to congratulate you on being so well-spoken, so very poignant in laying out the decimation that awaits Jeff Hardy! That's a real sign of a champion, folks.

He winks at the camera.

CYREN: Now, as to why I've retired? Beyond the obvious lack of energy and drive, I think my bones have just grown weary. I've reached an age where I can no longer compete at the level I'm accustomed, so rather then try to pull myself out from the trenches and grind myself to nothing in the process, I would rather devote my energies to 'raising the crop' that comprises the next generation of XWF. I've literally done everything to do as a competitor, now it's time to see what I can do as a manager and mentor...

Satisfied with that, Cyren allows Punk a moment to soak it in before continuing.

CYREN: Now, to again pose another question, who do you see as the biggest threat to you in XWF, right now?
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CM Punk Offline
Better Than God.

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

03-25-2013, 03:13 PM

(03-25-2013, 03:07 PM)C Y R E N Said: After his client has said his piece and in turn has a query, Cyren takes a moment to step back and rub his chin for a moment.

Soon enough, he flips the microphone under his chin.

CYREN:That's a great question, Punk! Now, prior to a response, allow me to congratulate you on being so well-spoken, so very poignant in laying out the decimation that awaits Jeff Hardy! That's a real sign of a champion, folks.

He winks at the camera.

CYREN: Now, as to why I've retired? Beyond the obvious lack of energy and drive, I think my bones have just grown weary. I've reached an age where I can no longer compete at the level I'm accustomed, so rather then try to pull myself out from the trenches and grind myself to nothing in the process, I would rather devote my energies to 'raising the crop' that comprises the next generation of XWF. I've literally done everything to do as a competitor, now it's time to see what I can do as a manager and mentor...

Satisfied with that, Cyren allows Punk a moment to soak it in before continuing.

CYREN: Now, to again pose another question, who do you see as the biggest threat to you in XWF, right now?

CM Punk Most definitely the Duke. He's scary, legitimate, and wrestles a hard game..but, he's never had a 434 day long title reign.. *Punk pauses and grins at the camera* So, I think I could I take him, so long as he doesn't cheat me out of a victory like most bastards in the E used to. Hell, I would've left with their damn title had it not been for that, I'm the only good wrestler they had and I'd argue the same here, at least technical wise, except for Duke.

Now, let me ask YOU something. If you could manage anyone you weren't managing and form a super-stable, who would it be and why?

[Image: XoJfzQK.png]
1x European Champion

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