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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Mancini Panini - Brommer Bomber - Triple Threat
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Mastermind Offline
Active in XWF

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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

06-07-2014, 02:23 AM

The camera fades in to the mansion of Mastermind, it finds him sitting in his chair.

He is facing the wall, whilst the back of the chair is facing the camera.

"I'm confused, are both Panini Manchini and Brommer Bomber not interested in this Triple Threat next Wednesday Night? I've heard from Panini Manchini, but that wasn't much of a promo. It seems these days promos are best used to get drunk, and talk drunk in front of a camera.

"I'm here to tell you both that I am serious about this match, even though you both maybe aren't. I'm here in the XWF to be a serious contender for all these titles. I know Brommer you have gone a long way in your short amount of time here, and that you are the number one contender for the RTX Title. At this stage I'm not worried about the RTX title, so I don't give a stuff.

"So here's where I am at, the Triple Threat is mine. Easy."

Mastermind turns his chair around to face the camera.

"Vellore Brommer, you have the advantage overall of all three of us.
Each victory you've earned, is one more towards RTX Title.
Let us learn what you do well.
Let us watch how you do it well
Observing is the best way to beat you.
Raise your game, it won't be enough.
Every time you advance, I will be there.

"Between you, me and Panini, the Triple Threat is the danger.
Ride whatever wade that will bring you a victory
Obviously that wave will be my wave.
Mate, you aren't the top guy in this Triple Threat
Move over, I am the top guy in this Triple Threat
Even Panini won't get the rub of the salt.
Rightly or wrongly this Triple Threat is mine."

Mastermind smiles and get's up and walks over to the other side of the room, and grabs a drink of water, and drinks it. He turns back to the camera.

"Paolo Mancini, you're the weak link amongst the three of us.
Are you able to compete, I think not.
Overall you are poor, I've won more matches than you.
Let the records speak for themselves.
Obviously you're there to make up the numbers,

"Many people will think a Triple Threat is between three
Are you sure you have what it takes to go with Vellore and I?
Not for one minute do I think we should doubt you.
Chalk it up to my wins how confident I am, chalk it up to Vellore, how great he is.
In this Triple Threat that threat will be me.
Never underestimate those chasing you
In the end, I will win."

Mastermind sits down on his chair again.

"So what do you two think. Manini do you want a panini? Broomer are you going to be the bomber of this match, and bomb out? I'm sure you guys have comments, but the comments won't matter. I will win and win well."

Mastermind waves good bye to the camera, and turns his chair back around to face the wall. The camera fades out.

Overall - 64 Wins 107 Losses 8 Technicals 2 Draws 1 No Contest
Comeback Record - 4 Wins 5 Losses
8th Year Record - 2024 - 4 Wins 5 Losses
7th Year Record 2023 - 5 Wins 16 Losses
6th Year Record 2022 - 5 Wins 8 Losses 1 Draw
5th Year Record 2020 - 7 Wins 12 Losses 1 No Contest
4th Year Record 2019 - 12 Wins 1 Draw 21 Losses
3rd Year Record 2018 - 6 Wins 2 Losses
2nd Year Record 2015 - 1 Wins 9 Losses 2 Technical
1st Year Record 2014 - 24 Wins 34 Losses 6 Technicals

February 2020 Star of The Month
November 2014 Star Of The Month

Former 2x XWF Television Champion
Former XWF Thursday Night Anarchy Champion - 2022 - 1 Successful Defence
Former Three Time X-Treme Champion
Former Two Time Ark of the Covenant Champion
Lost in the 1st Round of the Woodstock Open - Wrestlestock 2019
Semi Finalist in the XWF King of the Ring 2020

50TH CAREER WIN vs TOMMY WISH - Wednesday Night Warfare - 2ND SEPTEMBER 2020

100TH CAREER LOSS vs BOB D - Weekend Warfare - 12TH AUGUST 2023



Check out my page for victories and losses


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[Image: Misfits2.png]
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