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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare Results
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Warfare - 5/16/14
Author Message
Archie Lawson Offline
Britain's Finest Export

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

05-16-2014, 05:33 PM

Pinnacle Bank Arena
Lincoln, Nebraska

- vs -
Ezekiel's AIDs
Standard Match, One Fall

Clyde Baker and Alexandra Callaway
- vs -
Luke Crimson and Chris Webster
Standard Tag

Peter Gilmour
- vs -
Loser must also submit to the will the the winner's demands.
Demands must be specified in at least one of the rps.

Jon Plex
- vs -
Tony Santos
Tables, Ladders and Chairs! Oh my!

Morbid Angel
- vs -
Griffin MacAlister
Match will take place in a real hospital room!
All weapons used, will be what can be found in a hospital room!
Winner will earn a chance to face X-treme Champ - Mandii Rider, for the title!

Warfare kicks off to a stunning display of fireworks and ting.

There were debates and arguments and there were video packages and there were fights and stuff and everyone had fun.

- vs -
Ezekiel's AIDS
Standard Match, Uno Fellatio

"I'm Gonna Give You AIDS" by Anal Cunt plays over the speakers, and AIDS rides out on a majestic white horse, along with his wolf, Demon.

First a chilling evil laugh can be heard echoing over the hundreds in attendance. Music fills the arena shortly after while lights flash mimicking lighting. Now along with the music there is a ticking in the background while a large clock is shown above the entrance of the ring. Clock work makes her way down to the ring ignoring all things around her. She pulls herself onto the side of the ring before moving between the middle ropes and entering the ring. She looks around at the fans in attendance before offing them all a spine chilling smile and what seems to be a bolt of lighting strikes the ring.

*Insert bell sounds here.*

This match is now underway, as AIDS hits a massive lariat that knocks Clockwork down to the mat hard. He takes a few moments to taunt the booing fans before peeling her back up to her feet and delivering a kick right to the stomach that doubles her over. He lifts her up in a suplex, but she shifts her weight and lands feet first on the ground behind him! She shoves him forward, off the ropes and goes for a spinning heel kick, but AIDS ducks under and throws a quick kick to the leg she's still standing on which causes her to fall to the mat, clutching at the knee targeted. AIDS, once more with the upper hand, tries to peel her off the mat for a second time, only to get a punch to the stomach and a subsequent knee to the face for his efforts. He stumbles backwards as Clockwork makes it back to her feet and then immediately leaves them, hitting a dropkick on the AIDS carrier who was unlucky enough to step into her boots.

AIDS spits into his hand as he gets back up and with his other hand grabs her by the back of the head and tries to shove his AIDS spit covered hand into her mouth, but she stomps on his foot and the spit goes flying into the front row! Some of it lands in the Extra Large drink of some fat fan who seems to attend every XWF show ever, and unbeknownst to its presence; the fan drinks it! Well, someone should probably be getting tested soon but won't because he's likely never had sex, let alone think himself at risk for an STD.

Moving back to the action in the ring, now.

Clockwork is in control now, taking advantage of AIDS' overzealous attempts to infect her. Clutching AIDS in a side headlock, she releases the hold long enough to deliver a spinning elbow right to his carrier's temple that knocks him down to the mat! She stomps on his spine and then kicks him in the ribs to roll him over onto his back and once AIDS finally complies, she drops an elbow right across his sternum, knocking the wind out of him. She gets back to her feet and pulls him back to his, and spins him around, trying for a double knee backbreaker...

No! He pulls her legs apart and has her up like he's giving her a piggyback ride before dropping down and hitting her with a huge backpack stunner! She goes limp as if unconscious and AIDS goes for the pin, nonchalantly placing both hands on her tits.



No! Kickout! He should've applied more force! Clockwork hits a kick to the side of the head that she hit the elbow on earlier, which seems to really rattle the virus carrier, as it causes him to back up off her and hold his temple and lean his head into his hand. He closes his eyes for a second to try and alleviate some of the pain, but as soon as he opens them again AIDS is met with a Superkick that connects square with his jaw and almost sends him damn near out of the body of Billy Zane! He stays on his feet however, grabbing onto the ropes at the last second. Dropping to his knees, he grip on the ropes assures him and his opponent that he won't be hitting the mat, and Clockwork won't be able to capitalize on the move at the moment.

She goes for another Superkick and AIDS ducks his head out of the way at the last possible second, before hitting her again in the knee of the leg she's standing on! She falls against the ropes, using her arms, which are draped over the ropes to keep from hitting the mat herself. Getting back to her feet fullway, she pushes AIDS into the corner and runs up the turnbuckle.

WATCH TIME FLY! (Running Bulldog off the ropes)!

The pin!




Winner: Clockwork

Clyde Baker and Alexandra Callaway
- vs -
Luke Crimson and Chris Webster
Standard Tag

Luke Crimson and Chris Webster are already in the ring, waiting for their two opponents for this evening.

"You're Gonna Go Far, Kid" by The Offspring plays and Clyde Baker walks down to the ring.

"Dark Horse" By Katy Perry, begins to play, as the light's in the arena dim down. She poses as the song's speed begins to pick up and the ring announcer steps into the ring. Lifting the microphone to her lips, she begins to speak.

"Please Welcome from Dallas, Texas, The Queen of Hardcore, Alexandra Callaway."

Alexandra makes her way down the ramp, she stops at the bottom of the ramp and walks to the steps. Some cheer for her, some boo her, but she just shrugs them off and continues on her way to the ring.

She slips into the ring, under the bottom rope, and climbs up onto the turnbuckle. She smirks evilly, and then poses, her arms up and in the rock on symbol. She jumps down and glares at her opponents, stretching on the ropes.

Ding ding ding!

Callaway starts out the match, staring down Luke Crimson. She rushes after him and hits a huge Big Boot that knocks the bigger man off his feet! Crimson falls to the mat, and Callaway drops a knee on his face. She pulls him up to his feet and then immediately drops him down to the mat with a huge DDT! She rolls him onto his back and throws a series of punches to his face that he's too out of it to block! Lefts and rights rain down on his face, busting open his nose after a while. She finally decides that it's enough and gets off of him, pulling him back to his feet after. She hits the Bow to the Queen (split legged pedigree) and then walks over to her corner to tag in Clyde Baker.

Baker comes in like a house of fire and knocks Webster off the apron entirely! He then comes back to the still grounded Crimson and stomps him on the chest. Crimson sits up as the force of the move forces him into a sitting position only to get caught with a buzzsaw kick from Baker that knocks him back down to the mat. He peels Crimson up and whips him into the ropes before hitting a back body drop that sends Crimson landing hard on the canvas below! Once more, Baker grabs Crimson by his hair and pulls him back up to his feet, throwing a punch to the nose to keep the already seemingly subdued Crimson in line and getting some blood on his knuckles. Looking down and realizing this, he simply wipes his knuckles off on Crimson's chest and then hits a roundhouse kick that staggers the already floundering bigger man...

Your Irreversible Fate! (Roundhouse Kick into a Twist of Fate)!

The cover, as Webster's still out cold on the outside of the ring!




Winners: Clyde Baker and Alexandra Callaway

Peter Gilmour
- vs -
Loser must also submit to the will the the winner's demands.
Demands must be specified in at least one of the rps.

The lights in the arena dim, then go to full black. We then hear the eerie sounds of a bell being tolled and then an explosion of fire emitting from the entrance ramp. The beginning of IMPLODE by SLAYER begins as a white beam of light comes from the top of the arena and shines on the middle of the ramp. We then see a hand go into the light as a man kneels in front of the light. It is Peter Gilmour! The music picks up as Peter gets up and screams to the heavens as he and his new valet Jessica Johnson come down to the ring. They get into the ring and Peter goes to the nearest turnbuckle and puts out his hand as the same beam of light comes down into his hand as he gives us a very scary look into the camera. He then laughs wickedly then screams to the heavens again as the lights come back on and he awaits his next opponent.

It’s Not Unusual by Tom Jones plays and SwagMire does the Carlton all the way down to the ring. Drawing the ire of Peter Gilmour but the fans love it. SwagMire slides into the ring and awaits the opening bell.

Unfortunately for him Peter Gilmour does no such thing and lunges at SwagMire, almost taking the unsuspecting man’s head off with a clothesline and goes on the early offensive following up the clothesline with a roaring elbow drop and then a leg drop.


The bell finally sounds but Gilmour is already in the process of lifting SwagMire up to his feet and whips him into the ropes and on the rebound plants SwagMire with a somoan drop. Gilmour rolls over for the pin.

Gilmour yanks SwagMire’s head up and hits Swaggy with a few elbows to the temple. Gilmour yanks SwagMire to his feet. With SwagMire a little wobbly Gilmour goes for a spinning leg kick by SwagMire catches the foot mid motion and counters with a clothesline that sends Gilmour straight down to the mat. SwagMire climbs on top of Gilmour and uses his knees to pin Gilmour’s arms down. With no way to defend himself SwagMire punches Gilmour in the face repeatedly…






Five punches to Gilmour’s face and Gilmour is busted open above the eye. SwagMire climbs off of Gilmour and grabs at his right hand in obvious pain from delivering the blows. SwagMire slowly gets Gilmour up and with a big boot to the face sends Gilmour stumbling backwards into the ropes.

With Gilmour resting on the ropes SwagMire moves in and with a clothesline sends Gilmour toppling over the ropes and onto the floor. SwagMire rolls under the bottom rope and immediately gets Gilmour to his feet and whips him into the announcers table, another punch to the face and Gilmour drops to one knee. SwagMire grabs Gilmour by the head, places it between his thights….


SwagMire, even with one bum hand power bombs Gilmour through the announcers table, which collapses from the impact. The ref is standing in the ring and is halfway through counting both men out. SwagMire grabs Gilmour and tosses him into the ring and then follows suit.

SwagMire grabs Gilmour by the legs and attempts a figure four lock but Gilmour smashes his fist into SwagMire’s groin which causes him to immediately release the hold. SwagMire grabs at his cash and prizes while Gilmour uses the ropes to pull himself up. Once up Gilmour grabs SwagMire and with a massive belly to belly sends SwagMire through the air only to be stopped by the metal and padding of the turnbuckles.

With SwagMire hunched over in the corner Gilmour charges and flattens Swaggins with a knee to the face. Gilmour lifts up SwagMire and places him atop the turnbuckle. Gilmour climbs to the second turnbuckle and DDT’s SwagMire down to the mat. Gilmour looks down at the fallen SwagMire and begins laughing wickedly, which sounds a lot like the Wicked Witch of the West from the Wizard of Oz. But we digress.

Gilmour grabs SwagMire by the legs and puts him into a Sharpshooter. SwagMire’s face lights up, the color beginning to drain from it as Gilmour wretches back even harder. SwagMire starts clawing at the ring, trying to get to the ropes but to no avail.

Desperate SwagMire reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a bar of soup which he then places behind Gilmour’s right foot. SwagMire in a last ditch attempt lunges forward a bit which causes Gilmour to step backwards, right onto the bar of soup which causes Gilmour to slip and fall backwards, breaking the fall but also landing on top of SwagMire.

Gilmour looks around, clearly confused as to what happened as well as pissed off. Gilmour rolls off of SwagMire and is the first to get to his feet, he tries to pull Swaggins up but Swaggins counters with an eye rake. He lunges at Gilmour and goes for a clothesline but Gilmour just pushes him out of the way. SwagMire lunges again and this time is able to get a hold of Gilmour’s long and luscious hair, he knees Gilmour in the face and then plants him with a pedigree.

SwagMire rolls Gilmour onto his stomach, walks over to Gilmour’s foot, he uses his wrapped arm for leverage and applies a toe hold with his other hand. Gilmour screams out in pain, SwagMire has him and he has him good.

Out of the crowd comes a man wearing a black hoodie, he climbs the barricade, and climbs into the ring. The man grabs SwagMire by the back of the head and plants him with a reverse DDT. The man then pulls his hood down…it’s Tommy Gunn. Gunn then picks up SwagMire and then then takes him out with the Killshot(Jackhammer). Gunn grabs SwagMire by the head and yells down to him “You’re next!”

Meanwhile Gilmour gets to his feet and stares down Tommy Gunn. Gunn turns around and starts to climb through the ropes, Gilmour turns around to attack SwagMire but Gunn suddenly stops midway through exiting the ring and instead climbs back into the ring.

“Hey jerkoff…”


Gunn levels Gilmour with a spear just as he was turning around. With both SwagMire and Gilmour down Gunn finally takes off up the ramp and towards the back.

SwagMire is the first of the two to react and he moves in for a quick submission move but Gilmour counters with an elbow to SwagMire’s temple. Gilmour then lifts SwagMire up and whips him to the ropes, a big boot to the face followed by an elbow drop and Gilmour is showing a little bit of momentum here. He grabs and puts him into a Sharp Shooter. Again he yanks back which causes SwagMire to sceam out in pain. The more he screams the harder Gilmour pulls back, again laughing wickedly as he does so. SwagMire claws as hard as he can towards the ropes…



SwagMire reaches out and finally he grabs a hold of the bottom rope. The ref moves in and tells Gilmour to break the hold but Gilmour refuses. The ref gets in his face and threatens to end the match right there and Gilmour finally relents. Gilmour drops SwagMire’s legs and paces around the ring again contemplating his next move.

Suddenly out of the back comes Frodo. He casually walks down the ring, drawing the attention of Gilmour. Gilmour walks over to the ropes and starts pointing at yelling at Frodo, telling him to climb in the ring to get a beating like his brother.

With Gilmour distracted…classic Gilmour, SwagMire rises to his feet, he grabs Gilmour by the shoulders and delivers The Dirty Jerker!!!

Except that’s not it…

Headbutts to the crotch…repeatedly.

Oh shit yo, it’s the Dirty Jerker X-treme!!!

Gilmour is grabbing at his cock and balls while SwagMire quickly moves in and locks Gilmour into the Hell’s Gates.

Gilmour’s face is turning red, he refuses to tap out. SwagMire pulls back harder and harder but Gilmour refuses. The ref keeps asking if he’s done and he just shakes his head no. The veins are popping out of his forehead, he looks like the guy in Total Recall after the oxygen is all sucked out…eyes bulging, blood coming out of his nose but Gilmour refuses to tap.

Suddenly Gilmour just goes limp…his body falls back to the mat and the ref reaches in. He grabs Gilmour’s arm and lifts it in the air…

It drops!!!

The ref signals for the bell. Gilmour refused to tap out but he has submitted and SwagMire is the winner.

Winner: SwagMire

On the outside of the ring Frodo jumps for joy like the ugly school girl who finally got asked to the dance. He then slides into the ring and walks over to his brother and lifts him to his feet. The two men hug it out like total bros.

The two men then look down at Gilmour who is passed out in the middle of the ring. Frodo reaches into the back of his pants and then pulls out two fingers and puts them under Gilmour’s nose, waking the slumbering grizzly bear from his nap. Peter looks around, having no idea what has transpired in the last minute or that the match has ended.

SwagMire reaches down from the ring announcer and grabs a mic.

“Well Gilmour you lost, I beat you fair and square. So now you have two choices. Admit that Frodo here raped you, and that you enjoyed it or be raped here on camera for all to see.”

“Fuck you .”

“Admit or get raped. Those are your only two options.”

“I have an iron clad contract, I will admit to nothing.”

“Fine, rape it is.”

Frodo looks over at his brother as it is Christmas come early. SwagMire grabs Gilmour by the neck and yanks him up. Gilmour is still weakened from passing out. Swaggy drags Gilmour over to the ropes and using the top and middle ropes traps Gilmour in place, his rear end facing the ring. Frodo closes in on his victim and lowers his pants. He then grabs Gilmour’s waist and leans in.

“Try not to scream.”

Frodo attemps to pull Gilmour’s pants down but Gilmour fights it, he fights it with everything he has but it’s not enough. Frodo gets a firm hold of them and starts to pull them down.

“Alight alright. You raped me. There you happy, I fucking said it. You raped me.”


“And what? That’s it, you raped me.”

“I raped you and?”

“Fuck you.”

“Say it Pete or I’m going to enter you again.”

“Fuck you.”

“Fine, have it your way.”

Frodo starts to pull Gilmour’s pants down slowly revealing his bare white ass. Frodo licks his hand, reaches down and grabs his dwarf meat.

“Ok ok. I liked it. You raped me and I liked it.”

“There, now was that so hard?”

“Fuck you.”

Frodo pulls Gilmour’s pants back up but leaves him stuck in the ropes. Frodo and SwagMire than do the Carlton all the way back to the locker room as I’m Not Unusual plays over the PA.

Jon Plex
- vs -
Tony Santos
Tables, Ladders and Chairs! Oh my!

"A Lesson Never Learned" hits, roaring guitars filling the arena. Tony Santos descends down the entrance ramp, black trench coat on his back, taking slow, confident strides toward the ring. The disdain from the crowd pouring in, Tony Santos takes it all in with a smirk that would put Alex Rodriguez to shame.

Alter Bridge - The Univited hits and JP staggers out and takes his stance at the top of the ramp gazing around the arena as the chorus of his theme hits. He will then throw his arms into the air as pyro alternates from left to right and back again before making his way down to the ring. He slides in under the ropes and goes straight for the far turnbuckle and climbs to the second rope and raises his arms again for the crowd.

The match gets underway, Plex and Santos slowly square up to each other and lock into a test of strength. Santos comes out on top with a jab to the ribs, a cheeky shot.

Santos pushes Jon into the corner and then whips him across the ring and follows right behind him and lariats him in the corner. Santos grabs Jon Plex by the head and flings him to the mat. Tony runs off the ropes and then leaps into the air and hits a leg drop onto Plex's face. Tony stands with a grin on his face and raises an arm into the air and receives a bit of a mixed reaction from the crowd.

Plex is up though, and from behind Plex hits him with an axe handle and then executes a high impact German suplex.

Santos is shocked but stumbles to his feet as Plex lines him up and hits a running knee to the temple before following it up with a slow turning neckbreaker in the centre of the ring. Plex heads to the top turnbuckle and the fans begin to cheer for him. As Santos clambers to his feet Jon leaps from the turnbucke and hits him with a flying clothesline.


Plex lines Santos up once more and runs at him...

Tony reverses it though...


They're both down and they recover for a moment, Tony gets to his feet first and pulls Jon up and hits him with a toe to the mid-secction. He flings him to the outside of the ring and follows him out and hits a right hand. He then goes to throw him into the barrier but Jon reverses it and instead pushes Tony into the corner of the ring!

Jon grabs a steel chair from by the commentary desk and swings it at Tony who ducks and the chair hits the turnbuckle instead. Santos turns and this a drop kick and the chair flies into Jon's face.

Tony follows this up by grabbing a table and sliding it into the ring. He grabs Jon by the head and plants him face first into the barricade and then into the commentary desk. He launches him at the steel steps.

Then Tony grabs a 10 foot ladder from under the ring and slides that into the ring as well!

What has Tony got planned!?

Santos kicks Jon in the ribs and hits him with a DDT. The fans are beginning to jeer him.

Now he rolls into the ring, and sets the table up in the middle of the ring before heading back out to get Jon and grabbing the chair and hitting him in the ribs with it. He then throws the chair and Jon into the ring. Tony grunts as he stomps down on Plex.

He leaps in the air and splashes down on Plex who has the championship match on Monday on his mind!

Tony is dominating at the minute, he picks Jon up and it seems he's going for a powerbomb!

But Plex flips him over his shoulder with huge elevation and huge elation from the crowd.

Plex falls to his knees, as blood oozes from his skull. He climbs to his feet and manages to get his momentum back. He runs off the ropes and takes Tony down with a lariat, then runs off the other ropes and takes him down with a shoulder knock. Tony swing wildly at Plex but Plex ducks it and lifts him up and hits an atomic drop. Before running off the ropes and taking Tony down with a spinning heel kick.

He waits for Tony to get to his feet and then hits him with it!

CALL FROM BEYOND (Wrist Clutch into exploder suplex)

He covers!



Kick out!

He picks Tony up and he places him on the table, it looks like he's climbing the ladder as well!

Tony notices what's going on though, he leaps to his feet.

He sprints up the ladder and the two men begin to exchange forearms at the top of the ten foot ladder.

Tony comes out on top, he grabs Jon's head and smashes it into the top of the ladder. Jon falls to mat and is down....

Tony climbs up to the top.

What's he doing....

OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TONY AWARD (Shooting Star Press)

From the top of the ladder!!

The crowd begin to chant “This is awesome.”

Tony slowly crawls into the cover!!







Everyone is jaw dropped, Tony more so than anyone.

Tony desperately covers him again but to no avail.

He struggles to his feet, as does Jon.

They exchange slow forearms and fists, one after the other.

Tony comes out on top he whips Jon into the corner then hits him with a knee to the midsection. Jon flies over it. Then Tony looks at the table with a smile on his face.

He holds an arm in the air and the crowd jeer.

Tony picks him up and then looks for the powerbomb, but Plex uses the mometum to his advantage and flips right over and then out of nowhere he hits a snap suplex through the table!!!!

Now Plex scampers into the cover!!!




Another kick out!!

This time Jon Plex is the one who is in disbelief!

He stands up and groggily falls back into the ropes, the crowd begin to chant his name and he waves his arms in the air to get them going.

Plex grabs Santos by the head and pulls him to his feet.

He goes for a belly to belly suplex but Santos holds on, counters, FALL A WAY SLAM!!!

Now Santos climbs the ladder once more....



From the top of the ladder!!





He's done it!

Winner: Tony Santos

The fans are in awe as a bloody Santos clambers to one knee and the referee raises his arm. We fade to a commercial break.

Morbid Angel
- vs -
Griffin MacAlister
Match will take place in a real hospital room!
All weapons used, will be what can be found in a hospital room!
Winner will earn a chance to face X-treme Champ - Mandii Rider, for the title!

Griffin MacAlister and Morbid Angel are both lead through the halls of a local hospital. A hospital that will remain nameless by request of those in charge of said hospital. We see rows and rows of rooms get passed as XWF officials escort, Morbid Angel and Griffin MacAlister along, finally coming to a stop in front of a set of double doors that lead to the room designated for combat. Both Morbid Angel and Griffin MacAlister exchanged heated looks and then push their way into the room. Once they do they're shocked at what they see.

The room looks extremely vintage and dated. Too top things off a nurse that appears to have strolled in from the 1940's walks in pushing a tray of antique surgical tools, various medical devices and operating equipment. Once she rolls the tray in place, she turns to Griffin and Morbid and bows before departing through the double doors. Morbid Angel and Griffin MacAlister exchange confused and uncertain glances. This whole situation And it soon gets even more strange, because when they turn there attention towards the double doors, they vanish before Morbid and Griffin's eyes!

From somewhere above, a static laced speaker sizzles to life and is soon filled with the sound of Warfare Overlord Giovanni Ferrari.

Gio: "Are you both confused? Do you wonder what's going on? Well, it should be obvious! You're in a hospital room straight out of the 1940's because you're in the 1940's! You've been sent there, curtsy of Warfare's US Champ - Azrael Erebus, because I thought it would add a nice flair to your match. The door was taken away to keep you from being disturbed and to save the people in the hospital the possible heart attacks from seeing you both. You'll both be returned to the correct time, after the fight is over. Have fun battling it out and as always - Victory Forever! Hehe...I mean, may the best man win. That is all. Giovanni out."

Morbid Angel And Griffin MacAlister both shrug and turn towards each other with intent to start combat as the ref pulls out his handy triangle and chimes it to indicate the start of this HOSPITAL ROOM BRAWL! FUCK YEAH! LETS DO THIS SHIT!

Morbid Angel goes for the bone saw right off the bat. Laughing like a damn mad man as he picks it up and charges at Griffin. Griffin dodges out of the way and Morbid turns, thrusting the weapon at MacAlister in true serial killer fashion! Griffin stops this by grabbing Morbid's arm, but this soon turns into who's the strongest with Morbid winning as he uses all his weight to push down the saw, forcing Griffin to fall back onto the metal operating table. MacAlister struggles to keep Angel's arm up and tries his best to stop the saw from stabbing into him but it's clear his losing this fight. Knowing this and desperate to get Morbid Angel off him, Griffin uses his free hand to reach off to the side and frantically search for something to use in assistance towards this goal.


And it looks like he found that object cause he just cracked Morbid Angel upside the head with a bed pan!

Morbid Angel falls off to the side and lands in a heap. Morbid's hand instantly flying to his aching head as he turns his attention towards MacAlister. Just in time to get cracked in the head with the bedpan again!

And again!


Oh wow, that bedpan is now completely dented in now!

Morbid Angel groans from the floor in pain as MacAlister tosses the destroyed bed pan aside. Choosing to lay in some heavy footed stomps to Morbid, while Morbid is still on the ground. Griffin MacAlister always talks about boot parties, we're getting to seen one of them in its finest as he really grinds the soles of his boots into Morbid's body with each stomp! At one point it even sounds like a bone cracked!

Morbid wails out in agony and thrusts the bone saw; that he still has in his hand, right into Griffin's leg!

Griffin MacAlister: "Motherfucker!"

MacAlister yells out as he falls back clutching his leg. Blood immediately starts to gush out as Griffin quickly rips off his shirt and ties it around his leg. Yanking it tight to stop the bleeding. However, his actions give enough time for Morbid Angel to rise up to his feet. Morbid Angel towers over Griffin MacAlister as he raises the entire surgical table over his head!


Morbid tosses the table down and MacAlister just barely rolls away!

The table crashes to the floor and Morbid roars in anger. Clearly pissed that his intended target, moved out of the way. With another growl Morbid turns towards MacAlister and begins tossing hospital tools at him. Grabbing each and every tool from the tray that was rolled in and just whipping each one at MacAlister, like a weird version of dodge ball that's being played with surgical tools instead of a ball. MacAlister raises his arm to block the tools from hitting him and a scalpel stabs him in the arm!

Followed by a pair of Forceps!

Then the whole tray comes flying and crashes into Griffin!

Morbid Angel: "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You cannot stop VICTORY FOREVER! So don't even try!"

Morbid rushes at MacAlister and tears The Mechanic up from the floor, before hitting him with - Gott ist Tot! (Crucifix Powerbomb)

Morbid goes for the pin!


Griffin stabbed the scalpel into Morbid Angel's cheek and Morbid falls back clutching his face!

MacAlister then jumps up to his feet and sends several stomps to Morbid Angel's face. Yanking Morbid Angel off the floor, Griffin catches Morbid with a right jab, a left hook, a Double Axehandle to the back and finishes it up with a - REALITY CHECK! (Twist of Fate)

Griffin MacAlister goes for the pin!




Winner: Griffin MacAlister

Griffin MacAlister climbs to his feet right as the double doors reappear and Giovanni Ferrari, comes striding through them smiling. He grabs Griffin MacAlister's hand and raises it up high in VICTORY!

Gio: "Congratulations Griffin MacAlister! You won the match! You get to face X-Treme Champ - Mandii Rider, in two weeks! That's happening on the twenty eighth of May, for those who can't figure it out from me simply saying two week and naturally, the match is happening on WARFARE! The home of the X-Treme Champ Mandii Rider and Griffin MacAlister's new home turf. That's right, he's switched teams overnight...just like Luca Arzegotti did."

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have to see if my friend Morbid needs medical attention. Congrats again Griffin, I expect great things from you and good luck in two weeks against our X-treme Champ Mandii, she's one tough cookie."

Giovanni drops Griffin's hand and turns to Morbid Angel, who is attempting to get up while clutching his face. Several XWF staff members come rushing over as well and begin attempting to aid Morbid Angel. A sight that soon fades to black as this edition of Warfare, comes to an end.

If you set out to be liked, you would be prepared to compromise on anything at any time, and you would achieve nothing.
Margaret Thatcher

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AlexandraCallaway (05-16-2014), Brodie Tyler (05-16-2014), Frodo mother fucking Smackins (05-16-2014), Morbid Angel (05-16-2014), Ozymandias (05-16-2014), Sid Feder (05-16-2014), Tony Santos (05-16-2014)
[-] Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 1 user Hates Archie Lawson's post!
JonPlex (05-16-2014)
Morbid Angel Offline
Баба Яга

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

05-16-2014, 07:18 PM

GIO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! How dare you leave me in my own blood! After all the time I let you get me out of jail!

I’m coming for you Griffin! Even if it’s the last thing I’ll do! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

………….So everyone is clear….VICTORY FOEVER!

болезненное ангел!
[Image: 8IZ5unY.png]

Intercontinental Champion
UFO Champion x2
Ark Champion x2
Heavy Metal Champion x2
Xtreme Champion x3
Won at War Games 2014
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[-] The following 2 users Like Morbid Angel's post:
Ozymandias (05-16-2014), Unknown Soldier (05-18-2014)
Scorpio Offline
Dick Of Doom

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

05-16-2014, 07:41 PM

Peter Gilmour Said:“Ok ok. I liked it. You raped me and I liked it.”

[Image: its-not-rape-meme-generator-its-not-rape...016257.jpg]

[Image: Scorpin.png]


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[-] The following 2 users Like Scorpio's post:
Frodo mother fucking Smackins (05-16-2014), Morbid Angel (05-16-2014)
John Msdison 2.Faggot

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

05-16-2014, 08:06 PM

Peter, get help. Holy fuck...
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[-] The following 1 user Likes John Msdison 2.Faggot's post:
Unknown Soldier (05-18-2014)
Morbid Angel Offline
Баба Яга

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

05-17-2014, 05:19 PM


(OOC- it’s all good man. You know I love you like my most favorite black person lol. But seriously it’s all good. Next time we will work out something more suiting for time and stuff. And I really enjoyed the match. It was funny as hell! Who ever wrote that was amazing!)

болезненное ангел!
[Image: 8IZ5unY.png]

Intercontinental Champion
UFO Champion x2
Ark Champion x2
Heavy Metal Champion x2
Xtreme Champion x3
Won at War Games 2014
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