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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Sweet Dreams (Part Two)
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Mandii Rider Offline
Eat Your Heart Out Bitches


XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

04-01-2014, 01:01 PM

The gravel feeling washed over my back as I was shot into the ground by Alexander. I laid on the ground for a moment, taking in the pain and feeling blood wash over small cuts on my back. I felt Alexander push on my chest before pulling me up and sending me back down in the gravel. He smiled before seemingly lighting his fist on fire and sending it right next to my head. I looked up at him, his eyes glowing a red. I pushed off the ground, sending my foot into his belly and causing him to stumble back. Once he was out of the way enough, the fury sent two of the three that had followed them after me. They took me to the ground and the Fury landed on my chest. She looked into my eyes, after holding my head, and a sharp shooting pain was felt rushing in my head. I struggled to pushed her off but managed to break free of their hold. I grabbed her by the back of her head and sent her face into my knee before getting a fist to my jaw. I stumbled back, barely catching myself.

There's five of you and one of me, are you all really that weak?

A smile stretched on my face as I looked back at the fury and Alexander, blood dripping from the side of my mouth. Alexander let out a growl before starting for me and sending me into a grassy area. He began to send punches to the side of my face, hitting only every other time. I pushed him away before having the fury carry me back a little. I felt more heat rush over my body as I watched the blood trail in the grass grow the more I was drug back. I pushed my feet down to the ground, forcing the Fury to stop, and sent my foot up onto her forehead. She stumbled backwards as Alexander and the other three went after me, holding me down in a group.

It's going to take a lot more than this to get me to stay down.

Kill her already.

I felt fire in my blood and my eyes changed to a golden brown. I pushed up from the ground before pulling down on Alexanders shirt and using him as a shield against one of the three. She stopped her attack half way through, seeing Alexander, and attempted to send a small dagger to my chest. I moved just in time but was stopped from moving by yet another one of the three that had come with the Fury and Alexander. He held my arms as I squirmed around before putting a sharpened nail to my throat. I looked down at it, feeling the tip of it pushing into my skin. I stopped my struggle as the Fury began to walk to me.

Thank you.

You know...I never got your name...It's rude...To kill someone when...They don't know who is...Killing them.

A smirk stretched on the furys face as she got closer. She put her hand under my chin, forcing my face up to her.

It's Tess.

She let go of my chin before beginning to walk away. My head dropped down and my breathing became heavy. A smile stretched on my face as I started to look up to Tess and Alexander. Tess turned around after reaching Alexander, no expression on her face other than what seemed to be the thought of victory. I started to laugh as I looked up at them both standing there.

Well...Tess and Alexander...Do you realize how ridiculously stupid you both are?

They looked at each other before looking back at me. Blood ran down my cheek from my head as I looked up at them, a smile still on my face.

All this time, you could have had those three take me on and you could have gotten inside, maybe, but you didn't even try.

I started to laugh again before pushing back on one of the three that was holding me back.

Also, you might want to consider stronger reinforcement.

I caught a glimpse of someone running at me. I watched as they got closer, waiting until they were close enough to send over my shoulder, causing them to fall on their back.

Mandii Angry.

Once again Tess darted at me while Alexander took my advice and ran for the door. My feet started to shift in the gravel as Tess pushed back on me. I got my grip on the ground, at last, and sent Tess down on her back before putting both my knees on her chest. Looking up, I saw Alexander almost reach the door but not in time to get in before I could grab him from behind. I sent his head into the door before being pushed back to the ground. He snapped his fingers and before I knew what to do next, I had someone on my chest forcing my back into the ground. Alexander walked over to Tess and the both made their way back to the door, stopping just before going in.

You have fight, I will give you that, what you don't have is the need to exist. You depend on other people to keep you up, Mandii. You depended on others to keep you human, you couldn't do it on your own. Now you depend on others such as family to try to keep you from being a monster. What happens when you are alone?

Tess smiled before walking in the house and giving a slow path to Alexanders back. I pushed up on the person who sat on my chest but as soon as I could get them off, someone else was on me. Alexander walked over to me, smiling as he leaned down to me.

Soon you will fall into a madness. Very sad actually, you will lose yourself just to try to be with your brother once again.

His smile sickened me as he ran his hand down my face. I held a growl in my throat as he stood back up to his feet. I struggled for a moment before hearing something in the house. My heart stopped, everything ran hot.

Soon you and everyone who will ever go after your brother will be dead. So, I will leave you with this thought just so you can know this wasn't just Sigh's fault.. It turns out that Sirens aren't that faithful, well, at least when it comes to promised power.

He turned around, a smirk on his face.

At least our alphas trust everyone of us, not just their family. You should think about that. I mean, one of the originals did try to kill off the world, why not try again in the near future? No one would think the grieving ones would try to carry out what they swore to do when they are choking down the lost of a love one.

What are you talking about?

Dreamers need help from the outside to pull them through, and in Sigh's case, she needed someone very powerful to pull her into this world. Someone who knows how to take down the barriers. Only those who are originals of their kind know how to do this, mainly due to the fact they are the reason those are there. Considering most of the creatures out there are the reason Sigh was imprisoned, well, there's a reason I brought up Sirens. Plus, Sigh needs someone strong to keep her on this side.


Alexander began to walk in the house, the sickening smile still on his face. I felt the heat in my body once again once a scream reach my ears. I looked up at the man sitting on my chest, a smile on his face, and pushed my thumbs into his eyes. He let out a loud cry before rolling off me and allowing someone to take his place. It was the girl with the daggers. She went for me, going to send cuts to my body. I grabbed her wrist before hitting the dagger out of her hand and pushing her back into the ground. I looked up to the door, now being covered by the last of the three. I sent the dagger into the girls heart before walking over to the door. I grabbed the man by his shit, about to toss him away, when a ringing began in my head. I dropped to the ground when pain rushed in.


The heat that came with this pain wasn't like I had felt before, it was sharp and sent waves of heat throughout my body. I felt a kick to my midsection before I noticed I was on my belly. I began to try to to crawl to the door, letting out screams of pain. I was stopped by the man, who now was pulling on my foot to get me away. I turned around, my vision began to blur and I wanted very much to close my eyes. I tried to send my foot to his head, but missed. I let out a shrill cry before feeling blood run down my cheek. I began to close my eyes when the blurred out image of Nerobel began to walk to me from behind the man.


The man turned around and a loud snap was heard in the air. His body dropped to the ground, Nerobel standing only feet from me and next to the body. I looked up, being able to see more the closer she got. She leaned down, smiling, and looked over at the body.

Sorry, she's mine to torture and kill.

A giggle escaped her lips before she whipped the blood from my face.

Wow little sis, you aren't looking so good. You should hurry and find that brother of yours, I don't want to watch you die when I haven't even shown you what pain is.

Suddenly, her head shot away from me and to the door of the house. Alexander was sent flying into the air as a cry was sent into the air. Nero looked down at me before getting to her feet and changing her arms to wings.

See you around, try not to die before I've had my fun. Oh, and remember something. You can always trust a lying man to lie but you can never trust that a man of truth will always tell the truth. The same goes to the "Villains." I would listen to Sparks, he might know more than you.

She flew away and my vision became even darker and more blurry now. I watched as Micah ran out of the house, Teakkin following after her. Micah picked Alexander up, sending him into the ground and looking back at Tess who was just now stumbling out of the house. Teakkin picked up the body laying next to me and backed away as Micah darted for Tess. Tess fought her off for a moment, then my vision faded to darkness. I fought back and opened my eyes once again. Alexander was laying on the ground, blood coming from his eyes, ears, and mouth. I could make out one other figure, then a snap echoed in the air. Everything stood still right before my vision faded on black and on Tess dropping to ground. I couldn't fight it anymore, the heat, the pain, it was surging in my body.


Clouds filled a blue sky as a light breeze washed past my face. I opened my eyes once before closing them again and feeling the grass though my ripped shirt. I laid still, for once, I didn't feel anything. I felt no pain, no regret, I didn't even feel the fear of losing Jason. However, the vision of everyone I cared about in a blood pile woke me from this peace. I was covered in blood...Their blood.


My eyes opened to the sky, Micah, and Teakkin over me. I coughed slightly before rolling over on my side and looking around. Five dead bodies laid on the ground. I looked over at Alexander, his words ringing in my ears along with Nero's words. Suddenly, my head snapped to a girl only a few steps from me. Black hair hung out slightly under a hood and something was held on her back.

[Image: lYqifPx.jpg?1]

She Zella?

I pushed up from the ground before struggling to stand.

Maybe you should stay down for a few seconds.

Yes, I'm Zella.

I limped over to her before looking down down. She was smaller then me, not what I had really expected. Her eyes were a misty blue and a marking on her forehead match her eyes. I turned back around where Teakkin and Micah were standing before looking down on Zella again.

Can you find my brother?

I don't need to find your brother, I already know where he is and who took him.

The girl with the broken neck spilled her guts before she had the broken neck.

A smirk made its way to my face before I turned around to where Teakkin was. I began to limp away from Zella and closer to the gravel path.

Then lets go.

I'm going to.

I stopped. Turning round I saw Micah, her eyes fixed on mine now.


I'm going if you like it or not.

My smirk faded and was replaced with a frown. I rolled my eyes turning around to her. Heat rushed in my blood as I looked at her. Rage.

Why the fuck to you give a shit if Jason is ok or if he is meeting the grim reaper? Do you plan on causing him more harm? That's all your good for Micah. Look around you, you only cause tears and death so how about you do us a favor and fuck off now.

I turned back around before feeling a hand on my arm. I turned around, sending a punch into the air. Micah caught it and looked at me, her expression was serious.

Believe it or not Mandii, I do care for your brother. Don't forget who left who in the first place.

She turned her head slightly, looking over the bodys.

Besides, I should say the same for you, death follows you everywhere.

I pulled my arm away from Micah, looking over the same dead bodies. A sigh left my lips as I met Micahs eyes again.

You willing to die help save Jason? I am, and if you aren't you should walk now. Don't think for one second I won't feed you to the lions if it means saving my brother.

I wouldn't expect anything different.

I pushed past Micah, looking at Teakkin.

The same goes to you, I don't give a shit about anyone of you. I played the good fight when I fought Helen and I lost my sister. I'm not working on team work this time around, I'm not losing my brother. Push comes to shove I will sacrifice anyone of you to get him out of there.

Teakkin’s head dropped slightly, Zella wore a look of anger on her face, and Micah didn't look at me as I passed her.

I suggest you all get ready to leave. Zella, I have a few questions for you.

Micah looked over at Teakkin before the two started back to the house. Teakkin would know what we needed and well Micah was support when needed. Zella began to walk over to where I was. She stopped in front of me and crossed her arms over her chest.

You are one grumpy person, I guess my dad hasn't visited you for awhile.

I rolled my eyes.

I've lost enough already, I'm not losing anything else. Now, can you kill a dreamer.


I bit my bottom lip and began to turn around.

However, you can kill the one who has your brother.

I turned back around to face Zella.


I don't know, what I do know is Sigh isn't a normal kind of Dreamer. She was cursed in being a Dreamer, I know this because my father helped in the pursuit to trap her in the dream realm. That is the only reason I am helping. I assume she can be put back into a dream however. The only draw back is your brother would have to die.

Then I will find a way to kill her.

I began to walk away again, anger coming from my voice.

It is hard to fight a Demi god, especially when they are in Dreamers skin.

I stopped dead still before turning back around.

Sigh is a Demi god?

And now she has the powers of her father, herself, and of a Dreamer.

Who was her father?

Ares, god of war.


The car was packed with bags of Weapons, lucky for us Micah had some in her house. Teakkin and Micah were just finishing the last bag while Zella was getting in the back of one of Micahs cars. I stood over three bodies piled on each other. I couldn’t just leave them laying here, and I didn’t feel the need to put them six feet in the ground, so, I was going to burn them. I walked over to Alexander, blood dry on his face and hands. I let out a sigh before leaning down to his cold dead body.

Thanks for the secrets. It looks like you won’t get to take them to your grave. At least you will feel right at home in hell, I hear there is a lot of fire there. Maybe we will meet again and I can kick your ass while the devil watches.

I picked up his body, completely cold to the touch, and tossed him on top of the other three. I began to walk over to Tess’s body. Her neck was completely broken by Micah. I closed my eyes, leaning down to a knee. When I opened my eyes I noticed a necklace around her neck. It was a Siren symbol mixed with a moon. Just more proof for me.

You won’t burn. You’re just a warning.

I pulled the necklace from her broken neck and left her where she liad. Walking over to the pile of four bodies, I pulled out a match book and picked up a small gas can. I began to pour the gas over the bodies, soaking them in it. Following it, I struck a match and watched the fire burn down to my fingertips before tossing it on top of the bodys. A large flame shot up to the air followed by a few pops. I made my way back to the car before sitting in the driver's seat. I looked over at the last body, Tess. No fire, just an example of what was coming. Sigh had to know something went wrong, and Helen would know soon she is on death row. I pulled out and started on the roads that Zella pointed out.

~Tess’s finger began to twitch before~

[Image: djB6rGg.gif]


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