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PlaceMarker Waking Up in Philly...(rp 2)
Author Message
Scotty Guillermo Offline
Am I High?

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

03-28-2014, 11:16 AM

[...I wake up at 9:00 AM with no marks on me in my Hotel, getting ready to head out to the RTX event. I leave the hotel, and went into parking lot to pick my car to drive off to the center. Then I head to the center for shooting a promo for my match dressed in my gear with a pair of sunglasses on my eyes as the camera were rollin']

"This is Scotty... the man who will dominate this triple threat match.. Nuff said."

[Camera man tells me to "speak" more...]

"Well, I have some competition for against a "secret" spy who can't seem to get reason plus.."

[I laugh at this name..]

"Some shark man who's named El Tiburon..."

[I laugh at his name for no reason..until I continued.]

"McBride, how's your family doing now?.. I hope they can see you get an ass whipping from me. I'll give you a simple reason why, I can hit you with an Irish Weed-Fuser that will make your own eye balls pop out, and no i am not talking like sex neither. I feel like after this Triple Threat, keep your family in check cuz I could spray em with a tec-9. Also, I feel like you should let your daughter do whatever she wants to do..and give her some Ortho Tri Cyclen. "

[Then I call out an Hispanic midget who dresses up like El Tiburon to speak for me...]

"Usted el hijo loco de una hembra .. usted no puede luchar para la mierda... Pienso que Scotty puede luchar con ustedes ambos hasta que la noche sea terminada."

[The Midget poses his muscles and continues to speak.]

"Tiburón... La madre de su avergonzado sobre usted que usted hasta va a luchar contra mí o que Bono excesivo súper, McBride"

[Then the midget leaves the scene and I continue the promo.]

"You see..even the midget agrees with me on how Sharky is like without a script. Once tonight comes and that bell rings, I'm going to show a side that nobody has ever seen before, a side that's ready to prove to RTX I still am trying to remove that antagonizing loss in Lethal Lotto. I am not a champion, nor a man who's looks like won't get far within XWF. But that doesn't mean I will not love to kick Turduron and Mcbitch asses for one night. Maybe, if that Cheater is still US champ... he better beware of my underdog tactics after my Triple Threat match tonight, because i'll be victorious."

[As I walk off the stage to head to my locker the scene fades into the RTX logo.]

[Image: kidman.jpg]

XWF Highlights:

1x UFO FTW E1999 Champion

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