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Monday Night Madness (3-24-14)
Author Message
Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

03-24-2014, 04:22 PM

[Image: madness3.png]

Date: March 24, 2014
Arena: Honda, Center
City: Anaheim, California

The show opens to a dark arena. No announcers greet us tonight. Instead, all you hear are thousands of screaming Madness fans growing restless from the anticipation of who or what may be joining them. It's the XWF, after all. If you're greeted with a dark arena, you're about to get a surprise of some kind.

When suddenly...

Paul Heyman's XWF theme plays and lime green lights in the arena fire up.

JOEY STYLES: “It's Paul Heyman!”

DON GROSS: “I wonder what he's out here for.”

JOEY STYLES: “Maybe he purchased this air time to advertise RTX.”

Heyman makes his way to the ring with his Riot Cop and Brock Lesnar flanking him on either side.

DON GROSS: “You mean, the two of you are friends and you have no idea why he's here tonight?”

JOEY STYLES: “I never said I didn't know.”

The two announcers come to an awkward silence as Heyman and his small entourage enter the ring. Heymans Riot Cop hands him a microphone. The fans in attendance are building their anticipation. Not knowing whether to cheer or boo the man that for nearly a year, caused them both great satisfaction, and great frustration with Madness.

PAUL HEYMAN: “Ladies and gentlemen...”

And the fans blow the roof off the place. Heyman can't help but smile a little bit.

PAUL HEYMAN: “Ladies and gentlemen... My name.... is Paul... Heyman!”

Again, the fans come unglued momentarily, before settling once again.

PAUL HEYMAN: “Did you miss me?”

Again, cheers.

JOEY STYLES: “Paulie has them eating out of the palm of his hand!”

DON GROSS: “I have a...”

JOEY STYLES: “Shut up.”

PAUL HEYMAN: “We'll see how you feel about me in a week, two weeks, a month as I make RTX the number one wrestling program on television!”

The fans cheers turn to boos.

JOEY STYLES: “That escalated quickly.”

DON GROSS: “Well, these Madness fans are a loyal bunch.”

JOEY STYLES: “No one asked you.”

PAUL HEYMAN: “RTX comes to you LIVE this Friday night, but that's not why I'm here.”

The fans begin to fall quiet.

PAUL HEYMAN: “Since my unceremonious ouster as General Manager of this show, there's been a revolving door of General Managers and temporary replacements. Morgan Eldred. Wallace Witasick. John Madison for a minute. Even Theo Pryce.

“Morgan Eldred did his very best during his short tenure and he accomplished nothing but falling revenue.

“Wallace Witasick accomplished nothing but falling ratings. I mean, what would you expect from the guy that ran Bore-fare into the ground for months?”

JOEY STYLES: “Those are fighting words.”

PAUL HEYMAN: “It's not a secret. I put this show on the map and I never fail to remind you all of that very fact. From the very moment I stole this show from Wallace Witasick in February of 2013, until the moment I was fired by the Administrator Network, Monday Night Madness rose to the occasion.

“Gates and revenues steadily increased.

“Rating began to rise. Slow at first, then faster and faster. First overtaking TNA. Then Smackdown, then RAW, then the XWF's own Shove It...”

Fans begin cheering again.

PAUL HEYMAN: “Then came the coup de grace... Madness took Bore-fare and stomped it into the mat and became not only the most watched show on Monday nights, but also the most watched wrestling show on the fucking planet!

“And all of that was because of me!”

Annnnnnd the boos rain down.

PAUL HEYMAN: “I'm sure you've heard the rumors about what's happening tonight and I can assure you those rumors are true. The new, permanent General Manager is here tonight!”

Boos again.

PAUL HEYMAN: “Oh, it's not me.”

The boos convert to rabid cheers.

PAUL HEYMAN: “This new General Manager has gone out of his way to find himself...

“What would you call it?

“A Sherriff?

“No, no, not exactly.

“See, while this General Manager will handle business, he decided it'd be best for Madness to find himself a man with the knowledge and the instinct to do what's right for business. A man that will be the law and order.

“In fact that's why I'm here.

“Ladies and gentlemen, the new General Manager has asked me to come out here tonight in his stead, and announce to all of you his choice as the first Commissioner of Madness...”

Still, more boos.

PAUL HEYMAN: “There's a new Sheriff in town, people...



DON GROSS: “Are you serious!?”

JOEY STYLES: “Paul Heyman has been hired by the still unknown, new General Manager of Madness, to be the Commissioner!”

DON GROSS: “Is drug testing required for General Managers? Because this is the absolute worst move he or she could have made!”

JOEY STYLES: “I think you're the one on drugs, Don. Paul Heyman on the bridge of the Madness ship, working hand in hand with the new GM is good for business. What's more, is it's right!”

Heyman retrieves a piece of paper from his jacket.

PAUL HEYMAN: “What I have in my hand, is a pink slip.”

The fans fall quiet.

PAUL HEYMAN: “I've conversed with the General Manager and he's signed off on this, knowing it's the right thing to do.

“Last summer, I hired a man to do a job like only he can do. A man that doesn't need a tag team partner...”

Brock Lesnar leaves the ring and drops to ringside. Heyman leans against the ropes staring at the announce table.

JOEY STYLES: “The moment we've all been waiting for!

“Or at least, I have!”

DON GROSS: “Someone is about to get the ax! But WHO!?”

Don Gross looks on intently at Heyman, not realizing that Paul Heyman's Beat Incarnate, Brock Lesnar, is standing two feet beside him.

PAUL HEYMAN: “Joey Styles needs no introduction. He became the voice of Madness for a reason. No one does it better.

“So, without further adieu, Don Gross, I do not regret to inform you, that your services are no longer needed.”


DON GROSS: “What?”

Lesnar grabs Don Gross by his shirt collar and rips him out of his announcer chair. Gross looks on in fear. Lesnar gently takes the headset off of Don's head and sets them down gently on the announce table. Lesnar then lifts Gross up into a firemans carry and delivers the F5 to Don Gross, sending him crashing through the announce table.

PAUL HEYMAN: “It's GREAT, to be back.”

Heyman's entrance music plays as he and his entourage head to the back.

Madness fades to commercial.

JOEY STYLES:"Ladies and Gentlemen we are back after that opening bomb by the great Paul Heyman. My former broadcast partner Don Gross was just escorted out of the building by XWF security. And now it's time for our first match of the night."

Kens theme from streetfighter 2

Karl Kamikaze makes his way through the crowd, yelling and giving high fives to various fans before entering the ring.

Jerusalem The Hymn plays

The words "Dampshaw" come on the screen in flashy, Victorian style lettering. Dampshaw III walks down, arrogantly waving his hand not unlike the Queen

And did those feet in ancient time
Walk upon England's mountains green
And was the holy lamb of God
On England's pleasant pastures seen

Dampshaw looks around at the crowd while walking, giving the people looks of disgust as he truly believes that he is above them.

Bring me my Bow of burning gold
Bring me my arrows of desire
Bring me my Spear: O clouds unfold
Bring me my Chariot of fire

Reginald slowly enters the ring and lifts his arms up in the air, looking around the arena at all the fans, a look of pure contempt and dislike on his features. Gold smoke and gold sparks come tumbling down onto him as the fans boo the hated rookie. Reginald is uncaring in this reaction, immersed in his own self love.

Karl Kamikaze
- vs -
Reginald Dampshaw III
2 out of 3

Dampshaw and Kamikaze immediately look up, both men with a strong grip on the back of their opponents necks...

JOEY STYLES: "What the hell is going on? What are The Outsiders doing here?"

Kevin Nash and Scott Hall accompanied by official nWo valet Brooke Hogan and official nWo referee Nick Patrick make their way down to the ring.

Dampshaw and Kamikaze just stare as the two members of the nWo climb into the ring.

Kevin Nash walks over to the referee and stares him down, the ref to his credit doesn't back down...


JOEY STYLES: "OH MY GOD!!! Kevin Nash just KO'd the ref with a superman punch that he's labeled "Too Sexy." The ref is down and he's not getting up. And how convenient, The Outsiders brought another referee with them."

Brooke Hogan slides something small into the ring which Scott Hall picks up. Hall circles around Dampshaw and Kamikaze while the two men stare at Kevin Nash unsure what to do....

Dampshaw makes the first move and lunges at Big Sexy...

BIG BOOT to the Face.


Scott Hall just cracked Karl Kamikaze in the back of the head with what looks to be a flap jack. Kamikaze and Dampshaw are both down and out. Hall picks up Kamikaze and sets him up....Hall points to the crowd.....


Meanwhile Kevin Nash picks up Reginald Dampshaw and then....



Nash and Hall each place one of their boots on the chests of the fallen Reginald Dampshaw and Karl Kamikaze as Nick Patrick gets down to make the count....




NO CONTEST Winner: The Outsiders

Madness returns from commercial and we're following the new Madness Commissioner, Paul Heyman. He enters his office and looks around. Much of his memorabilia has been restored on the walls. The photos of he and Brock Lesnar, he and CM Punk, he and LJ Havok. His original ECW championship belt once held by ECW greats such as Sabu, Taz, Bam Bam Bigelow, and the Franchise himself, Shane Douglas. Further down on the wall, his prized possession. The large photo of he and his favorite Paul Heyman Guy, The Senator himself, John Samuels.

Heyman grins and takes seat behind his desk. Once he feels comfortable again, he eyes up the phone on his desk, then hits the speaker button and dials a number.


SLY: "Mr. Heyman? Is that you?"

PAUL HEYMAN: "Indeed it is."

SLY: "Where are you calling from?"

PAUL HEYMAN: "My new office."

SLY: "Your RTX office?"

PAUL HEYMAN: "Oh no. My Madness Commissioners office."

Silence from the other end.

PAUL HEYMAN: "You there?"

SLY: "Yes, sir. I'm just confused."

PAUL HEYMAN: "There's a new General Manager on Madness..."

SLY: "Again? They sure are having trouble replacing you, aren't they?"

Heyman smiles wider.

PAUL HEYMAN: "Indeed they are. The revolving door of worthless GM's continues. I think they got their man this time."

SLY: "You really believe that?"

PAUL HEYMAN: "Well, I might not be the GM, but the new guy was smart enough to hire me on to be the law and order."

SLY: "That's kind of ironic, don't you think?"

Heyman looks confused.

PAUL HEYMAN: "What do you mean?"

SLY: "Well, when they let you go, it was because you were inserting yourself into too many decisions."

PAUL HEYMAN: "That's true, but it's different now. I can enforce whichever rules I want. And disregard those I don't like. I made sure that was slipped into my contract at the last minute."

SLY: "That's nice, Mr. Heyman."

PAUL HEYMAN: "So, you want your job back?"

SLY: "Working for you was a challenge, Mr. Heyman, and a pleasure. It'd be an honor to work under you again."

PAUL HEYMAN: "Good, call Wyatt Reynolds. I know he's in town here in Anaheim. tell him to get his ass over here, because we have GOT to talk."

SLY: "I'll get on that right away, sir."

PAUL HEYMAN: "Good. I'll see you next Monday, Sly!"

Heyman hangs up the phone as Madness fades to commercial.

Back from commercial our scene opens up in a unknown location, quite possibly in the backstage area. We see John Austin sitting at a small wooden table and staring at a picture frame that sits upon it but we only see the back of the frame, not the picture itself. John looks at the picture with a look of intensity.

JOHN AUSTIN: "I don't know what it is about you that sets my soul ablaze with passion. Do I fantasize about thee? yes I do. From what you would do to me if you got me alone and the way you would look without all those clothes on. Mmmm, baby girl you have no idea what's in store for you. I still bare the marks you bestowed upon my back at the war and I am wanting more from you."

John picks up the picture frame and begins to passionately kiss the picture like his life depended on it.

JOHN AUSTIN: "I will be seeing you sooooooon....."

John drops the picture on the table and walks off. The camera gets a view of the picture that lays in the frame and it is of one......

Alexandra Callaway.

JOEY STYLES: "We are back and it's time for our second match of the night."

Vanity by Christina Aguilera plays

Vanity blasts over the PA System as Talia pops out front he black curtain with a smile on her face the crowd erupts into cheers. The return of Talia has finally happened. As she walks to the center of the stage and raises her arms into the air and points at all the cheering faces. As she begins to jog down the ramp she moves to the right side of the ramp and tags her fans hands and does the exact same thing on the left. As she gets to the bottom of the ramp she makes her way to the apron and pulls herself up onto the apron. As she turns facing towards the fans, she flips herself over the top rope landing on her feet. The crowd erupts into more cheers as she makes her way to the turn buckle pulling herself up and raising her arms into the air waving to her fans with a smile. Jumping back off the turnbuckle and landing on her feet as her theme fades out.

"SOS (Anything but love)" Apocalyptica w/Cristina Scabbia

Alexandra makes her way down the ramp, she stops at the bottom of the ramp and walks to the steps. Some cheer for her, some boo her, but she just shrugs them off and continues on her way to the ring. She slips into the ring, under the bottom rope, and climbs up onto the turnbuckle. She smirks evilly, and then poses, her arms up and in the rock on symbol. She jumps down and waits for her opponent, stretching on the ropes and stopping just as the opponent's music starts and she stares up the ramp at them.

Talia Lea
- vs -
Alexandra Callaway
Standard Rules

The match starts off fast as Callaway rushes at Talia Lea only to be put down by lariat and then a quick elbow to Callaway's face. Lea grabs Callaway by the hair and rags her into the corner, leaning her up against the bottom turnbuckle and using her knee stars choking out her opponent. A few seconds of this and Talia backs away and waits as Callaway slowly lifts herself up to standing position. Talia charges at Callaway....


Talia Lea went for a splash onto her opponent but instead got a face full of turnbuckle. Lea stumbles back into the waiting arms of Callaway...


Callaway get's down on the ground and locks her opponent into the Tazzmission. Lea is flailing about trying to break the hold. Trying as hard as she can to somehow counter but to no avail.

JOEY STYLES: "Callaway really has it locked in. Only chance Lea has is to get to the ropes."

Using all the strength she has in her lower body Lea manages to twist and contort herself so that she gets her left foot onto the rope, after a few seconds of convincing Callaway releases the hold. Callaway is the first one to her feet giving her the opportunity to size up her opponent....Lea up to one knee, now both....standing upright....only to be meet with a boot to the face as Callaway landed a devastating Spinning Heel Kick that sends Talia Lea spinning in the air and eventually landing flat on her back. Callaway uses the opportunity to quickly ascend the turnbuckles, look around to the crowd and leaps...


Hooking the leg for the cover...




Frustrated Callaway grabs Lea with both hands and starts blatantly choking her. The ref immediately starts yelling at Callaway to break the hold. She ignores and and strengthens her grip, the ref is now counting...Ally has 3 seconds to release the hold...



Released. Callaway releases her death grip on Lea and backs away while her opponent is on the ground gasping for her, the color starting to come back into her face. Callaway circles her opponent for a few seconds and as Tea finally gets to her feet the two lock up. Callaway tries to whip Tea into the ropes but Tea reverses instead sending Callaway bouncing off the ropes…Clotheslines….


Callaway ducks under Lea’s attempted clothesline, and instead lays her opponent out with a swinging DDT. Callaway hooks the leg for the pin…




JOEY STYLES: “Callaway almost had her there.”

Callaway grabs Lea by the left leg and left arm and pulls her to within a few feet of the corner, she climbs up to the top turnbuckle and attempts a split leg moonsault but Lea rolls out of the way.

JOEY STYLES: “Well that’s no good. Callaway connected with nothing but canvas there.”

Lea is the first to her feet this time, brining Callaway up with her…Russian Leg Sweep, elbow drop, another elbow drop and a pin attempt…




Callaway kicks out fairly early, while both attempt to get to their feet Callaway delivers a nasty right hook to Lea that momentarily stuns her and sends her falling back to the mat. Callaway quickly back to her feet, she walks around Tea and leans up against the turnbuckles…Lea sits back up….


JOEY STYLES: “Great move there by Alexandra Callaway. She has really impressed in this match as has her opponent.

Callaway goes for the cover…




Callaway rolls off her opponent, her breathing heavy, she slowly pulls Talia Lea up to her feet and then hits her with a knee to the abdomen. Lea doubles over in pain which gives Callaway the perfect set up for…

MALICIOUS INTENT!!!(Crucifix Powerbomb)





WINNER: Alexandra Callaway

JOEY STYLES: "Good first match by the new comer but it was not enough as Alexandra Callaway claimed the victory"

Scorpio is backstage minding his own business when he suddenly spins around. There standing behind him is The Professional, who seems to have decided to augment his arsenal with a a rather large lead pipe, which he drags on the floor behind himself. Scorpio doesn't hesitate as he charges forward and hits Sullivan with an explosive lariat. yanking the pipe from the hitman's hands, Scorpio brings it down repeatedly on on his back. Sullivan ignores it as he grabs Scorpio's ankle and yanks it out from under him. Falling to the ground, Scorpio manages to stay aware enough to avoid an elbow drop from The Professional, rolling away just in time. Both men come to their feet at the same time and begin circling each other.



SCORPIO: "Thought you had some bullshit about only having to ask to know who hired you?"

THE PROFESSIONAL: "I'm being paid to not say."

SCORPIO: "Of-Fucking-Course"

Both men charge each other, Scorpio gets the better of Sullivan however, his superior strength and speed allowing him to take The Professional to the ground and slam his knee into his throat. He does it three more times, each time bringing it down with more and more force. He grabs the hitman by the back of the head and pulls him to his feet.

SCORPIO: "Alright motherfucker, this is the part where you break your rule and tell me who the fuck sent you."

The professional answered him by grabbing a taser from his pocket and jamming it directly into Scorpio's neck. The Ark of the Covenant Champion screamed as the electricity coursed through his body. Pulling the taser away, The Professional slammed his fist right into Scorpio's face. Replacing the taser, Sullivan grabbed the lead pipe from off the ground and swung it directly at Scorpio's head. The pipe connected with a sickening crack as he draws back and swings it again. This time hitting Scorpio square between the legs. Scorpio howls with pain as he falls to his knees.

THE PROFESSIONAL: "How's that 8 inch cock doing?"

SCORPIO:"Fuck you!"

This earned Scorpio a running boot from The Professional . Gripping the pipe with both hands, Sullivan raised the pipe, getting ready for one last big swing.

THE PROFESSIONAL: "By the way, Wendy's is evil."

SCORPIO: "What the fuck?"

Those were his last words before The Professional brought the pipe down directly over his head. Scorpio slumped to the ground, unconscious. Muttering some profanity as he did.

THE PROFESSIONAL: "Yeah, I don't get it either."

JOEY STYLES: “The Madness is back, folks! Coming up next, the number one contender to the King of the XWF crown will go one on one with, well, Madness Dogesonified.”

”115” by Elena Siegman plays.

JOEY STYLES: “Hear him roar! Dogerlord makes his way through the scattering crowd!”

”Stars & Stripes Forever” plays.

JOEY STYLES: “The Senator made his return at Nuclear Winter and he's picked up right where he left off when he took off last summer.

“Samuels makes his way to the ring with Ann Fairchild right behind him. And now here comes Heyman, on his way down.”

Super Mutant Dogerlord
- vs -
The Senator, John Samuels
Texas Death Match

The bell rings and Dogerlord lets out a loud roar. Senator jumps out of the ring to regroup and seek advice from his managers.

JOEY STYLES: “The Senator is already in full on retreat mode, here! I wonder what advice Heyman is actually giving him.”

Senator climbs back in the ring and Dogerlord lets out another roar. Samuels rears back and punches Dogerlord square in the snout causing him to yipe. Samuels lets out a laugh, then advances toward Dogerlord. As Senator nears, Dogerlord faces Senator and lets out a gigantic roar, blowing Senators hair back and covering him in Doge saliva.

JOEY STYLES: “Much loud! Many slobber! Wow!”

Senator stands, stunned at what just happened. Dogerlord scoops up the Senator and slams him to the mat and quickly goes for the cover.



JOEY STYLES: “Senator kicks out!

“I should probably tell you that the rules for a Texas Death Match are simple. In order to win, you must gain a pin fall or submission, before the referee can count your opponent down for the winning ten count.”

Doge gets back to his feet and lifts Senator to his. Doge then tosses Senator toward the ropes. On the rebound, Doge catches Senator with a big boot, sending him down once again. The Senator remains down as Ann Fairchild finds herself up on the apron.

Dogerlord closes in slowly on Fairchild as Senator begins to get back to his feet. Heyman is on the far side and grabs a steel chair from ringside and slides it into the ring to the Senator. As Samuels lifts himself upright, he has the chair in hand.

Heyman travels back around the ring and Fairchild drops down to the floor. Dogerlord turns around...


JOEY STYLES: “What a shot with that chair over the head of Dogerlord!”

Doge falls to one knee and Senator hits him again with the steel chair. This time Dogerlord falls to the mat. Senator goes for the cover!



JOEY STYLES: “It's not enough to put the Doge to down!”

Senator grabs Dogerlord by the fluffy fur on his neck and lifts him to his feet. Senator tosses Doge toward the ropes. On the rebound, Senator lifts Doge up in a Gorilla Press and quickly collapses under the weight with Doge landing on top of him.



Senator kicks out!

Dogerlord slowly gets to his feet. Senator begins to get to his. Dogerlord scoops up Senator and drops him down in a back breaker!

JOEY STYLES: “A massive back breaker sends Senator down! He's in major trouble here!”

Heyman can be seen pacing at ringside, now wearing John Samuels' stetson.

JOEY STYLES: “What the hell is he doing?”

Dogerlord lifts Senator to his feet once more. With Senator in a daze, Dogerlord runs toward the ropes. On the rebound, Dogerlord is tripped up by something. The camera zooms in and we're shown what looks to be a dog leash around both ankles of Dogerlord! The camera follows the leash and Heyman is holding onto it with all of his strength he can muster.

JOEY STYLES: “Heyman! I just saw the replay! He lassoed the Doge!”

Senator goes for the cover!




JOEY STYLES: “The Senator just pinned Dogerlord with a huge assist from Paul Heyman!”

Heyman continues to hang on to the leash, trapping Dogerlord in his place. Ann Fairchild reveals two pair of handcuffs. Working quickly, she cuffs each of Dogerlords ankles to the bottom rope as Senator yells at the referee to start the ten count.




JOEY STYLES: “Paul Heyman might find himself in hot water here!”

Heyman then slides a disk shaped object into the ring.




JOEY STYLES: “Dogerlord has snapped one of the cuffs!”



Dogerlord has made it to one foot, breaking the count. Senator has the disk shaped object in his hand.

JOEY STYLES: “It's a damn Frisbee! What the hell is he doing with that!?”

Dogerlord snaps the other set of handcuffs and looks at Senator, growling. Senator tosses the Frisbee into the crowd. Doge starts barking and tries to run after it.

JOEY STYLES: “Ohhh. That's what.”

Dogerlord is so powerful he ends up pulling Heyman tight against the apron. The leash tightens up and Dogerlord plunges to the mat. Senator dives on top of him reveals a syringe in his hand.

JOEY STYLES: “What the hell is that!?”

Senator plunges the syringe into Doge's neck and Dogerlord quickly fades out as the referee starts another ten count.

JOEY STYLES: “I think he just put the Doge to sleep!”




JOEY STYLES: “Dogerlord, still motionless here!”




JOEY STYLES: “It looks like Senator has won this thing!”




JOEY STYLES: “I can't believe it!”


WINNER: The Senator, John Samuels

JOEY STYLES: “Heyman and company just screwed the pooch!”

We join Nero backstage, as he is preparing to put his mask on when he suddenly gets blindsided from behind with a baton to the back of the head. He spins around just in time to see a man in a three piece suit, a pair of blue gloves and grinning clown mask, Michael "The Professional" Sullivan. Who promptly drove a fist directly into his face. Nero stumbles before quickly regaining his balance and driving his foot directly into Sullivan's chest. He stumbles backwards however, as his foot bounces off of something solid underneath The Professional's dress shirt.

THE PROFESSIONAL: "Body armor, you didn't think I'd do my job half-assed did you?"

Nero grunts as he once more lunges forward, this time aiming for Sullivan's shoulder. His kick lands with a satisfying crack as he forces the hitman backwards. He takes hold of Sullivan's wrist and puts him in a hammerlock, causing his attacker to drop his baton.

NEONERO: "Spit it out hitman, who sent you?"

THE PROFESSIONAL: "Someone who doesn't want you at a hundred percent for your match with Austin."

Bracing his foot against the wall, The Professional kicks and drives himself backward, slaming the 'Cyaneyed Assassin' into the concrete wall. Nero grits his teeth as he keeps his hold on The Professional's wrist, wrapping his other arm around his neck for good measure.

THE PROFESSIONAL: "Tenacious little bastard aren't you?"

Sullivan drove his head back, sending it into Nero's face with a crunch. Ever tenacious, the masochistic Nero smiles as he maintains a tight grip on Sullivan's neck and wrist. After a second headbutt, his grip weakens but he holds on. After a third, he's finally forced into letting go. Spinning around, Sullivan plunges each of his hands into his pockets. When he pulls them back out, they're each adorned with metallic steel knuckles. Three times The Professional drives his fists into Nero's jaw, on the third, Nero falls to the ground, spitting out an unhealthy amount of blood. As Nero attempts to make his way to his feet, The Professional reaches inside his suit jacket and pulls out an X26c taser.

THE PROFESSIONAL: "Frodo Smackins sends his regards. Also, don't be surprised if there's a baton up your ass when you wake up."

NEONERO: "Wait, what? "

The Professional answers his question by pulling the trigger and sending 50,000 volts coursing through his body. After a good minute, The Professional yanks the taser barbs out of Nero's unconscious form. Grabbing his baton off the ground, Sullivan turns to the cameraman.

THE PROFESSIONAL: "You're not gonna want to be around for this."

He says as he pulls down Nero's pants.

JOEY STYLES "And we are back for our Main Event. Hopefully Neonero was not weakened too much by that unprovoked attack by "The Professional".

Time by Pink Floyd plays

The lights in the arena go dim and the sounds of multiple clocks can be heard ticking away through-out the arena. Finally the alarm sounds and the beginning to Time by Pink Floyd begins to play. Out steps John Austin from beyond the curtains. He stands atop of the stage with his hands held to his hips and surveys the arena. He makes his way down to the ring, greeting a few fans along the way.

MIYAVI vs YUKSEK - Day 1 plays

Cameras suddenly fix on center stage, as a series of teal and cyan pyro blasts go off, and ''Day 1' by miyavi explodes into life. With every bass beat and guitar slap the lights strobe different shades of white, grey, teal, cyan. Eventually Neonero emerges from the curtain, walking carefree to the ring, inanely messing with fans along the way.[/event]

John Austin
- vs -
Pyramid of Hell

Ding! Ding! Ding!

JOEY STYLES: "And here we go!"

Austin stares across the ring at his opponent, and starts giggling like a wild schoolgirl! Nero doesn't seem fazed, as much as he is confused as to what the fuck the madman he's up against is doing. He shakes his head to refocus himself in time to see Austin running at him, arm pulled back. Nero watches, but does absolutely nothing until the last possible second, when right as Austin's about to connect with a superman punch, Nero ducks under and shoots his knee out, catching Austin right in the stomach! Austin tumbles over and collides back first with the turnbuckles, before finding himself trapped in the ever precarious Tree of Woe position.

JOEY STYLES: "Excellent move by Neonero."

Nero dusts his hands off, silently congratulating himself on a job well done before turning his attention to the trapped opponent. Austin struggles to get out of the predicament but Nero's too fast for him, getting in a series of kicks to Austin's exposed ribcage before the trapped man finally breaks free and falls to the mat.

Nero peels Austin off the mat and whips him into the ropes, but before he can capitalize, Austin springs back to life and nails Nero right in the cheek with a huge running boot to the face! Nero falls to the ground and Austin hits the opposite set of ropes, coming back with a big knee drop that misses as Nero rolls out of the way at the last second. Austin, who landed on his right knee, clutches it, rolls onto his back and grimaces for a couple seconds before forcing himself to his feet. Nero approaches him and Austin reaches out to try to lock up with him.

JOEY STYLES: "Both men are locked up now."

It's Austin who has the major weight advantage over Nero, and he uses every pound to his advantage when it comes to getting the upper hand on this exchange. Austin slings Nero's arm around his neck and lifts him up off the ground, dropping him back first onto the mat with a huge vertical suplex! He floats over into a full mount before Nero jams his fingers into Austin's eyes and shoves him off. Nero gets back to his feet, and kicks Austin in the stomach before hooking his arms and hitting a Chickenwing DDT. He walks over to the ropes afterwards and steps between the ropes, falling onto the floor on the outside. Cracking his neck, he wanders over to where an already set up chair rested near the barricade. Without hesitation, he grabs it and walks back towards the ring before realizing he isn't exactly alone on the outside of the ring. Austin's coming at him cautiously. Almost too cautiously for him. It seems as though he's hiding something behind his back...

Nero, chair in hand, draws nearer, readying his weapon.

JOEY STYLES: "This is not looking good for John Austin.

Austin reveals what he has in hand as Nero swings: a light tube. He swings it low, catching Nero right in the stomach and shattering the glass, sending the dust scattering in the nonexistent wind. The shards drop to the floor as Nero's knees hit there also. Austin picks some of the shards up and slides them inbetween his fingers before pulling his arm back for a punch. He swings...

But Nero still has the chair in hand! He moves his head and holds up the chair! Austin connects, shattering the glass further and driving it into his fingers! Austin falls back, hoping to survey the damage the glass inflicted when Nero gets back up and rushes him with chair in hand. Crack! Austin falls to the ground holding his head and Nero doesn't look quite done with the chair. However, too much damage to the chair will result in it being unable to be used in the Pyramid. Oh well, there's likely an infinite amount of chairs in this building. He lifts the chair up over his head and brings it down right atop Austin's knee! Austin squeals out of both parts pain and pleasure and Nero does it again, this time even harder.

Austin squeals once again, much more pain than pleasure though.

Nero goes for a third, but Austin connects with a kick from his left leg to the balls. Nero drops the chair and falls back down to his knees again. Austin struggles to his feet, inching his way over to the barricade to pull himself up to his feet. Nero gets back up too, slowly as well, and approaches the limping Austin. They lock up and this time, Nero gets the upper hand by hitting a quick arm drag takedown. He wrenches back on the arm before delivering a knee to the shoulder and breaking his grasp. Austin winces and tries to rotate his arm all the way around to relieve the pain. Nero backs up and delivers a running knee to the back of the seated Austin, sending him lurching forward before snapping back down, laying against the floor.

Nero walks over to where a collection of shards still lay and carefully takes a handful before walking over to the prone Austin. He sprinkles the glass across Austin's stomach and delivers a sickening stomp that mashes the glass against his opponent's skin! Blood starts to pool over the incision points and as Austin rolls over, drips and smears onto the ground.

Austin gets onto all fours, and Nero rushes in for a punt like kick to the side of his head. Austin dodges and Nero's shin smashes against the barricade! Austin reaches up and rips Nero's face down, it connects flush with Austin's knee.

JOEY STYLES: "Nero just went down in a heap there after that vicious knee shot to the face."

Austin reaches over picks just smashed Nero in the face with a sheet of glass! Nero looks blinded in there! For some reason, he's taking the time to remove Nero's mask...disappearing under the that...UGH! that's a crusty, cum stained mess of a Nero mask! That thing is literally crumbling in Austin's hands and the sick freak is loving it! Making a beeline to Nero, Austin reaches for Nero's hair...PELE! PELE KICK! Nero sends that cum-dried mask right back to sender, and Austin is spluttering cum-flakes all over the ring!

JOEY STYLES: "Just when you think you've seen it all."

Austin is down and he doesn't look conscious. Nero walks over to the ropes and looks over at pyramid of hell (5 tables placed above steel chairs, each table with a sheet of glass placed atop them) which is located below the entry stage sizes it up...getting ready to end this match. A potentially fatal mistake as with his back turned to Austin, Austin gets up to his feet and smashes a brick over the back of Nero's head. Austin has Nero down! He's reaching for a ball gag, what else has he brought in this sick menagerie? Taking Nero from behind, he places his ball over Nero's mouth, squeezing his jaw so that it hangs open, receiving the ball easily. Austin starts to fiddle around - tying the gag that is - but Nero seems to have his senses about him and is pulling the ball forward like a catapult....and suddenly he ducks! POW RIGHT IN THE KISSER! Nero just sent another item back to sender! That ball is now lodged firmly between Austin's teeth, and...OH! Nero is unloading with a series of unusual uppercuts and knees designed to crush Austin's teeth against the ball gag! Finally it comes tumbling out of there in a mixture of blood and enamel! I think I saw Lemmiwinks escape too?!

A riding crop? Nero is having none of it, snatching the implement and just welted the letter 'N' into Austin's cheek! Nero grabs Austin by the hair and tosses him out of the ring and then climbs out himself. Nero grabs Austin and attempts to pull him up by Austin counters with a low blow and then an uppercut. Austin quickly follows up by grabbing Nero and tossing him towards the entry ramp. Nero stumbles forward a few feet but his momentum sends him falling flat on his face. Austin slowly works his way over to Nero, lifts him up by the mask which somehow manages to stay on and drags him up the rest of the way up the ramp and onto the entry way.

JOEY STYLES: "Looks like Austin is fixing to end this match right now."

Austin puts Nero in a momentary headlock and then sets him up for what looks like a DDT....Blocked...Countered...Knee to Austin's midsection....Facebuster onto the stage. Austin's face smashed into the cold hard steel of the entry stage. Nero picks up Austin...he looks out at the crowd...




Neonero just ended this match with a Gorilla Press Slam that sent John Austin flying through the air and through 5 separate tables. The ref is now signaling for the bell.

JOEY STYLES: "Incredible match by both competitors but this one goes to "The Cyaneyed Assassin"

WINNER: Neonero

JOEY STYLES: "We will be right back in a few moments."

Eli James IV music plays over the speakers..

JOEY STYLES: Eli James on Madness???

Eli James continues with his smiling ways.. embracing the boos as he makes his way to the ring...

JOEY STYLES: The former owner of the XWF..

Eli gets in the ring and is getting a microphone to speak to everyone...

Eli James IV: "World War Xtreme... my team lost, and therefore I am no longer the owner of this company but neither is the Network. Theo.. the very thing you were fightin' for has been destroyed. The XWF has been wanting me to die for so long... waiting for my message to hault.. be careful what ya ask for... hehe. NWO. New... World... Order. You should have finished off the job, cowards. Congregation... I ask you all to stay in the back. New World Order.. I ask ya all to come to the ring. Do somethin' no one has done.. do something that EVERYONE WANTS TO BE DONE! COME AND END ELI JAMES!! COME AND DESTROY ME! XWF... you asked for it.. by my hands I give it... just remember.. its on you. Come on, boys... don't be shameful cowards... END ME!

The music hits and outcomes the new 'owners' of the XWF, the New World Order featuring Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, Scott Hall, and Kevin Nash. They are surrounding Eli James.. and Eli just smiles at all of them. They all start to get onto the ring apron.. approaching Eli James. Eli just falls on his knees and stretches out his arms yelling something. Kevin Nash takes a bat he's holding and knocks it across Eli's head!


They all start attacking Eli James!! Eli is refusing to fight back or even lay a finger on either of them. Hogan is pointing at Eli who is laying in the ring, barely conscious. Macho Man climbs to the top turnbuckle....



Macho Man lands his famous Elbow Drop on Eli Jame's chest. Now Scott Hall picks him up....


JOEY STYLES: "This is disgraceful. Eli James is defenseless and these monsters are taking him to task. Now what are they doing?"

Macho Man climbs out of the ring, lifts up the ring apron and pulls out a table. He slides it into the ring upon which Scott Hall sets it up right in the middle of the ring. Macho Man then turns and throws something else into the ring which Hogan catches in the air.

Kevin Nash picks up Eli James...sets him up......


Kevin Nash just powerbombed Eli James through the table. Hall and Hogan toss away the broken pieces of table leaving a broken Eli James just laying in the ring. Hogan takes the lid off of whatever Save threw him and shakes it up...




Eli James is lying in a puddle of his own blood, nWo spray painted onto back. Kevin Nash uses his boot and rolls Eli James over. He's laying unconscious with a smile. The nWo poses over a dead like Eli James...

Interrupted on the XWF Tron...

The music plays for a minute with the nWo looking confused and laughing.. the music comes to a quick cut and someone is walking around wearing a red suit... the camera following him has a flashlight to show the movement almost like a Blair Witch type look. They arrive at a High Striker game with a beautiful lady standing by it holding a hammer.. she waves at the camera.. then the man turns into the camera..

????: "New World Order... this is going to be fun. I love games too! Hehehehehehehe...

The guy starts walking off from the camera as it drops to the ground.. it shows a Guy Fawkes mask laying there.

JOEY STYLES:"Ladies and Gentlemen this is absolute madness. The nWo is leaving the ring, paramedics are rushing to the scene to help check on Eli James. We don't know if he is dead or alive. And we still don't know who the new Madness GM is. We will be right back after this commercial break.

Madness returns after the main event. "Psycho" by Puddle of Mudd hits and here comes the European Champion, Wyatt Reynolds, along with his main squeeze, Charlotte Dyson. He heads to the ring and enters to a chorus of boos. The music cuts with Wyatt standing in the middle of the ring, holding a mic.

WYATT REYNOLDS: "It's obvious, that most of y'all here in liberal land, do not like ole Wyatt Reynolds!"

The crowd boos.

WYATT REYNOLDS: "It's also come to my attention, that I haven't been on Madness since the night I won the title."

The crowd cheers.

WYATT REYNOLDS: "You're welcome for that.

"See, I hate to disappoint y'all but, I had to do some redecoratin'. If you'll take a look at my newly redesigned championship, you'll notice somethin' is just a little different."

The camera zooms in on the title. It takes a few seconds for the crowd to realize what he's done to it.

[Image: 9KPi2YI.jpg]

WYATT REYNOLDS: "Now, isn't that the most beautiful piece of art y'all have ever seen in your lives?"

Much boos.

WYATT REYNOLDS: "Oh, I am blessed my good people.

I am blessed to come to you tonight as the first Confederate Champion."

"Wyatt Reynolds!"

Paul Heyman emerges from backstage. Wyatt Reynolds has a huge smile on his face as Paul Heyman stops at the top of the entrance ramp.

WYATT REYNOLDS: "Well now, if it isn't the Jew in chief!"

PAUL HEYMAN: "Cut the shit, Reynolds!"

WYATT REYNOLDS: "Exactly what do you plan to do if I don't?"

Heymans Riot Cop, as well as Brock Lesnar appear on stage.

WYATT REYNOLDS: "Oh, that's right, Mr. Heyman. You hide your Jew self behind your collectively pathetic band that no one cares about.

"You'll continue to breathe this precious oxygen, and I'll continue to wear my Rebel heritage, with pride. I'll say what I want, I'll do what I want, and I'll continue to come and go when I want.

"There's nothin', Mr. Heyman, there's nothin' you can do about it."

PAUL HEYMAN: "Oh? Is that right?"

WYATT REYNOLDS: "Hell yeah it's true."

PAUL HEYMAN: "Do you realize who I am?"

WYATT REYNOLDS: "Mr. Heyman, what kind of fool do you take me for? Just because I come and go as I please does not mean I'm out of touch with the current goings on."

PAUL HEYMAN: "So then, Mr. Reynolds, you realize that I'm the new Commissioner of Monday Night Madness?"

WYATT REYNOLDS: "And all of Yank land rejoiced!"

PAUL HEYMAN: "You're damn right they did!"

WYATT REYNOLDS: "Mr. Heyman, tell me why you've come to interrupt my moment here."

Heyman paces for a second then turns back toward Reynolds.

PAUL HEYMAN: "Wyatt Reynolds, you won that title on the 11th of February and you have yet to defend it. Do you know what that means?"

WYATT REYNOLDS: "It means I'm still champion."

PAUL HEYMAN: "Correct, but for how long?"

WYATT REYNOLDS: "What the hell are you spewin' out that Jew mouth of yours?"

PAUL HEYMAN: "What I'm trying to tell you is, that you have until Madness next week to defend that title!"

The fans cheer loudly.

WYATT REYNOLDS: "I have until next week to defend, or..."

PAUL HEYMAN: "I'm pleased you asked. You defend by next week or you can kiss your championship good bye!"

The fans cheer again.

WYATT REYNOLDS: "Y'all would like that, wouldn't you?"

Much cheer.

WYATT REYNOLDS: "Mr. Heyman, I regret to inform you, you have no right to take this title from me."

PAUL HEYMAN: "See, that's where you're wrong. Most men around here that are in a position of power don't have the balls enough to invoke contractual obligations.

"See, what you fail to realize Mr. Reynolds, that it's standard operating procedure, for any champion to defend within 30 days or face being forced to vacate said championship."

Very boisterous.

PAUL HEYMAN: "I've pointed this clause out backstage to the new Madness General Manager and he agrees, Mr. Reynolds. Your deadline is next week."


PAUL HEYMAN: "What's it gonna be, Wyatt?"

WYATT REYNOLDS: "My friends can call me Wyatt, Mr. Heyman, and you are not my friend. You can call me Mr. Reynolds.

"That bein' said, I'll agree. Next week on Madness, yours truly will defend the Confederate championship!"

More cheers from the crowd as Reynolds and Dyson exit the ring. They walk by Heyman and company without so much as a flinch from either side.

PAUL HEYMAN: "Now... On to the other reason I'm out here. It is my honor, and my privilege, to announce to you, the brand-new General Manager of Monday Night Madness..."

Heyman waves his arm toward the X-Tron...

[Image: PFr3kdY.jpg]

Madness Ends.
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[-] The following 11 users Like Theo Pryce's post:
(03-24-2014), AlexandraCallaway (03-24-2014), Archie Lawson (03-24-2014), Frodo mother fucking Smackins (03-24-2014), Great Buzzard Eli James IV (03-24-2014), John Austin (03-25-2014), John Samuels (03-24-2014), Julian Martin (03-25-2014), Morbid Angel (03-24-2014), Mr. Radio (03-24-2014), Ozymandias (03-24-2014)
[-] Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 4 users Hate Theo Pryce's post!
(03-24-2014), (03-25-2014), (03-24-2014), (03-24-2014)
AlexandraCallaway Offline
Demon or Angel? You decide!

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

03-24-2014, 04:50 PM

OOC: Amazing job!!!

"Poor little lamb..."

1x UFO E1999 Champion
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[-] The following 2 users Like AlexandraCallaway's post:
Frodo mother fucking Smackins (03-24-2014), Theo Pryce (03-24-2014)
Frodo mother fucking Smackins Offline
Big Dick Playa

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

03-24-2014, 06:02 PM

"Well, Nero looks like you won despite my efforts. Good show. And no, Scorpio I did not hire him for you. I'd come at you head on.

[Image: ZXX7HJw.png?1]

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Axle King

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

03-24-2014, 07:56 PM


"King of Kings."


"Well Ozymandias, I'm Axle King, the King of Kings -- the King of all Kings, to be exact."

"Now, I'd say it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance but lets be honest with ourselves, I'd never say something like that."

"No. I would say that's a clever little handle you coined for yourself. I enjoy the title when I put it along with my name as well. Although it does look a lot better next to my name, opposed to sitting next to that monstrosity you call yourself. "

"Ozymandias, it sounds like a disease. Or a cheap play on Sebastian Duke's father's name. "

"Hey, but who am I to judge? It's not like people can choose their names. And if they could, certainly they would come up with something better than that. At least you'd think they would, right Ozy?"

"Tell you what, how about I come onto your show and we settle who has the right to claim the handle of being King of Kings?"

"It'll give me something to do while I'm waiting to take the crown off that douche nozzle Pryce."

"Oh but you're a GM. You don't wrestle do you?"

"That's fine. I'm sure you can get someone to wrestle in your honor. You must have a defender or some sort of hired muscle or at the very least a brown noser who wants some points with the new GM."

"Whoever it is, is not the issue."

"Just find someone, saddle him up with the challenge and lets settle this. Because there's only one man with the stones to wield the right of calling himself the King of Kings."

"And it certainly isn't a man named Ozymandias."
Ozymandias Offline
Former XWF Management

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

03-25-2014, 03:18 AM

"Well it surely didn't take long for the cockroaches to come out of hiding didn't it Axle? I suppose the irony of a man named after a car part lecturing anyone else on names is lost on you?"

"It must eat at you that while you strive for power and significance I already have both. Is that why you have come to my door step whining like a 14 year old girl about the use of "King of Kings" as if you somehow have it copyrighted? Tell me King of Kings, does it hurt not being the only one? Are you finally coming to the realization that your parents lied to you when they told you that you were special?"

"Go ahead, let it sink in for a minute, you are not special. You can walk around calling yourself the King of Kings, or the God King, or the King of Gods, it doesn't matter. You're not the first, you won't be the last, you are just the next guy in a long line of guys hoping to make his bones by calling out a GM. At the end of the day you are just another wrestler on the Madness Roster. Like that so called douche nozzle Theo Pryce, or Karl Kamikaze."

"You can issue your challenges, I certainly can't stop you, but what I can do is tell you to go sit in the corner and pout like the little girl you are."

"That being said, you want a match, and coincidentally enough I happen to have an opening this coming Madness. Consider yourself booked vs Wyatt Reynolds. And hey lucky you, you get a chance at the European Championship. Be thankful you get that. Now run along and go tell mummy and daddy about the mean man behind the curtain who said their little Car Part wasn't special."
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[-] The following 4 users Like Ozymandias's post:
AlexandraCallaway (03-27-2014), Devin Black (03-27-2014), Hollywood Hulk Hogan (03-25-2014), Julian Martin (03-25-2014)
Mia Dim Offline

XWF FanBase:
Kids, women, some teens

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by adult males)

03-25-2014, 05:34 PM

God damn it, The Professional. I hired you to do a job you fucking .

Look at these tapes of our private conversation.

Quote:Dimallisher: Dimallisher wants to pay you money to go out there on Madness, pull Callaway's top down, and expose to the world them titties of hers that she refused to show Dimallisher in the promo that took place in church.

Odd request. From an odd man. But yeah, it'll get done. 75k, 30k up front. If there are anything special added go right ahead and send me the specifics.

30k just so happens to by my pay per view bonus.

I got my church friend Eli James covering the rest, he's a rich son of a bitch.

I just need to see them titties.

You must expose them on national television for me and the world to see. I'll have Eli throw an extra 10k on top of that if you grope them.

The only other thing I ask is that you do not damage them.

This is bullshit. You didn't fulfill your end of the deal. That is very unprefossional, The Professional!


Callaway this ain't over, bitch. I will get them titties and suck on them in front of the whole world, and you will carry my baby in front of the whole world whether you like it or not.

[Image: image-146.png]
I hate people who look different
and if u dont like it then u can leave                                                                                   

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