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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » World War X-treme (March 16th) PPV RP Archive
Epilogue: Ep7
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Clean Lucena Offline
the cleanest player of the game

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

03-16-2014, 08:30 AM

- Biographer and Cheat are in some kind of room. Bio is writting with a typewriter. He stops. Cheat is sitted in a couch -

The Biographer: It's done. It has been a pretty good chapter. I'm glad you get serious for once.

Cheat Lucena: Well... I'm paying you. And after months I wanted you to work fucker. You never has been on ringside with me so at least do what I hire you for, write the book.

The Biographer: You didn't have enough things to write anything. But these days has been pretty fructiferous. And other thing... Radio it's a bad guy not a good guy and you were refering to him as a hero

Cheat Lucena: Bio, pal, don't make me laught. We have done lots of things before this week... the Depardieu thing, getting arrested, the car... I know it's nothing pretty good to write anything but well, it's something. Anyway, what better ocassion to start the book than heading to the PPV when I debut wrestling for my probably first wrestling championship. And pal. please, It's a book. I'm trying to be lyric, I know he's one of the bad guys. But compared him to me... I'm the Worst in the World. And I needed to define the limits

The Biographer: Okey okey, You right. Do you wanna review it? let's take a look?

Cheat Lucena: Yes, please, read it.

The Biographer: Ok...

Chapter 1: I'm the good guy

It's soon to say this, but I'm heading to my first ever PPV where I fight for a championship belt, and It's pretty easy to imagine this situation. Me on the ring. The other guy in front of me. I'll try to be didactic with this text. Tension on the air. He's clearly one of the good guys and I'm not exactly an angel. But this is my first ever PPV, I could be a pretty worth champ if I beat him clean. It would give me credit and I could become a hero for people that likes me. Or I could be the bad guy again. The offer of be a hero is pretty temptress. People supporting you, be loved by the boss, fight to the limit, have good quality wrestling matches, or at least better ones that the other times I just cheat. I still on the match but I can't avoid thinks, even with these tension. And then, suddenly, he makes a bad move... I don't even had to poke his eyes, I just make him do a sommersault, putingt a hand on one of his legs, classic roll-up, not a pretty awesome way to end a match, but this is for the title so It's not really important if I apply the leaping reverse STO or not, and it's not a "dirty way" to do it. And then the referee crouches, starting to hit the canvas. One, this is a good start. He didn't kick out. And for the moment he's not making lot of force. I see at the crowd, most of the people don't look pretty happy with it. Well... at the end he's their hero and till the moment I only win by dirty finish. But this time I could be their hero beating him clean. And obviously, it's my first ever PPV, it would be awesome if I beat him without dark arts. Two... ouch, I'm pressing him as strong as I can, but miss radio, as I like to call him, is doing a good work and probably will kick out. Now it's the moment. I'm a bad guy, but as I told, everyone want to be loved. Even me, sometimes wants to be love. And there is no problem, if he kick out the match could continue, I'm pretty good throwing elbows too, so I could have my big PPV moment anyway. But it's pretty easy, I'm close to the ropes. It would be just put a leg there, and the pressure surely will get strong enough to continue to the three and win the strap. Hell, most of the people expect that. But it's so bad to be hated.

Everything is running in slow-motion. He almost has kick out. Please, Cheat, be good for once, this is your first ever ppv, you know you're mannerism, you know you're a bad guy, but these people would be pretty please if I just let him kick out, the match get longer, I win them having an awesome match and I use the normal finish, the Spanish F, which is my clean one. Love. The love of millions. And people would even take me seriously for once. Look like a decent, legit champion. But the rope is there. It's the easy way. Ok, be hated again, just be me. What should I do? Or even more important... what would anyone do? a normal person, yes. One of those that want me dead. If I tell him my story, I tell him I'm having dudes, that maybe I would like just to be a normal, generic good guy at wrestling, they would understand me, sure, they will change. But what they would do on my place. Battle as a lion or take the easy way. I don't know... you see, even we can battle with ourselves. This make me thing another time... why they didn't like me? Because I'm not with them? Because I do bad things? I just... hey, wait. They don't like me because it's too complex to like me, too compex even to explain it. And it's so easy to like the guy that is always cheering the crowd. They already have make their decision to choose the easy way. They would put the fucking leg in the ropes and be the champ. It's as simple as that. Nobody would give a shit for anybody if they don't get a benefit from there. But I can be loved also... What should I do?. Okey, I've already make the decision.

I put the leg on the rope. The pressure get strong enough. They guy don't see that coming and he can't move his body. Three. It's done. The people's boos are over the roof. I just was me. I don't really feel pretty good for the first time, after all the wrestling training and after all the time saying that I love to cheat and cheat makes my life plenary. But I'm champion, it's not a bad thing at all. But this battle still inside me. And now I realise it. They choose the easy way, I do the same. Why that's make me the bad guy? I did tell it to them. That was exactly like I said I should do. I'm not the bad guy, I'm the one that tells the truth. The bad guys are them. Why should I care about their opinion. And some of them are inteligent enough to understand me and cheer me. That's enough for me. The roles are changed in the world. I tell the truth and they were too close minded to not understand that in my position, everyone would do that. That's doesn't make me the bad guy. Exactly the opposite. I'm the good guy. The bads guys are them. I just do what I always do, what everybody always do...cheat. God wants me to cheat.

Cheat Lucena: Ossom. I looks a bit gay with all the inner battle, but well, that would grow on the readers. Now let's go. There is a ppv waiting me. And... Bio.

The Biographer: No, not again pal.

Cheat Lucena: I didn't say it in any of our promos till today Bio...please... let me.

The Biographer: Okeeeey...

Cheat Lucena: Don't call it a win if it's clean.. Ok, let's do this.

- the image fades to black -

end =)
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