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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » World War X-treme (March 16th) PPV RP Archive
Transcending Space & Time - Part III: RP 6 (Co-Op w/Nova)
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Sebastian Duke Offline
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(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

03-15-2014, 12:22 PM

Tuesday, December 24, 2013 – 11:06 PM EST – The Compound – Old Saybrook, Connecticut

The past versions of myself and Jacob enter the cell. Caitlyn is restrained to the cot and unable to move much at all. Jacob has already stuck her in the arm with a syringe full of a sedative. It leaves her staring blankly into the Darkness that is my Dungeon.

Jake releases the restraints and the past version of myself lifts her effortlessly off the cot. With Caitlyn cradled in my arms, I watch as my past self carries her out of the Dungeon. I begin to follow them and realize that I don't have to. Wherever they go, I follow them as if I'm floating, lingering in thin air.

Up the spiral staircase we go and through the main corridor of the ground floor. Once we're out in the open field between the Compound and my fathers cottage, I begin to see double. Just not double as if being inebriated. Double as in, I can see through my present day eyes, and my past eyes.

It feels odd and somehow knocks me out of balance. This is by far the most intriguing, yet unsettling experience of my life and in many ways, I'd like to thank Nova.

MR. SUPERNOVA: “You're welcome.”

I keep forgetting he's still here.

MR. SUPERNOVA: “I know.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Damn it Nova! You're ruining it!”

MR. SUPERNOVA: “I'll try to stay quiet.”

As we near the cottage, Jacob looks around.

JACOB, THE MESSENGER: “Did you hear something?”


JACOB, THE MESSENGER: “Like a voice, or something.”

PAST SEBASTIAN DUKE: “You're imagining things.”

We enter the cottage and pass through the hatch in the floor. Down the steps into the abyss of Darkness. Asmodeus' ultra-secret, ultra-high tech laboratory. Jake scans his thumb print and the large, heavy, steel doors slide open allowing us in.

Once inside, the past version of my father is revealed as we round a corner.

ASMODEUS: “It is time, Sebastian. Lay her down on the table.”

The past version of myself lays her down. The present me can look deep into the eyes of the past me and see his every thought. Probably because we're one and the same.

MR. SUPERNOVA: “Probably? More like definitely, Sebastian.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Dammit, Nova!”

MR. SUPERNOVA: “Oh that's right. Quiet.”

Jacob looks around the room.

JACOB, THE MESSENGER: “Did you say something, Sebastian?”


JACOB, THE MESSENGER: “I swear, I heard your voice.”

PAST SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Maybe just an echo or something.”

Nova appears beside me.

MR. SUPERNOVA: “Perhaps you should try not to speak out loud. Your friend here seems aware of something. He's somehow hearing your present voice, yet he's very much in the past.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Is that even possible?”

MR. SUPERNOVA: “Of course it is. Anything is possible. You must remember, just because you're in a past time thread, doesn't mean what you are watching, is.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “I don't understand.”

MR. SUPERNOVA: “You know how when someone gets that deja vu feeling? Like when they're certain they've experienced a particular moment before?

“Well, it's because they have.

“Those that experience that feeling or in a past timeline. Their future self has already experienced what their past self is currently going through. When they get that feeling of deja vu, it's because the momentarily become aware of the space and time continuum. Although, they do not perceive it as such. They just throw it away as if it was just a fleeting second in time.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “So, this is an actual past timeline where this is happening in real time.”

MR. SUPERNOVA: “Not exactly the way I'd put it, but in a nutshell, yes.”

I look back at what's going on in this timeline and the past me stands at Caitlyn's head. Jacob stands nearby, within reach. The current me notices the stun gun in his hand. Asmodeus has already started the incision to extract my son from his mothers body.

Things happen fast.

Thaddeus arrived just after midnight on Christmas Day. He'd share a birthday with “Jesus Christ.”

It was time.

My present self is fully aware of what happened that night. At the time, I was unaware that my father and the man I consider my brother conspired against me. Conspired to render me nearly unconscious in order to take her life before my very eyes.

My past self, at least in this timeline, seems very much aware of what lies ahead. Out of the corner of his eye, he looks at Jacobs right hand, over and over. The stun gun remains concealed, yet past Sebastian has a suspicion that it's there. Maybe not that exactly, but something.


In an instant, Jacobs right hand, complete with the stun gun, comes rising toward my past neck. Past Duke, however, will have no part of it. With his right hand, he grabs Jacobs right wrist and squeezes it hard. Jacob drops the stun gun to the floor. With one punch to the right side of Jacobs jaw, past Duke lays him out cold.

Asmodeus jumps back. He is the be all, end all of the Illuminatus, but he's also an old man that stands no chance against someone the size of his son.

Past Duke drags the unconscious body of Jacob Anderson into the cell nearby. Asmodeus can only watch. Behind past Duke, Asmodeus slams the cell door. He gets the key into the lock when past Duke grabs Asmodeus by the lapels of his jacket and forcefully forces him into the cell door. Then again. And a third time.

Asmodeus falls to the concrete floor. Blood trickles from his bald head, but he's still semi-conscious. The key to cell remains in the lock. Past Duke reaches through the cell door and twists the lock open. He steps out and heads toward Caitlyn. He takes a delicate approach as he sews up the hole in her abdomen.

Once he's finished, he lifts her off the table and heads toward the exit.

What's surprising is I'm not able to follow.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Nova! What's happening?”


SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Well, what happens?”

MR. SUPERNOVA: “Be patient.”

Several minutes go by. The laboratory fades to total Darkness. In front of me, the image of newspapers slamming onto an empty background appears. One after the other. Every major newspaper in the world covered the news.

In short: “Professional Wrestler Sentenced to 20 Years”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “That's it? No scenes? No Caitlyn telling me to eat shit? I don't get it.”

MR. SUPERNOVA: “Our time is running out in this time thread. I thought it better to give you the readers digest version of a long story.

“She took your son, then turned you in. She hated every minute of it. Detectives Ewing and Barnes came for you three days later. You denied nothing. You didn't even use your connections to get out of it.

“Your guilt over it all was too great. You basically martyred yourself.

“With you out of the picture, the Church turned up the heat. Your Brotherhood of the Illuminatus fell less than a year later.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “What if I was up front with her at the beginning? Show me!”

Nova says nothing. Instead, that crazy acid trip time warp that takes only six seconds, yet feels like hours, delivers me to Boston General Hospital. I'm in the middle of Jacobs hospital room. Jake is in a coma and I stayed by his side the entire time.

May, 2013 – Early Morning Hours – Boston General Hospital – Boston, Massachusetts

My past self sits back in an uncomfortable chair. Jacob's nurse walks in and both my past self and my current self are floored. It was her first shift after Jacob was admitted with head injuries sustained when Jonathan laid a siege upon my Compound. The wounds of war are great and can be ever lasting.

My Compound has withstood the test of time. It's been a victim to wars of the past and yet has never fallen.

Caitlyn was his nurse. She walks in with a purpose, merely to check on her patient. She intended to come in, check his vitals, chart them, then be on her way to her next. Instead, she glanced at me and her gaze lingered longer than normal. I believe it was at that moment, that we both fell in love. It is a rare thing, but not unprecedented, that two people might fall in love at first sight.

She stayed around twenty minutes. We talked about the weather, local sports teams, (admittedly, her one fault is that she's a fan of the Patriots) among other things. She went on to finish her rounds. A few hours later I felt restless. I decided a walk would be beneficial. Past me stands up and heads out to the hall way. As we near the nurses station, I catch a glimpse of the woman herself. Hard at work entering her patients statistics into a computer.

She looks up and her eyes meet mine. We talked some more before she gave me directions on how to get up to the roof. Past me headed to the roof. It was a brisk spring evening. Past me leaned against the wall and looked out over the city of Boston.

Moments later, Caitlyn would join him. Me. Whatever.

She leaned against the wall beside me. Past me noticed a shiver in her, and put his arm around her, pulling her in close. Past me and Caitlyn talked late into the night.

The sun began to rise over Boston. Caitlyn still wrapped in past Dukes arms and looking over the city.

PAST SEBASTIAN DUKE: “I like you Caitlyn.”

She smiles bashfully at past me.

CAITLYN: “I like you too.”

PAST SEBASTIAN DUKE: “I'd welcome the opportunity to date you.”


“I'd welcome that too.”

PAST SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Look, I want to be honest with you.”

CAITLYN: “That's a good thing. Chicks dig honesty.”

PAST SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Things I do are highly illegal.”

Caitlyn cocks her head to the side. A confused look dresses her face.

PAST SEBASTIAN DUKE: “From the outside looking in, things I do may seem absurd. Things I do, may even seem evil.”

A blank stare into past Duke's eyes as he speaks.

PAST SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Caitlyn, have you ever heard of the Illuminati?”

CAITLYN: “Uhhh, yeah. They were a small group of underground devil worshipers.”

I always hated that misconception.

PAST SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Actually, that's a misconception brought upon by the slander campaign of the Catholic Church centuries ago.”

CAITLYN: “Then tell me. What was the Illuminati?”


“The Illuminati was started by Galileo Galilei. It was a group of men that started small, but grew to enormous numbers. They weren't satanists. They were of the belief that science was the creation of all things. The Church, at the time, considered that satanism. So, the war began. It's a war that has never ended.

“The Church, which heavily out-manned the Illuminati, rounded up everyone of those they could find, and had them burned at the stake over many years. They succeeded only as such, that the Illuminati were forced underground. Where they bolstered their ranks.

“They remain underground even to this day.”

CAITLYN: “Why are you telling me this?”

PAST SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Because its not easy for people to accept what I do. I'd rather be honest about it and let you make up your own mind.”

She sighs a little, then chuckles.

CAITLYN: “It's not like you're out there killing people.”

Past Duke looks down in shame. At least that's what it looks like from the outside looking in. I've never been ashamed of the things I've done. Like I've said, they may seem irrational, or evil depending on how you look at it. All the things I've done are not without reason.

This is war.

It's either kill or be killed.

CAITLYN: “Oh my God! Sebastian! Are you...

“Are you serious? You kill people?”

Past me looks up into the sunrise, then over at Caitlyn.

PAST SEBASTIAN DUKE: “It's a war. It's all secret and under the radar. But, a war nonetheless. In war, comes death. Didn't you ever wonder why Jacob is in the condition he's in?”

CAITLYN: “His chart says he was in a car accident.”

PAST SEBASTIAN DUKE: “He has no marks, other than a few scratches. Did you honestly think it was a car accident?”

CAITLYN: “Well.... What really happened?”

Past me hesitates. I assume he figures if he'd gone this far, why stop now?

PAST SEBASTIAN DUKE: “The Illuminati is stationed in a compound in Connecticut. It's disguised as a group home for wayward young men. My father, Asmodeus, he's a former Catholic priest. He serves as the High Priest of the Illuminati. He founded the group in the 80's after a falling out with the Catholic Church.”

CAITLYN: “What caused the falling out?”

PAST SEBASTIAN DUKE: “A fellow priest at his church was caught molesting a child. The Vatican ordered a payoff, which is not uncommon. Long story short, my father threatened to out the priest and the Churches cover up and was defrocked because of it.

“He decided the Catholic Church must pay for its crimes.

“So here we are, nearly thirty years later, and we're at war with the Church. They went so far as to install a plant within our society. One that has killed a good number of my young Brothers.”

While listening to the past version of myself explain to Caitlyn what he does, I notice Caitlyn staring deeply into his eyes. She's listening. Not running away.

I stick my hands in my pockets. Something is in there. I pull it out...

PAST SEBASTIAN DUKE: “His name is Jonathan. You've seen him here. I know you have, because I have.”

CAITLYN: “Why would he be here to support Jacob, when they're enemies.”

PAST SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Several months ago, after Jonathan was outed as a plant, I'd let him free of the Illuminati. That was a mistake. He made several calls to me vowing to end us all. He succeeded in many ways. He'd make an attempt to kidnap my father in order to draw me out into the open.

“He laid down a spike strip which caused one of my young Brothers to wreck into a tree not far from my Compound. The driver was Jacob blood brother, Lucas.

“Jonathan successfully kidnapped my father and Lucas died from his injuries sustained in the accident. Jacob blamed me and never quite got over it. He turned his back on me and joined forces with Jonathan in order to bring me down.”

CAITLYN: “Yet, here you are. Staying here night and day, hoping for a recovery.”

PAST SEBASTIAN DUKE: “I've known Jacob since junior high. He was a runt, and as you can see I am not. He was bullied every day, until I arrived at that school. We struck a friendship that remained unbroken until recently. I consider him my own little brother.

“It's out of my nature to give second chances. He gets one.”

CAITLYN: “But, he turned his back on you. Why give him that chance to do it again?”

Past me sighs.

PAST SEBASTIAN DUKE: “I love him. Like I said, I always considered him my own little brother. He's not handled the death of his own brother too well, and I made the mistake of not being there for him through all of that. Jonathan used that to his advantage in order to get Jake on his side.”

CAITLYN: “He manipulated him! He used Jacobs emotional state against him! He caused your best-friend to turn his back on the only life he knew!”

What the hell? She's actually invested in the story past me is telling her.

The object in my pocket, I begin to roll it around in the palm of my hand.

PAST SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Which is why, when Jacob recovers, he'll return home where he belongs. And Jonathan...”

CAITLYN: “You've got to kill that mother fucker!”



CAITLYN: “That son of a bitch is going to kill you if you don't kill him first!”

Is she seriously on board with this?

PAST SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Are you seriously condoning what I do?”

CAITLYN: “Look. I was raised Catholic, but I know what the Church does to cover things up involving parishioners and the clergy. It's disgusting. I can't say I'm a fan of murder, but it sounds to me that its justifiable.”

Damn it! Where's Asmodeus when I really need to point it out that just because we're not normal, doesn't mean we would never be accepted by others.

PAST SEBASTIAN DUKE: “So you have no problem with what I do?”

CAITLYN: “Well, you seem like a good man, Sebastian. I don't think you'd do anything to hurt someone that didn't have it coming.”

I just wish I could have lived this life. A life that I can only dream of now, the life we were meant to have....

It's at that moment that I look at the object that I've been playing with. I'm suddenly and completely shocked at what it is. I told Matthew to hide it away for safe keeping.

The monkeys paw!

Suddenly, Caitlyn and the past version of me, and the city of Boston fades to complete Darkness. I feel like I'm falling, yet my feet remain planted on a firm surface.

An alarming sound bursts through my ears over and over and over again...

Friday, March 14, 2014 – 7:31 AM EST – The Compound – Old Saybrook, Connecticut

My eyes burst open and I stare at the ceiling. The annoying alarm clock continues to buzz in my ear. Across the room, I can hear Thaddeus giggling and playing with toys as he lays in his crib. I wipe the sleep away from my eyes, completely unable to shake that odd dream I just had.

Nova had taken me back in time to view different scenarios for my would-be future with Caitlyn.

I lean over and sit up, resting my feet on the floor as I turn off the alarm. Thaddeus begins to whimper.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Hold on, Thaddeus. Daddy's coming.”

I force myself to stand up and walk over to my sons crib. I reach down and pick him up. For some reason, I just look at him and smile. For the first time, I hug that little boy. He lays his head on my left shoulder with his left arm by my neck. His right, on my shoulder. I pat the little guy on his back and start heading for the bathroom.

As I pass through the doorway, I stop suddenly. Something is different. Something was on the wall above Thaddeus' crib and I only just now noticed it. I back up through the door way back into my bedroom. My jaw is wide open as I look what is on the wall.

[Image: taker_1079612a.jpg]

It's a photograph of a wedding ceremony. I married Caitlyn!?!?!?

I slowly turn around, Thaddeus still in my arms.

CAITLYN: “Good morning, baby.”

Good morning, baby.

You chuckle as Nova echoes Caitlyn's words from his place perched on top of a nearby dresser. Hearing Nova, Duke spins towards him and exclaims.

What's going on?

Nova hops off the dresser and shakes his head as he approaches Duke.

What's going on're looking like a crazy person in front of your wife. She can't see me or hear me. Only you can. I thought you might have a rough transition to this life, so I figured waking up with a bit of advice might help.

I....I don't understand.

There's really little to understand at this point. I'm invisible, you're talking to me and not to your wife - Caitlyn, who is in fact....standing literally right behind you, looking at you like you've lost your mind. So I'd take care of that before anything else.

Sweetie, are you feeling alright? What don't you understand?

Duke spins around and laughs, clearly trying to appear as though he's got all his bearing together.

I'm fine dear. I just don't understand how one baby can be so stinky! Thaddeus needs a diaper change.

Well don't look at me. I had 4am feeding duty. You're on for diaper changing this morning, mister. Besides, I need to get ready for my morning shift at the hospital.

You still work at the hospital?

Yes, it's my second week back after all that maternity leave I took. I know you were against me returning to work but I told you, I like what I do. Besides, we have one of those priests you were investigating coming in for some blood work. I told Jacob I'd do some recon on him while I tended to him.

You did?

Yes silly, we went over this all last night. Are you sure you're feeling alright? You seem a little off this morning. Kind of out of it.

No, I'm fine. Just still tired and finding it hard to wake up. I'll be better after some coffee. You get ready for work and I'll tend to Thaddeus.

Duke kisses his wife and all seems to be smoothed over as she returns the kiss and then smacks Duke on the ass before walking off towards the bathroom.


Oh don't be so sensitive, you know I couldn't keep my hands off that booty even if I tried.

Caitlyn laughs and disappears into the bathroom as Duke smiles. Yes, the King of Darkness is smiling! You're just as shocked as everyone else seeing this is. Except Nova, he looks mighty pleased that his adventure with Duke apparently ended with Duke's happiness. Yeah, Nova is a sucker for happy endings.

So any questions.


Duke snaps out of his happy trance and looks over at Nova.

Oh yeah...of course, so what's going on? What happened?

You wished for the life you seen and - POOF, that's the life you were granted. Well, that happened because you had the monkey paw in your hand when you wished for it. You like that bit? That was all me there. Who's the man? Yeah! Up top!

Nova raises his hand and Duke just stares at it.

Really? You're just going to leave it hanging there like that?

Duke blinks and still does nothing.

I don't get it. What did you do exactly?

Wow! Unbelievable!

Nova sighs, drops his hand and looks down at baby Thaddeus.

Are you seeing what I put up with Commander Chaos?

Just explain to me what you did and I'll decide if it's high five worthy. Which no matter what it is, it will never be high five worthy. The King Of Darkness doesn't give high fives. In any case....wait, what did you call my son?

Commander Chaos.

His name is Thaddeus.

Says you! I speak over 24,000 languages and one of them is baby. He introduced himself to me as Commander Chaos while your were playing kissy face with Caitlyn. Speaking of which, the Commander really does need a changing. He reeks.

I'll get to that, I assure you. First tell me what you did?

I zapped that paw into your pocket cause I had a feeling you might fall in love with that last scenario and figured you'd wish for it. You did and now here you the dream. Booyah! Up top!

Nova raises his hand and then quickly lowers it.

Right then. The King Of Darkness doesn't give high fives. Well, despite that major flaw....your happiness is my happiness, Duke. Just live and enjoy this choice. Cause it's your life now. You've got to live with everything that's changed because of it. Which reminds me, you might want to take things slow the first few days. Really get the feeling of things. You still remember how things were and for the most part, everything will fit to that....but, there are other things that changed because of your wish. I mean of course they did. Caitlyn's alive. That's a pretty big alteration. However, I'm sure in time, you'll figure out the ropes. I allowed you to keep your thoughts of how things were, just so you can see the difference. I figured it might make the appreciation of what occurred rise up a notch. As you get more comfortable and settle in, those memories should fade. Like I said, this is your life now and you'll have to live with all that comes with it.

What does that mean though. I have to live with what's changed? Did anything bad happen because I wished for this?

Guess you'll just have to investigate and find out for yourself. Remember, the choices you make set the stage for what's going to happen. You subtract or change one of those things and it causes you to veer off into another direction. Where that leads you could be the same place you remember, or it could be something completely different. That's the price you have to pay for altering the past.

I see. So I'm stuck in the choice I made.

Yes. Yes, you are., you're not stuck. You're never stuck as long as you've got this fantastic spaceman in your corner and a monkey paw in your pocket. Which you might want to remove, before you start throwing the term - I wish, around. You tend to use it more than I realized and I really don't want to know what happens when you make the mistake of saying, 'I wish coconuts'.

Why would I ever say I wi....

Nova covers Duke's mouth abruptly with his had.

You see! Right there! No! Bad Duke! Do not cause us to live through that!

Duke rolls his eyes and yanks Nova's hand off his mouth.

Fine. I get it. I'll be careful.

Hey, Nova.


Up high.

Nova smiles as he and Duke's hands meet with a high five.

So is there a way to contact you, should I need your help for any reason?


Nova makes the sign of a phone with his hand and waves it next to his ear and then vanishes from sight. Leaving Duke to change a stinky diaper and discover just what sort of surprises lay in wait. Surprises, that will be seen in due time as we....

End Transmission!
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