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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » World War X-treme (March 16th) PPV RP Archive
Die for me {Part 2}
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AlexandraCallaway Offline
Demon or Angel? You decide!

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

03-13-2014, 05:39 PM

Alexandra is sitting in her loft, staring into a mirror when she feels a prescence around her. She looks around but see's no one until she looks back into the mirror. A figure, with a blue Aura around her. Alexandra shakes her head, trying to rid herself of the image, still, she's there when Alexandra opens her eyes.

"Who.. who are you?"

"Cassandra Avelon. I'm here to talk about Michael."

Alexandra turned around to look at her, shaking her head. She was slightly confused as to how Cassandra found her, and strangely, the woman was glowing the same blue aura that had been around Alexandra during the fight with Maya.

"So it's you that helped me with Maya? What is it that you need to talk about?"

"Yes, I helped you with Maya. And I'm truly sorry about Michael's behavior lately. I can't control his actions... He hasn't been himself as of late and that's all because of me. You have to talk to him and let him know everything on your mind."

"I don't think that's possible Cassandra. He seems to really enjoy being as he is right now. I don't think that it's possible to save him. I failed in the mission you asked of me."

"Its not too late. Its never too late. And he's not enjoying himself. Hes in a lot of pain and he's only acting this way so he can try and wash that pain away. He needs you. Radio takes death very seriously... he was with Micah so he could get over the fact that Jessica was dead. He wants to be with you, Alexandra."

Alexandra shook her head, trying to shake the words from her mind.

"Why would he want to be with me? What happens if I was to die? You do realize what I am right?" She shook her head again. "There are many people across the galaxy that would pay to see me killed. They would go to great lengths to make sure that anyone who tried to stop them would be killed. I don't want that for him."

"Michael can more than handle himself. He's willing to die for anyone that he loves. I can't speak for him but...I know him very well. He's a great man and a very loyal one. That's how I know he's not being himself. He would never intentionally cheat on someone. He loves you. When he finds out about how Maya harmed you I can guarantee that he will go to any length to make sure she dies. Even if it requires him to give his life."

"But don't you see Cassandra, that's exactly what I don't want. I don't want him to die for me. If he should die for anyone, it should be his children.. not just some woman he's friends with." Alexandra sat down, next to the figure of the woman, it was like she was looking at a holograph. "He doesn't deserve to die, because I chose to attack Maya. That was my own doing." Alexandra's side hurt and she flinched. "I chose to go into that building, knowing full and well it could be the last thing I did." She grabbed her side. "I chose to do it. He didn't ask me to do it, nor did he force me too. I understand loyalty more than anyone. It often gets me into troubling situations that cause me to get hurt."

"You care for him. A lot. It brings me happiness to see that someone makes Michael as happy as you do. You both are scared to fully commit to each other. I understand where you both are at with that. You with your many past relationship problems and Michael with the death of two of his loves and the failure of Micah. Eventually you two will end up together. It can't be easy. You love him more than you like to admit."

Alexandra looked at the woman, trying to figure her out. She knew that Cassandra had strong ties to Radio, stronger than any Alexandra had ever experienced.

"I do care for him. As I do all my friends. But love... love is a powerful and irrational master. It can make you do crazy things. He loved Micah. He loved you, but me.. no. There is only a bond of friendship between us Cassandra."

"I can't make you confess but I know that you care about him. You wouldn't have attacked Maya if you didn't care as much as you do. We did love each other but I did what was best for him. I can't control your actions or what you say so I'm going to leave the decision making to you. Do you what you believe is right for you and him. If you think that being with him is right then be with him. But if you think that you shouldn't then leave him be. If you don't want to be with him then... the best idea is to stay away from him. The more he sees you the more he feels that pain. That decision is up to you however."

Alexandra stands up, looking away from Cassandra for a few moments, before turning back to her.

"Why are you so invested in what I believe or feel? What's in it for you Cassandra?"

"Its because I care. I care about Michael. I want to see him be happy. Since I can't do that myself anymore. I want you to do that because you're the only one that still makes him happy."

"How is it that you know so much about me? How can you know what's inside my head? How can you see my thoughts?"

She had Alexandra shocked, to say the least. No one had done that in a while, got inside her head like that. Crazy Aliens and their special abilities.

"Because that's what I do. I study people from inside their head. I apologize if I made you uncomfortable. I just want to make sure that he is happy and the woman that he cares about is happy. If you want me to leave I can."

"No.. No it's fine. You don't have to leave Cassandra. Everything you said is true though. I do. I just don't want to see him hurt because of me. You above all other's should know why."

"I understand. But sometimes you have to make sacrifices to ensure your happiness. That is what I did. I died so I could make sure that nothing stops Michael from being with you. And now the only thing stopping him is... well... you."

Alexandra chuckled softly shaking her head.

"The only thing stopping Radio... is well.. Radio and his actions. He knows how I am about loyalty. If he wanted me, he'd say it. Straight out, no games, no bouncing back and forth. His lips may say one thing, but his actions say something different."

Alexandra made her way out onto the balcony of her loft, Cassandra following closely behind.

"You say he loves me, then let him prove it."

"I can't control him, Alexandra. I can tell him but I don't know if what I say will do anything. He's still in a fragile state. He is holding himself back but if I know Michael he won't just come out and prove that he loves you. Something big will have to happen for that to happen."

"Wouldn't you agree that something big already did happen?"

Alexandra climbed up onto the railing, looking over her shoulder at Cassandra Avelon.

"If not, take a nice long look at my side, those marks should tell you all you need to know."

"He doesn't know yet. And... what are you doing over the rail?"

"Cassandra, how much do you really know about me?"

"Not everything. I know enough though"

"Did you know about these?"

Alexandra moves her arms and a pair of black angel wings shot out of her back, fully extended.

"There was speculation if it was true or not. Obviously, it was true."

"There is often speculation about a great many things Princess Avelon. I wasn't always like this mind you."

"No one is the same throughout their entire life. No one. You may have been a normal little girl and then you grew up confused of what you want. And you became an angel. A fallen one. I used to be a sweet little girl until war changed me. Tell me, how did you get those wings?"

"Sacrificing myself for the ones I loved. I fought a long battle to protect them, until one day, that wasn't enough anymore. When I gave the ultimate sacrifice, I was granted these."

"I'm sorry, Alexandra. Loss is never easy even when you're doing everything you can to try and save them. Or avenge them. For two decades I tried to avenge my parents deaths my sacrifices weren't enough and I wasn't able to do it. Michael did...I owed him everything for doing what he did. He's a great man. I love him. I'm gone now though so if he's going to be with anyone I want him to be with you, not Maya. That just can't happen..."

"The loss of children is never easy. As for Michael, I know he is a great man, I've always thought so. But his mind is clouded. He's so wound up in this spell that Maya has over him, that I fear the Michael we knew is lost to us."

Alexandra looked at the woman, both of them looking regal at that moment. The Princess of Avelon and The girl who thrives in Moonlight.

"He's still in there somewhere but... I don't know how to get him out. All I can hope for is that we can get the Michael we know back out to the open before the Evil controlled side kills his children."

"We can only hope that he is. I do not know how to help him. After all, what can I do? I am simply a human girl, with wings. The knowledge of the abyss, but no way to stop bad things from happening."

"Your words. They can help him."

Alexandra stepped down off the railing, looking at her.

"How can my words help him? I.. mean.. what can I say to help him?"

"Persuasion. He loves you so all you need to do is tell him that. I know that you want him to tell you but him hearing that will make him much better."

"I will see what I can do. I can't promise it will work. But I will try. But for now, I have something I must tend too."

Alexandra couldn't shake the things that Cassandra had said from her mind, she jumped from the balcony, escaping into the night. She made her way down the same street from earlier. She could sense the vampires walking around her, closing in on her. She turned down an alleyway and looked back over her shoulder as they closed in on her. She stood her ground, knowing that she was about to be jumped. These were no normal vampires, they bared Maya's mark on themselves, proudly. They closed in around her, Alexandra's head swarmed with thoughts, until they sprang into action, attacking her from all sides. She fought back, matching their moves with ones of her own. She took out three of four of the eight, dusting each one, before one got a hold of her. He threw her against the wall and she slammed into it with a loud umph. She felt her head bounce off the bricks, and bust open. Blood poured down the left side of her head, but still she fought. The smell of the blood, driving the last four remaining vampires crazy. Ally used it to her advantage, luring them towards her, before dusting them. When she got down to the last one, he glanced into her eyes, and she shoved a silver cross into his forehead.

"Take a message back to your Queen for me."

He snapped at her and she slapped him hard across the face with the cross, hearing his skin sizzle, before he cried out in pain, hissing towards her. She held the cross to his throat, straddling his chest.

"Tell her this war, is far from over. She fucked with the wrong man."

Alexandra sliced him across the neck, not enough to kill him, but enough to give her enough time to get away. She took off running, disappearing into the night, black wings, against a midnight blue sky.


OOC: Cassandra used with permission and with input from Radio.

1x UFO E1999 Champion
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