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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
A Sin Like No Other
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Ambrose Helios Offline
Forever Trapped.

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

03-02-2014, 12:21 PM

People will of course have questions, but like any smart man I am not going to give them all of the answers right away. I will give you one answer though. The answer to the question: 'How did Ambrose Helios end up here today?" That's the answer you are getting for now at least.

They're always there. The shackles... They're always there.

The hooded man dropped the ground. Everything went cold, all of the happiness had been sucked out of the world all at once. It was as if all atmosphere vanished for a moment and all that was left was an eerie wind.

Floored, I looked up at my partner who wielded my gun. He handed it back to me and I struggled to breath. I looked down at the hard cold floor and shook my head and I only uttered one word, the same word I have uttered for two years.

The moment I walked into that courtroom and my partner gazed into my eyes with sadness on his lips he merely mimed the word 'sorry' to me. I shook my head and looked down as I did when he fired that shot.

The judge proclaimed me guilty from the moment he set his fierce eyes on me and that's how I ended up wrongly put in prison. Brandished a murderer by the world and the gods. Why is it that the gods are so unjust?

For two years I had no option but to stare at the same bland walls waiting for 16 years to run out so that I could experience freedom once more. Prison was a disturbing experience. I remained quiet for the entire two years.

Two years to the day though and a mysterious source set me free. And that brings me to today. The police force refused to take me back and now I am simply a man who remains in shackles. Trapped. I may not physically be trapped like I once was but I will forever be the man in shackles. People look at me, they stare at me. The police officer who did wrong by the badge he wore. The police officer who took power into his own hands by shooting down a drunk man who simply pushed me over. That's not who I am. I shouldn't still have shackles around my wrists but I do. Who was the man who set me free though?

I may as well be staring at the same bland walls again because now I have nothing other than a bachelor pad with no friends to share it with.

I have no one in this world. I will never be the man I was meant to be now and no one can understand that pain.

My phone lit up and began to vibrate on my side table. I stared at it for a moment as I tried to recognise the number. My voice was weak, loneliness drained a man's energy.


I had no idea who spoke back but it was definitely a man. That's all the detail I could give you.

“You made quite an impression you know, we've heard you were quite the fighter in prison.”

The man who spoke was right. Whilst in prison I found a new hobby in wrestling. Whilst I kept my head down for the entire time I was in there, I did have the pleasure of wrestling once a week. I never lost a match. Never pinned and never tapped out. Of course the kind of people who go to prison are hardly wrestling professionals unless there surname is Hardy.

“We would like you to come and join the X-Treme Wrestling Federation and attempt to take up wrestling professionally.”


Eventually the silence broke and I responded. Though my mouth spoke it was almost without my brain giving it the words.

“Fighting as a job? That sounds perfect.”

The man laughed.

“Perfect you reckon? I warn you, it's far from perfect. You won't be fighting the same chumps you battled in prison you know. This federation has the best athletes, fighters and wrestlers in the world. This is where the big boys come to play, Ambrose Helios.”

“I always find it fascinating how people hear of things like this. How you got my number, and things like that. It's all rather mysterious isn't it?”

“It doesn't matter. Let's put it this way, you were hardly difficult to find. Your story has been national news for quite some time you know. What better way to improve the XWF's publicity then by having a national villain beaten the shit out of in the ring?”


“Something funny?”

“You underestimate me just like everyone else did. You judge me just like everyone else did. You lead me to believe that this place isn't any different from anywhere else. I was released because I am an innocent man yet the world and the gods have still placed their judgement on me. How is that fair?”

“Get used to it pal. We'll be seeing you at the Al-Hamadaniah Sports Arena then?”

“What that's it? No introduction or anything?”

“What do you need an introduction for? Get some wrestling attire, you can sign a contract before you enter the ring and then you can have the shit kicked out of you and the world can laugh and cheer.”

“Fine then.”

I hung up the phone, a bit disorientated and slightly repulsed. For someone who was trying to hire me that man was awfully rude. I paced around the room for several minutes. I wasn't really sure what to do. I had little money but I needed wrestling attire.

Who could I call?

When I was betrayed I lost everything. My girlfriend, my friends, my family.

None of them had even tried to reach out to me after my release.

Did I deserve this?

Was I being punished?

I have no one to hold and no one to hold me.

Isolation was never easy.

Even when I walked to the sports shop to pick up something suitable to wrestle in, the world was judging me. One of the shop assistants walked away in disgust as I went to purchase the wrestling trunks and knee pads.

Everyone looked at me, viscous eyes. Every eye seemed like the eye of God, reminding me that he was watching over me. That no longer seemed like a good thing.

I have made a lot of mistakes in my time in this world and believe it or not, I don't think deciding to wrestle in front of thousands of people is one of them.

Eventually, these shackles will be released and perhaps this is the way I can prove that I am not the man that this evil world has made me out to be.

After making my way back to my apartment, I looked into the mirror. It had been two years but it was as if I had aged ten. My smooth clean cut face was now bearded and my blond hair was long and greasy. It was not charming, I couldn't wrestle looking like this.

As I made myself presentable there was only one thing I could think about. That one word I asked when I was on the cold wet floor.


I put my trust in a man that selfishly made an error and selfishly forced the blame upon his loyal partner. Loyalty did this to me you know.

The loyalty that created the man I am now. A thankful tragedy or a cruelty?

The sufferer. The mistreated. The unjust.

Ambrose Helios.

[Image: QQEmwiZ.jpg?1?3692]
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