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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Fallen Angel {Part 1 of 3}
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AlexandraCallaway Offline
Demon or Angel? You decide!

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

03-03-2014, 05:51 PM

[Image: 2586154198_4bd95caacc.jpg]

Alexandra made her way up the long dirt road that led to the Oak Alley plantation. Once on the long wide, porch, hidden at the back of a tour group, the last one of the night, she slipped inside. Once the group turned left, she headed upstairs to one of the stair cases to the top floor. Once there, she crossed the large Victorian style bedroom, stopping at the window. She opened it slowly, the cool crisp, Louisiana night air chilled her for a moment. It blew through her hair, as she turned to close the window. She slipped onto a flat part of the roof and sat down, waiting for everyone to leave. It seemed like hours had passed, before the last car's headlights came on, and she rose to a standing position. She closed her eyes for a few moments, trying to chase the visions from her mind. The past that haunted her like nothing else ever could. She was slipping slowly into that dark place, and there was no were to turn. The scar on her hand burned like it was on fire. She opened her eyes, there was nothing but coldness in them. She had stared into that abyss, she had seen things no one other than Mystica had seen. She could hear the voices again, they spoke to her as if they were really here. The voices tormented her from the abyss beyond, mentally she cursed herself for looking in that box.

Fucking Pandoras Box that was.

"You'll never be good enough."

"You had the best, and you walked away."

"You had a family, people who cared for you.."

Alexandra shook her head, trying to fight them off. Her long black hair whipping back and forth. The voices of her past, flooded her ears. She fought against them. She crouched back down, holding her hands over her ears. She growled loudly, trying to drown out their voices, but still their voices pierced her ears, driving her deeper into the madness. She found herself fighting harder, and still getting knocked down, their words stabbed at her.

"He loved you,"

"you let the darkness take him,"

"and he passed into the next life."

"No... no that's not true."

Alexandra shook her head, inside she was crumbling. She knew who they spoke of. She tried to push their voices out of her head. She wanted away from this.. they were like the fates in some Greek tragedy, which was much like Alexandras life had become. All she needed now was a death and the tableau would be complete.

"A new form.. a new life."

"Peace at last,"

"you know what you must to."

She slammed her hands down on the ledge of the mansions roof. She wanted to fire back at them.

"He was the strongest of us all. Mystica, I mean David never would have given in to the desire to end the pain."

Alexandra tried to fight against them. The voices of the demons, the monsters in the closet of children around the world. The creatures of the dark abyss. She stood, fighting it, yet still, they brought her to her knees again. She had stared into that abyss for far to long, Eli and Mystica both knew it. They could see it in her eyes. The flames had finally consumed her. Inside, she had already given in.

"Do it."

"Be reunited."

"Together, locked in all eternity, just like the scars on your hands."

Yet, one more voice broke through the sounds of the creatures of the abyss, the millions of years old creatures of the darkness. Zak's voice sounded in her ears.

"Il mio passero ... non farlo. Questo non è il tuo fine."

She closed her eyes again, stepping onto the ledge of the roof. She looked up at the moon, as the voices died down, locked in a silence that seemed to last forever. There was only the chirping of crickets, nestled in the grass. The hoot of an owl far off in the distance, she could hear it all. It was as if there was a moment of clarity, before the big fall. In that solitary moment, she found peace. No sign of fear crossed her face. She was at one with herself, for the first time in a very long time. She looked around at the empty plantation. Knowing she was the only one here. Should she not survive the fall, no one would would be here to save her. Just the way she wanted it. She leaned forward, her arms still straight out at her sides, and fell over the side of the plantations roof. She fell for what seemed like forever, the wind ripping through her hair, stinging at her eyes. She knew this would be it, for sure. She would do this, and it would be over. She could move on to the next life, but it wasn't to be, not for her. Moments after she jumped wings pierced through the skin of her back, before extending and dropping her onto the hard ground, in a crouched position. She looked around, before standing completely upright and looking up at the jump she had just done. It should have killed her, had she been normal. She ran her hand across the black feathery wings. She closed her eyes again and in that moment, it was as if sleep took her over...

~To be Continued~

1x UFO E1999 Champion
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