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Nero's Games Part III [Conclusion]
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02-12-2014, 03:17 PM

Michael Mcbride
- vs -
Peter Gilmour
Standard Rules Triple Threat

Well one of the biggest growing rivalries in the XWF today is about to unfold in front of our very eyes tonight. Mr. Mcbride is walking in dangerous territory here in a match that heavily favors Mr. Gilmour. In fact, I believe Pete is actually known as the King of Xtreme... If I'm not mistaken? And although this match may be heavily one sided. We sure look forward to the carnage and distinctive hatred these two men have for one another. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if two heads didn't go rolling tonight instead of just Barney's. How is that possible folks? Only here in the XWF!

'Daddy's Fallen Angel' blares over the X-tron system as Peter Gilmour makes his way down the ramp. The fans here in England seem to be giving him quite the standing ovation. Apparently the British nation has been greatly opposed to the use of chewing tobacco and claiming that it's consumption contributes to obesity. The death of Barney Green is celebrated here as it is most everywhere! I wouldn't be surprised if the Queen Knighted Mr. Gilmour tonight should he pick up a big win.

He stands at the top of the apron awaiting the arrival of his Irish opponent. As to be expected, the reaction from the primarily British crowd here tonigh is opposed to Mr. Mcbride as 'Come Out Ye Black and Tans' by Irish Descendants blasts over the X-ton. Mcbride blows kisses to the fans as they presumably boo him harder. Gilmour sees an excellent opportunity when Mcbride's back is turned as he reaches the top of the apron steps...


The bell rings almost simultaneously as Gilmour delivers a vicious clothesline sending McBride down to the cement floor below. That one had to hurt as it caught him very unexpectedly. Now we're seeing something abnormal here as Gilmour climbs to the top of the turnbuckle.

He's going for a big splash off the top rope!


Right on top of Mcbride and he lays there for the count. The ref was caught very off guard by the quick pace of the match as well and struggles to get from inside the ring to the outside. Five seconds go past before the referee can make the count on the outside of the ring.




Holy shit he should have had him!

Yet, the match continues as Gilmour slowly rolls off the top of McBride. As both begin to stagger to their feet they charge one another.

From the opposite sides of the ring they both swing and miss at the same time. They lock arms. Mcbride spins Gilmour around, kicks him in the groin area and then DDT's him into the cement ground! The crowd begins with a chorus of boos that are now being ignored by Mcbride as that shot he took earlier must have knocked some sense into his head. Focus on the match and not the displeasure of British fans. McBride then decides to reach near the announcer booth and reach for a steel chair. This could be of good use, he must have thought to himself as he's now locked Peter's ankle between the steel beams of the chair. He steps on the top of the chair to apply pressure directly onto Gilmour's ankle. Even for being the King of Xtreme that has got to hurt! We seen Gilmour grimacing in pain as the determination and anger builds inside of McBride. He no longer can contain it and proceeds to kick Gilmour directly in the face.

Doing one of two things.
One: Releasing the chair from his ankle.
Two: Re-arranging Gilmour's face.

Something McBride would take great pleasure in achieving I'm sure. McBride wastes no time and makes his way back over to make a play at the chair. Gilmour was waiting and catches him with a swift dropkick. Dropping all that weight has sure contributed to Gilmour's cat like reflexes in the ring as he went from a prone position to attack in nano-seconds. In one swift motion he retrieves the chair from off the ground and throws it at McBride.

He might have just taken out a section of his forehead!

Gilmour then leaps again and in one swift motion like some kind of ninja shadow bad ass dude drop kicks the chair straight into McBride's face.

Peter Gilmour: Don't be messin' with my moneymaker... aka this beautiful face.

Gilmour goes for the pin.




Dear Sweet Jesus, another kickout by McBride and that doesn't make the King of Xtreme very happy as he now goes table shopping. Underneath the ring he finds what he's looking for and sets it up quickly while noticing McBride rising to his feet. Both men exchange a series of punches the end up with Gilmour laying on top of the table. MCBRIDE WITH THE ELBOW DROP! WHAM! The table shatters in half and now McBride's got Gilmour in the cover.




Now it appears that cut has also developed over Gilmour's left eye. Both contestants now oozing a steady stream of red below their left eyebrows. McBride licks his lips as the blood trickles down his chin. He spears Gilmour into the guard rail and then begins shifting underneath the ring again. He finds another table and climbs back up into the ring now. Gilmour begins to struggle to his feet as well and now McBride is coaxing him into the ring. Gilmour obliges as the two square off eye to eye in the center with drops of blood formulating beneath their feet.

McBride throws the table again. Gilmour dodges. The table flings off the rops and McBride dodges from getting hit. The distraction gives Gilmour another opening that he's going to take and deliver the Gilmour Cu...


Reversed by Mcbride into a german suplex! He's got the folded up table now and he's climbing the turnbuckle with both it in his right hand, and Gilmour's head locked in a sleeper hold in his left. He's at the top of the turnbuckle and what's this???




Through the table and off the top ropes and onto the ground below. They are both dead...

The cover....




Winner: Michael McBride

Greenback Boogie by Imarobot begins playing and the crowd goes crazy. Both Peter Gilmour and Michael McBride are still recovering in the ring.

Theo Pryce and another man make their way down to the ring. After both men enter the ring Theo pulls a microphone out of his pocket.

THEO PRYCE: Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to introduce to you Thomas Jones. He is the Administrative Network's Lawyer, therefore he is the XWF's lawyer. And he has some important information to share with you. Thomas.

THOMAS JONES: Thank you Mr. Pryce. Mr. Gilmour, I have with me a document, naming you as the defendant in a class action lawsuit against you. The entirety of the XWF Roster has come together and they are suing you for "Sexual Harassment". Generally in cases like these the Administrative Network, specifically me, would be your counsel but I have been told that you were previously warned by Mr. Pryce here to stop using the phrase "Suck My Dick" which is the basis for the legal action being taken against you. As a result of that you will be required to retain your own counsel, on your own dime or you can opt for the "Pro Se" version.

THEO PRYCE: You are going to have to tell him what that means Tom. Peter barely speaks English, let alone Latin.

THOMAS JONES: It means that you would represent yourself. I understand you have a lot of money so hiring a good lawyer should not be a problem for you. Good day Mr. Gilmour.

Thomas Jones hands the documents to Peter Gilmour and then is escorted out of the ring by Theo Pryce and Michael McBride.

Johnny Vegas: Ladies and Gentlemen the first match in our Co-Main Event is about to begin. Coming to the ring first from Baltimore, Maryland by way of the Planet Gado, he is 6 foot tall and weighing 198 pounds, a former UFO and X-Treme Champion…MR. RADIOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

Time of Dying by Three Days Grace begins playing and Mr. Radio makes his way down to the ring amid a mixed crowd reaction. He slips in between the top and middle rope and then circles the ring once while waiting for his opponent.

Johnny Vegas: And his opponent, he is a former UFO Champion and the current King of the XWF, standing at 6 feet 3 inches and weighing 230 pounds, from Phoenix, Arizona, THEO PRYCE!!!!!!!

Greenback Boogie by Imarobot hits the stadium speakers and the fans erupt in cheers, a bit of a departure from how they last greeted Mr.Pryce. Theo makes his way out onto the stage and then walks down to the ring, slapping some fan’s hands on the way. He slides into the ring and is immediately meet with some kicks to the head by his opponent.

Mr. Radio not wasting any time here as he is laying the boot to the King’s head and neck. Every time Theo tries to push himself up he receives another kick to the head.

Radio lifts him up and sends him to the ropes, Theo bounces off them and ducks under a clothesline attempt only to me grabbed by the back of the head and snapped down with neckbreaker and then immediately follows that up with a sleeper hold.

The ref lifts Theo’s arm once and it remains in the air. Slowly Theo is able to work his way up and counters the sleeper hold with a chinbreaker which sees fall backwards to the mat, rolling around in some pain.

Theo brings Radio up to his feet and throws him towards the ropes, Radio bounces off and Theo grabs him and delivers a Tilt-A-Whirl Power Slam!!!

Theo hooks the leg for the pin….



Theo releases the hold. Theo Pryce just pulled Radio up by the neck before the ref could count to three and then lifts his opponent to his feet.




Countered…Theo goes for a fourth choke in a row but Radio counters with an eye poke and as Theo stumbles backwards…..


Pryce stumbles in place for a second and then flops to the mat. Radio slides in and hooks the leg for the cover.




Pryce kicked out the last possible second. Radio looks down at Pryce and delivers and elbow drop onto Theo Pryce’s head. Radio then grabs Theo by the neck and pulls him up to his feet. Radio sizes his opponent up and then moves in for the kill…a SPEA….No…..Theo reversed the Spear at the last second and instead countered with a DDT.

Theo kips up and circles his opponent before deciding what to do. He grabs Radio by the legs, wraps them around his right leg and lays back now having Radio in the figure four leg lock.

The ref is looking down at Radio waiting for a tap but he’s getting nothing.

Radio is swinging his arms around, rolling his body back and forth trying to break the hold to no avail. One last push and with all the power he has he whips his body around with such force that he is able to reverse the hold and now he has Theo Pryce in Sharp Shooter.

Radio is pulling back with all his might…

Pryce is scraping at the mat trying to make it to the ropes and finally does. The ref forces Radio to break the hold but is ignored.

The ref get’s in Radio’s face and threatens to DQ him from the match and finally Radio releases the hold.

Radio get’s Pryce back to his feet and slings him to the ropes, Pryce bounces off and Radio puts him down with a dropsault.

Both men are quickly back up but not for long Radio catches a stumbling Theo Pryce with a DDT and goes for the pin…



Kickout by the King!!

Both men back up to their feet. Radio throws Pryce to the corner and goes for a splash…


Radio’s head connects flush with the top turnbuckle.

Radio stumbles towards Theo who sizes him up and then bounces himself off the ropes….

Sleeper Slam!!

Theo with the pin.



KICKOUT by Radio!!!

This time it’s Theo’s turn to bring Radio up to his feet .

Pryce slings Radio into the corner and then charges…


Radio comes stumbling out of the corner and is met with a boot to the midsection followed with an facebuster(Pedigree).

Rather than even bothering with a pin Theo climbs up to the top of the turnbuckle, he looks out at the cheering crowd…he leaps….


Theo Pryce was going for a frog splash but Radio rolled out of the way and Pryce crash landed face first onto the mat.

Pryce is rolling around in pain, grabbing at his forehead.

Radio flips up to his feet and immediately goes to work on Theo. Elbow to Theo’s throat.

Back up…

Elbow to Theo’s knee.

Back up…

This time Radio brings Theo with him and before Theo can gather himself Radio drops to one knee and delivers a low blow to Pryce’s groin, doubling the king over.
With the King hunched over Radio moves in for the kill…he hooks Pryce’s head. Radio is signaling for the Galaxy DDT….Reversed….

Pryce reverses Radio into a suplex….

Pryce back up to his feet…he’s waiting for Radio…

One knee, at a time….

Radio is back up and Theo circles behind him….

HOSTILE TAKEOVER!!!! (Back suplex spun out into sitdown powerbomb)

Pryce with the cover….




Theo Pryce win the win as the fans erupt in cheers for the King of the XWF.

Vegas: Ladies and Gentlemen, at this time may I introduce our special Guest musical performer....MARCO CASALE!

Cameras cut to the stage, where our by now familiar French/Italian/something Tuxedo wearing champagne connoisseur cum-philosopher is waiting to serenade us. The crowd can’t help but pop as they see the world’s most incredible drink-driver.

Amos James Jr. [champion]
- vs -
The Linguist
- vs -
Wyatt Reynolds
- vs -
Tri Bute
Pyramid of Hell Ladder Match
The European title will not be suspended until at least one participant has been put through the pyramid of hell (at least 3 tables, 4 chairs and 2 sheets of glass!)


Cameras cut to our ‘Premier’ commentary team for the main event, Neonero and his Personal Assistant Norris Cole. We wonder what possible knowledge Cole has to impart, but figure that’s probably the point, the perfect foil for Nero. Or something? Anyway, we are immediately confused as Wyatt Reynolds is already in the ring, surveying ringside, where various implements for the main event are located; numerous chairs, several glass sheets and several tables, plus three ladders.

Well folks, here we are, Nero’s climax, and I don’t refer to my raging erection, but thanks for asking.


Wyatt is already in the ring, as he requested to forego an entrance. Presumably he is keeping his head low in case there are CIA operatives in the stadium after his head.

Perhaps...quite an imagination that one.

I should remind you folks of the rules for this contest. As you see, we have many implements of destruction at ringside. The European championship, twice my own, is currently hanging in the rafters, far out of reach even of these ladders. Said championship will only be lowered after the gentlemen in the following match have assembled a pyramid of hell.

Of Hell, sir?

Indeed Norris. You start by placing tables side by side, then stand chairs upon the corners of the tables. Then you add some glass sheets, some more chairs and another table and/or glass sheet. Really, the permutations are up to the combatants, all that is important is that a pyramid of Hell must be assembled.

And then the Title lowers?

Were it only so! No, the title will not be lowered until at least one person has been put THROUGH the pyramid of Hell. Then, and only then, will the title be lowered to ‘ladder height’.

How barbaric.

Why thank you, it’s a match I devised myself. I take pride in your compliment.

Whilst Norris mutters about how it wasn’t a compliment, Johnny Vegas raises his mic to his mouth and announces the next combatant.

Vegas: Coming to the ring next, hailing from Calais, France, he weighs in at 201lbs, The Linguist!

The lights in the stadium begin to flash a mixture of purple, red and gold, but the whole place is dark and otherwise un-lit. As the drumbeat hits, The Linguist slowly walks out of the curtain with his hands raised to either side, to a non-reaction of the crowd. He slowly makes his way down to the ring while tightening his attire (gloves, tights etc.). Sliding into the ring, he runs across it, and rebounds off the ropes a couple of times, before stopping and looking upstage/at his opponent.

Vegas: Introducing next, Tri Bute!


Well, where is he?

I guess he’s playing it smart. His earlier match was an exhausting one, so it makes sense not appearing from the off.

Wont he get counted out?

In a ladder match with no disqualifications?


Maybe this is a future tactic.

Vegas: And their opponent, he is the reigning European Champion, weighing in at 288lbs, from Fayeteville Alabama, Amos James Jr!

The music cues up and Amos wastes no time coming to the ring. He tugs at his beard, and begins to chuckle as he gets closer to the ring. The big man steps over the top rope and paces the ring like an animal waiting on a meal.

Gosh, two Alabamans? It’s not often I actually agree with The Linguist’s claim to be the most refined, but when he is in there with these two, it’s like night and day.

I like the Linguist’s enunciation.

What about Amos’s enunciation?

What enunciation?


What a weird array of heights in this match. It’s not often a six foot man looks diminutive, but The Linguist is 6’4” and Amos is towering at 6’10”.

In fairness, a lot of The Linguist’s real estate is his schnozz.

The bell rings, and The Linguist strokes his chin, before waving Amos and Wyatt to fight each other, like he were the ref. Both men stare at him quizzically, and he shrugs as if to say it was worth a try, before turning to Amos, beckoning the big man to join him in attacking Wyatt. Amos grins, and as Linguist starts to move towards Wyatt, he raises his eyebrows as if to say ‘lets get him’. Wyatt seems to acknowledge, and makes his way to meet Linguist in the center of the ring, when out of nowhere Amos barrels in and flattens Wyatt with a big boot, sending him crashing to the mat. Linguist immediately starts putting the boots to Wyatt, and Amos looks at him for a moment, before spinning him around and dropping him with the GATORBUSTER!

Wow, Amos didn’t come here to mess about. He just hit The Linguist with his finisher and the bell has barely rung. Shame he can’t actually win the match this way or he’d already be home and dry.

Perhaps realising Nero’s words in his own mind, Amos immediately goes to work outside the ring, setting up two tables beside each other, and slappin’ a couple’a folded chairs flat on top for good measure. He turns back to the ring, only to see Wyatt leaping through the air towards him, from the apron...JUMPING TORNADO DDT THROUGH THE TABLES!

Good heavens.

Amos just went head first through two tables, with folded steel chairs as his only cushion.

Oh my oh my, I see blood.

Sure enough, as cameras pan in, we see the gargantuan Amos has a large gash over his right eyebrow, with blood pouring out over his eyes. Wyatt slaps his hand over Amos’s forehead and drenches it in blood, smushing it over his own face before yelling ‘you’s the rotten one boy!’ in Amos’ face. Wyatt is about to punt Amos in the face, when Linguist comes from nowhere with a double axe handle from the apron, clobbering him on the back of the head and sending him sprawling onto the table debris beside Amos. Linguini, landing on his feet, surveys the situation momentarily, calculating risks in his mind. He raises a finger in the air, as if to imply he’s just had a moment of genious, then disappears under the ring apron.

What’s this?

Tam ambitiosum.


Uh, how intriguing.

Is that...a dictionary?


BOOK SHOT! BOOK SHOT! BOOK SHOT! Linguist is going berserk with book shots, beating both men senseless with Oxford’s finest!

Linguini calmly tucks the dictionary underneath the ring apron again, then taps his nose to imply to the crowd that they should be aware he just did something very smart. Indeed, both opponents look quite bereft of life after the barrage of book shots. Linguini rolls into the ring, then rolls out on the opposite side, setting up the pyramid of hell! Using all his cunning, he actually sets the pyramid an extra tier higher than usual, with three layers of glass included. At this point, he starts searching for a ladder, but the ladders are all on the entrance ramp. Seeing this, he makes his way across, and has a ladder in his hands, walking towards the ring like he’s in a Three Stooges sketch, when Amos charges towards him out of nowhere, making no attempt to cover himself up and literally steam-rolling into the ladder, crushing Linguist beneath it. Effortlessly tossing the ladder aside, the monstrous Amos picks Linguist up again, this time flattening him with a running powerslam onto the steel entrance ramp. Yelling ‘YOU’S FOR THE ROT BOY!’ in Linguist’s face, he body presses him over his head and throws him between the top and middle ropes into the ring.

Scary strength, Sir.

The man’s a beast, but he’s making the mistake of following Linguist into the ring, instead of grabbing a ladder. Just how is he going to utilise the pyramid of Hell without a ladder? Even Amos isn’t tall enough to send a man through a four-tier pyramid of Hell.

Maybe the ladder Wyatt is carrying will help...

Sure enough, Wyatt is carrying a ladder in from the outside, and uses it as a battering ram from the outside, smashing the summit of the folded ladder into Amos’s knee joint, doubling him over. Wyatt rolls in after and proceeds to use the ladder as a bridge over Linguini and Amos, then grabs a chair and takes it in turns smashing the ladder atop each man, driving the ladder into their backs. Tiring, Wyatt walks to the other side of the ring and hits a final chairshot, this time to the same knee that he’d previously shunted with the ladder.

Wyatt looks pretty sadistic out there.

Indeed, but what is he doing now? He’s setting a ladder up on its side and has both his opponents propped up in seated positions against it...ACHTUNG! Wyatt just kicked the teeth right out of Amos’s mouth with that kick!

Linguist is next...


Is it pc to say that sir?

Oh Norris...

Wyatt surveys the destruction he has wrought, then sets his sights on the ladder, picking it up and disdainfully sweeping his opponents out of the way as he props it in the center of the ring. Picking the lighter opponent, he grabs Linguini and starts to drag him up the fifteen stop ladder...1..2..a slow 3, 4, 5...6...7...8. Reaching 8, he smashes Linguini’s face against the top rungs just to be safe, then wraps Linguini’s arms around the ladder so that he can jump down and climb the opposite side. Slowly reaching the top, Wyatt reaches down and grabs Linguist’s head, pulling him roughly to the top of the ladder, where he slowly hoists him onto his shoulders in a Samoan drop-like carry, looking sadistically towards the pyramid of Hell.......













Out of nowhere, a future rolling future big future mother fucking boot has just knocked the ladder clean over, but Amos is hanging on to the belt! How on Earth has that belt not been unclasped with the weight of the man? Bute is looking up in disbelief, not daring to pull on his feet in case he unclasps the belt. In his desperation, he hits the ropes again, future leaping onto the second rope, future hopping to the top rope, and leaping with a future cross body, knocking Amos to the floor...without the belt!

To quote a famous phrase once quoted in this stadium: THIS IS INCREDIBLE!

Bute future baits Amos as he clambers to his feet, and goes for the TORRENTIAL TRI BUTE...but no! the 6’5” man can’t lift the big man off his feet, and reaches for his back as the exertion strains his muscles. Amos hits a frustrated clothesline, and as he regains his bearings, he fails to notice The Linguist sliding into the ring behind him...CONTINUER!

Linguist just avenged that early Gatorbuster! Bute is getting to his feet...No you don't! EPILOGUE!

What a sequence! Could this be Linguist’s moment?

I don’t know, look at the outside, Wyatt has just set up two tables and topped them with a glass sheet for good measure...

Linguist ignores Wyatt, setting the ladder up in the center of the ring, and begins a slow climb to the top...

He’s half way....

Three quarters.....




Wyatt has slid back into the ring and smashed a steel chair full force against Linguist’s back! Linguist looks like he’s been shot, such is the shock of the impact, and Wyatt simply grabs one of his feet, ripping him from the ladder, his chin smashing a couple of rungs as he falls. Wyatt spits on the ‘dirty Frenchman’ and stands on his back as he starts to ascend the ladder, but Bute grabs his foot before he can reach the second rung, pulling him back to the mat. Nipping to his feet, Bute hits Wyatt with the Royal Tri Bute, dropping him atop the steel chair he brought with him. It’s now Bute’s turn to consider climbing the ladder, and all that stands in his way is the climb. He reaches just past half way when....GATOR BUSTER!


But what’s this, The Linguist is clinging to Amos’s boot and preventing him from climbing! Oh no...oh no!

Amos lifts Linguist up and...


Into the Rot (running, tossing powerbomb) over the top rope and through a table! The crowd is going nuts!

Amos moves for the ladder, but Wyatt is on his feet with the steel chair! He's smirking and waiting for Amos to turn around. Just before he does, Elisha rolls out from under the ring, leaps on the apron and begins to try to wrestle the chair from Wyatt's hands.

Amos turns around and rushes at Wyatt, going for a big boot! Wyatt narrowly escapes it with the chair in hand.

Amos' boot catches Elisha and sends him flying into the guardrail. Amos begins to scream at him.

"I told you I don't need no help! Get! GET! The fuck is wrong with you, boy!?"

He turns back around is met with a BRUTAL chairshot from Wyatt. Blood splatters from his forehead and he goes straight down. Wyatt licks his lips as he waits for the blood drenched Amos to rise. Not even waiting for him to reach two knees, Wyatt charges and hits THE GRAND WIZARD!

Sir, isn’t that your-

Not now Norris.

Amos flops lifelessly to the mat. Wyatt glances outside and sees Linguist still lying amidst the rubble on the outside, and Bute lying cold in the ring. Wyatt disdainfully pushes Bute out of the ring with his feet, and begins the climb...


Vegas: The winner of this match, and NEW European Champion, Wyatt Reynolds!

Winner and NEW European Champion: Wyatt Reynolds

And finally, some kpop, because Nero loves you.

Part Three Credits: Neonero, Wallace Witasick, Theo Pryce
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[-] The following 13 users Like Neonero's post:
(02-12-2014), Andrew Morrison (02-12-2014), Christine Nash (02-12-2014), Ezekiel Carter-Williams V (02-12-2014), John Samuels (02-12-2014), Kristy Jackson (02-12-2014), Morbid Angel (02-13-2014), Mr. Radio (02-12-2014), Peter Fn Gilmour (02-12-2014), Scorpio (02-12-2014), Sid Feder (02-13-2014), The Linguist (02-12-2014), Tri Bute (02-12-2014)
Kristy Jackson Offline
The Joan Of Charisma

XWF FanBase:
Kids, women, some teens

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by adult males)

02-12-2014, 03:23 PM

Epic main event. I totally flipped my shit in the entire match.

OOC: Yeah Ga In!

[Image: ifPzIwv.gif]

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[-] The following 2 users Like Kristy Jackson's post:
(02-12-2014), Steve "KingSlayer" Davids (02-12-2014)
Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

02-12-2014, 03:25 PM

"Congratulations to Wyatt Reynolds on his most deserved European Championship win. Ditty to Michael McBride for silencing...for the moment...Peter Gilmour. Great show Neonero. You did the Company and the XWF proud."

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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[-] The following 3 users Like Theo Pryce's post:
(02-12-2014), Andrew Morrison (02-12-2014), Steve "KingSlayer" Davids (02-12-2014)
Wyatt Reynolds Offline
In Wyatt We Trust

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

02-12-2014, 03:35 PM

I cordially invite you all to Madness next week.

Come along as we usher in the Wyatt Reynolds Era of Madness.

[Image: CB9gLKY.jpg]
Longest Reigning XWF Confederate Champion

[Image: f2Yls2a.png]
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Mr. Radio Offline
Best in the Multiverse!

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

02-12-2014, 04:02 PM

Ooc: Congrats to Wyatt on winning that huge main event and congrats for Theo of course. Great show!

[Image: tumblr_mo8afmAXfD1rregw1o1_500.gif]
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[-] The following 2 users Like Mr. Radio's post:
(02-12-2014), Theo Pryce (02-12-2014)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

02-12-2014, 11:55 PM

wow mr mcbride has to SANDBAG doing promos before the show and beats me.. where's the logic in that? I want a rematch and i want it at WW X! u up for dying again MCBITCH!

and to mr pryce.. nice con job getting some loser lawyer to try to sue for me saying SUCK MY DICK.. I'll see your lame ass in court. Hope your lawyer has a good case Theo because MR LAW is going to counter all of your lame ass lawyers points and I will win.

see u tuesday.. your heigness.. get ready to SUCK MY... well you know ;)

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Scorpio Offline
Dick Of Doom

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

02-12-2014, 11:57 PM

(02-12-2014, 11:55 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: wow mr mcbride has to SANDBAG doing promos before the show and beats me.. where's the logic in that? I want a rematch and i want it at WW X! u up for dying again MCBITCH!

and to mr pryce.. nice con job getting some loser lawyer to try to sue for me saying SUCK MY DICK.. I'll see your lame ass in court. Hope your lawyer has a good case Theo because MR LAW is going to counter all of your lame ass lawyers points and I will win.

see u tuesday.. your heigness.. get ready to SUCK MY... well you know ;)

[Image: whoomp-there-it-is.jpg]

[Image: Scorpin.png]


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02-12-2014, 11:59 PM

OOC - Oh geez, I totally didn't mean to hit the 'hate' button. Twas an accident, I assure you. I could never hate something posted by Nero! Alas, I also have no clue how to remove it, lol.
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