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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
It's All Out War RP 2
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Barney Green Offline
Back In Black

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

01-29-2014, 04:18 PM

It's gonna be an ugly night for Peter Gilmour. I even plan on bringing out my Mark Recchi Boston Bruins jersey for this match. It's how seriously I am taking this match. Recchi is my all-time favorite player and is a legend. What he brought to Boston even in the twilight years of his career was amazing. What I am gonna do to Gilmour is gonna be shocking. I am at a crossroads with my career.

I have that same dream every night. That dream where the walls start to close in and suddenly I wake up in darkness. Even in that darkest moment, You will see a faint ray of light. I represent the people's hope and dreams. They see somebody like me stepping into the ring and they realize they can do it themselves. The faith they got in me is strong and I won't let them down. I admit I am not the best looking superstar the XWF has but I am a true man of the people. I am that guy you see in the bar with a crowd of people around him listening to him.

I loved how Gilmour called me an old fossil. Last I checked, I am actually younger than him by about 8 years. Give or take. I am 29 and have accomplished more in my 5 years as an active wrester than he ever will. I admit I started training at 23 years old and made my debut at 24. I started wrestling later than most and wrestled a more brutal style that relied on weapons and having a high pain tolerance. The alcohol numbed the pain and helped me keep moving forward.

Even in darkness, I am still a better man than you ever will be. I would never want to be you. A sad pathetic man engaged to a woman that looks like an emaciated horse. Seriously? That's the best you got. I was gonna leave but you kept running your mouth and I plan to even the score. You wanted a war? It's gonna be an all out war with no survivors because if I die, I am taking you with me to hell.

I never needed to rely on another person's skill to win belts. I am my own man while you just leech on whoever's ability to win a match. Hell, Steve Davids kicked your ass and those two idiots. He had the disadvantage and still won. I am gonna kick your ass from one end of the Bell Centre to the other. You will learn what respect is all about. My teeth may one day fall out along with my jaw and part of my tongue and I would still look better than your fiancé.

You talk about the dip causing my brain to rot. That's funny coming from a brain dead zombie such as yourself. I admit I have faults and so do you. I like how you reference Aaron Hernandez getting arrested like that means anything to me. I don't even follow football. You kiss everybody's ass because you know they are better than you. First, You praised Shane as owner of XWF. Now, You are praising Eli James IV as being the new owner of XWF. I will never bow down to that Jesus wannabe.

You wanna insult my Bruins? When is the last time your Rangers did anything substantial in the NHL? The only thing you had going for you was you had a head coach that would speak his mind to the press. At least my Bruins have won a Stanley Cup in the last decade. Same can't be said about your Rangers.

You say I live in the Jon Brown era. That's because I had a lot of my success during that era. I admit it was a great era and even in my broken down state, I will kick your ass. I hope you kiss your fiancé and tell her you love her before Shove-It because the next time she see's you, You will be in the hospital. It's gonna be....Unlucky...For...You...

The scene opens up inside of a dimly lit warehouse where we see Steve Sayors, dressed in a black suit and tie, sitting down in a chair. Across from him is Barney Green, who is dressed in Kevan Miller Bruins Jersey and black jogging pants. Sayors goes to speak first.

Steve: Welcome to the first ever edition of XWF Uncensored and Raw with Barney Green. In this interview, We will go over the history of Green. Now, When did you start wrestling?

Barney: 2007, I did a few gigs as a manager and referee. 2008, I actually started stepping into the ring.

Steve: Interesting. Any reason why you didn't stay a manager and decided to step into the ring?

Barney: I wanted to do more than just be some guy yelling into a microphone or counting falls. That doesn't put bread on the table. Actually stepping into the ring gets you noticed more.

Steve: Fair enough. Why do you wrestle such brutal matches?

Barney: It started out as a one time thing and I learned that I could make more money by being violent in the ring than I could by doing headlocks. My brawling stood out more. I feel at times I am underrated in my other abilities but that's okay. It wouldn't look right if you saw a 300 plus pound man doing submission moves constantly.

Steve: Makes sense. You seem pretty lucid for a guy who has alcohol problems. When did your drinking start?

Barney: I started drinking back when I was 12 years old to compensate for the lack of attention and abuse I suffered from by my parents. I was looked down upon by my parents because I wasn't the athletic one like my brother Robert was. Robert was gonna be the breadwinner. He was gonna play in the NFL. I was more of the alternative one. The one who was gonna do whatever he wanted and didn't care if people didn't like him.

Steve: Fair enough. Was their any animosity between Robert and yourself?

Barney: I used to resent him but I grew up. We are on speaking terms now but we aren't gonna be inviting each other over to our houses for holidays. It sucks that his career never took off but fate has a strange sense of humor like that.

Steve: Ah. Who trained you?

Barney: I was trained by Foley Anderson. A great man who was like a father to me that I wish was still alive. I hope I am making him proud of what I have done in the ring. I know he was ecstatic when I became World Champion. That was something I never expected to happen. I cried when I became World Champion because my dream had been realized. Guy's like me never become World Champion. I wanted to be that example for the people that have been told that they couldn't do it.

Steve: I remember that and was shocked that you became World Champion. I was very happy though because you earned it.

Barney: Thanks, Steve. I appreciate hearing that. The fans is what makes it worthwhile for me to keep going. I admit I have done a few bad things in life but I found a way to keep going. I won the fans over by doing my own thing.

Steve: Makes sense. I think it is time we wrap this interview up. Thank you for your time and hope you stay around in XWF.

The scene fades to black.

[Image: juXb2Dg.jpg]
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