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Greetings friends
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Arkin Octavian Blackwater

XWF FanBase:
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03-11-2013, 01:53 PM

Greeting XWF! Perhaps you caught my transmission at the end of Shove It Into Space....perhaps you didn't. Regardless I'm taking the time to tell you in just 5 short days I will be arriving to the XWF. I am the new CO-GM for Shove It Saturdays! Yes! I am excited about my role and my employees! I feel we will all get along quite well! I am arriving to bring some much needed fairness and justice to an otherwise barren wasteland of anarchy and fear. Shane won't be able to rule things in a biased and unfair manner. Shove It Saturdays will no longer be the Black Circle's tea party! Saddle up compadres cause things are about to get bumpy before the ride gets smooth! Rest assured I am here for the long haul and I am here for you!

Now until I walk out to that ring on Saturday my identity will remain a secret. This way there is nothing to prevent my arrival to Shove It. Of course I am certain Shane would never pull something treacherous against his CO-GM for Shove It Saturdays. Just in case though I have gone through steps to make sure no one knows my location or my identity. I'm sure all of you within the XWF understand.

See you all on Saturday!
C Y R E N Offline

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03-11-2013, 02:07 PM

[Image: 15528.jpg]
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Arkin Octavian Blackwater

XWF FanBase:
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03-11-2013, 02:31 PM

Thank you for that Cyren. I look forward to meeting you and discussing your absolute unnecessary comment as well as your lack of employment here and what that really person. We can't have lackluster ex-employees stumbling about here like tumbleweeds caught in an updraft! It's simply not productive! If it's not productive then it's simply not fair to those who produce their best effort and actually have something to contribute. Therefor your next match is going to be dubbed a "contract reissue" match. If you fail to win your match your contract won't be granted and that means you will be completely decommissioned from the XWF.
Paul Heyman

XWF FanBase:
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03-11-2013, 02:32 PM

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTxh4OVJNSdA-Z-Q4eFmDO...Cd1dTJFc6Q]

Please... forgive him...
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Arkin Octavian Blackwater

XWF FanBase:
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03-11-2013, 03:15 PM

Paul Heyman as I live and breathe, it is an absolute honor to make your acquaintance. I extend a special invitation to you and to Wallace Witasick as well...for this week's edition of Shove It Saturdays. I feel we should all get to know each other better for the sake of fairness to this company.
Paul Heyman

XWF FanBase:
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03-11-2013, 03:34 PM

No, please, Mr. Whoever. I assure you, the pleasure is mine! Wallace and I don't really see eye to eye, but having said that, for the 'fairness' of this company, I accept. I will see you Saturday.

May the Powers That Be unite, even if it is only one night.
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