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Did you see that?
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Morbid Angel Offline
Баба Яга

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

01-22-2014, 10:53 AM

Bet you thought you’d find one here.
Dr. Zero…is it my turn? Really, really my turn? Do you think I can? Or do you think I can’t? or is it just me? Zero dear Zero you had to know this day would come and then you’d see your bell has rung signifying your time is done but do not worry…not just yet…I plan on showing you a thing or three as we try and decide what it is I am trying to hide….can you follow? Can you do it? Should you? Could you?
Would you?….follow…every step….near or far…into darkness and out of light…perhaps it was to bright to see the way in which I lead…can you see it? Do you want to? Can you be wanting to? Should you want to? Is it there? Staring at you just right here? Or is it over there? Just beyond the words I make and hidden just before I make the ground quake……………did you see it? Was it in your mind? Or was it a trick of the eye?……………or hand? Could this be the very end for you? As far as I see…you can’t find what I try to hide in these words I make through the eye that reads to the mind that tries……………..did you see it? Just there by the chair? Or was it something else? Maybe a word that rhymes with what? Dim, gin, bin, tin, fin, or maybe even spaghetti?…………..did you see it? Maybe I went to fast and now I must relax before I make you toot your horn and say the one….two………did you see it? Or was it really even there? Standing just beside you or hidden betwixt the words and scaling the pages like a Dilophosaurus….or do they even climb? Truth be told we do not know except for those that do and now we have one and one is two and that is me and you…….did you see it? Just above here and bellow just there looking like a little hair dangling from your eye and disguised like what you want to know….maybe it is up or maybe no? what do you propose from now until then can you find it with a pen? Just hold it and then you’ll realize……it is more……………..did you see it? Just right there! Why didn’t you just stare and tell me what is hiding….just beyond text and hidden boxes and bellow the word and before the interjection “but”……did you see it?…………………….maybe I was too soon or just too slow and perhaps I could have snorted a little less blow but then again I could be wrong because all in all one day we will be good…dead and gone…so listen now before we become feed for the cows and maybe sometime soon we can decide what to do with all this but until then……………..did you see it? Just right there….or maybe here………….maybe not yet or already…….did you see it? Maybe, maybe….yes or no something to do with a word you seek but for some reason it will not peek…just before I cast the Shadow on Dr. Zero? would these words ring true and the pointer i give will bring end to what you think you have seen and what is actually there……do I need to say it? Just what I said up there…..or maybe it was here….or just over there….maybe there is nothing at all….but would there be nothing in all this something?…tell me….sing to me the sweet song of victory as if I never heard the song before…the sweetness in victory………..did you actually see it? Was it there or in another language? Perhaps another tone….hidden….maybe this is not fare like a game of truth or dare hiding just beyond the mind and into…the soul……could I? should I? would I? continue? Have you had enough? Maybe this is a mite rough and maybe I should just say what you want to hear…….but……………………no………………did you hear it? Just right now? Hidden like a small sound…among the softness of this song or within the text before you? Did you? Could you? Should you? Would you…………………believe me if I told you that if you came this far with nothing then you’ve missed it……maybe….possibly…somehow……………I lied…….or did I? after all it is hidden within this song……or was it picture? Funny codes set modes and to show you what you seek….maybe……………..How about now? Look closely and tell me if you dare what it is you stare and if you can break the code that is before you…game, fame blame or… defame…..just now or before I cannot tell…..can you? Maybe this has gone on too long just like the song you hear and maybe…just maybe…..could you hear it? Should you hear it? See it? Read it? Be it? Hidden from you and I and them… together…maybe….

I leave you now, just wondering how or maybe if I could keep going but I must decide that now is the time to let you try and break me….could you? Should you? Would you?…..I will give you this…just like your wives first kiss….a little list of what you want to know……………………didn’t you see it? Just now it was sort of like a cow sitting across the room….odd….the taken phrases from the elephant…now he is mad!

or here.

Let me know when you figure it out….I’ll be waiting

maybe here.

[Image: deicide2.jpg]

Did you check the signature?

болезненное ангел!
[Image: 8IZ5unY.png]

Intercontinental Champion
UFO Champion x2
Ark Champion x2
Heavy Metal Champion x2
Xtreme Champion x3
Won at War Games 2014
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Morbid Angel Offline
Баба Яга

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

01-22-2014, 11:23 AM

(OOC- and yes...Kimmy K gave me the idea....before you ask)

болезненное ангел!
[Image: 8IZ5unY.png]

Intercontinental Champion
UFO Champion x2
Ark Champion x2
Heavy Metal Champion x2
Xtreme Champion x3
Won at War Games 2014
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Tommy Wish Offline

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

01-22-2014, 11:30 AM

OOC: Good Luck with decoding this shit, Dr. Zero
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