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01-13-2014, 10:44 PM
I sat on the couch of what was formally Zak and Azrael's loving home when the door slammed open. Azrael stormed in, his eyes blazing and I was positive him seeing Zak with another man was the last thing he needed.
You know...the door did nothing to deserve that treatment.
Nova finally turned to face me, his eyes following my movements as I walked over and shut the door.
Who are you?
Marcus Kent. I was the one who sired your former lover, Zakarey Castile.
I smiled and faced Azrael, It seems we have a few things to talk about.
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01-13-2014, 11:23 PM
Halloween, 1190. Do you remember that night? The night the villagers celebrated. It was the night the Dark Lord died...just hours after he sacrificed his daughter to the demons.
What does that-
I moved so I stood in front of Azrael. One hand placed on each thigh, Shut it. The man they called the Dark Lord was Zakarey Castile. My closest friend and confidant. He had a way about him that just called to others. Regardless if they were human or not. His dark magic and need for power was passed from father to son, in hopes that one day, they would stand with those creatures of Darkness that roamed the Universe.
Sadly, on that Halloween night, he heard his twin sister had gone missing from her Irish home. He feared the worse but went on with his plan for a Halloween ritual. Being a damned creature, I wasn't able to enter the Holy circle. I was the one who asked the demons to curse the family with sons. Once the demons deemed the family worthy of a daughter, she would be born to a twin brother.
I fail to see what this has to do with my Zak.
I sighed and gently cupped Nova's cheek, Your Zak is the...reincarnation of the man I lost almost 900 years ago. My friend asked me to change the son who bears his eyes, powers and name. Then added to change the daughter who will bear the Fire's touch. When your Zak was born, his father had no idea of those requests...and named his two children after the Dark Lord and Fire Queen. You may not care that the man you love is slowly losing his mind and becoming the immortal demon that his grandfather strived to become but it is his past. My coven has been bound to the family since 1500BC when my sire swore eternal loyalty in return for sanctuary and protection.
My eyes shot up and I walked towards the window; the explosion was loud enough for me to hear but I knew that power, knew that aura and darkness long before the explosion.
Make them quick, Azrael. Before your lover destroys the city.
I could see the questions burning in Azrael's eyes. I just prayed that he would ask them.
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01-13-2014, 11:47 PM
What was the real reason for ending things with him?
Azrael looked back at me, his eyes wide, What?
I laughed softly, My Zakarey was the same way. He had an open heart and it got him into trouble. I remember the night I caught him in the arms of another. I reacted as you did and Zak...reacted the same way as your heartbroken lover. He never slept or had feelings for that other man, just held him close to his heart. It made me jealous to no end but...he was scared. That friend was a helpful distraction whenever I would be gone for days or weeks at a time.
Azrael didn't jump on the ball and I understood why, not everyday you meet your ex lovers father.
I won't tell him the truth...but for you to help, you must calm him. Once he is calm, I'll be able to lock him up. His fits of anger won't be able to destroy it... But he will only be let out when he's calm and in control. I do hope you made the right choice.
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01-14-2014, 12:32 AM
Other than you learning to see what lies not in front of you? Nothing. We get in, you calm him, I lock him up and he will say locked away from any type of contact short of the coven. You really think he would be acting like this if he didn't love you? You are either blind or just that stupid.
I took off towards the park, Azrael sprinting behind me.
I resent those comments.
Resent all you like, pup. Fact remains you never bothered to see beyond the picture. What I saw was boy who has only had three relationships in his lifetime. A scared child finding a place to call sanctuary since he couldn't follow his lover. Zak isn't toying with Frodo, nor does he have feelings for him. You will watch what happens when Frodo tries again. Should Zak submit, I shall submit to you. If Zak rejects and still holds to his love for you, you shall bite your tongue and stop jumping to conclusions. Do we have a bet?
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01-15-2014, 01:53 PM
Ooc: merging it. Just fyi