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The Gift: RP 7
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Sebastian Duke Offline
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Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

01-06-2014, 11:19 AM

Sunday, January 5, 2014 – 11:03 AM EST – En Route to the Compound – Old Saybrook, CT

After escaping France, we flew to an airfield in Norway owned by an old friend of my fathers. Once we landed there, Air Darkness One was refueled and most of us slept through the weather delay. A few hours later, we were back in the air and headed back across the Atlantic. We were headed home.

During the flight, we kept Cardinal George sedated using tranquilizers. After landing in Rhode Island, I still had no idea how we were going to conceal the fact that we had a kidnapped member of the Catholic Church. As we rode back to the Compound, it became a discussion.

JACOB, THE MESSENGER: “We almost home. We still have no idea where we're going to keep the Cardinal.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “You still think we shouldn't have taken him?”

JACOB, THE MESSENGER: “Well, it's done now. The only thing that matters now is how we're going to hide his presence.”

It most certainly required some thought. The detectives investigating Caitlyn's disappearance would be back. It was just a matter of time. I have an idea. It's so simple that it just might work.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “I have a simple solution.”

JACOB, THE MESSENGER: “You know how much I admire you, Sebastian. I have serious doubts that anything about this is simple.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Why don't we just re-convert the sterile room beneath my fathers cottage back into a cell?”

JACOB, THE MESSENGER: “Sebastian, it's a great idea on paper. The fact is, there is no guarantee that when they search the Compound, that they won't discover the hidden room beneath the cottage.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “I thought you said it was undetectable.”

JACOB, THE MESSENGER: “I said it was virtually undetectable.”


JACOB, THE MESSENGER: “The Titanic was virtually unsinkable. I'm pretty sure we all know that story.”

I sit in silence. This is much harder than I anticipated. We'll need more brains. Matthew, the young man I'm beginning to trust greatly with his recent performances, needs to be included in this think tank.

I think I'll give him a call.

MATTHEW: “Your Highness?”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Matthew, our arrival home is imminent. Be in my office as soon as we arrive.”

MATTHEW: “Is something wrong, sir? Did our plans fail?”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “No, no. Nothing like that. Just be in my office as soon as we arrive.”

MATTHEW: “I'll be there.”

The remainder of the ride was quiet. As we pulled through the gates of my The Compound, I had to give my men a couple of orders.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Stop sedating the Cardinal. In a half hour, bring him into the Compound. Into the library, to be precise.”

Once I hand out the orders, Jacob and I exit the Suburban and walk into the front doors and head straight for the office. When we walk in, Matthew is standing near the wall and Jacob takes his seat in front of the desk, I do the same, but behind it.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “I'm going to get to the point here because whatever we do, it needs to be done fast. We have a guest with us and we need to figure out where to keep him.”

MATTHEW: “Why not just put him in one of the cells?”

JACOB, THE MESSENGER: “If it was that easy, we would have done that.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Those detectives will be back sooner or later. Probably with a warrant.”

MATTHEW: “Yes, I forgot about that.”

JACOB, THE MESSENGER: “So we need to figure out something or somewhere else to... hold him.”

MATTHEW: “Why can't we just reconfigure the sterile room?”

JACOB, THE MESSENGER: “We can't take the risk of that room being discovered when they do search.”

Matthew is obviously thinking hard. Evidenced by his pacing.

MATTHEW: “I think I have a solution.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “I'd like to hear it.”

MATTHEW: “What if we quietly separate the property?”

JACOB, THE MESSENGER: “What do you mean?”

MATTHEW: “What if we go to the courthouse and deed the cottage over to Father Asmodeus? If we're quiet about it, those detectives won't know about it until they show up here with their search warrant. They'd be allowed to search the Compound, but not the cottage.”

JACOB, THE MESSENGER: “That might work.”

MATTHEW: “We can keep him beneath the cottage until after they search the Compound. Then after, we can move him to the Compound in case they come back with another warrant to search the cottage.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “I like it. It's not foolproof, but it's about the best option we have. Matthew, draw up a power of attorney and get it done.”

MATTHEW: “Yes, sir.”

Matthew gets to the door when I decide to give him a vote of confidence.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Matthew, you've improved greatly recently. Keep it up, kid.”

He smiles slightly, but says nothing before exiting. I give a nod to Jacob and we both head down the hall to the library. Once we enter, we find Asmodeus sitting on the sofa and watching a television show. I take the remote and change the channel to CNN.

ASMODEUS: “I was watching that!”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “This is more important.”

ASMODEUS: “Friends is the greatest show of all time! That Phoebe and Joey, their stupidity is hilarious! What's so import...”

He's immediately stifled by what appears on the station. News coverage of a smoldering building with a headline that reads: “Catholic Monastery Fire Near Paris, 93 Confirmed Dead.”

ASMODEUS: “This! This is amazing!”

His excitement excites me.

ASMODEUS: “Sebastian, are we responsible for this!?”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Indeed we are, Dad.”

ASMODEUS: “Glorious! This is the most wonderful thing you could have ever done for me! Ninety Three of those evil bastards! All dead at the hands of my Illuminatus!”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “I'm happy you're happy.”

ASMODEUS: “Happy? Are you out of your mind!? I'm damned ecstatic!”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “There is more, Dad.”

ASMODEUS: “More? How? What could possibly be better than this?”

I open the door to the library and a few of my men bring in our guest of honor. Cardinal George is still groggy from his sedation, but still aware of what's going on around him, at least somewhat. The shackled man is sat in a chair.

ASMODEUS: “Ohhhhhh my word! What is this, Sebastian? Is he a Cardinal?”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Yes he is.”

ASMODEUS: “Ninety three dead Catholics and my very own Cardinal to do whatever I want to?”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Consider it a thank you for doing what I couldn't bring myself to do. Consider it a late Christmas gift, Dad.”

ASMODEUS: “I could not be any happier than I am right now. This is absolutely amazing! You've done me proud, my son!”

Asmodeus walks around the chair, eyeballing his gift.

ASMODEUS: “Where will he stay?”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Beneath your house, for the time being.”

ASMODEUS: “HA! Even better!”

Through his lucid state of mind, the Cardinal speaks.


SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Not in France, that's for sure.”

ASMODEUS: “A Cardinal from the Catholic Church, right here in front of me. A gift from my very own son! Let's get him to the cottage!”

We oblige my old man and usher the Cardinal over to the cottage. Once inside, we lead him into the basement where my men have already begun working on the rooms conversion. We decided to shackle the Cardinal to the one section of bars that still remained.

CARDINAL GEORGE: “Why must you do this to me?”

ASMODEUS: “It's not about you, Cardinal. It's about your religion.”

CARDINAL GEORGE: “What is so wrong about Catholicism?”

ASMODEUS: “Oh where should I begin?”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Dad, not now. We're in their way. Let them complete the cell before you start toying with him.”

ASMODEUS: “Very well. Jacob, get the Cardinal some food and water. Then sedate him.”

JACOB, THE MESSENGER: “As you wish, Father.”

We head back up to Asmodeus's living room where we decide to take a load off and relax a little.

ASMODEUS: “I can not thank you enough, son. You've warmed my heart with this gift of yours.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Well, you can no longer do all the things that you used to do, Dad. I had to give you something.”

ASMODEUS: “I never accomplished anything on this scale, Sebastian. What you've done in France is something I only dreamed of. Something I never thought possible.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “So, what are your plans for the esteemed Cardinal George of... wherever the hell he's from?”

ASMODEUS: “Son, you've concocted yourself a masterpiece. Perhaps I shall do the same with the Cardinal.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “You have the Brotherhood at your disposal, Dad. Clue them in. Let them help you. Don't do it alone.”

We leave it at that. Having the ability to do whatever it is he wants to do with a high ranking member of the Catholic Church seems to have invigorated him a great deal. Asmodeus is a mastermind. I can't wait to see what he has in store for Cardinal George.
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