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You Want me to Burn (Jason)
Author Message
Mandii Rider Offline
Eat Your Heart Out Bitches


XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

12-30-2013, 12:22 AM

[Image: 2bf1c4f6-8a9f-49c1-be7b-202b256842be_zps1f742a9d.jpg]

The high mist washed over my face and the wind sent a path of leafs gliding from one side of a dirt road to the next. It was like a Dream, a sublime trance. I had been here before, but it wasn't this green nor this isolated. I came here when it was done, when I lost....

The wind brushed the leafs on the trees, how were they such a lush green this time of the year? It was like Winter wasn't even close to being here. Was this only a

A small girl stood in a small opening in the middle of tress. Her long brown hair blew with each gust of wind. Her back was turned to me and a small doll hung heavy in her small hand. It was her. I ran to her as she turned around, took one ghastly look at me, and started to run.


I started to whistle, it was inviting as she turned and started to walk to me. I smiled and stuck my hand out for her to take. Suddenly she was ripped away and I was held by my brother and Jeremy. I pushed the two into a tree on either side of the opening before hearing a shrill sound that came from my own lips.

Holy shit! Mandii wake the fuck up its a dream.

I shot up out of bed, the reality sending a shock to my body. Jason was standing in the door way on his knees and hands pushed firmly to his head. I still was unsure of how to use my so called "power". Bad dreams, being to upset, even just certain thing that reminded me of the past I wish to forget would send out this shrill noise.

Get up, we need to talk.

If its about me visiting Zak...

It's not.

I looked up to Jason. He simply walked out of the room. We were staying in a run down house with walls that barley kept things up. My bed was a mattress on top of a few books to keep it off the rat infested ground.

Put these on.

Jason tossed a pair of my jeans to me. I looked down at only a shirt and boy cut shorts. Forcing myself up from my nest of a bed, I pulled them on with a over shirt and pulled my hair into a pony tail. Brother sister talks never ended with just talking, just blood and bring up the past.

About a hour passed and me and Jason were sitting next to a small pond. It was frozen over and the ground around it had a crunch sound to it when you stepped on it. I looked over the frozen water as Jason opened his phone.

I'm sorry...for the wake up call.Now, what is it that you wanted to know so badly that you had to wake me up? If it's not about Zak, I assume it is about Sage, Marcus, or the fact that the last time we spoke like this I almost made scrabble eggs out of your brain.Then again, it could have something to do with you trying to rekindle your love with Micah. I hate to say it, I kind of miss having her around to yell with and make fun of you and Zak.


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DarkJayRider Away
That pain in my ass moved to my neck

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

12-30-2013, 01:04 AM

Family Regrouping, so touching, it brings a tear to my eye and probably everyone else who has to watch this. This happens every time we end up in the same Federation, hint fucking hint already Manders.

Whoa I don't love Micah and I never did. If anyone came to rekindle a little love it was you and Zak trying to get all smoochie smoochie while hes getting over whatever the fuck it was that happened. You really need to watch what you pay for on a card, one flight to London and to the arms of your Vampire rebound. mmmwa mmmwa.

If looks could kill, I might have just died three times with only the glare from Mandii, Yikes. This might get a little messy.

All I'm saying is this time you followed behind pretty close when I told you who was here. It really must have sucked to find out you were the one that turned him gay.

Get ready for the musical break down. *In the tune of "The one that got away" (Big mocho point for yours turly there huh) by Katy Perry*

And Now I'm gonna say
You're The One That Turned him Gay
the one, the one, the one
The one that Turned him Gay


That's my name don't wear it out.

Her lips were getting ready, shit.

Don't whistle it either! Is it just that time of the fucking month for all you chicks? Micah's being, well Micah, her he she man hater is cock blocking worse than a parent, and you are getting all pissed over me telling the truth.

This isn't talking about Zak?

This is me being stupid because Jeremy told me to watch your ass then you went off and started being all Siren.

I'm sorry that my daddy was different.


If you didn't see Marcus that last time things would have been all cookies and fucking for me but nooooo you have to go trying to make shit better when all the guy wanted was a reason to KICK YOUR ASS! Now I have to make sure you don't feel a need- are those bite marks?

Oh shit no, no no no no no. This is not what taking care of Mandii looks like.

No, don't you say you did. Oh my god you did.

You have a god?

Jeremy is going to kill me! No, hes to busy stalking he will never see he will never have to know.

Yes the phone was away by now and i was on my feet. Anyone who knows Jeremy Rider would understand my reason for shitting my pants. Oh, Jason is just racking up on Mocho today.

Greaaaaat my sister is the walking Micky D's for Zak and I keep getting cock blocked by a object with as much value as something from a goodwill! Tell me, did you give him fries with that shake? Did he ask for the fucking super size?!

And then it hit me.

You can be a tall glass of blood with a side of sex for the responsible twin who actually listens and loves for life and I can't get his fucking sister?! Mincs was right. I've lost my touch.

This is pouting Jason. With all these fairy tail things running around you would think I would have run into a nice succubus that doesn't kill by now. But no, nooooooooo Jason doesn't even get one that does kill!

[Image: l4GRnBF.jpg?1]
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Mandii Rider Offline
Eat Your Heart Out Bitches


XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

12-30-2013, 01:42 AM

Walking Micky D's? Fries with my Shake? Super Sized? The idiocy that is radiating from your mouth has no end in sight does it? I didn't have sex with Zak and I would love for everyone to stop assuming thats what I want from him. I swear this is because you and me came from the same hair brained mother that makes everyone think all I want is sex like you. If you need to know so badly no, we didn't have sex but I did offer him blood. Oh and Jay, ew!

I pushed away from the icy ground and walked over to Jason. He always had to take things to an extreme. He turned his back to me, probably thinking of a way to explain this to Jeremy if we ever came into his presents again.

Besides, I don't even know I can do that Jay. I don't know if my whistles or screams or whatever they are can even be control when doing that. Is this really what you wanted me out here for Jay? To listen to you rabble on about how much I've potentially screwed my life up? I thought those were my lines every time we got together like this. I get that you are mad at me but quite frankly Jay, I don't give a damn.

You keep treating me like I'm just your younger sister and acting like I'm some anadiquit little porcelain doll that is about to crack any second! You worry, you won't admit it but you do but I am not the little girl in a corner anymore. I have been at this business for 5 years already and living on my own for 8 I can handle myself by now. I'm not going to crack so you can dismiss me from your mind now. It's been highly perceptible that you don't want me around anymore.

I had to leave now. I could feel the blood rushing in my body and getting heated, naturally that drew the conclusion that I was about to do something I would regret. Yet and still, I did turn around.

And you never loved her, that is one of the biggest lies Jay and you know it. You just deserted her because she started to turn you futile in the ring. I know it, you know it, she knows it and you don't let yourself say those words because that's all you've know. I might end up being loves bitch sometimes but at least I have the bigger balls to admit it. You love Jason, you are just to scared to admit any of it. If you didn't, then why did you completely turn yourself off when she was dieing.

Jason turned around. I gripped my hands into fists. I should have walked away, I should have left when I was about to. Now I could potentially risk hurting Jason.

You're just a bitch to the things that scare you then you hide them off with sex, drugs, and Wrestling.


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[-] The following 1 user Likes Mandii Rider's post:
ZakMisery (12-30-2013)
DarkJayRider Away
That pain in my ass moved to my neck

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

12-30-2013, 04:27 PM

Sex Drugs and Wrestling, who needs rock-in-roll anymore when you can beat people up for a job. Have I mentioned the fact that Mandii is out of her placement zone when it comes to me and being shit scared.

You are more than just loves Bitch, your also Zak's and Marcus' bitch. It just so happens that some of your big bad barks are deadly to some people. You being a bitch explains so much now, the mood swings and the constant leg humping from Cameron.

He never humped my leg.

Oh sorry above the leg below the belt.

I think she might start foaming at the mouth. It's Cujo!

The reason I got you out of that bed for now was to bring you here, air you out because god knows you are starting to smell like a bitch and act like one, and so I could find out why the hell your followed me when you said you didn't miss Zak or Micah and the drama that came with the two. Now I know you followed me just so you could become something out of a really bad Vampire movie. Is this is starting to not be a better story than twilight and that is really fucking bad.

Eye rolls, the best part of every conversation I have with about anyone. I wonder if it is to late to call Jeremy to but a leash on this bitch.

I just find it all funny that the great Mandii can't get the man because hes to busy badoinking a Alien? Spaceman? What exactly is Zak badoinking and does Zak even know? Where you are standing out here yelling at me for just pointing out that you became a little less than useless. At least when you Had Sage you were the kind of bitch to not just go chasing a Zak car.

[Image: l4GRnBF.jpg?1]
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Mandii Rider Offline
Eat Your Heart Out Bitches


XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

12-31-2013, 03:55 AM

Sage...Just her name ringing in my ears inundated me. I felt myself grow deranged as I ran to Jason, pushing him to a tree and dragging him up it with a menacing grin on my face. I felt his breathing grow shallow as I held him dangling in the air.

Don't speak of Sage and don't talk about my life like you know it oh so well Jason. Encase you forget from the last quarrel we were in, let me refresh your memory.

I stood holding Jason up for only a moment more before tossing his body to the ground near the frozen pond. I pulled his body up by his mere shirt before smiling once more and feeling a slight change in my body, it was a new feeling of rage.

I could break you if I wanted, I could make your brain and scrambled egg, I could snap your neck if I wished it. I should, you know why I should? You left me in a god forsaken house with a demented woman and her lover so you could get away. All I wanted was to go with you but you left me there alone. I took the ferocious beatings that you left me with Jason. I asked for your help when he was taking her away and you turned your back on me like a weakling, a piece of trash. All this is your fault!

I looked into Jasons eyes seeing the trepidation and rage. This wasn't me, I knew this had nothing to do with Jason or his lack of help in my life. I needed to stop, I had to stop. I shoved Jasons body down to thrust mine up and took a few steps back. With my back turned I could hear the perplexity it Jasons voice.

How...How did you do that?

Lift you? Toss you? Piss me off and it just happens Jay. I have an ungovernable rage to you for many things and now that I'm this...this thing I can't control outburst Jason.

Besides, don't talk to me about my mistakes with Zak and Marcus, you left someone you loved for no good reason. You gave up your son so you could be nothing more than a manwhore Jay. I can understand why no one trusts you, no wants to be around you, and why the only people who want to have anything to do with you are ignorant fans.

I let a sigh from my lips before closing my eyes. I felt Jasons hand clutch my throat and send me to the ground vigorously. My eyes opened to Jason holding me down by his hand on my neck and trying to pin me with the rest of his body. I knew to never talk of Micah or Justin but with this new found rage it just happened.


The rage, it was back. I felt something change, my body felt like it was scorching as I looked up at Jason. A piercing screech came from my mouth and Jason fell back holding onto his head. I stood up, approaching him closer, his pain was intoxicating to me. No.....stop....


I turned around feeling the fit of rage leave slightly and replace with a morning. I dropped to the ground on all fours and started to breath harder.

I'm sorry...


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DarkJayRider Away
That pain in my ass moved to my neck

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

12-31-2013, 06:48 PM

Anyone got a aspirin? Maybe a bottle or two? Radio would be glad to know I found something that hurt my head worse than his whining about Micah. I got brain fucked and now Mandii wants to help me up?

Joke about no brain cells all you want but if you keep that up I won't have any.

A little push and now shes pouting I hate when you chicks do that.

Oh no don't you do that you are not the one pouting about any of this. My ass is so far under the ground it won't even be grass if Jeremy finds out about this.

You still only worried about Jeremy and YOUR ass?!

Oh shit when do I get a break?

Mandii calm your tits.

My tits are clam!

That was not what calm tits looked like. Hands up and walk to her very very very fucking slowly.

Mandii we should go home.

Don't tell me what to-

I got close enough! Close enough for what? Hitting her in the back of the head with a rock. She is going to be pissed when she wakes up. oooooooo.

I hate family talks.

And a pick up and over my shoulder. Time to go home put her in her bed and get the fuck out of that house before she gets up.

[Image: l4GRnBF.jpg?1]
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