John Austin
Grizzled Young Vet
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12-22-2013, 02:28 PM
When Mystica starts talking
This world has truly went to hell
Maybe this isn't so bad after all
Our scene opens up in a empty storage building. A ladder is set in place in the middle of the room. We see John Austin come walking into view wearing the United States title around his waist and has a tooth-pick dangling from his lips. With the recent use-age of the Razor's Edge in John's matches, does he really think he is the second coming of Scott Hall himself? Regardless, we see John slowly start to climb the ladder that still has the Home Depot price tag on it. He gets to the top, narrowly missing hitting his big dome on the ceiling. He sits atop of the ladder as the camera zooms in....
Seems like we got a bad ass over here in the land of the misfits that I work for. You see what I don't understand is when guys like you Mystica think by using big words and schooling everyone on stuff that is only true in your eyes, makes you a better man. So you want to school me on the history of the God that is true, righteous and pure and call me a moron because I so called have my facts wrong? What you fail to realize is that what you are quoting me on is simply hearsay. Just like that so called Holy book, what you read on paper or online is nothing but hearsay. Till you show me cold hard evidence Mystica that states nothing but the truth maybe you will be taken seriously but until then, save your ramblings for the likes of Eli James and the Reverend Billy Graham because no one gives a flying fuck.
You see Mystica, I didn't go to Harvard or Yale or what-ever college you went to. I am high-school drop out. I struggled through-out my life and I fought for everything I have and earned. I was like all the rest of those idiots, I believed in a so called God up in the Heavens but when he took away what I most dearly loved in my life, I denounced him. I spit on his name and burned the Bible, why you ask? merely for shits and giggles. Then suddenly I was visited by a sharply dressed man in the middle of the night and he told me to sign my name on the dotted line and everything I desired would be mine, I said do I use your pen or mine? ..This goes far beyond the United States title with you and I, Mystica. I know you was sent out to get revenge on that hillbilly's name that I tarnished. So you begged your way into getting a chance to face me and you won. Oh how lucky you are....
Eli can't stand the fact that he is not the center of attention anymore and now he is doing everything in his power to get it back. You see, he went from being the top man here on Warfare to a manager and special referee of sorts. You need to realize something Mystica. Whatever happens this Friday, I will always be remembered as the guy who ended YOUR savior's reign of terror and there is nothing you or anyone can do or say about it. He can get the power back of course but let's be real, it won't mean half of what it use to and we all know that is the truth. So come on college man, spew some more big words and try to tell us that a book written years and years ago by someone no-one has ever heard of is telling us that is the truth. You know, better yet, tell Eli that it doesn't matter what henchmen he sends after me, I will always overcome the odds.
Smoke-Man, where oh where are you? You seemed to have a lot to talk about last week with your rebellion against management and my so called demise from the top of the mountain, but, now not a word at all. Can't say I am a little disappointed in you. Have you realized that maybe when I say I am taking your soul that I mean it? Hell look at what happened to poor Anthony Powell. He was your partner and after it was all said and done, he was strapped to the altar, begging and pleading for his life. I am finally glad one of my opponents is getting the hint of how dangerous I really am. Just do me a favor Smoke-Man, keep your ass at home and don't bother showing up because if you do, it will be the last match you ever have...chico.*John takes the toothpick out of his mouth and flicks it at the camera*
As I sit atop this ladder and look down from above, I realize how far I have came in this company. I had to do the master's bidding and now here I am at the top of the heap. After all those souls I brought to him, he rewarded me with gold and how sweet it is. Radio, Mystica, Smoke-Man and who-ever else wants to step up to the plate, you all come right ahead and try your hand at John Austin. Come see what I am all about and when you fail, you will realize that the master I work for is one evil son of a bitch. I promise you all this much, I will retain my US title this Friday and I don't need to start a rebellion or use fancy words to do so.
John slowly starts to climb back down the ladder and heads off out of the room. We hear his footsteps across the cold hard concrete floor as we come to a end
Who is to say we are not already dead
And already living in hell...
Now think about that one
To find John, turn those lights out because he will then appear...
XWF LEGEND and the only man who punked out Duke TWICE
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Christine Nash (12-27-2013), Mr. Radio (12-22-2013)