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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Things Keep Getting Weirder Part 2 (RP #3)
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LJ Havok Offline
The Chose One

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

12-18-2013, 09:33 AM

LJ Havok had been awake for a long period of time. Now it was three in the morning, and he was slipping tremendously. I was in and out of sleep until he forces his eyes open. He sit up to keep it from happening again. He wipes his eyes and looks over his shoulder...There is a man sitting in his chair. The man was a suave looking middle aged man, and he was smiling at LJ nodding his head.

You know who I am don't you...Lee?

No. I don't.

LJ stands up with his fists up, signifying he's ready to fight this man.

I would assume a mafia man for some reason.

No. And put your hands down, man. You're embarrassing yourself.

I'm the devil.

Excuse me?

You heard what I said.

And I would be lying if I said that I wasn't pissed about you helping create good in this world.

The "devil" sets calmly with his hands clasped together smiling.

You're lying.

No. I mean, I do that a lot but this time I'm not.


The man snaps his fingers, and a glass appears in mid-air. The man pulls it out of the air and takes a sip out of the glass.

Ah. Macallan 64 Old Lalique. On of the most expensive bottles of scotch in the world. Now I have a bottle in my office.

In hell?

Actually no. Interscope Records.

I'm sorry what?

You know the old sayings, "Record Companies are the devil. Crossroads. Sell your soul." All that crap?

LJ nods.

Well it's all true. I did my best to corrupt you again after you escaped that life of crime. But I decided to settle for your coke addicted friend instead.

You son of a bitch! What did you do?

Nothing. We just made a deal. You should really give him a call. He's doing well for himself. Quite the musician that one.

LJ Havok shakes his head in disbelief. He is having a hard time taking this all in.

Cut to the chase, why are you here?

I'm glad you finally asked. I was getting bored with this small talk.

The devil sits down his glass and leans forward.

I have a business proposition for you..

I need you to kill Brother Thompson. You see, he was once a drug addicted homeless man. He just wanted a normal life. I gave that to him. But with that came temptation like you could never imagine and housing of a a demon. He went to a psychiatrist and everything thinking that would help. He really thought he was just sick. It never occurred to him that his time was ticking. And you, Lee, were supposed to kill him when you went to the church the second time, but you didn't. So the other guy must be working on you. I hate to bore you with all of this, but what do you expect? And take your time. You really need to think this one out.

What's in it for me?

The biggest benefit would be me not having you killed. But, what can I say? I kind of like you. So here's what I'm going to do.

Since I figure that your little movement and against evil doers will not expand any further than your little shitty barn, I will not interfere with the people you change. That means you have free reign to do what you will.

Lucifer, you have yourself a deal.

The devil stands up and accepts a hand shake from Havok.

Please. Call me Lou.

Now you realize you just made a deal with Satan himself right? Only bad things can happen from this point on.

He smiles wide, showing his perfect white teeth.

You remember John Lennon?

LJ Havok pulls his hand back quickly.

It's too late. But relax I hold true to my word...well most of the time.

You're a real asshole you know that?

Lou chuckles lightly.

Thanks. I try. It's just sometimes I think I come off a little too nice.

That's going to have to change soon because George Clooney is just terrible.

He sold his soul?

Yeah. That guy has killed so many hookers. He's really clever though. He has never been caught.

Lou shakes his head laughing, and LJ Havok looks on in amazement.

Are we done here?

I thought we were hitting it off. What a shame?

But hey, I know something that will make you feel better.

I highly doubt that.

You have officially spoken to me more than John Austin.

Oh my God! Are you serious?

Please don't say the G word around me, it gives me the willys.

And yes. I heard he was doing deeds in my name and whatnot so I approached him about selling his soul. He wouldn't..not a surprise though. People who call on me daily are the ones who have the deepest fear of me.

Havok hears movement coming from the hallway. He looks that way, and it's Chris emerging.

Who are you talking to?

Chris yawns, and LJ points to Lou..he's gone.

What a fucking dick!


Don't worry about it, man. I'll tell you later.

Can I go to bed? I have a big match Thursday.

Yeah I'll keep a look out. Get some shut-eye.

LJ Havok heads to his bedroom not knowing if he should trust Lou or not..Oh yeah that's right he shouldn't...he's the devil.

[Image: Lssnyr5.gif]
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