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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
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Steve "KingSlayer" Davids Offline
Steve Davids

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

12-16-2013, 11:20 AM

“He is stalking you all of the time Steve,” the mysterious voice murmured down the phone. Steve was taken aback. He instantaneously knew who the voice referred to. “He is watching your every move and he is in the house directly opposite yours,” then the man hung up on Steve who fell back against his bed.

“What’s wrong?” Lacey asked, bewildered.

“You know the house opposite this one, the one we believed to be abandoned? He’s there.”

"What are you talking about Steve? Who’s there? Why?”

“My Father, the man on the other line says that he is watching our every move from that house. I need to go over there right now.”

“If you must, but I am coming with you.”

“No you fucking well are not. You and Mark will stay here, he will look after you. Let me deal with this myself. This is between me and him.” Steve insisted this. He went onto inform Mark of the situation who was more than happy to look after Lacey whilst Steve dealt with the issue. Steve suited up. He took off his white vest and boxers and put on a fresh three piece suit that was blacker than the night’s sky. Steve hugged Lacey goodbye, her scent drifted into his nose. He smiled, and then opened the door, staring at the opposing house.

Steve walked rapidly through the downfall of rain and headed straight for the front door. He did not knock; he just kicked the door down but was immediately grappled to the ground by three men. He did not see their faces but he struggled, kicking one of them to the ground with a sack over his head now at this point. He swung aimless punches with his left arm that had gotten free but was overwhelmed by the men. He was then tied to a chair in a dank room unable to move his legs or arms. Steve was gagged, his mouth shut. He could not see either; they had blindfolded him.

“It was foolish of you to attempt such a daft attack you know Steve,” the voice was recognisable. It forced a shiver down his back and fire filled his entrapped eyes. Steve tried to speak but the gag meant the words were muffled; it was becoming a struggle to get any oxygen as well.

One man laughed: “You are a stubborn one Steve. You would wade through desserts and darkness to get something done. Determination can be the utmost of a downfall though.”

Steve knew it was his Brothers and his Father but could not see them to be sure. The scent of the room was one of beauty. For some reason scented candles lit the room. One man walked over and grabbed Steve’s blindfold and ripped it off of his face. Steve stared the man in the eyes. It was his one his brothers. Steve forgot his name, well supressed it at the very least as he did his other brother’s.

The other brother tore the gag up. Steve regained breath, sweat dripping down his face. His suit was now creased, and his tie had been ripped off from around his neck. Steve frowned; his eye brows were as sharp as daggers.

“Ah, my dear brothers, how wonderful it is to see the men who look up to someone who would abandon their own son… I always knew there was disgusting men in this world but you people really are the extreme,” SLAP! The younger of the two men backhanded Steve, almost knocking the chair over too. His father, Seth then stepped between the two of them.

“Ah Steve, you have those same fiery eyes that I wear when I am angry.”

“I am nothing like you. Sick old man!” Steve roared. He received another backhand for his words. His Father pushed the two boys back though.

“Enough. You two can stand outside the door, I will call you if I need you,” he turned away then looked back into Steve’s eyes, crouching down to stare at him, “ah your temper is hotter than ever.”

“How did you find me again then, Seth!?” Steve pondered.

“I could ask you the same question.”

“A voice, yet it is now evident that I was meant to hear that voice. It was a trap wasn’t it?”

“Not as stupid as you look after all.” A man wandered into the room slowly, he was old. He had a sick smile on his face hiding behind his beard. It was Albert, the father of the boy who Steve murdered years ago.

“When I said that I forgave you but I never forgot, did you really think I was being honest? You killed my son Steve. This is the fate that you deserve I am afraid. We are not the villains here, it is you. You see, these have been my Christmas wishes every year since you committed that devastating crime.”

“It was you wasn’t it Albert. You killed Blaine. You knew I was wrong in the head when I did what I did, what’s your excuse!?”

“Vengeance. You see Steve; I have spent many years alone. Before you met your fate I wanted you to suffer as I did by losing the most important person in your life,” Albert moved closer to Steve before continuing: Two wrongs do not make a right and all that crap. You deserve this, you never were truly punished.”

“I was forced into the worst asylum in the planet, maybe that is not just enough for you but this is wrong. How can you not see that truly Albert? What has happened to the man of kindness? Is it now that you are truly cold? So cold that you seek to kill?”

“I seek for justice you fool.”

“Quickly Albert, help is required!” Seth bellowed as the two men went scampering to the front, I just knew it would be Mark. A brick smashed through the window and Lacey climbed in, untying Steve from the chair rapidly. This all happened in a heartbeat. She backed into the corner now.

Steve’s Father came through, but Steve grabbed him immediately in a choke hold until he was out cold. Then, Steve knocked over one of the candles, lighting the place on fire.

“You see Father, it’s not nice being abandoned in the flames. Perhaps you will see that now.” Steve was ice cold inside but burning with rage on the exterior. His brothers came in but Steve clotheslined them both whilst Mark fought off Albert. They left the three men just outside of the burning house, whilst Seth was set to perish.

Steve grabbed Lacey and kissed her. The three of them ran off into the distance, the house set to go up in flames.

Fall you must and fall you shall.

[Image: Gtfmgih.jpg]

3x Xtreme Champion
1x Briefcase Holder
1x Television Champion
1x Universal Champion
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