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X-treme Wrestling Federation » XWF Live! » Backstage 24/7
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World 1-International or any other punk
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BigBadLeroy Offline

XWF FanBase:
Monster Heel

(always booed; cheats; hurts people)

03-02-2013, 11:23 AM

Big Bad Leroy is looking at himself in the mirror, freaking everyone in the gym out when Steve Sayors finds him. Sayors is freaked when he sees how huge Leroy is.

[Image: 2nv6nbo.jpg]

Leroy decides to stop looking at himself and starts lifting.

[Image: RonnieColemanSmall.jpg]

Leroy: Aint you gonna ask me a question? Im the newest, biggest baddest thing to hit the XWF. You got nothing to say to me?

Sayors: I-I-I-I just dont want you to kill me after all your in the middle of working out. I dont want to interrupt.

Leroy: I'm just playing Stevie. You dont get like me by working. You get it being me or not being me. You know I dont want to be interviewed by a coward like you. Jade, Vixen, get rid of this chump...beat em down and dump somewhere, then come back with the camera.

Jade and Vixen beat down Sayors and his camera crew, then come back to shoot the rest of the interview. Leroy is benching about 900 pounds for reps at the time. He talks while hes benching, like its nothing.

Leroy: I didnt come to the XWF to mess around. I don't tolerate wimps in the gym or on the beach and I dont tolerate them in wrestling either. World 1-International or any other under 200-pound punk, I want you guys to step up to me so I can squash you like the bugs you are. People wanna see gymanstics they can watch the Olympics or go to the circus. People pay to see the freaks like me. Most of you scrawny glorified ballerinas aren't even worthy for a beatdown from me but I'm in a generous mood. Normally I'd just sic my iron valkyries on you but in this case Im giving some punks a chance.

Any of you skinny, pencil-neck cowards want a piece you know where to find me.
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

03-02-2013, 11:31 AM

Administrator who is known for always working out and being in shape, does jumping jacks into the area. He sees how freakishly huge Big Bad Leroy is and immediately freezes.

Admin: What... the... fuck?

He does that backwards walk very slowly. You know the one... like Homer Simpson does when he slowly wants to exit the scene without being seen...

Admin: Somebody accept this guy's challenge before he kills Steve Sayors!!!

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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BigBadLeroy Offline

XWF FanBase:
Monster Heel

(always booed; cheats; hurts people)

03-02-2013, 12:33 PM

Leroy starts doing curls while his Iron Valkyries, Jade and Vixen, film him with the equipment they stole from Steve Sayors and the camera crew after they jumped him at Leroy's command.

[Image: ronnie-coleman-workout.jpg]

Jade holds the mic up to big Leroy.

Leroy: They are all scrawny little cowards, afraid to face a true He-Man! They like to fly around and do flips, they may as well be figure skaters! Then we got these dudes talking about leverage and technique and can't hold me! Holds and techniques are for people whose biceps don't even have a, I got Kong to the left, Goliath to the right and Sentinel, which is the name of my back muscles, cause he guards me from scrawny punks!

Nobody wants to step up, me and the Valkyries are gonna go hunting for someone to beat down! Maybe Steve Sayors is braver than the rest because at least he stepped into the same gym as me! Or maybe I will eat him for my post-work out protein!
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