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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
The Past in the Present
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Crimson Cobra Offline
Dat Crimson Boy

XWF FanBase:
Super Face

(always cheered; has massive following; almost never cheats)

03-01-2013, 10:42 AM

*RING!!! RING!!!*

The old brick of a cell phone rings in a man’s slacks; the man is dressed very nicely for whatever occasion dressed in a full suit and tie. His arm dives into the deep pocket and digs out the cellular device popping his pocket inside out when pulling the massive phone out. No need to flip the phone or anything simply pressing a button the well-dressed man places the phone to his ear.

:Well-Dressed Man:
“Hello, may I ask whom is calling?”

Very proper and poised in his position standing above a small child who is dressed almost as nicely as what seems to be his father. The boy is staring up at the tall man waiting for him to hang up the phone and bring his attention back to the child.

:Well-Dressed Man:
“Are you joking sir? This has got to be some kind of prank call?!”

A sign of distress crosses the face of the man talking on the phone. He goes quiet allowing the person on the other end of the phone to speak again. The other end of the phone is now waiting in silence, the well-dressed man’s face is almost frozen as he is in shock of the news he has just received. He pulls the cell phone away from his face, clicks the button, and stuffs the phone aggressively back into his pocket.

“What’s the matter daddy is there something wrong?”

The father is still standing in shock his head not moving his eyes not shifting, only one movement was made and that was placing the phone in the deep pockets of the slacks. The boy jumped up and tugged on his father’s shirt knowing this would get his attention no matter how mad it may make him it always worked. The boy tugged and jumped and pulled and bounced, it was of no use this man was under some unnatural trance. The boy’s face now showing concern as well as his body language, he hugged onto his father’s leg.

“Dad please tell me what is happening!”

The man is able to blink, his stair not as blank as it was before, now as if his soul was slowly coming back inside of himself. A deep breath lifted his chest and an exhale lowered it back to normal. The boy knew that there was something wrong he could just tell because his father never acted like this.

The man was a happy go lucky kind of guy, always smiling for the cameras that always seemed to be around thanks to his mother. The dad would however get angry when he noticed his boy throwing a tantrum or “disturbing the peace” as he called it. He absolutely hated when the boy would tug on his shirt and jump up and down, but this had just happened and nothing in the way of punishment for the young child.

A cold blankness on the face was turned to a face full of sadness, depression, and fear. He knew something the boy did not and he was unsure how he was going to break the news to him. A family member in the hospital was one thing to break to another person but this situation was far worse. The man put his hand on the boys shoulder.

:Well-Dressed Man:

Your mother, she was…..

She was found in a big car accident.”

The look on this boy Dakota’s face has now changed drastically, from concerned to utter fear. His mother, the person to tell him that she loves him every night before bed, the person to help make his cereal in the mornings when he wakes up, she was in an accident!

:Dakota’s Father:
“Don’t worry….

I know that’s stupid to say…

But they said she was breathing when they found her and she seems to be in better condition.

We have to go right away, do you understand Dakota? Go get out of your birthday clothing and put something on that is more hospital suitable.”

Dakota ran off headed for his room to change following the orders of his father. The man didn’t think wearing a suit to see someone in a car accident was quite the suitable attire. The young boy Dakota running back to the door was now wearing his “regular” clothing a nice fleece sweater because of the blistering winds outside. His father was sporting a similar jacket that he tossed over his newly changed clothing. Both of these two darted outside entering the beautiful car.

The car pulls into a parking space in the packed parking lot of the Medical Center of Aurora. Cars filling the lot they were really lucky to get so close to the building. The father opens his door and begins to speed walk towards the hospital only to remember Dakota is with him so he turns and motions for him to hurry. Dakota opens the door but being so small he couldn’t hold the door and it flung open from the harsh winds. He jumped out of his seat to the cold, hard, pavement and slammed the car door shut fighting the hard pushing of the wind. Dakota looked over and his father was walking towards the hospital again and Dakota began to run to catch up to his father.

Inside the hospital were patients of all different verity’s, cold, flu, broken limbs, blood marks on their shirts, Dakota was scared and clinched onto his father who was withholding just as much fear as his young child. The two were being shown to the room by the desk clerk needing proper identification to pass the security and get into the room. The beeping of the heart monitor got louder and louder as they got closer. Dakota could hear his on heart beating louder, harder, even louder, and even harder, with every single step. Fearful for this women’s life both men did not know what to expect.

The heart monitor now at its loudest but is not irregularly loud; they enter the room thanks to the desk clerk clearing security. A group of doctors are surrounding the bed of which Dakota’s mother lays. Small chattering can be heard when a doctor asks for some new tool with a name much to long for Dakota to even begin comprehending. His father stands there in worse shock now than when receiving the news. One of the nurses notices they entered the room and rushes to their side.

Mr. Cobb I assume? Thank you for rushing down here so quickly when we found out this was your wife we attempted finding your number and luckily she had it in her purse.

:Mr. Cobb:
What is going on?! I though you said she was in a stable condition! Why are there so many doctors and nurses around if she is in such a “stable” condition?

Mr. Cobb, Dakota’s father is infuriated with being lied to. The nurse can only look on in sorrow and attempt to calm the man down, no need for him to take out a doctor that is only trying to help his wife.

Mr. Cobb, she was in a stable condition but we arrive very quickly at the scene. You see sir there is a problem… We… uh …. Well we don’t really know what is wrong with her. She was in a stable condition, but then she started screaming in pain and blacked out. We have our best workin

Mr. Cobb interrupts the nurse before she can even finish her sentence.

:Mr. Cobb:
You have got to be kidding me! I don’t care if you have the very best doctor in the world working on that woman! If you don’t find what the fuck is wrong with her you better damn well believe that I am going to be suing this hospital out of all of its god forsaken money!

Nurse you might want to take a look at this we may have just found the problem.

Silence deafens the room; the shout of Mr. Cobb must have frightened the doctors, at least in the mind of Dakota. Dakota was hiding his eyes crouch up against the wall, he hated when his father yelled and he had never ever heard him swear before this day. The beeping of the heart monitor now the only sound we hear, but it seems as if even but just the tiniest little bit it is changing in speed. The doctor points to something and the nurse tilts her head slightly confused.

But she was in a car accident how on earth did that happen?

No idea but we need to run tests to make sure that’s the problem, go speak to the husband and try to get him to help.

Dakota is now peeking through his hands to see what is going on, the doctors are looking, touching, writing things down. The nurse walking up to his father begins to whisper into his ear obviously not wanting the young boy to hear the problems. Dakota looks up towards the bed his mother is lying in and sees something very odd. On her leg where the doctors continue examining he sees two small infected looking holes, about mid-calf. Dakota’s jaw drops and he tries to cover it with his mouth but his arm is being pulled. He looks up to see he dad rushing with him outside of the building.

.Dakota Cobb.
Dad, what are you doing? We need to stay and help mom!!! Where are we going!?

:Mr. Cobb:
Dakota, I need you to shut up and just follow me.

Whatever it was the nurse was telling his father must have been very important. Dakota running when he can, almost being held in the air by his dad as they both are almost sprinting to the car again. Both car doors slam shut, the engine revs up and the car tires squeal as they peel out of the parking space and speed out back to the highway. Cars’ flying by left and right Dakota feels scared but at the same time is enjoying the ride, his first taste of adrenaline. Mr. Cobb is muttering to himself trying to remember what it was that the doctor had said to him, where he was headed, the mental image of his wife of 10 years now being laid in the hospital bed, all jumped around in his head and escaped his thoughts through his mouth only to reenter seconds later.

Standing in shock at the bed side he didn't care that his son just heard him curse, he didn't care that he intimidated the doctors he just wanted his wife back. She was the love of his life, he would do anything to fight for her. The nurse approached Mr. Cobb his son still only looking in from the corner.

Sir, it appears that your wife was bitten from a very venomous snake either before or after the accident…
Do you know of any snakes she might have been in contact with?

Mr. Cobb shakes his head left to right and continues looking on with his blank stare. “They must be crazy, he thought to himself my wife, bitten by a snake? No way.” He kept this thought to himself though, a once in a lifetime thing to see this man not speak his mind.

Ok well were going to need to know what kind of snake it was to get her the correct anti-venom so do you think you could go down and attempt finding if the snake is still around the scene?

The nurse whispered at all times not wanting to scare Mr. Cobbs 9-year old child. The two rushed out into the halls...

The two arrived at the scene of the crash, the two cars were still pulled off to the side of the road, both totaled. Dakota looked on with horror and was told to stay in the car. Mr. Cobb popped the lock on the door and exploded out of his seat with such speed he left and imprint of himself on the leather. He began running to both cars when he noticed excessive broken glass on the ground as well as pebbles and a big rock looking very out of place.

He stopped running towards the cars and looked down at the pile of mixed objects where the crash seemed to happen. A big chunk of glass had something on it, tape perhaps. Mr. Cobb picked it up and turned the broken glass shard around.

“Property of the Colorado Zoo.”
“Animal Identification Number 92856”
“Exhibit: King Cobra”


Back at the hospital much time has passed and the doctors are doing everything they can to help but are eventually forced to simply leave the room and hope for the best. Minutes later the heart monitor’s now extremely slow beating turns to one long drawn out sound, almost mimicking the sound of death. Doctors and nurses alike rushed into the room…

-Voice Command-
“please leave a message after the tone”

An eerily similar tone to a flat line plays for a much shorter time.


Crimson Cobra pops his head up and looks around, “Not at a hospital, not in a car, where am I? He wonders in his mind.

=Crimson Deadly=
“Hey so I’m just checking up on you man I know we had our own little scrap on Wednesday but we can get over it man were a team. We are going to be needing to get back into the gym and start sparing again because we have two new tougher opponents this Saturday and I know you haven’t forgot about that match already. That 0-4 streak of yours is about to fly out the window because we are taking this match one way or another. Call me when you can see ya!”

Crimson Cobra arises from his seat; he takes a few steps realizing he is in his own home and grabs his I-Phone off of the table his head was just laying on. He continues walking very slowly and cautiously attempting to remember what it is he just witnessed. An odd sound comes from a room down the hall and he makes his way to the closed door. Opening the door even slower than how slowly he walked to it. The door creeks as it opens and Crimson is relieved to see it is only his pet Cobra playing with its food again, the mouse scurrying everywhere it can only to be swallowed whole by the giant serpent.

1x Quote of the Moment
4x 24/7 FTW UFO E1999 Champion
1x Tag Team Champion

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