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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Lethal Lottery 2 Entire Tourney + PPV RP Archive
Team Snow Zero Forced Collaboration
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Dr. Zero Offline
Fearsome Feathered Foe Most Foul

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11-27-2013, 11:02 AM

Dr. Zero and Egyptian Snow Pharaoh arrive immediately back in the former's laboratory after the near-death experience shared thanks to Detective Lieutenant Boulder and his mysterious accomplice, Lenny Johnson. The pair are surrounded by Minions and Dr. Zero is handed a blaster. He immediately aims it right at ESP's head.

"You…You set me up! TWICE NOW!" he screams at ESP.

"What are you talking about?" she replies. "You set yourself up. You're a scientist. How are you going to forget to encrypt messages you send out?"

Dr. Zero continues to hold the blaster just out of reach from ESP, still steadily aiming it at her forehead. The Minions watch on, anxiously.

"What do you mean 'forget to encrypt'? I encrypt…Curses…ALPH! GET IN HERE NOW!" In scurries Dr. Zero's old friend. The demonic worm, encased in his glass case, surrounded by the gelatinous mess that gives him the nutrients essential to life, and skittering about on his 8 robotic legs.

"What's up, boss?" says Alph.

"Alph, you had ONE job. ONLY ONE! What was it?" Dr. Zero asks him.

"Make sure the Minions aren't stealing food out of the break-room?"

"Well, yes…But…Ok…"

"Monitor this lovely lady's emails?" Alph sloshes around to face ESP. He winks at her.

Dr. Zero adjusts his collar, nervously. "Err…Ahem…No. No one told you to do that," Dr. Zero says. That goddamn liar.

"But, yeah you di…," before he can finish the sentence, Dr. Zero blasts him with the laser. The Minions start to cheer, but ESP seizes the opportunity to knock the blaster from Dr. Zero's hand, and, as though in one fluid motion, grabs him, retrieves a hidden dagger, and holds it to his throat.

"Now, now, princess. Let's not get to hasty," he says.

The Minions move back, not sure of how to handle the situation.

"Everyone, stay back. There's no need for violence today. Ms. Pharaoh, what would you like for us to do?" Dr. Zero asks her. She looks around, taking in her surroundings. She knows how crafty Dr. Zero can be.

"Privacy. Right now."

"Your wish is my command." The pair begin to move through the labyrinthian halls of his laboratory. Egyptian Snow Pharaoh seems completely unmoved by the plethora of bizarre noises and disturbing sights in the various 'observation rooms'. Unlike Dr. Zero's prior Lethal Lottery partner, Mr. Idenhaus.

They reach a very large, ornate pair of oak doors. There is a panel to the side that appears to be a locking mechanism of sorts.

"Umm…Pardon me. It needs my password," Dr. Zero tells Egyptian Snow Pharaoh. She allows him to lean close to the console. "Eamtay Owsnay Erozay," he says, followed by, "Ackstabbedbay." Green lights flicker on the console, and a click can be heard. Dr. Zero kicks the door open and spins around quickly with ESP, aiming her back in the door. A set of 4 metallic arms shoot out of the room and latch onto her, snatching her into a chair. The blade nicks Dr. Zero's neck as she is torn away. He ignores it and steps into the room.

Dr. Zero calmly walks behind his desk as the doors slam shut. He sits down and pours a can of Sprite into a large wine glass. He swirls it around and sniffs it before taking just a sip.

"Pardon me. I didn't offer you a libation, did I? Would you care for something?"

ESP stares a hole through Dr. Zero.

"No, of course not. It appears as though I do owe you an apology. I should not have trusted the encryption of my message to you with a plebeian such as Alph. For that, I am truly sorry. I feel, however, there is some explanation needed from you. That would be the reason I contacted you in the first place. You see, something very, verrrrrrrrrrry important to me has been taken thanks to you."

The stone gaze of ESP does not change a bit.

"Hmm…Perhaps you've met him? The pigeon-headed freak calling himself 'Dr. Hero'? My sources indicate that you are the one that led him here and that you know how I can find him. This is quite disheartening, I must say. You were my favorite, Pharaoh. The rest in the XWF all seem rather shallow…Rather quaint…But you, no…You're special. That is why I am willing to give you another chance."

ESP looks down at the restraints that are keeping her in the chair. She's already trying to formulate a plan of escape.

Dr. Zero notices. "That will not be necessary. This will only take a second." He clicks a button on his desk and a metallic cap with red and green blinking lights descends from the ceiling connected to several wires. Dr. Zero attaches it to ESP's head and presses a few buttons. It begins to hum.

Dr. Zero steps back and clicks the button again, this time another cap lowers. He places it on his own head.

ESP suddenly sees all manner of cruelty that Dr. Zero has endured. Then, she sees a room filled with glass on all sides. Dr. Zero sitting at a desk in the middle of the empty room.

No, it's not empty.

A boy, confused, sits in front of the desk. Something about the Apocalypse? Who's is the boy? A fly is circling the room. Then it's all gone.

Dr. Zero peers into Pharaoh's mind as though searching through DVD clips.


The sound of a woman moaning very lightly...

A flash of light and we are inside of her head...

The room is dim and the walls are lit by the sporadic flickering of a television. The immediate surrounding is a common hotel room and Egyptian Snow Pharaoh is sitting at the edge of the bed, directly in front of the television. The television is not shown directly but whatever she is watching seems to be giving her a reason to smile. A smile larger than any we've seen before from her is now across her face as she continues watching what sound like clips of a wrestling match...

A few moments pass and commentators can be heard talking about the XWF Trio Championships... it sounds like she's watching a replay of her very first match in which she teamed with Jessica Diaz and Tri Bute to claim the Trio Titles. The sound of the television is rather low so not all the audio can be heard, but it sounds like the match has come to a close now. The entire room goes black for a second as a result of the clip ending on the television, but quickly lights back up with a new clip that begins...

It's not clear what Pharaoh is watching, but it sounds like a female's voice can be heard.

A few more seconds pass and Pharaoh slowly leans back on the back, looking very enticed by what she is watching.

A few more seconds pass and the unmistakable voice of Jessie-ica Diaz can be heard coming from the television. Pharaoh seems to be watching footage of Diaz and really enjoying what she's seeing. "So amazing..." she lets out under her breath as she stares intently at the screen until...

It starts to become obvious that her hand is slowly moving...

Moving along her breasts, down her stomach, and between her legs.

Pharaoh begins breathing heavily as she continues watching the television, sinking back into the bed and eventually closing her eyes as she brings herself to...

"CUT!" yells Dr. Zero, attempting to stop the imagery. This isn't the memory he's probing for. He realigns himself with the machinery. After a few more moments, he sees it. Dr. Hero.

Dr. Zero tosses the cap off of his head, staggering backwards. It swings, knocks over a lamp on his desk, and rises back into the ceiling from whence it came. ESP's does the same. Dr. Zero begins to laugh.


He fumbles around clumsily in a desk drawer, murmuring to himself before pulling out a hypodermic needle filled with some pink substance. Dr. Zero eyes ESP and staggers back over to her.

"This…This is for your own…for…for your own good." He stabs the needle into her arm and injects her with the concoction. ESP can instantly feel her entire burn and ache. "This is uh…This is a 'thank you.'"

ESP suddenly feels stronger than ever before and bursts out of the restraints. She marches toward Dr. Zero who stumbles over his feet in an attempt to get away. He inches backwards to the corner of his room, darkened by ESP's shadow. He raises his hands over his head and curls into a ball.

"Please…Please don't. I…I'm helping you. I'm suh…sorry. I'm sorry. You're better…now. I just want…I just want you to be…your own master."

With that, Egyptian Snow Pharaoh simply turns and leaves Dr. Zero's office.

If only beaks could smirk.

[Image: 7uXcTyU.jpg]
Co-Winner of the Lethal Lottery Tournament with Egyptian Snow Pharaoh
1x 24/7 FTW UFO E1999 Champion
December 2013 Star of the Month
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