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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
Crazy, Crazy, Crazy (RP1 of ?)
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Neil Capra Offline
Totally not crazy, I swear

XWF FanBase:
Heel w/ Cult Following

(the heel you love to love; does whatever they want)

02-25-2013, 07:54 PM

Hope Ville

Narrator: Neil Capra

I'm led through a dark tunnel that seems to go on forever. I can't quite make out who I'm following, but I know they're here to help. There's a dreary sounding voice, it whispers to me.

"Neil, keep following, we're almost there..."

Why would I stop? I don't know where I am, or what's going on...

Suddenly, there's a light that shines through this damn near pitch black tunnel. Great... Another fucking light. I can't help it, and I yell out, rage building in my voice:

"I'm sick, of this motherfucking light in shining out of this motherfucking darkness!"

The man pays no attention to my outburst, he continues leading me further and further into this forest. The light is fading, leaving behind a faint glow. The light shines off a pond that we pass by. The man stops at the pond. He motions for me to sit down, and I oblige his request. His voice is low and menacing as he asks me...

"Are you frightened?"

I quickly and furiously shake my head no. He glances at me as if he doesn't believe a word I didn't say. I'm unsure of how to respond to this. I open my mouth to speak, but then I wake up. I'm on a bus. How come I'm the last to learn of my location or what I'm doing?

Quick Thinking

Narrator: Christine Arlo

I wake up from my asthma attack in a car. I start to stir, and I feel a shard elbow jab me right in the fucking ribs. I hear a gruff, angry sounding voice saying something to the driver, but I haven't fully came back to consciousness yet. I see the guard who's been friendlier to me than usual as well. They're sitting beside me in the backseat of this car. They aren't armed, and they're dressed, well, might I add...

I take a deep breath and finally, I'm all there again. I ask what happened and where we are, apparently we're driving to the hospital.

"I just need an inhaler, guys. No need for hospitals..."

The driver sighs in relief and says we're going to the pharmacy that's nearby. I reach in my pant pocket, brushing past the Sharpie that I keep in there in case of emergencies, and pull out my prescription. We pull into the parking lot of this pharmacy and the friendly guard gets out of the car, followed closely by myself. He holds my hand, and whispers something into my ear.

"Act natural..."

I nod, and we proceed into my place of salvation. We walk up to the counter, and I hand the man behind it my prescription. He gets to work getting a refill, and I turn to the guard, and in my most innocent voice, I ask:

"May I please go to the bathroom?"

He nods, assuming I likely haven't since I was taken. I walk as fast as possible into the women's restroom. I slide into a stall, and pull out my Sharpie. I leave a note for the next woman to get into the stall. That note reads:

"Help, I've been kidnapped. CALL 911 PLEASE!"

I smile, content with my handwriting, and walk out of the stall, closing it quickly. As I exit, another woman is entering. I lean my head into her ear, and tell her.

"Use stall one, stall 2 is out of order."

The woman thanks me and goes into the bathroom. I walk up to the guard, and he's holding my inhaler.

"Here honey, here's your refill..."

He hands the bag to me, and I take it without thinking. I see the woman exit the restroom. She's pulling out her phone as the man and I exit the building. I see her reading the license plate aloud on the phone. Here's hoping she can save me...

Agonizing Knight

Speaker: Neil Capra

"Woo! Saturday's shaping up to be great! I have a triple threat match against Agony, and KnightMask. Whoop dee fucking do! Not only am I stifled from making any form of impact against these whelps who so far have showed absolutely nothing, I get the least interesting duo of whelps to decimate. Perfect...

I mean, Agony. The man's name is Agony. Why, is that what people feel while watching his matches? Or is it because You supposedly put other people in agony? Because honestly, if it's the latter, I am not impressed. I hurt people Agony, and it's a lot worse feeling than the one you named yourself after. I however, don't have my head so far up my own ass as to name myself after an adjective! But I digress, we'll see on Saturday just how much agony you can put me through. I'll be waiting...

Which leaves me with KnightMask...

Look here, asshat. You made a dire mistake coming after me, you piece of Wednesday Warfare trash. And just so you know, Wally, I'm not calling him trash because he's from Wednesday's show, he's trash who just so happens to be employed by you. Listen up, you masked motherfucker. You got in my business on Saturday. This Saturday, I'm going to show you just who's business you got yourself into. I said it once man, I'm losing it. This chick's voice wants me to do some fucked up things. You pissed me off, Knighty. When I'm mad, I listen to her more often. She told me to try to kill King, and she'll tell me to kill you. Who knows, hero-so-terrible-that-no-one-could-possibly-be-awful-enough-to-deserve, I might possibly listen to her. I just might..."
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