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Donathan Alphonse Francois De Sade
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Your Angel ▬ if you'll have him


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02-25-2013, 07:57 AM Information  Donathan Alphonse Francois De Sade -->

A work in progress -- More to come

Pseudonym: Donathan Alphonse Francois De Sade

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: Returning

Wrestler Date of Birth: Unknown

Height: 6'1

Weight: 220

Hometown: Unknown, but Donathan has an unconfirmed number of exquisite homes spanning the continental U.S. and in various major cities throughout the world.

Entrance Theme: "We are young" by Fun

Personality: Charming and well spoken. Inviting and courteous as he demonstrates superb manners and standards most of the time.

Alignment: Neutral // natural balance (he will assume any role as needed at any given time)

Attire (in and out of ring): High class apparel--top of the line suits and a very big fan of the fedora. Tends to wear a lot of grays.

Pic Base: Matt Bomer (as seen in the picture above)

Wrestling Style: Adaptive and deceiving
Strengths: Studies the opponent like no other. Becomes one with their mental core in order to predict likely offense, defense and mistakes by opponent.
Weaknesses: His physical strength can be outmatched easily if a situation arises in which he cannot dismantle a foe in other ways but this is incredibly rare.
Entrance Description: (let's wait and see)
Manager: Donathan has no manager but he himself *is* a manager for the man known as Mister Mystery 17 31707 1
Top 15-20 Commonly Used, Standard Moves: No such list // ever changing offense
Trademark Move(s): See below list of non-physical + physical weapons

Primary Finisher: Scourged Enlightening
Description: Berkocet (double under-hook 360° horizontal face crusher)
Example Video:

Second Finisher: Flashes of Immortal Light
Description: Front flip DDT from running or launched off the top rope
Example Video 1 of 2 (running):

Example Video 2 of 2 (off top rope):

Video starts at the right move. Ignore the ones after it.

Third Finisher: The Esoteric Flight
Description: Double under-hook flip driver off the top rope
Example Video:

Favorite Non-Physical Weapons:
Manipulation--persuasion--dissuasion and the like
Enlightenment of the mind
Variants of conversation--reason--suggestion--love, as well as their counterparts
"Time" (remember, it's on his side)
Above All Else -- Knowledge/Information

Favorite Physical Weapons:
Letter opener
Poison/nerve gas
LED Incapacitator & other immobilizing strobe lights
"The Electrocutioner" (a heavily modified, super powered cattle prod)
Surveillance devices (hidden cameras/recorders)
Embalming fluid? (when asked, DAFDS insisted this remain on the list)
Heavily modified remote control models (airplanes, cars, helicopters and the like; all rigged to either explode or perform other potentially lethal functions)
Experimental mind control serums and mood altering drugs typically not available to the general public

Additional notes: Donathan sees through to the other side and understands the all. He has no need to engage in typical "trash-talk" as he would much rather advise his nemesis of an alternate path they could see if they would only wake up.

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