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10-20-2013, 07:59 PM
Alexandra walked over to the other side of the bed, she knelt down and handed their son to them. She looked down at them and rose to her feet, walking for the door.
"Congratulations Micah. They are both beautiful and healthy."
She looked at them, pausing momentarily.

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10-20-2013, 08:10 PM
"Stay...please...I'm not going to be much use for a while and Michael will lose his mind within a few days."
"I'm not new to this."
"I'm not either but you will get zero sleep. Ally...stay."
I smiled weakly up at her before looking down at my Mackenzie...
"Do they have names?"
"Madyson...and Mackenzie..."
Zak rushed over and took Mackenzie from my arms just as my eyes started to slid shut.
"If she's not recovering in a week, I'm taking her to see Nova...Don't give me that look, Michael. I can't do blood work here and at least there will be another child. At least let me make sure she heals properly."
A soft growl filled the room and I looked between my husband and my brother.
"If your going to fight, give the kids to Ally and go outside..."
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10-20-2013, 08:19 PM
No. I'm done fighting with him. He's my brother in law and like I've said before "I will always respect family no matter how much I hate them."
Radio walks up to Zak and puts his hand out.
How about it...Brother?
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10-20-2013, 08:33 PM
Alexandra watches from the doorway, having heard Micah's words.
"I think you've got all you need right here Minxy."
She swallows hard, looking at them, before her attention goes to the window, hearing the cries of the twins.

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10-20-2013, 08:35 PM
I took his hand without a second thought and pulled him towards me, my lips near his ear.
"You don't have to like or approve my lover but still your tongue when it comes to anything about him."
I pulled away, letting his hand go and trading babies. Michael looked down at Mackenzie and I smiled down at Madyson.
"Your daddy's gonna have to invest in a 12 gauge isn't he? Oh yes he is...oh yes he is."
A sharp shock went through my skull and I groaned, my eyes closing in pain. A hand on my shoulder caused me to open them again. Michael stabilized me as Ally rolled in the two cribs. She took the little girl from me and I sat down.
"You alright?"
"Yeah...just remember about the bullet in my back...Micah will be up soon...I'll be back."
I stood and vanished out of the window.
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10-20-2013, 08:43 PM
Alexandra watched the twins, something inside of her faltered. She stilled herself and smiled softly.
"If you wish for me to stay Micah, I will."
She walked over and sat next to her.

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10-20-2013, 08:45 PM
My voice softened and my eyes slid shut, "So sleepy..."
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10-20-2013, 08:50 PM
Alexandra ran her hand through Micah's hair.
"Rest. I promise everything will be fine. I'll stay."
She smiled at her.
"Rest now momma... you have eighteen plus years of wondering and worrying ahead of you."
Alexandra turned to Radio when Micah had fallen asleep.
"I swear to God Michael.. you leave her... and you'll never hear the end of it."

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10-20-2013, 09:26 PM
I don't plan on ever leaving her. Those kids are going to grow up fast, I'm not even kidding about that. Gadoians learn how to walk when they're only half a year old. They learn how to talk basic when they reach a year and a half. I'm going to have to take Mackenzie out into the woods when he becomes 6 and teach him how to shoot.
Alexandras eyebrows raise and Radio smirks.
I learned how to shoot and fight when I was 6. That's our tradition and I'm not going to be the one to break it.
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10-20-2013, 09:30 PM
Alexandra looked at Michael and then over to Micah who was asleep on the bed.
"Look, Michael. I know you love her. You are the best thing that happened to her since.. well.. for a very long time. You are good for her. And she's going to need you. Especially now that the twins are born. You wont have a moments rest. I don't vow to protect you or her, she knew what she was getting into. But I will protect these two. They will be as protected as my own children are."
She looked at him.
"Anyone hurts them, and I do mean anyone, that person will answer to me. Now, if you will excuse me. I need some fresh air."
Alexandra walks outside to stand on the balcony.

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10-20-2013, 09:44 PM
Radio watches as Alexandra walks onto the balcony. He smirks and looks at his kids.
Hey you two, I'm you're daddy. You're going to be seeing a lot of me as you grow up. Especially you, Mackenzie, Dad's going to help you grow up just like your dad. Except maybe less of a grouch. Unless you want to be almost exactly like me but if you want to be a kind person you can.
Mackenzie giggles and touches Michaels face.
And you Madyson, I want you to grow up like your mother. I'm not going to have you go through the command training like your brother. I will protect you however. No one...and I mean no one will touch either of you without getting blasted in the face. You're probably going to be hearing a lot of me talking like that and my apologies. Once you start dating, Madyson you better protect that boy because my gun is always in my pocket.
Madyson giggles and slaps Michael.
Already got that strength jeez...Its a good thing I don't usually sleep. The bad part is that you both have my blood and probably won't let me sleep If I wanted to.
Radio laughs and kisses them both on the head and grabs his jacket and walks outside and stands next to Alexandra and lights a smoke.
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10-20-2013, 10:20 PM
Alexandra sighs softly and looks out over the city shaking her head.
"You should be inside with them Michael."
She looks down at the street as a motorcycle drives by. Alexandra eyes it until it's out of sight and then looks up at the moon. She took in a deep breath and swallowed hard.
"Seriously.. best of luck with those two. You are about to have your hands full with the both of them."

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10-21-2013, 07:18 AM
I groaned softly and sat up, looking at the twins in their cribs. Michael and Alexandra were standing on the balcony so I gently placed my feet on the wood floor and walked over to them.
"Hello my sweets."
I smiled and noticed their size differences. Madyson was smaller, didn't look like she would be much of a physical threat but I felt the gentle brush of her aura across my mind. She would be a major psychic threat.
Mackenzie...he was the one who left the bruise. He would be large like his father, a physical who could control the his uncle.
"My two strong babies. Forget what daddy said, you don't have to do any type of command training...I want you two to have a childhood, free of any type of adult worries."
Madyson giggled and she took my thumb, sucking it softly while Mackenzie kicked his feet, looking grumpy. God he looked so much like Michael.
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10-21-2013, 08:04 PM
Alexandra heard Micah's voice and looked around to see her standing over the cribs. She walked back inside smiling at her.
"You should be resting Minxy."
Alexandra headed for the door.
"I need a drink. My head feels fuzzy and something doesn't feel right."
Alexandra leaned against the doorframe.

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10-21-2013, 08:19 PM
"Michael will get you some water, you sit and talk."
I picked up Madyson and sat on the bed with Ally while Michael took Mackenzie downstairs with him to get us some water.
"You know people will think you named her after John Madison right ?"
"Different spelling and I would never name my child after that mental ward failure. Madyson is named after my Grandfather...he was always able to instill fear in others...even though he was always, talk to me. What's wrong ?"
It was amazing just how comfortable we both were with each other as I sat there breast feeding my daughter. Ha! They were going to get more boob than Michael! HAHAHAHAHA!
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10-21-2013, 08:28 PM
Alexandra looked at her friend.
"I don't know how to explain it. I just feel like something off. Like something is about to, like something big. A cosmic change? No.. that's not the way to describe it. I don't know how to explain it, it's just this feeling that something is about to happen."
Alexandra's eyes looked to the moon.

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10-21-2013, 08:32 PM
"Have you taken a pregnancy test?"
A perfectly innocent question that ended up with myself and Madyson covered in water from both Michael and Ally.
"It's a perfectly innocent question."
I took the towel Michael handed me and dried myself and Madyson off. She had the same annoyed look I had. Oh yeah...we were gonna have hell with her.
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10-21-2013, 08:35 PM
"I assure you, I'm not."
She looked at Micah.
Micah gave her one of those looks.
"Micah in order to be pregnant you have to be getting some, and while I'd love to say David and I have, we are still very much innocent of that."

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10-21-2013, 08:39 PM
"Hun, you and I both know you...forgot after the hall. It would help with understanding why it seems like a up and down roller coaster ride."
Soft snoring reached our ears and we both looked down. Madyson was out, cold and snoring like someone was starting up a diesel truck.
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10-21-2013, 08:45 PM
"What are you implying Minxy?"
Alexandra looked at the other woman, then down at the child in her arms.
"Good luck sleeping when that one is asleep. Sounds like a damned truck stop in here."

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10-21-2013, 09:06 PM
"The last person I know you hooked up with was Griffin."
"How do you know that?!"
"I showed him my nightmare and kinda poked in his recent memories. Watched it from his instant playback."
I shrugged, acting as if it was normal to snoop people's memories.
"And I know it'll be a thrill sleeping with her...I don't snore...she got it from her father. Have you heard him snore? That sounds like an 18 wheeler."
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10-21-2013, 09:10 PM
Alexandra looked at her, shocked at her admission and the fact that she shrugged it off so easily.
"Have you ever snooped around in my head? That's not a very smart thing to do. Sometimes it can lead to you getting hurt if the wrong information was to ever fall into your hands."
Alexandra places her head in her hands.
"Seriously Minxy, you have these kids to think about. You can't just go snooping through people's heads like that."

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10-21-2013, 09:15 PM
"I go through your head all the time. I try to get the memories sorted. The good, the bad, the Not Memories That Belong To Alexandra, then the ever growing Mystica folder. It's really not that big of deal, it's not painful nor does it take away time and energy. It's like a side project when I can't sleep."
I smiled and gently rocked Madyson, only looking up when another set of snoring filled the room.
"See...told you."
Ally looked up and over at Michael, who was finally passed out on the bed with a sleeping Mackenzie on his chest.
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10-21-2013, 09:19 PM
Alexandra stood and walked over, gently removing the baby from Michaels chest. She held the baby close to her, smiling softly. Walking over Ally sat back down across from her.
"I would think that if I was pregnant I would know."
Alexandra shook her head, she knew the last time.
"Besides, do you honestly think they would have let me compete in the ring if I was? doesn't want that kind of liability on his record."

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10-21-2013, 09:25 PM
I smiled but kept my mouth shut. I just admitted to being in her head. Even if she was pregnant...She would keep it safe. Such is the life of...well... She'll figure it out.
"Just go take the test. Best to be safe than sorry."
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10-21-2013, 09:31 PM
"Fine. I'll go. But you'll be disappointed."
Alexandra rolls her eyes, then looks down at Mackenzie.
"Remember to give your mother and father as much hell as they give me."

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