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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
Last of a Dying Breed (RP 1)
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John Austin Away
Grizzled Young Vet


XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

10-11-2013, 06:13 AM

Act 1: Acceptance

If you define the term blue collar worker, it basically means someone who goes out to their nine to five job and works from sun up to sun down while covered in their blood, sweat and tears. They do their hard tedious job to feed their families and hope to see another day. John Austin would be apart of this group of individuals.

Sure John may be a little crazy but aren't we all. He travels from state to state, arena to area plying his craft and earning a paycheck. He leaves behind broken bones, broken hearts and broken spirits everywhere he goes. But does that stop Austin from doing what he loves to do? Absolutely not!

We open up our scene in the home of John Austin. We have been here before but a-lot of things have changed since the last time you have seen it. New decor thanks to the lovely lady in his life, Christine Nash. We see pictures of Nash and her kids hanging on the wall, along with pictures of Austin with some of his close personal friends like Cam Lang and The Ward Brothers.

We see Austin sitting over behind the bar area near the kitchen. Garfield can be seen rolling around on the marble counter-top near the Jack Daniels bottles. John playfully rubs Garfield's stomach as the cat tries to paw at John's hands as if saying "Don't think so BITCH!"

John turns his attention to the camera and walks out from the behind the bar area. He walks over to the leather custom made sofa in the living room and sits down. John's deep voice begins to bellow through-out the air.

Normally you would see me praising the dark lord with my band of misfits but with recent turn of events, you will not see me in that light. The voices I would hear have calmed down. No longer do I have to sit and listen over and over to how they want and wish death upon their fellow man. So you have John Austin in all his glory. BUT! when those voices start back up and they will soon I am sure, get ready because the fun has truly just begun......

I have been in this company since last May and for my short period of time I have already accomplished a-lot. I have main evented countless of shows like Madness and those special edition episodes of Shove-It. Been apart of three pay per views for the company and most IMPORTANTLY! I am the winner of the first ever Thunderbowl. I have done things that most people can not say they have done.

This Monday it all comes around full circle once again. There is a new hot commodity out there along with a memorable foe from my past. See Tri-bute and Shawn Steele we are fighting for a common goal, to become number one contender to Nova's TV title. See he already has a hand full with my lady this Monday and if he somehow can pull a rabbit out of his ass against her, he will have to deal with one of us.

I look back at our first meeting we had Shawn and I must admit, you were a challenge. You were probably one of the tougher opponents I have ever had but what ended up happening? That's right, I won. You talked this big game about how bad you were going to destroy me and make me feel the pain and suffering but yet my hand was raised in victory at the end. You also tried to threatened me with bodily harm and don't think I forgot about that. I still have the cops on stand-by if you try any of your tricks again. We all know who will end up with their hand raised at the end of the night Shawn so there is no denying it. Take the needle out your ass and WAKE UP!

There has been one man who has been taking this company by storm and his name is Tri-bute. You claim to be a champion from another galaxy or time period. I don't know what the fuck you are or claim to be but to me, you are just another victim. I look back at those you have defeated and some of those impressive names are Captain Extreme, JTC and Kyle Morrison just to name a few. Really man, you are going to boast yourself on names like that. Thank your lucky God that you pray to that you actually face someone with some talent and skill. I don't like to toot my own horn but toot toot. All the fans around the world know who I am and what I can do. They cheer for me because I am the best inside the square circle. Until you can do something or beat someone that impresses me, you are nothing more than a fluke in our company.

I consider myself a blue collar man. I work as hard as the XWF nation does and I get my rewards. Sometimes I win and sometimes I loose but at the end of the night when you all are leaving the arena, I GUARANTEE you that I left a long lasting impression on your minds. At the end of the day, I will be the number one contender to the TV title. Whether the champ is Nova or it is Christine, I will be bringing the fight to either one of you.

You can call me whatever you want but my name is John Austin. I have done things that most wished they could have done in this company. I defeated guys and gals by the snap of my fingers. I suffer from a split personality and I am one bad individual to face in the ring but with all that, I can officially say that I am John Austin, your next TV champion and I am the last of a dying breed.

John lays back on the sofa as our scene slowly comes to a end. It has came full circle for Austin and now he gets his third chance at a championship but first he has to defeat Shawn Steele and Tri-bute. Will it be done? and who will Austin cash his briefcase on? Eli James? Nova? maybe even Luca Arzegotti? ......Stay tuned and all those answers will be given

To find John, turn those lights out because he will then appear...
XWF LEGEND and the only man who punked out Duke TWICE
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(10-14-2013), Christine Nash (10-11-2013), MattWard (10-11-2013), Sarah Parsons (10-11-2013)

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