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Monday Night Madness - 10/7/2013
Author Message
Paul Heyman

XWF FanBase:
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10-08-2013, 11:57 PM

[Image: madness3.png]

Date: October 7, 2013
Arena: Cow Palace
City: San Francisco, California

Pyro explodes all throughout the arena in San Francxisxco as the “Sound of Madness” plays. The crowd is excited for tonights event and are very vocal.

JOEY STYLES: “We are LIVE! We are SOLD OUT! We are in San Francisco, California! And this! This... is Madness!

“Hello everyone, I am Joey Styles and I am the voice of Madness and tonight, the King of the XWF crown is on the line! John Madison will go one on one with Sebastian Duke!

“Right now though, we're ready to head to the ring for our opening bout! The beginning of an extreme evening!”

“Let It Go” by G-Unit plays.

JOEY STYLES: “Ken Kennedy had his hands full last Monday, when he faced off against two members of The Family, eventually coming up short. Let’s see how he handles a tables match!”

“Pika Girl” by S3rl plays.

JOEY STYLES: “And his partner, Minxs! She too had a bit of a rough time last week, when her fiance’s plan to help her win against Tri Bute backfired!”

“Bulletproof” by Five Finger Death Punch plays.

JOEY STYLES: “Phoenix Regal, the first of their opponents! His wide array of suplexes ought to make this interesting!”

This is War plays.

JOEY STYLES: “And his partner, Liz Hathaway! Last week, she was pinned by our residential ex-pornographic actress, Jenna Silver, who used the ropes for illegal leverage. Perhaps she can redeem herself this week!”

Ken Kennedy & Micah Jacobs
- vs -
Phoenix Regal & Liz Hathaway
Xtreme Rules - Table Match – Elimination

The match starts out with Regal and Kennedy circling one another as their respective female partners look on from the apron. There doesn’t seem to be much chemistry present in these teams, but they’re going to have to deal with it for now. The boys lock up in the center of the ring, with Regal coming out on top, throwing Kennedy’s arms aside and hitting a few European uppercuts. Kennedy stumbles back into the ropes, and Regal Irish Whips him across the ring. Kennedy bounces off the opposite ropes, and comes back with a clothesline! Regal is quickly back to his feet, and Kennedy hits him with another clothesline. And a third! Regal learns to stay down, and Kennedy quickly drags him over to the corner and tags in Minxs.

She steps into the ring and kicks Regal in the ribs a few times. She follows up with a bulldog, slamming Regal’s face into the mat! She signals to Kennedy to get a table set up, and Kennedy leaps off the apron to fetch one from ringside. But Liz is wise, and circles around to meet Kennedy. The two begin to brawl as the action inside the ring continues!

Minxs continues her assault, choking Regal with the heel of her foot.

JOEY STYLES: “Nothing’s illegal tonight! She could do this as long as she wants!”

Minxs finally lets up as Regal goes limp. Seeing the duel going on between Liz and Kennedy on the outside, Minxs bounces off the opposite ropes and suicide dives to the outside, hoping to take out Liz!

But Liz is quick! She shoves Kennedy away from her, causing Minxs to fly headfirst into the barricade! She crumples in a heap on the floor! Liz is quick to take advantage, leaping into Kennedy and flattening the DDT master with a DDT of her own into the hard floor below! Liz leaps to her feet and the fans give a warm response.

Regal, having recovered from Minxs’s choke, rolls to the outside to assist his partner. As Liz continues to kick their downed opponents, Regal sets up a table. Liz tosses Kennedy over to him, and Regal locks in a double underhook! He lifts, bends back, and slams Kennedy through the table! Splinters of wood go flying in all directions!

Ken Kennedy has been eliminated.

But with having suplexed Kennedy through the table, it appears Regal has worn himself out as well, as he lies among the broken table, breathing heavily. Liz disregards this for now, and rolls Minxs back into the ring. Liz then sarches under the ring, and slides a table under the ropes. Minxs has since managed to catch her breath, and kicks the table aside to hit Liz with a dropkick to the face! Liz falls back to the outside, and Minxs follows, hot on her heels! Minxs hits Liz with another dropkick, sending Hathaway back-first into the barricade!

JOEY STYLES: “Ouch! Well-placed kick!”

Minxs, now riding on a bit of momentum, throws Liz back into the ring. Regal climbs to his feet using the barricade for support, only to have Minxs grab him by the head and slam him into the side of the barricade. Minxs slides back into the ring, and plants a few elbow drops into Liz’s injured back. As Liz tries to rise to her feet, Minxs hits her with a few kicks to the chest. Minxs winds up for a buzzsaw kick, but Liz catches her leg! She sweeps Minxs’s other foot and rolls her into the Headlines (Sharpshooter)!

JOEY STYLES: “There’s no submission finishes here! Liz is doing this purely to hurt her!”

Minxs yelps in pain, trying desperately to think of a way to get out of the agonizing stretch, but Liz simply pulls back harder, nearly bending Minxs in half! Finally, Liz feels she’s done enough, and releases the hold. Hathaway takes her time in setting up a table, but this time delay allows Regal enough time to grab her ankle from under the ropes and drag her to the outside! But Liz is quite aware of his presence, and upon being pulled to the outside, kicks Regal right between the legs! Regal crumples to the floor, and Liz slides back into the ring.

With the table set up, Liz tosses Minxs onto it, and heads to the top rope.

Just as she prepares to dive off, Regal smacks her with a hard fist! He’s on the apron! He pulls Liz off, sending her crashing onto the floor! He quickly hops off the apron and tosses her into the ring, where Minxs has slid off the table and is waiting for her. Minxs sets up Liz, and hits the Fairy Fay (Snap DDT)! Regal makes his way into the ring to assist, and locks Liz in a full nelson, allowing Minxs to get a number of kicks in on Liz’s chest! As Minxs winds up for a superkick, Liz slides out from the full nelson, which causes the kick to smack Regal in the face! Regal falls to the mat. Minxs is so distracted from putting all her strength into the kick that she doesn’t notice Liz, who hits Minxs with a Thank Me Later (reverse Twist of Fate)!

Now back in control, Liz moves to Regal, and lobs him onto the table. She ascends to the top rope, looking to finish him off! But Minxs, with a second wind, leaps onto the second turnbuckle, and begins exchanging blows with Hathaway!

But Liz keeps her momentum going, and kicks Minxs in the face! Stunned, Minxs has no time to react, as Liz shoves her backwards! Minxs falls back, and slams into Regal! Both go through the table at once! Liz has somehow remained the only one left standing!

WINNERS: Liz Hathaway and Phoenix Regal
Hathaway +3
Regal +2

Madness fades to commercial.

Back from commercial, and we're in the office of the returning General Manager, Paul Heyman. The old familiar buzz is heard. Sly is trying to get Heymans attention on the intercom.

SLY: “Mr. Heyman?”

PAUL HEYMAN: “Yes, Sly?”

SLY: “Do you know what time it is?”

Paul looks at his watch.

PAUL HEYMAN: “About twenty after nine. Wait! Don't you have a computer in front of you?”

SLY: “Yes, sir.”

PAUL HEYMAN: “It has a clock on it does it not?”

SLY: “Yes, sir.”

PAUL HEYMAN: “Then why the hell would you ask me the time!?”

SLY: “Well, sir. I just received word from the Administrator Network that their representative will be arriving here at the arena at 10:00, sir.”

Paul stares into space with a worried look on his face.

PAUL HEYMAN: “Th-Thank you, Sly. I-I almost forgot.”

SLY: “Mr. Heyman?”


SLY: “It's been an honor to work with you, sir.”

PAUL HEYMAN: “Relax, Sly. I'm not going anywhere.”

SLY: “Well, last week when Mystica was the guest General Manager, he said that the Adminstrator Network would be finding a replacement.”

PAUL HEYMAN: “I'm well aware of what he said, Sly! You must remember, I always have a plan.”

SLY: “Indeed you do sir!”

Suddenly Hunter Payne burst through the office door.

SLY: “Hunter Payne is here to see you.”

PAUL HEYMAN: “Um, yeah, I see that.”

HUNTER PAYNE: “Where is Matt Lennox Paul?!”

PAUL HEYMAN: “Calm down Hunter. Now I saw what happened last week, and I'm not going to lie, I laughed a little at your expense.

“That being said...”

Hunter Payne backs Paul Heyman against a wall.

PAUL HEYMAN: “You get your dirty Mexican hands off me!”

Payne backs off.

HUNTER PAYNE: “I'm sorry, Paulie.”

Hunter composes himself.

HUNTER PAYNE: “This isn't a game Paul! I want Matt Lennox! I want Joy Giovanni! I want both of them in the ring tonight!”

The crowd cheers.

PAUL HEYMAN: “Unfortunately! That is NOT going to happen tonight! I've given Joy and Matt the night off, sorry.”

The crowd boos.

PAUL HEYMAN: “If I were you Hunter, I would focus less on the guy who is giving it to your ex every night, and focus more on your tag match later tonight. If you want to talk about a future match with Matt Lennox, I suggest you speak to me at a later time.

“Next week perhaps?

“Now get out of my office!”

HUNTER PAYNE: “See, it's decisions like that... That make you the best damn General Manager in the XWF. Let me shake the hand of greatness.”

Hunter Payne proceeds shake Paul Heyman's hand for an awkward amount of time before releasing his hand.

HUNTER PAYNE: “Talk to you next week Mr. Heyman.”

Hunter Payne exits.

PAUL HEYMAN: “He took that surprisingly well...”

Paul looks at his hands then his wrist.

PAUL HEYMAN: “That son of a bitch stole my watch!”

Madness fades to commercial.

JOEY STYLES: “Madness moves on with a Falls Count Anywhere match!”

“Per Aspira Ad Inferi” by Ghost plays.

JOEY STYLES: “This will be the second week in a row that John Austin is competing in a Last Man Standing match. Let’s see if he can win this one, as well!”

“Do Your Worst” by New Years Day plays.

JOEY STYLES: “Alexandra Callaway will be facing a rough week! Last Man Standing tonight, and the opportunity of a lifetime on Wednesday as she competes for The Trios Title belts!”

John Austin
- vs -
Alexandra Callaway
Last Man Standing

As the bell rings, Austin leaps into action, smacking Callaway with a hard right hook! Callaway clenches her jaw for a moment, and fires back with a closed fist of her own! And Austin retaliates with another hook! Callaway as well! The two brawl until both parties are nearly falling off their feet. Finally, Austin breaks up the punches with a boot to Callaway’s midsection. She doubles over, and Austin hits her with a running kneelift! Callaway is flung backward into the corner!

Austin charges with a running knee to her abdomen, sending Callaway stumbling out of the corner, shaky on her feet as she clutches her stomach. She turns to face Austin just in time to take a big boot to the face! Austin orders the ref to count her down!







Callaway makes it to her feet, and Austin moves in for another round of offense. But Callaway counters with an elbow to the chin! Austin steps back, rubbing his jaw, and moves in again. This time, Callaway is ready, and strikes Austin with a heel kick, which causes him to stumble into the corner. Callaway takes advantage, and clips Austin in the face with a big boot in the corner! She follows up with a running neckbreaker! The ref counts Austin down as Callaway rises to her feet.





Austin is up rather quickly, and Callaway wastes no time. She Irish Whips him into the corner, and looks to hit him with another big boot, but he ducks it just in time, leaving Callaway’s leg entangled in the top rope! Austin grabs hold of Callaway from behind and hits her with not one, not two, but three German suplexes! But he’s not nearly done, as he drags her to her feet, and plants her into the turnbuckle with a powerbomb! Callaway falls to the mat, and the ref begins to count!









She’s up! Just barely! Austin doesn’t seem to mind. He looks as though he’s enjoying this. He moves in to continue his assault, pulling Callaway into the middle of the ring by her hair! He slaps her a few times in the face, and finally puts her down with a DDT!

He gets to his feet and looks to the crowd. They give off a massive cheer, and he smiles, knowing exactly what he needs to do to finish this match in John Austin style! He rolls to the outside and grabs his 24/7 briefcase from ringside. As he rolls back into the ring, he is suddenly interrupted by—

“Sick, Sick, Sick” by Queens of the Stone Age plays.

JOEY STYLES: “Mystica! I thought we had him banned from Madness!”

Indeed, Mystica has somehow weaseled his way past security. He appears on the ramp, making his way down toward the ring. Austin does not seem surprised. Mystica screwed him out of his last match against Callaway on Warfare on September 26, and he’s already prepared for such an incident to reoccur.

But as Mystica makes his way down toward Austin, he is suddenly jumped by—

JOEY STYLES: “Tony Santos! Hunter Payne! The Brotherhood!”

Under Duke’s orders to make their presence known, Santos and Payne beat Mystica down on the ramp, until they begin dragging him back up onto the stage! Together, they toss Mystica off the side of the stage! He crashes into the floor below!

Back in the ring, Austin sets up for the move he’s been dying to inflict on Callaway. Strategically placing his 24/7 briefcase beneath himself and Callaway. He lifts her up, and drives her head down onto the briefcase with the High Times (Inverted Death Valley Driver!) The ref counts Callaway down.











WINNER: John Austin
+3 Points

But with this victory comes a price – the Brotherhood members move toward the ring, circling Austin. He moves for the far ropes, but turns to find Shawn Steele waiting on the apron! He’s surrounded! The Brotherhood slide into the ring, and Austin tries to put up a fight, diving on Payne and pounding down on his head! But he’s quickly pulled off by Santos and Steele, who hold him in place as Payne lobs a few good jabs into Austin’s face before laying him out with The F’n Payneful Bottom! The Brotherhood then turns their sights on the fallen Alexandra Callaway, who receives the same treatment!

But they’re not done! The Brotherhood turns back to Austin, looking to make a statement, just as Duke ordered! Steele lifts Austin up into a double handed-choke, and prepares to put him down with the sitout chokeslam, when—

“Welcome to the Family” by Avenged Sevenfold plays.

JOEY STYLES: “The Family! Come to save their blood brother?”

Andrew Morrison, Christine Nash, and Sarah Parsons come running down the ramp to end this rampage! Though they have a slight numbers advantage when it comes to pure manpower, The Brotherhood decides it’s about time they hit the highway, and quickly abandon ship out of the ring, escaping to the outside, where they continue to mock The Family. Nash shouts out after them, throwing some threats into the air, as Morrison and Parsons check on Austin.

Madness fades to commercial.

With both The Family and The Brotherhood in the ring, the ref signals for the bell. The match begins, with Sarah Parsons on the outside for The Family, and Shawn Steele on the opposite end to help out The Brotherhood.

‘The Family’
Andrew Morrison & Christine Nash
- vs -
‘The Brotherhood’
Tony Santos & Hunter Payne
XTreme Rules – Tornado Tag

The match begins with a fury as Morrison and Nash use their burning anger as fuel for the fire, immediately taking to their respective opponents. Morrison takes the offense to Santos, delivering some elbows into Santos’s exposed neck, as Nash shoves Payne into the corner and chokes him with the heel of her boot. Morrison takes the opportunity to Irish whip Santos into said corner, where Tony meets face-to-face with his Brotherhood teammate! The two come stumbling out of the corner, only to be met with a team big boot from The Family!

Morrison decides to take Santos to the outside for a little one-on-one, leaving Nash to contend with Payne. She approaches the fallen man and gives him a kick to the ribs! Payne crawls over to the ropes, and as Nash tries to pull him away, he jabs her in the eyes! Nash, momentarily blinded, doesn’t even see the springboard DDT!

On the outside, Morrison throws Santos shoulder-first into the barricade! Steele quickly rectifies this situation, clotheslining Morrison to the floor as Sarah Parsons watches on in horror. Steele threatens her verbally, and quickly helps Santos to his feet. Now with a numbers advantage, the two stomp away at the fallen Morrison!

Inside the ropes, Payne lifts Nash up for a vertical suplex, but Nash manages to slip over his shoulder and land on her feet. She shoves Payne forward, causing him to bounce off the ropes, flailing backwards toward her. She drives a hard knee into his kidneys, sending him to the mat writhing in pain from the inertial strike!

Noticing Morrison having trouble with Steele and Santos on the outside, Nash bounces off the ropes and suicide doves to the outside, laying out both Steele and Santos!

Sarah Parsons rushes over and helps Morrison to his feet. Without a moment’s hesitation, he pulls Nash to relative safety before plucking Santos and pulling him up by his hair. He lifts Santos up by his legs, and rushes forward, driving Santos’s spine into the edge of the barricade! Seeing that Steele is almost to his feet, Morrison abandons Santos for now in favour of getting rid of Steele’s unwelcome presence. He grabs Steele by his belt and tosses him headfirst into the steel steps!

JOEY STYLES: “Steele meets steel!”

Now satisfied, Morrison looks up and into the ring…

Just in time to catch the bottom of Payne’s fists! A double axe handle! Morrison is knocked aside, and Payne moves for Nash. He pulls her by her hair back toward the ring and rolls her in. Payne suddenly pauses, and a mischievous grin spreads across his face. He turns to the crowd and gives an open-arm gesture, as if to ask what he should do now. The crowd’s cheers let him know he’s not alone in thinking that he’s about to make this match a bit more Extreme!

Payne digs under the ring, eventually pulling out a chrome trash can and lid! He smiles again and nods to the crowd, mouthing “oh, yeah!”

He tosses the trash can and lid into the ring. They crash mere feet away from Nash, who is struggling to make it to her feet. Santos, having recovered, joins Payne as the two slide into the ring and size up Nash. Santos creates a square with his hands, simulating a camera lens, as Payne picks up the trash can. Santos gives Payne a thumbs-up, and Payne smashes the trash can over Nash’s back! She stumbles forward onto her knees, and Payne tosses Santos the trash can’s lid. Santos pulls back, tosses the lid toward Nash’s face, and kicks the lid right into her head! Nash falls backward! Santos with the pin!



Santos is suddenly pulled from the ring by his ankle by Morrison, who quickly levels Santos with a vicious headbutt! Payne takes out Morrison with a springboard crossbody to the outside! Morrison catches Payne, but he hits the ground hard! Morrison’s head slams into the floor! Payne turns back to the ring, and climbs on the apron. He leaps over the top rope, landing on Nash with the Tope Amancio! He covers her!



Nash kicks out! Payne is starting to look frustrated! His anger begins to take hold, when Steele slides him a steel chair from the outside! Payne gives an appreciative nod to his Brother, and stands, preparing for Nash to stand up and receive the beating of a lifetime! But Nash is a quick thinker! She superkicks the chair right back into Payne’s face! He wobbles for a moment, letting the chair drop out of his hands. For a second, he looks as though he might shrug it off, but a mere moment later, he falls backwards, flat onto his back!

Nash crawls over for a pin, but before the ref can even count to 1, Steele pulls her under the ropes to the outside! But before Steele can even wind up to hit Nash, there comes a commotion from the ramp! It’s John Austin! He’s returned from the ambulance with a steel chair in hand, and he’s hungry for revenge! Steele disregards Nash for now, shoving her aside and charging for Austin! Nash moves back into the ring to finish Payne. She hooks his arms, prepping for the Angel’s Wings!

Santos with a chair-shot enzuigiri! Nash falls to the mat, and Payne leaps over the top rope, effectively taking out Morrison! Santos climbs to the top rope!

JOEY STYLES: “Final Destination! A Senton Bomb onto Christine Nash!”

Santos covers!




WINNERS: ‘The Brotherhood’ – Tony Santos & Hunter Payne
Santos: +3 Points
Payne: +2 Points

The Brotherhood quickly vacates the area, having effectively proven their point. Sarah Parsons slides into the ring, followed shortly afterward by Morrison. Nash appears to have suffered from that enzuigiri, as a rather large cut has appeared on the side of her head. The ref signals for a medic, as Parsons and Morrison lean over Christine, assuring her everything’s alright.

Tony and Hunter make their way up the ramp to go backstage, when Joy Giovanni appears on the X-tron! This causes Hunter to freeze on the ramp in surprise. Santos asks Hunter if he’s alright, and Hunter waves him off. Santos gives a thumbs up to Hunter, wishing him luck, before Tony disappears into the backstage area.

JOY: “Hey Hunter!”

Hunter is handed a microphone by an intern.

JOY: “Now I know you wanted to get your ass kicked by Matt and Joy tonight. The bad news is, I'm not there tonight. The good news is, the XWF's newest power couple will be on Madness next week. You excited, Hunter?”

PAYNE: “Has anyone seen The Godfather? Because I think we've found one of his ho—“



Matt Lennox from behind in street clothes with a kendo stick! Just swung at the back of an unsuspecting Hunter Payne! Matt Lennox waits for Hunter Payne to reach his feet and...


Again with another shot to the back of Hunter Payne. Lennox proceeds to swing at a grounded Hunter Payne.






After the seventh shot with the kendo stick, it finally breaks. Hunter has marks, lacerations, and a really bad cut on his back. Matt Lennox then throws Hunter Payne down the ramp, follows, and then irish-whips him hard into the steel steps, knocking the steps off of their set up!

STYLES: “Come on, Lennox! Enough already!”

Matt Lennox proceeds to lift the fallen steel steps and waits for Hunter to struggle to his feet. When Hunter eventually does, Lennox charges with the steps...


STYLES: “Steel steps to the skull of Hunter Payne!”

Matt Lennox tosses the steps and yells at an unconscious Hunter Payne.

LENNOX: “Joy is mine now!”

Matt Lennox is standing tall over Hunter Payne to nothing but boo's from the San Fran crowd.

Madness fades to commercial.

Madness returns and we're inside the office of Paul Heyman. Paul paces in front of his desk and nervously peeks at his watch that is no longer there when finally, the buzz is heard. Paul races to the other side of the desk to hit the button.

PAUL HEYMAN: “Yes, Sly. What is it?”

SLY: “The representative from the Administrator Network is here. Should I send him in?”

PAUL HEYMAN: “Absolutely. Let's not keep the man waiting.”

The door opens and Heyman is there to greet him.

PAUL HEYMAN: “Hi, I'm Paul. Nice to meet you.”

???: “Paul, I know who you are. I'm Morgan Eldred.”

PAUL HEYMAN: “Please, have a seat.”

Paul motions toward the chair and Morgan Eldred takes a seat. Paul takes his seat behind his desk.

PAUL HEYMAN: “So, what brings you to San Francisco?”

MORGAN ELDRED: “Mr. Heyman, I think you know why I'm here. It's time for your performance review.”

PAUL HEYMAN: “Mr. Eldred, can I call you Morgan?”

The man shrugs, but does not respond.

PAUL HEYMAN: “Morgan, I'm a busy man. You're a busy man. How about you just give me some positive reviews, then give me a couple of things that I need to work on, and we'll call it a night?”

Eldred just stares at Paul.

MORGAN ELDRED: “Mr. Heyman, the Network is pleased with your performance from a numbers perspective. Houses are up, gates are up, merchandising, television ratings up. You're beating the hell out of Monday Night Raw. You're keeping pace and even beating Warfare on some weeks.”

PAUL HEYMAN: “It's not an easy task, either.”

MORGAN ELDRED: “No, I'd imagine it's not. The numbers though, is not what this is about tonight. See, Mr. Heyman, the Network is concerned with your continued insistence on over-stepping your bounds. Allowing things to become personal. Inserting yourself and your own self-interest in certain matches. Things like that.

“So, I want to questions you about some of your.... more notable... decisions. I'll run them down, you shoot me a quick response. Don't make it too long.”

PAUL HEYMAN: “Ohh.. Okay.”

MORGAN ELDRED: “Your decision to, for lack of a better word, screw Neonero out of the European title, not once, but twice. Once in favor of a drug addict, the other in favor of a United States Senator. Your decision to try and not allow CM Punk to have the title. More recently, Mr. Heyman, your decision to voluntarily insert yourself as the referee in Luca Arzegotti's last title defense, effectively costing him the title.”

Paul remains quiet at first.

PAUL HEYMAN: “Mr. Eldred, I am appalled that I have to sit here and defend each of my carefully thought out, strategic maneuvers over the last eight months.”

Morgan Eldred does not seem amused or effected by Paul's manner.

PAUL HEYMAN: “Neonero was a hard man to work with. I respect his ability greatly, but I was also happy to see him go. I have no room on my roster for those that refuse to do business.

“As you may already know, CM Punk was a close, personal friend of mine. He fell off the straight and narrow path that he'd traveled his entire life. Could you imagine Monday Night Madness being represented by a drunk!? What does that say to the millions of children that watch our programming every week?

“As far as Luca Arzegotti is concerned. I called that match right down the middle. It's not my fault the Extreme Revolution attacked him! It's not my fault he lost the title to begin with!”

MORGAN ELDRED: “Mr. Heyman, you ordered that attack on the champion, correct?”

PAUL HEYMAN: “Mr. Eldred, perhaps we could talk business. As you know, I'm quite the astute business man. I have this... thing... that I'm in control of that could use another investor.”

MORGAN ELDRED: “Are you trying to change the subject?”

PAUL HEYMAN: “Nooooooo. Not at all, Mr. Eldred. It's just that I see you have a very keen sense of awareness and I'd like to cut you in on this deal.”

MORGAN ELDRED: “Mr. Heyman, this really is unprecedented. Never have I delivered a review and been offered a business venture.”

PAUL HEYMAN: “Perhaps this part of our conversation should remain.... off camera.”

Heyman looks to the camera man and Madness fades to commercial.

JOEY STYLES: “The Madness rolls on with an Extreme Rules Submission match! But first! A very special interview!”

The ring announcer points everyone toward the stage.


Mean Gene appears on stage and makes his way to the ring to a roarous (yeah, I just made that word up) pop from the San Francisco crowd.

MEAN GENE OKERLUND: “Folks! Folks! Please join me in giving a warm Monday Night Madness welcome, to the sixteen time Heavyweight Champion of the World... the NATURE BOOOY RIC FLAAAIR!”

Ric Flairs music plays.


The two shake hands and briefly embrace one another.

"Tonight we're in San Francisco, home of some of the most beautiful women on the planet. WOOOOOOO!"

The fans let out huge cheer at the mention of San Francisco and break into a FLAIR! FLAIR! FLAIR! chant as Gene and Flair smile.

MEAN GENE OKERLUND: "Now Ric you were recently challenged by the XWF King John Madison to a match right here tonight but you turned him down, and when you offered him a match next week he did the same to you."[/color]


He pauses, smiles at Gene and laughs a little before continuing.

"What John Madison doesn't undestand is that Ric Flair doesn't bow down to no one, WOOOOOO! the Nature Boy does things his way, I do things on my terms. WOOOOOO!"

He points towards himself and as he continues, he becomes more animated, his face turning a deep red.

"You've known me for nearly forty years and you know I don't play by anyone's rules but my own."

He points to himself again.

"I do what I want to do, if I don't want to wrestle this week, I don't have to. If I want to drink tonight I will, if I want to WOOOOOO! Half the women in this audience I can, and you know why Gene?"

Gene shakes his head no.

"Because I'm the sixteen time world champion, the diamond, the Rolex, the measuring stick WOOOOOO! BECAUSE I'M THE MAN! WOOOOOO!"

He does his patentent strut and hits the ropes before coming back to Gene.


He takes off his blazer and throws it to the ground, then rips off his button up shirt under it, causing buttons to fly off in all directions leaving himself shirtless.


He takes off his shoes and tosses them into the crowd, causing a near riot in the first three rows as everyone scrambles for the shoes.


He then reaches into his pants pocket and pulls out a set of handcuffs, as Gene Okerlund steps back and puts his hands up.

MEAN GENE OKERLUND: "Hold on Ric, this isn't WCW, just calm down."[/color]

Ric looks at Gene and his eyes bug out, and his face becomes an even deeper red.


He then proceeds to drop his pants and step out of them, kicking them from the ring and leaving himself in nothing but his plaid boxers and socks.


He opens the handcuffs and clasps one side onto his wrist.


SLY: "Um, excuse me, mister Flair?"

Flair looks around, at the top of the ramp out comes Sly, accompanied by six large men dressed in black jeans and XWF shirts, to a chorus of boos from the crowd. Flair looks down at Sly and shakes his head, as Sly and the men continue walking down the ramp.

SLY: "Mister Flair, I'm sorry but I can't allow you to do this, on behalf of Mr. Heyman and the Network, I have to ask you to leave."

Flair stands in the ring with his fists up as the men surround the ring and Gene bails.[/i]


Sly shakes her head and the men tentatively climb onto the apron and Flair punches at one, causing him to jump down and the other five to get in the ring and tackle Flair, who struggles and tries to get his hand free to lock the other cuff to the rope, but after a few more seconds of struggling the men get Flair under control and handcuff his hands behind his back.

SLY: "Mister Flair, the Network believes you're having a senior moment and that you need to be removed from the ring to cool off before your match.”

The six men lift Flair up and push him roughly down the ramp, where he dry humps at Sly as he is dragged by her. Flair continues to thrash around like a fish out of water and is dragged backstage with a final WOOOOOOO! As the crowd continues to boo Sly mercilessly as she follows.

Madness fades to commercial.

“Come Out Ye Black and Tans” by Irish Descendants plays.

JOEY STYLES: “Former IRA agent Michael McBride made quite an impact last week, pulling out a victory over the Hide and Seek Champ of the World, Waldo. But will he stand a chance against the Nature Boy himself?”

”Also Sprach Zarathustra” plays.

JOEY STYLES: “They don’t make ‘em like this anymore! Flair’s recent promos have revealed Flair’s disdain for the new generation of wrestlers. Flair’s looking to beat some respect into them, starting tonight with Michael McBride!”

Michael McBride
- vs -
Ric Flair
Extreme Rules – Submission Match

Flair finally makes it to the ring and disrobes. Michael has been patiently waiting for his elder, hands folded in front of him. As Flair tosses his robe aside, Michael steps forward and extends his hand for a pre-match handshake. But Flair, the sun of a gun he is, looks at McBride’s hand with disdain, and slaps it away, before slapping McBride himself! Upon impact, Flair lets out a WOOOOOO!

McBride: “Alright, ye feckin’ bastard!”

McBride finally lets loose, landing a hook into Flair’s cheek, sending the superstar reeling back from the blow. McBride follows up with a hard kick to Flair’s midsection, causing the legend to crumple over, clutching his abdomen. McBride then tosses Flair over his shoulder with a belly to back suplex! Flair bounces off his back in the center of the ring!

McBride approaches, and lays his leg across Flair’s neck with a leg drop! From the mat, McBride moves into a boston crab, looking to start the submission moves off strong! Flair flails around for a bit, until McBride feels he’s had enough, and releases the submission. Flair crawls over to the ropes, rubbing his stretched back. As McBride approaches for more attacks, Flair pokes his thumb into McBride’s left eye! McBride turns away, hand over his hurting socket. Flair takes this moment to get to his feet. As McBride turns, Flair hits Michael across the chest with one of his signature knife edge chops!


Another chop!


And a third and final!


McBride suddenly counters with a kick to Flair’s knee! Flair falls onto his knees, but utilizes this new position to hit McBride with a low blow! Michael falls to the mat, holding his groin. Flair rises to his feet, only to drop his elbow onto McBride’s ankle! And then another elbow drop! Flair falls back into the ropes, bounces off, and drops a knee onto the same ankle! McBride curls up into the fetal position, trying to protect his lower extremities.

Flair is stylin’ and profilin’ now! He bounces off the ropes, and taunts McBride with his slow-step, followed by a hearty “WOOOO!”

Flair is quick to jump back on the offensive, with some stomps to McBride’s injured ankle. McBride desperately rolls to the outside for a breather. Flair is glad to have this moment, as he revels in the fans’ adoration, with several WOOO’s being exchanged between the Nature Boy and the crowd.

Deciding he’s had about enough, McBride reaches under the ring and removes, of all things, his Irish shillelagh! He slides back into the ring, and Flair drops to his knees, pleading McBride not to use the weapon on him! But when McBride moves in for the kill, Flair delivers another low blow! As McBride falls back onto the ropes, Flair gets to his feet and slicks back his hair. He then charges for McBride!

But McBride sidesteps, and Flair bounces off the ropes! On the return, McBride aims low, and knocks Flair in the right knee with the thick wooden head of the shillelagh! Flair hits the mat, screaming in agony!

JOEY STYLES: “Jesus! Flair’s knee might have just shattered from that blow!”

McBride smiles, and offers the crowd a “WOOOO” of his own. There are a few scattered returns of the stolen phrase, but also a hearty response of “BOOOO.”

Not caring much for all that, Michael picks up Flair’s left leg and slams the shillelagh into Flair’s ankle! McBride discards the shillelagh and rolls Flair over before locking in the Wicklock (Ankle Lock)!

Flair tries desperately to roll from side to side, but McBride is having none of it! Flair reaches desperately for the ropes! McBride pulls his leg, moving Flair even further away from the rope break! Flair yelps in pain!

Then, he finally manages to roll, and kicks McBride’s hands off his ankle! McBride flops onto his back, and Flair is ready! He climbs to his feet, grabs McBride’s legs, and locks in the Figure Four!

JOEY STYLES: “Figure Four! He’s got McBride right in the middle of the ring!”

McBride is now emulating Flair’s motions of agony from minutes earlier, writhing about in utter pain as his legs absorb a brute amount of pressure!

He groans, tries desperately…

And manages to flip himself and Flair over! He’s reversed the Figure Four! Flair has no choice!

Flair taps out!

WINNER: Michael McBride
+3 Points

“Part of Your World” by Darren Criss plays.

JOEY STYLES: “And here comes Tri Bute! This man of the future has been on a roll recently! And no, that’s not a pun on his signature rolling wrestling style.”

“Holding Out for a Hero” by Bonnie Tyler plays.

JOEY STYLES: “His opponent is a downright veteran of the XWF! Barney Green, the All-Night Tranny Thrilla!”

Tri Bute
- vs -
Barney Green
Last Man Standing

What's this? Fans seem to be rising to their feet and looking toward the ramp! It's both of Tri Bute's partners this Wednesday; Jessie Diaz and Egyptian Snow Pharaoh!

They both keep their eyes locked on the ring as the match begins. They make their way around ringside. A few unfriendly glances are given to fans at ringside and nothing more, as both of these women appear to be all business.

The bell rings, and Green is quick to lock up with Tri Bute, expecting his weight advantage to overcome the smaller man. But Tri Bute takes Green by surprise, as his future strength takes over, and Green finds himself being thrown across the ring! He lands ass-first on the canvas, and looks up in bewilderment at his opponent, who offers a hearty laugh in response.

Green rises to his feet and locks up with Tri Bute again, only to be thrown back first into the corner. Green bounces back, only to be hit with Tri Bute’s standing fireman’s carry slam!

JOEY STYLES: “Tri Bute looks happy to exhibit his strength tonight!”

Tri Bute picks Green back up and plants him into the mat with a simple bodyslam. Green, knowing he’s outmatched in physicality, begins to roll to the outside to gather his thoughts and come up with a new game plan. Tri Bute sees this, however, and pulls Green back under the ropes and stomps Green across his broad chest!

Tri Bute gives off a knowing grin as he urges Green to his feet. He rolls, pops up, and nails Green with a big boot to the face! Green stumbles backward, and tumbles over the top rope!

Green has crashed to the outside of the ring with a tremendous thud, right at the feet of Diaz and Pharaoh. They both look down at Barney as the referee begins the count. It starts to become obvious that Barney is going to beat the count but he's still getting up rather slowly, which seems to upset Pharaoh and Diaz who both grab Barney and try to pull him up...

...but to no avail. Both of them have a solid hold on Barney's shirt and belt but no matter how hard they pull, they cannot bring this massive beached whale to its feet against its will.

Tri Bute rushes out of the ring to assist, but instead all he does is unleash his torturous submission from the future; Tickle Torture (Tri Bute uses a concealed Future Feather to torture Green).

Barney starts to laugh and squirm as Diaz and Pharaoh both hold Barney in place so Tri Bute can reach all of the most important areas with the future feather. Finally, it takes all three of them to hoist Barney's hysterical carcass up andsmash him into the ring post. The entire ring shifts a few inches and that ring post looks like the leaning tower now. Barney is out on his feet; somehow but someway still bumbling around even though it's clear he can't even see what's in front of him. He walks right into the barricade and spills over into the lap of some fans in the front row, instantly causing severe injury to their legs.

Security and EMTs rush to assist the fans and they shove Barney back over the barricade toward Tri Bute and company. Diaz, Tri Bute and Pharaoh use all of their strength to finally roll Barney back into the ring. Diaz and Pharaoh put their hands on their hips and just take a breather, seemingly amazed at just how unbelievably heavy this beast really was as they watch Tri Bute go to work in the ring.

Now with a sizeable advantage, Tri Bute looks to put Green away for the night! He lifts his hand, and plants it firmly on Green’s throat!

But Green’s not going down without a damn good fight! He rocks Tri Bute’s head with a right hook! Then, a left jab! And another right hook! Hell’s Fury! Tri Bute releases Green’s throat, which allows Green to kick Tri Bute’s knees out from under him! Green is high on momentum, and pulls Tri Bute up, only to plant him down with an Ace Crusher -- Black and White Lightning Attack No. 1!

The ref counts Tri Bute down!









Tri Bute is up, with help from the ropes! Green charges the ropes, but Tri Bute knocks him away with a well-placed counter-elbow to Green’s chin! Tri Bute catches Barney Green by the throat, lifts him up, and sets him down! The Torrential Tri-Bute! The ref counts!











WINNER: Tri Bute
+3 Points

The match has ended but…what's this? Tri Bute is conversing very briefly with Diaz and Pharaoh on the outside of the ring. They seem to be making their way over to...


The three wild cards take their seats in the front row.

JOEY STYLES: “It looks like they're going to join us for the King Match! Madness will be back with our conclusion right after this!”

JOEY STYLES: “We're back and ready f... WAIT A MINUTE! Here comes the boss! That Network representative is along with him!”

Paul Heyman and Morgan Eldred stand in the center of the ring. Paul looks depressed with a microphone in hand.

PAUL HEYMAN: “Well.... as you know... I had my performance review tonight and sadly...”

The crowd cheers. Paul gets interrupted by the deafening response.

PAUL HEYMAN: “Sadly, it wasn't good...”

The crowd cheers even louder.

PAUL HEYMAN: “It has been decided that I will no longer be your one and only General Manager of Madness.”

Even more louder. (Wanna fight about it?)

PAUL HEYMAN: “The Administrator Network has saw to it to provide me with a co-General Manager in order to keep me... on the right path.”

Louder still.

PAUL HEYMAN: “As I said, my review wasn't good... It was fucking great!”

And the boos rayne down.

PAUL HEYMAN: “Ladies and gentlemen, I give you my Assistant General Manager... MORGAN ELDRED!!!”

The boos get louder and louder at the thought of just what exactly that “business proposition” actually was.

JOEY STYLES: “I think Morgan Eldred just made a deal with the devil! Stay with us, Maniacs, your King match is coming up next!”

”Evil Ways” by Blues Saraceno plays.

JOEY STYLES: “Here comes the Angel of Darkness! Along with John Madison's crown! HOLY SHIT! Asmodeus! The High Priest of the Brotherhood is joining his son at ringside!”

”Wish” by N.I.N. Plays.

JOEY STYLES: “John Madison! The reigning, defending, undisputed King of the XWF, regardless of who is wearing that crown!”

King of the XWF
John Madison
- vs -
Sebastian Duke
No Holds Barred

The bell rings and its one of the most highly anticipated moments in the recent history of the XWF. John Madison versus Sebastian Duke.

JOEY STYLES: “These two men have been embroiled in one of the bloodiest, and most brutal feuds in years! One time bitter friends, now beloved enemies!

“No! I didn't say that wrong, Maniacs!”

Duke and Madison stare each other down from across the ring. Duke charges toward the King and Madison ducks it causing Duke to crash into the corner. Madison takes advantage and begins pounding Duke with rights and lefts, rocking the big man in the corner.

Duke suddenly bursts out of the corner and grabs Madison by the side of his head. He smashes the right side of Madison's head into the top turnbuckle then delivers three vicious looking elbows into the temple of John Madison, causing the King to stagger out of the corner. Madison turns around and gets caught with a boot to the face. Duke makes the cover.



Madison kicks out.

Duke gets back to his feet and lifts Madison to his. Madison, from out of nowhere, pokes Duke in the eye.

JOEY STYLES: “I think John Madison could give Ric Flair some pointers in being the Dirtiest Player in the Game!”

After the thumb to the eye, it leaves Duke momentarily blinded. Madison capitalizes by clotheslining Duke from behind causing him to topple over the top rope and down to the floor. Madison follows him out and grabs a chair from ringside.

Madison folds it up and slams it across the back of Sebastian Duke, causing the big man to wince in pain. Madison lifts the chair up a second time and slams it across Duke's back again. Duke struggles to get back to his feet.


Madison drives the chair against Duke's skull. Duke falls to his back on the floor. Madison stands over Duke and drops to his knees, punching Duke repeatedly in the head. Madison then grabs Duke by the head and smashes his head repeatedly against the floor before finally getting back to his feet.

JOEY STYLES: “The brutality on display thus far by the King!”

Madison goes over to the Spanish announce table and rips the monitor cables from the monitors. He drags the loose wires over toward Duke who is on all fours. Madison steps over Duke, then begins to choke the life from the Angel of Darkness.

Duke, out of desperation, places his right arm behind Madison's leg and lifts him up into a firemans carry effectively ending the choke out attempt. Duke aims Madison toward the ring post, and charges sideways. Madison slips out at the last second causing Duke to charge shoulder and head first into the post.

Madison lands on his ass and gives himself a breather as Duke rolls himself back into the ring. Madison gets back to his feet and rolls himself back into the ring. He crawls over and hooks the leg.




Madison gets back to his feet and begins to climb the ropes. Duke struggles to get back to his feet. Madison leaps off the top rope headed for Duke, but eats a big boot to the skull and Madison goes down hard. Duke, trying to regain his breath, takes his time as he stalks John Madison. He ends up walking right passed him to the corner and rips the pad off the top turnbuckle.

Duke then returns his attention back to Madison and lifts him to his feet. Duke then lifts Madison up and drapes him over his shoulder. Duke charges toward the corner and releases John Madison who falls face first into the exposed steel turnbuckle. Madison falls to the mat and Duke makes the cover.



Madison kicks out!

Duke gets back to his feet. He lifts Madison to his and tosses him hard into a protected corner. Duke charges in and Madison ducks under him. Duke stops himself from hitting the turnbuckles and turns around. Madison catches him with the Rebellion! Madison hooks the leg!



Duke kicks out!

JOEY STYLES: “Sebastian Duke just kicked out of the Rebellion! This is unbelievable!”

Madison struggles back to his feet and lifts Duke back to his. Madison sets him up for a second Rebellion but its blocked by a few elbows from Duke. Madison staggers backwards then Duke, from out of nowhere, hits his own version of the Rebellion and hooks the leg!




JOEY STYLES: “Rebellions all around! Duke and Madison trading the maneuver, and neither one can put the other away!”

Duke gets back to his feet and lifts John Madison to his. From Out of nowhere! Jessie Diaz is charging for Duke! Duke sees it out of the corner of his eyes and ducks out of harms way. John Madison grabs Diaz by the hair and tosses her over the top rope and crashing to the floor!

Danger is coming from elsewhere now as Egyptian Snow Pharaoh is perched upon the top rope and Tri Bute is charging after Duke! Duke clutches Bute by the throat as ESP leaps off the top rope!


Madison nails ESP with a super kick as Tri Bute is future shoved over the top future rope by Sebastian Duke!

JOEY STYLES: “Madison and Duke!? They worked together to clean house!”

Duke and Madison come face to face. They nod at each other as the action, at least for the moment comes to a stand still. Duke extends his hand.

JOEY STYLES: “You can't be serious!? These two have spent the better part of the last few months tearing each other down! Now they're gonna shake hands and be all nicey nice!?”

Madison spits in Dukes hand and without any hesitation, Duke slaps Madison with his own spit.

JOEY STYLES: “Yeeaaaah, I didn't think so. I feel like that is exactly what Duke expected.”

Madison clutches his face and Duke clutches Madison's throat. He lifts him up and slams him down to the mat with a vicious chokeslam! Duke goes for the win!




JOEY STYLES: “He just lifted Madison's shoulder off the mat! Is he crazy!?”

Duke gets back to his feet and point over at Asmodeus. Asmodeus holds his cane high into the air and Duke walks over and retrieves the cane. He turns toward Madison.

JOEY STYLES: “In the past, John Madison had an odd obsession with this cane!”

Madison struggles to get to his feet. Duke swings...


JOEY STYLES: “OH MY GOD! Duke just busted that cane over John Madison's head! We're gonna have a new King!”

Duke lays on top of a bloody John Madison.



Madison kicks out!

JOEY STYLES: “How the hell did he just kick out of that!?”

Duke has a look of shock on his face as he gets back to his feet. He grabs the referee by the throat and chokeslams him to the mat immediately! He goes right back to Madison and reaches down.

JOEY STYLES: “Pandoras Box! Madison has Duke locked in his own move!”

Duke struggles and kicks at the mat as John Madison locks the hold in tighter and tighter. Duke begins to fade and then taps out.

JOEY STYLES: “Duke is tapping out to his own hold but the referee is out cold!”

Madison releases the hold thinking he's won. Duke rolls around on the mat as he tries to regain his breath. Madison then realizes the referee was out and his victory doesn't count. Madison returns his attention to Duke who has made it back to his feet. Madison charges after him.

JOEY STYLES: “Soul Shot! Soul Shot from Duke!”

Madison seems to be out cold after the clothesline from hell. Duke makes the cover. There still is no referee, but the crowd counts.

CROWD: “1!”

CROWD: “2!”

CROWD: “3!”

JOEY STYLES: “Duke has done it! At least in theory! Duke has just beaten the King of the XWF, but there is no referee to count it!”

Duke, who is beside himself, gets back to his feet. He grabs Madison's left arm and turns him over, locking him into Pandora's Box!

JOEY STYLES: “Pandora's Box! Duke has it locked in! It's locked in!”

Madison struggles with nowhere to go, and no escape. Madison begins tapping out, but again, there still is no referee. Madison's free hand begins feeling around on the mat until he finds the half of Asmodeus's cane with the steel handle. Madison drives the steel handle of the cane into Duke's forehead. Then again. And again!

Duke releases the hold as blood pours from his skull.

JOEY STYLES: “Both Duke and Madison are now covered in blood! The after effects of the same object!”

Madison rolls to the apron, then places his feet on the floor as he tries to regain his breath again. Duke lays on the mat, covered in his own blood. On the floor, Madison reaches under the ring for a weapon. Perhaps his cattle prod.

Back in the ring, the referee is finally regaining consciousness. Duke crawls toward the ropes and uses them to get to his feet, his back to John Madison.

On the outside, John Madison reveals his weapon.

JOEY STYLES: “My God! The son of a bitch kept it as a souvenir! That shovel! That damn shovel he used to betray Sebastian Duke at High Stakes back in May!

“It still has the dent in it! Dried dirt and all!”

Madison rolls into the ring with the shovel. Madison gets to his feet and begins to eye up his opponent. Duke staggers away from the ropes and turns to face John Madison.


Madison smashes the shovel over Duke's head! Duke drops to his knees. With the shovel still in his hand, Madison raises it up high and drives it down into Sebastian Duke's skull again. Duke hits the mat and Madison drops the shovel. Madison staggers toward Duke and drops to his knees. He collapses on top of Duke and hooks the leg.




[b]WINNER: John Madison – Still King of the XWF

JOEY STYLES: “John Madison has been through a war tonight with Sebastian Duke! Madison will win back the crown he never lost and I think it's safe to say, this battle has only just begun!”

John Madison's hand is raised in victory and demands his crown. John Madison kneels while awaiting the return of his crown. The referee stands behind Madison, ready to crown him when Asmodeus takes the crown from the referee.

The referee pleads with Asmodeus, but Asmo just decks him instead of listening. Madison starts bitching about how long its taking to receive his crown. Duke has made it to his knees. Asmodeus places the crown upon his sons head.

Duke gets to his feet and picks up the shovel. He stares at the spade end. He stares at the dents and the dried dirt, now soaked with blood. Madison gets to his feet and turns around yelling at the referee who isn't there. Duke swings the shovel and smashes it against John Madison's skull.

Madison staggers backwards and falls out of the ring. Duke rips the crown off his head and throws over the top rope toward John Madison when the lights go out. The fans can be heard shrieking and people are lighting their lighters to try and see what's going on.

Several seconds go by before a distinct sound is heard... There's no mistaking this music... It is the theme of the nWo! Clips of Hollywood Hogan, Scott Hall, and Kevin Nash play on the X-Tron.

The fans give a considerably mixed reaction here; some of them going ballistic at the thought of their cherished "nWo" making its long awaited comeback in the wrestling industry, while others are absolutely disgusted at the thought of seeing names like Hogan and Scott Hall getting another big push in the business.

Just then... IT STOPS!

Instantly the theme song switches... to THE 4 HORSEMEN's theme!

Fans let out a roar as clips of Ric Flair in his PRIME are shown, as well as other clips of legendary Horsemen of the past! This is it! The rebirth! Ric Flair has been seen in XWF for a few weeks now and it would appear he has chosen this time to REFORM THE HORSEMEN!!!

Just then... the theme CUTS entirely and after a few seconds...

TRIPLE H on the X-Tron... with his long hair and surrounded by fellow Evolution members; Randy Orton, Batista, and Ric Flair yet again. Many of the fans are screaming "WOOOOOOOOOO!" as the EVOLUTION theme song plays over the speakers for several seconds.

A few moments later, the music cuts and a booming voice - much like what a GOD himself might sound like - echoes over the speakers as the arena remains in pitch blackness...

[red]"For decades, the strong have come together willingly. History has shown that unity brings fortune, and fortune has shown that new unity will emerge from the depths to take your spot on the mountain.




“By any name, most factions of the wrestling industry's past all tend to have one thing in common... They sought their fellow members out and came together for a common purpose. They all possessed the drive to BECOME ONE and collectively pulverize any who would stand in their way.

“All these groups of the past also LACK one very important detail...

“None of them were brought together in the blink of an eye by a simple roll of the dice.

“NONE of them... were future Wildcards."

Just then the lights come back on and OH MY GOD! Sebastian Duke is being strung up! He's being hanged! How long has he already been dangling with that rope around his throat? Why the heck is there a noose hanging from the rafters anyway?

Sebastian's face is deep red and beginning to look slightly purple as, standing around him and armed with nothing at all are...

“The trio known only as "the Wildcards" - Tri Bute, Jessie Diaz, and Egyptian Snow Pharaoh. They look on with satisfaction as Duke's feet swing and kick in the air about six feet above the canvas and still rising. As they stand and watch Duke, it's more like they're studying him and waiting for something to happen.

Occasionally one of them will glance toward the entrance or look out to the fans, but no clearly readable expressions are visible. The rope continues to raise... higher and higher until Duke appears to be some twenty or thirty feet above the ring and his face is deep purple!

Duke's body is slowly losing life as his motions become fewer and weaker. He finally stops trying to tug at the rope around his neck and his hands just drop.

Egyptian Snow Pharaoh: “Now!!!”

Suddenly out from the entrance and onto the ramp comes about two dozen dark skinned men wearing nothing but flimsy rags around their loins. These resemble the same servants that accompanied Pharaoh in the past... but this time they're ALL armed with bow and arrows!

They're taking aim at Sebastian Duke! Pharaoh brings her hand down with a furious roar in her voice as she shouts the command!

Egyptian Snow Pharaoh: “FFFFFFFire!!!”

A swarm of arrows fill the air and are sent speeding toward Sebastian Duke; some of them sticking right into his legs and arms, but one of the arrows cuts right through the rope and sends Sebastian Duke descending at an incredible rate! The fans scream in horror as Duke falls...




The seconds feel like hours before Duke finally crashed IN to the canvas, actually causing it to sink in from the weight of his falling body. There is some commotion at the top of the ramp now. It looks like members of the Brotherhood are trying to fight their way past the servants! The servants do their best to hold off the Brotherhood members as Pharaoh, Diaz and Tri Bute calmly make their exit over the barrier and safely through the crowd. It doesn't take long for the servants to be completely overpowered and some of them exposed, but the Wildcards are long gone by the time anyone hits the ring.

Griffin MacAlister and the rest of the Brotherhood make it to the ring and pull the lifeless body of Sebastian Duke out of the gaping hole in the ring. Asmodeus removes the noose from his sons neck. The Brotherhood carries there leader away from the ring. Asmodeus hesitates, then grabs that shovel that debuted at High Stakes, and played a major role here tonight.

Asmodeus, along with that shovel, follow Sebastian Duke's Brotherhood from the ring as Madness fades out.

[Image: HeymanSig.jpg]


Make Me Laugh: Tri Bute +2

Blue Collar: Andrew Morrison +2

Best Roleplay: Tony Santos +2

The Cliffhanger: Michael McBride +2

Best Supporting Cast: Tri Bute +2

Hot Mic: Tony Santos +2

The Paul Heyman Guy(s): Ric Flair +2, Andrew Morrison +2, Michael McBride +2
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[-] The following 11 users Like Paul Heyman's post:
(10-09-2013), AlexandraCallaway (10-09-2013), Andrew Morrison (10-09-2013), Christine Nash (10-09-2013), Hunter Payne (10-09-2013), John Austin (10-09-2013), Liz Hathaway (10-10-2013), LJ Havok (10-09-2013), Mr. Radio (10-09-2013), Tony Santos (10-09-2013), Tri Bute (10-09-2013)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

10-09-2013, 04:19 AM

looks like duke's dead so a 6 on 2 trios title match? bring it on!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Andrew Morrison Away
The Storm Of Destruction

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

10-09-2013, 07:10 AM

Hell of a show

W-L Record Since Return: 1-1 (singles or tag) 0-1 (special/gauntlet matches)
[Image: pdCdNLq.jpg]
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AlexandraCallaway Offline
Demon or Angel? You decide!

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

10-09-2013, 08:31 AM

"This is far from over John Austin"

1x UFO E1999 Champion
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Smoke Away

XWF FanBase:

(can't get crowd reactions; awkward; probably going to be fired soon) 

10-09-2013, 08:54 AM

100% better debut than Extreme Revolution. How's that for a statement, fuckers.

[Image: logosmoke_zpsfca57577.png]

XWF Win-Loss Record

Title History
4x 24/7 FTW UFO E1999 Champion
1x X-Treme Champion

For other stats, go here
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LJ Havok Offline
The Chose One

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

10-09-2013, 09:10 AM

Could you be more of a tool, Smoke Man.. I'm starting to prefer Luca over you.. and that's saying something because fuck that guy.

[Image: Lssnyr5.gif]
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John Msdison 2.Faggot

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

10-09-2013, 11:24 AM

Twelve guys shot arrows at Duke from fifty feet away and only got his legs? Your archery team is shit.
Hate Post Like Post
[-] The following 4 users Like John Msdison 2.Faggot's post:
(10-09-2013), Liz Hathaway (10-10-2013), LJ Havok (10-09-2013), Smoke (10-09-2013)
Sebastian Duke Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

10-09-2013, 11:49 AM

(10-09-2013, 11:24 AM)John Madison Said: Twelve guys shot arrows at Duke from fifty feet away and only got his legs? Your archery team is shit.

I know, right? They might have made a statement had they actually injured the King of Darkness...

Would ya look at that?

I just agreed with John Madison...

I hate when that happens.

I wonder how cold it is in Hell today.
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AlexandraCallaway Offline
Demon or Angel? You decide!

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Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

10-09-2013, 12:22 PM

(10-09-2013, 11:49 AM)Sebastian Duke Said:
(10-09-2013, 11:24 AM)John Madison Said: Twelve guys shot arrows at Duke from fifty feet away and only got his legs? Your archery team is shit.

I know, right? They might have made a statement had they actually injured the King of Darkness...

Would ya look at that?

I just agreed with John Madison...

I hate when that happens.

I wonder how cold it is in Hell today.

"Well what do you expect? I'm sure Duke will get his revenge at Trios. Like all talented men, you cant keep them down for long. Duke will get his revenge."

1x UFO E1999 Champion
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Egyptian Snow Pharaoh Offline


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10-09-2013, 12:42 PM

(10-09-2013, 11:24 AM)John Madison Said: Twelve guys shot arrows at Duke from fifty feet away and only got his legs? Your archery team is shit.

Archery team? What's that you're frothing on about? Oh yes... trying to highlight something that would take attention away from the fact that, even as the victor, you were completely humiliated after the match and nobody in your own collective came to your aid. Let's talk more about teams. Do you not see that even your own kind care not for your well being, or is that just a part of how your family operates? Once you were announced the winner and retained the title of King, your body no longer mattered. That's not right, John. As king, you deserve better than that and should decapitate your slaves of the Circle — Now, boy!

Why insult my team of servants who, without even possessing any skills whatsoever, have accomplished something you never could have orchestrated? Most of those men you saw out there can't even operate a microwave and they are still out-classing your team at every turn, starting back from my first appearance in which I took down Kimmy K. If I'd have had Black Circle members backing me up that day, I am betting Kimmy would have gotten one over on me and somehow knocked me unconscious with a shovel.

What if it was Black Circle members on the stage firing the arrows, though? Duke would have stayed up there, untouched, and suffocated to death. You and your team would not only have failed to draw blood, but also failed to cut the rope and retain Duke's life for future punishment. Is that really what you thought my goal was? Was that your goal?––killing Sebastian Duke? Dare I play back the match and see once again how you fared on that front?

Now let's talk about Duke's team... I'd say for being up on the stage and firing high above the center of the ring, my team of brain dead servants did a much better job harming Duke than Duke's brain dead servants did of saving him. Sounds like the Brotherhood and Black Circle both have a lot more in common than they realize, but at least the Brotherhood made some attempt to help their (chuckles) ehem, master.

Sebastian Duke and John Madison... two talkers who couldn't orchestrate a successful lemonade stand yet are in control of opposing forces? No wonder they can't hurt each other. They can't even phase one another.

Pharaoh is given word that Sebastian Duke just tried to "no sell" a real fall and real arrows gashing him to bits. (really?)

Quote:I know, right? They might have made a statement had they actually injured the King of Darkness...

By god, it's true. Pharaoh seems unsure how to even react... is she dealing with kindergarteners? Duke, with blood gushing out of his body and having to be pulled out of a hole, really just said that. Pharaoh's reaction starts off with what looks like an abrupt laugh but then she immediately stops herself and tilts her head in curiosity.

This isn't fake wrestling, you untalented piece of shit. We all saw what happened to you, Sebastian. You can't "no sell" reality. I guess this is why he thinks he's the king... or ever was the king.

You hear that, John? Duke just no sold your win over him as well. You didn't defeat him and I caused no harm to him by dropping him more feet than he can count, causing a canyon to form in the ring. Can you believe Duke would do that? One week ago I would have had no idea what "no selling" even is, but this strange little world you all compete in seems to be filled with interesting twists at every turn.

My advice to Sebastian Duke and anyone else stupid enough to use this strategy? It's simple... Just start no selling in advance too, Duke. No sell your upcoming Trio loss; right now, child... Let's hear your Trio no-sell; tell us more about how it was your plan all along just to lay down and cost Peter the titles.

Take it a step further, Duke. No sell your entire career.

Oh wait.

Everyone ELSE in the federation already did that long ago.

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Sebastian Duke Offline
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(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

10-09-2013, 01:04 PM

I never said it didn't hurt. I said I wasn't injured.
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Egyptian Snow Pharaoh Offline


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10-09-2013, 01:14 PM

Oh? No injuries were had? Are we going by some altered, deranged definition of the word "injured?" Does it mean something different in this land than it would in the rest of the real world? Well, if it does... I'm no selling its new definition and defaulting to the real meaning of the word. You... were... injured; your performance in our match tonight will prove that. My only intention was to cause harm to you since you were in the right place at the right time at the end of Madness; I wasn't looking to kill you. This actually was explained 20 minutes ago to John Madison.

A smart man would have said: "Sure, they can turn out the lights and injure me when the numbers are in their favor... but I'm not hurting."

Sure, it would also have been a blatant lie... but at least it sounds a little more realistic. Go ahead... try it, common dog. You can claim to ignore, or not even feel the pain associated with your injuries... but don't pretend your wounds never happened; don't pretend that red ring around your neck is just Crayola.

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Sebastian Duke Offline
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(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

10-09-2013, 01:25 PM

It's a shame, really. You wasted such a great debut act against the King of Darkness. I mean, I've already said I plan to lay down. So, choosing to attempt to injure the one guy in that match that doesn't give a shit about it.... pure genius.
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Egyptian Snow Pharaoh Offline


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10-09-2013, 01:38 PM

(10-09-2013, 01:25 PM)Sebastian Duke Said: It's a shame, really. You wasted such a great debut act against the King of Darkness. I mean, I've already said I plan to lay down. So, choosing to attempt to injure the one guy in that match that doesn't give a shit about it.... pure genius.

You think I'm stupid enough to believe that if you saw a chance to take those titles, you would still lay down? I'm familiar with the art of lying, dear child. All I've done is force you to have to live up to your no-selling of your Trio shot.

Yes, shot. You had a shot to be champion and already have blown it. I hope you don't think for one second that you are a defending trio champion. You are a placeholder who could have walked out with that gold but already knows he is incapable of doing so. Or do you? Do you really expect me to believe that a man who just earned a shot at the KING actually doubts his own ability so much that you legitimately, in your heart, know you can't win? This is a tough one... I believe you do possess the intelligence to see your own shortcomings to some extend but I sense an ego within you that no doubt overshadows logic, as has been displayed in your previous endeavors. Call me Mystica, because I don't buy it.

Lastly, I'd suggest looking up the definition of the word debut. My in ring debut happens tonight. My on screen debut happened some time ago when I arrived backstage to cause multiple injuries to Kimmy K.

Here's where you reply and tell me you meant my Madness debut. No sell your own stupid mistake, Duke. Do it!

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John Austin Away
Grizzled Young Vet


XWF FanBase:
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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

10-09-2013, 01:49 PM

(10-09-2013, 08:31 AM)AlexandraCallaway Said: "This is far from over John Austin"

Only getting good my dear

To find John, turn those lights out because he will then appear...
XWF LEGEND and the only man who punked out Duke TWICE
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Andrew Morrison (10-09-2013)
AlexandraCallaway Offline
Demon or Angel? You decide!

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

10-09-2013, 01:52 PM

(10-09-2013, 01:49 PM)John Austin Said:
(10-09-2013, 08:31 AM)AlexandraCallaway Said: "This is far from over John Austin"

Only getting good my dear

"Next time, one on one, NO INTERRUPTIONS"

1x UFO E1999 Champion
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Sebastian Duke Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
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(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

10-09-2013, 01:59 PM

Kimmy K? That whore isn't even relevant to anything, ever. Truth is, I really don't care about the match. I don't care about the stupid Trios title.

I do have a plan for that match tonight, and you will see first hand exactly what I think about Parm boy and Cam Long and the stupid Trios titles.

Sorry to disappoint you, ESP, but I am only showing up because I'm contractually obligated to be there. There's nothing written in my contract that states that I have to put forth an effort.

See, this Trios thing is something I got myself into, that I'm not really interested in seeing through. It'll be a pleasure to ensure Peter Gilmour finally loses the one thing he never deserved.

Just so we're clear on something, anyone that has the power to do what you had done to me, I do respect. Good luck out there tonight. You Wildcards have it in the bag, because certainly the Congregation doesn't have the ability to win and I might just see to it personally, that Team Parm ends the night in defeat.
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John Austin Away
Grizzled Young Vet


XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

10-09-2013, 02:06 PM

(10-09-2013, 01:52 PM)AlexandraCallaway Said:
(10-09-2013, 01:49 PM)John Austin Said:
(10-09-2013, 08:31 AM)AlexandraCallaway Said: "This is far from over John Austin"

Only getting good my dear

"Next time, one on one, NO INTERRUPTIONS"

Well when the trios deal ends and when I become #1 contender next week.... we can have our rubber match

To find John, turn those lights out because he will then appear...
XWF LEGEND and the only man who punked out Duke TWICE
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Egyptian Snow Pharaoh Offline


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10-09-2013, 02:18 PM

(10-09-2013, 01:59 PM)Sebastian Duke Said: Kimmy K? That whore isn't even relevant to anything, ever. Truth is, I really don't care about the match. I don't care about the stupid Trios title.

I do have a plan for that match tonight, and you will see first hand exactly what I think about Parm boy and Cam Long and the stupid Trios titles.

Sorry to disappoint you, ESP, but I am only showing up because I'm contractually obligated to be there. There's nothing written in my contract that states that I have to put forth an effort.

See, this Trios thing is something I got myself into, that I'm not really interested in seeing through. It'll be a pleasure to ensure Peter Gilmour finally loses the one thing he never deserved.

Just so we're clear on something, anyone that has the power to do what you had done to me, I do respect. Good luck out there tonight. You Wildcards have it in the bag, because certainly the Congregation doesn't have the ability to win and I might just see to it personally, that Team Parm ends the night in defeat.

So what happens if the unthinkable happens and your team pulls off a win? Will you take the stage and demand a Grammy for thinking you put on the act of a lifetime? Will you take the credit even if it's Peter who pins Callaway? You're almost making me want you to win just so you are bound to Peter Gilmour that much longer. I'm almost falling for it, Sebastian Duke. At least you are dedicated to your deceit.

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Sebastian Duke Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
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(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

10-09-2013, 02:25 PM

Oh, GOD! Please don't curse me by having to lug around his ass! I have more important things to worry about rather than his stupid claim to glory. I'm not Soldier. I'm not Old Man Feder. I'm not going to be the one to earn his victories for him. I'm better than that.
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Egyptian Snow Pharaoh Offline


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10-09-2013, 02:43 PM

(10-09-2013, 02:25 PM)Sebastian Duke Said: Oh, GOD! Please don't curse me by having to lug around his ass! I have more important things to worry about rather than his stupid claim to glory. I'm not Soldier. I'm not Old Man Feder. I'm not going to be the one to earn his victories for him. I'm better than that.

You carry him? You lug his ass?

Except what I'm asking is...

What if you're incapable of stopping Peter from claiming the victory tonight? What if he carries you to a supposedly unwanted victory? He's not the one who just main evented Madness and was then sent crashing through a ring. Peter may "no sell" the human mind on a regular basis, but at least he's not having to no sell a bunch of bloody wounds and a wrung neck.

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Sebastian Duke Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

10-09-2013, 02:46 PM

My wounds will not deter me from sabotaging this match. Peter Gilmour is incapable of winning anything on his own. You've only just begun. You'll see.
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10-09-2013, 02:47 PM

You know, Duke... She has a point. And besides that, how are you going to stop me from coming down there to make sure you don't screw my family over?

You can't. So you might as well treat this like any other match. Because one way or another, you are not going to like what happens.

[Image: Lssnyr5.gif]
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Peter Fn Gilmour (10-09-2013)
Rebel Offline
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Heel w/ Cult Following

(the heel you love to love; does whatever they want)

10-09-2013, 02:48 PM

There are plenty of ways you can be stopped LJ. Me being one of them.

[Image: Chaosrebel_zps20294548.jpg]
1x X-Treme Champion (13 days)
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Egyptian Snow Pharaoh Offline


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10-09-2013, 02:48 PM

You know what? I think you're wrong. I think Peter has much potential to grow and grow...

...and no I am not making a fat joke.

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[-] The following 1 user Likes Egyptian Snow Pharaoh's post:
Peter Fn Gilmour (10-09-2013)
LJ Havok Offline
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10-09-2013, 02:50 PM

We will see about that, Rebel. I will see you out there.

[Image: Lssnyr5.gif]
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Rebel Offline
Jackass of all Trades

XWF FanBase:
Heel w/ Cult Following

(the heel you love to love; does whatever they want)

10-09-2013, 02:50 PM

He's got potential to grow larger and larger from eating, but not becoming a star here in XWF.

[Image: Chaosrebel_zps20294548.jpg]
1x X-Treme Champion (13 days)
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LJ Havok Offline
The Chose One

XWF FanBase:
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(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

10-09-2013, 02:51 PM

Rebel, Gilmour is already a star.. The more people talk shit about him, the more his stock rises.. So in a sense people like you make him famous.

[Image: Lssnyr5.gif]
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Peter Fn Gilmour (10-09-2013)
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10-09-2013, 02:53 PM

(10-09-2013, 02:51 PM)ljTheSavior Said: Rebel, Gilmour is already a star.. The more people talk shit about him, the more his stock rises.. So in a sense people like you make him famous.

This weak looking Caucasian boy is correct, Duke and Rebel... I almost feel like asking for Peter's autograph myself by this point.

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[-] The following 1 user Likes Egyptian Snow Pharaoh's post:
Peter Fn Gilmour (10-09-2013)
Rebel Offline
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Heel w/ Cult Following

(the heel you love to love; does whatever they want)

10-09-2013, 02:54 PM

You keep thinking that LJ. I'm guessing that is the exact reason you had him take over Extreme Revolution. The problem is, he doesn't see the same star qualities in you, or he would have picked you to be on his Trio's team. Hate to break it to you LJ, but you are a third wheel to Gilmour.

[Image: Chaosrebel_zps20294548.jpg]
1x X-Treme Champion (13 days)
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Andrew Morrison (10-09-2013)
Miranda Tigris Offline
It all comes down to one thing: Power

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

10-09-2013, 02:58 PM

(10-09-2013, 02:51 PM)ljTheSavior Said: Rebel, Gilmour is already a star.. The more people talk shit about him, the more his stock rises.. So in a sense people like you make him famous.

"The 'Haters make him famous' argument? Honestly? I've been around enough actual stock to know that your theory is laughably incorrect. Poor reception to the product (in this case, Gilmour) means lower stock. Maybe, when you take an economics class, you'll know a little of what you're talking about, and your 'revolution' won't be run by the worst business man in the history of the professional wrestling business."

[Image: Tigris_zpsa877dd35.jpg]
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John Msdison 2.Faggot

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10-09-2013, 03:00 PM

(10-09-2013, 12:42 PM)Egyptian Snow Pharaoh Said: Archery team? What's that you're frothing on about? Oh yes... trying to highlight something that would take attention away from the fact that, even as the victor, you were completely humiliated after the match and nobody in your own collective came to your aid. Let's talk more about teams. Do you not see that even your own kind care not for your well being, or is that just a part of how your family operates? Once you were announced the winner and retained the title of King, your body no longer mattered. That's not right, John. As king, you deserve better than that and should decapitate your slaves of the Circle — Now, boy!

Why insult my team of servants who, without even possessing any skills whatsoever, have accomplished something you never could have orchestrated? Most of those men you saw out there can't even operate a microwave and they are still out-classing your team at every turn, starting back from my first appearance in which I took down Kimmy K. If I'd have had Black Circle members backing me up that day, I am betting Kimmy would have gotten one over on me and somehow knocked me unconscious with a shovel.

What if it was Black Circle members on the stage firing the arrows, though? Duke would have stayed up there, untouched, and suffocated to death. You and your team would not only have failed to draw blood, but also failed to cut the rope and retain Duke's life for future punishment. Is that really what you thought my goal was? Was that your goal?––killing Sebastian Duke? Dare I play back the match and see once again how you fared on that front?

Now let's talk about Duke's team... I'd say for being up on the stage and firing high above the center of the ring, my team of brain dead servants did a much better job harming Duke than Duke's brain dead servants did of saving him. Sounds like the Brotherhood and Black Circle both have a lot more in common than they realize, but at least the Brotherhood made some attempt to help their (chuckles) ehem, master.

Sebastian Duke and John Madison... two talkers who couldn't orchestrate a successful lemonade stand yet are in control of opposing forces? No wonder they can't hurt each other. They can't even phase one another.

Pharaoh is given word that Sebastian Duke just tried to "no sell" a real fall and real arrows gashing him to bits. (really?)

Quote:I know, right? They might have made a statement had they actually injured the King of Darkness...

By god, it's true. Pharaoh seems unsure how to even react... is she dealing with kindergarteners? Duke, with blood gushing out of his body and having to be pulled out of a hole, really just said that. Pharaoh's reaction starts off with what looks like an abrupt laugh but then she immediately stops herself and tilts her head in curiosity.

This isn't fake wrestling, you untalented piece of shit. We all saw what happened to you, Sebastian. You can't "no sell" reality. I guess this is why he thinks he's the king... or ever was the king.

You hear that, John? Duke just no sold your win over him as well. You didn't defeat him and I caused no harm to him by dropping him more feet than he can count, causing a canyon to form in the ring. Can you believe Duke would do that? One week ago I would have had no idea what "no selling" even is, but this strange little world you all compete in seems to be filled with interesting twists at every turn.

My advice to Sebastian Duke and anyone else stupid enough to use this strategy? It's simple... Just start no selling in advance too, Duke. No sell your upcoming Trio loss; right now, child... Let's hear your Trio no-sell; tell us more about how it was your plan all along just to lay down and cost Peter the titles.

Take it a step further, Duke. No sell your entire career.

Oh wait.

Everyone ELSE in the federation already did that long ago.

Damn, look at you, getting all heated up at my little jab.

Egyptian, I take beatings during and after all of the matches that I end up winning anyway. Last month it was The Brotherhood... the month before it was Extreme Revolution. Before that it was Donathan de Sade's super group. This month it's someone else and their 'master plan.' Unlike Duke, I do manage to get myself injured pretty badly from these ruthless beatings. These guys can be real barbarians sometimes! But then after all of that, I go onto being victorious anyway.

I once had in one match: a Satanic fireball thrown into my face, a picture of Flo Feder stapled into my forehead, an entire sentenced branded into my back, and Peter Gilmour's eight hundred pound leg pushed down into my chest. But even then, on that same night, I went on to beat 32 of the greatest wrestlers in order to become the King of the XWF.

It's all good fun though because I welcome all of you to run out there and try to take me out. No matter how many sharp, pointy objects you throw at me, I'll always come out on top.

Duke is 'no-selling' my win? Oh shit! Oh shit! That... that changes... that changes nothing. Nope, nothing at all on my end. I did what I set out to do that night-- retain my crown. Duke thought he was a king prior to the match even taking place so it comes as no surprise to me that he would keep up the act.

Egyptian, it looks like you're the one who failed to accomplish anything seeing as how Duke was last seen skipping around without a care in the world. At least when I buried him alive he was out of action for several of weeks. With you, Duke is 100% cleared to fight in a TLC match in two days.

Kinda funny that you want to accuse him of "not selling" vicious attacks when he did in fact "sell" the one I gave him at High Stakes. And all that I did was hit him with a shovel and dump dirty on him.

Maybe your ambush just wasn't good enough?

Needs more asphyxiation!
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(10-09-2013), Andrew Morrison (10-09-2013)
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10-09-2013, 03:15 PM

(10-09-2013, 02:58 PM)Miranda Tigris Said:
(10-09-2013, 02:51 PM)ljTheSavior Said: Rebel, Gilmour is already a star.. The more people talk shit about him, the more his stock rises.. So in a sense people like you make him famous.

"The 'Haters make him famous' argument? Honestly? I've been around enough actual stock to know that your theory is laughably incorrect. Poor reception to the product (in this case, Gilmour) means lower stock. Maybe, when you take an economics class, you'll know a little of what you're talking about, and your 'revolution' won't be run by the worst business man in the history of the professional wrestling business."

Interesting theory... but are you certain these rules apply in the land of the extreme? Which economy class (whatever that is) is geared toward the bat shit insane workings of the XWF? Was that supposed to make wrestlers feel stupid, somehow? I guess I don't get it... (thank the almighty Ra)

The more you people berate this useless, self-defeating man... the more I want to shove him down each and every one of your throats so I can watch you all choke on your own insults. How ironic that those who speak endlessly of this man's blubber would then have to choke on a throat full of that very substance?

Peter... if something happens to my team and we're unable to win tonight, I wish you luck. We'd have to all be killed before the match begins for this to happen, but remember, I wish you luck if it does.

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Peter Fn Gilmour (10-09-2013)
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10-09-2013, 03:18 PM

Poor Peter.
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Egyptian Snow Pharaoh Offline


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10-09-2013, 04:01 PM

(10-09-2013, 03:00 PM)John Madison Said: Needs more asphyxiation!

Alas, we get to the end of your rambling to find its cause. Please promptly remove your hands from your own throat next time you address me... then maybe you'll be able to speak right.

Quote:Kinda funny that you want to accuse him of "not selling" vicious attacks when he did in fact "sell" the one I gave him at High Stakes.

I guess what you're outlining here must not matter today. If you can promise me this somehow matters today, I will make it a point to go back and find that footage.

By the way, witless king, there's a big difference between a person "no selling" even though they're really hurt, and "selling" when in reality they're left unscathed. Sounds to me like Duke, for whatever reason or other, decided to "sell" your supposed attack on him. In fact you just confirmed it! Let me just ask you though... why would he need to go out of his way to sell instead of being so hurt that he tried to save face? Way to discredit your own attack, foolish boy... are you sure you're a king? Doesn't that imply grown man? Where I come from, any grown man who beats another man down KNOWS no "selling" is involved with a real injury. Is this your version of Mystica's "I'm rubber your glue" strategy against Peter Gilmour? You hear somebody talk about no selling, so you think bringing up selling is the correct retort? For the love of Ra, please tell me you're just putting on an act right now.

Did you really think I was asking Duke to "sell" something for me?

I can guarantee you he'll never need to SELL a single thing for me; he'll be left with no choices in the matter. Him no-selling was in fact more proof of his injury than any fraudulent selling he did in the past just to play with your feeble mind. I really hope I haven't lost you by this point but I fear you're sitting there with your hands around your throat, yelling aloud that you got Duke to sell your ineffective attack. Again, we're not in fake wrestling, children. How is it that not even the king of this land is aware of this? The day Duke needs to "sell" one of my attacks instead of really being injured and trying to cover it up, is the day I should just kill myself. I guess my standards are higher than yours, king. Keep on getting others to sell for you and I'll keep drawing real blood.

Quote:And all that I did was hit him with a shovel and dump dirty on him.

Bahahaha! Yeah, asphyxiation definitely at its finest here! I'm surprised your face isn't excreting blood with how red you look right now. You keep on dumping "dirty" on your foes, child. Keep on playing in that "dirty" with your shovel. Seriously, slob royalty, take a breath between sentences or something... or at least swallow your drool before you speak. You're about as useless as Peter Gilmour in my opinion, and this is coming from someone who by default respects royalty.

I accept you as my king and, unfortunately for you, that means I hold you responsible for your blunders. I'd suggest at least not throwing those blunders directly into my face... they're already hard to miss, as is.

Tell me more about Duke selling for you, though. I like hearing others add more fuel to words I've already sent out into the world.

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LJ Havok Offline
The Chose One

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(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

10-09-2013, 04:45 PM

(10-09-2013, 02:58 PM)Miranda Tigris Said:
(10-09-2013, 02:51 PM)ljTheSavior Said: Rebel, Gilmour is already a star.. The more people talk shit about him, the more his stock rises.. So in a sense people like you make him famous.

"The 'Haters make him famous' argument? Honestly? I've been around enough actual stock to know that your theory is laughably incorrect. Poor reception to the product (in this case, Gilmour) means lower stock. Maybe, when you take an economics class, you'll know a little of what you're talking about, and your 'revolution' won't be run by the worst business man in the history of the professional wrestling business."

Funny you would talk about economics..

Money is the one thing that has the tendency to make people dumber and dumber.
And you kind of prove my point, Ms. Tigris. In fact, it's people like you that should not be in the kill what's enjoyable about it.

And to, Rebel, I'm not a third wheel. I'm at a point where I can set back and watch my family destroy whatever is put in front of them... Like I said.. I will be out there.

[Image: Lssnyr5.gif]
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Sebastian Duke Offline
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10-09-2013, 05:11 PM

(10-09-2013, 02:47 PM)ljTheSavior Said: You know, Duke... She has a point. And besides that, how are you going to stop me from coming down there to make sure you don't screw my family over?

You can't. So you might as well treat this like any other match. Because one way or another, you are not going to like what happens.

You're like a snot nosed little insolent child, Levi Jackson.

Someone needs to shut you up.

You know what? I got five minutes. I'll dot it myself.

Name the place, name the show, I'll be there!
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LJ Havok Offline
The Chose One

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

10-09-2013, 05:25 PM

Sebastard, you misunderstand me like so many others. I have no ill will towards you or anyone else for that matter. I am just here to expose a fraudulent system. Nothing has changed.

And if I weren't already busy on the 16th I would take you up on your offer. I am busy with your little puppet though..

Sorry and shit.

[Image: Lssnyr5.gif]
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10-09-2013, 05:32 PM

(10-09-2013, 04:01 PM)Egyptian Snow Pharaoh Said:
Quote:Kinda funny that you want to accuse him of "not selling" vicious attacks when he did in fact "sell" the one I gave him at High Stakes.

I guess what you're outlining here must not matter today. If you can promise me this somehow matters today, I will make it a point to go back and find that footage.

Well yeah, it matters. It was the whole reason for this main event taking place-- today! Without that little ambush going down at High Stakes, Duke and I wouldn't have had a match. In fact, he'd still be in The Black Circle if I hadn't buried him.

So yes, my attack did matter at High Stakes. It's the only reason that the main event went down seeing as how Duke is incapable of earning anything around here. On the other hand, your attack means very little seeing as how Duke is prepared to compete in a TLC match in two days. I guess your ambush was slightly creative and funny to watch, but nothing more than that.

Go ahead and find the footage of me attacking Duke; maybe you'll learn how to launch an ambush that actually has an effect on someone. The fact that Duke took time away from the ring and then came back at me with a vengeance goes to show that he was affected, severely, from the beating I gave him. I watched the man fall back into a six foot grave, unable to keep himself from being buried alive and losing his United States Title.

So did Duke not "sell" my ambush at High Stakes? Well, I guess that might have been a possibility-- until tonight. You all saw it, I stood over him and beat him to the point where he couldn't fight back. If I can beat him to the point of no recovery in a match, then I've proven that I can do the same outside of the ring.
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[-] The following 1 user Likes John Msdison 2.Faggot's post:
Andrew Morrison (10-09-2013)
Sebastian Duke Offline
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(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

10-09-2013, 05:38 PM

(10-09-2013, 05:25 PM)ljTheSavior Said: Sebastard, you misunderstand me like so many others. I have no ill will towards you or anyone else for that matter. I am just here to expose a fraudulent system. Nothing has changed.

And if I weren't already busy on the 16th I would take you up on your offer. I am busy with your little puppet though..

Sorry and shit.

You, Mr. Johnson, are a coward. I never gave a specific date. You need to be shut up. You need to be humbled. I'm just the man to do it. This is a challenge, Leon. The right thing to do is pick a date for your unfortunate beating.
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