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09-15-2013, 11:00 AM
I sat on top of the Empire State Building, my eyes watching the people in their apartments and even a few on the ground. It wasn’t that I was hunting…well…kind of but I was just bored. The wind picked up and brought an interesting scent to my attention…One that I never thought I would smell again.
Yeah, I was talking to myself but that was normal. Ah, speed, gotta love it. I followed the scent until I came across a penthouse apartment, looked more like a clock to me but I didn’t care. That scent was intoxicating and made my throat dry.
Slowly, I shifted into hunt mode, slipping in through an open window and landing softly on the black carpet.
“Sands of time…pure and innocent…it couldn’t be him.”
I silently made my way through the black apartment, sniffing every once in a while to see if the scent moved. So far nothing…the whole house smelt like him and…someone else. A child’s whimper caught my attention and I silently opened a door, looking to see a crib in the middle of the room. The soft music from the crib mobile made me cock my head slightly. I didn’t think he had a child. Stepping into the room, I made my way to the crib, looking down at the slightly fussing child.
“Hush, little one.”
My hand lightly rested on her cheek and I felt an electric shock shoot through my hand. It didn’t hurt, felt more like a massage to be honest but I kept my hand there, my thumb lightly brushing away the small tear that dripped down her cheek.
I hummed just loud enough for her to hear but I also made sure to gently push into her dreams, taking away the nightmare and giving her the simple dream of warmth and being held. The words of the lullaby echoed softly in her head and her fussing stopped. The soft smile on her lips made me smile as I became so lost in the dream myself, that I didn’t hear the door open again, nor hear the footsteps as they came closer.
![[Image: 8xpNjmb.png]](https://i.imgur.com/8xpNjmb.png)
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09-15-2013, 01:12 PM
"Hush before you wake her..."
I smiled at the little girl, hearing her coo in my head as she interacted with the Dream Mother. Slowly, I looked over my shoulder at Nova.
"You smell the same...but you're not the same. How's that bite, Azrael?"
I smiled and turned to face him. We were just about chest to chest and my hand still rested on the crib as I met his eyes.
"I wouldn't have harmed the child, Nova, just calmed her before she woke up."
Another coo but this time, both of us looked in the crib as the little girl rolled over, her blanket falling away and her thumb now stuck in her mouth. I ignored his threat and reached back in the crib, covering her back up and gently pulling her thumb from her mouth.
"Now, now, that would be a bad habit for such a beautiful girl to create."
Nova moved closer and I felt his heat on my back, I turned and had to use both hands on the crib just to keep from touching him. Not that it mattered since we were just about chest to chest and that fire never calmed down.
"Back off."
I fought back the urge to snarl...just because we were so close to his child.
![[Image: 8xpNjmb.png]](https://i.imgur.com/8xpNjmb.png)
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09-15-2013, 02:25 PM
I snarled and quickly regretted it, the channel was still open between myself and the baby and I heard her cry. Both in my head and in the physical world.
"Look what you did, Asshole."
I shot past Nova and back into the room, humming that lullaby again and drying her tears. She quieted some but it wasn't until I gave her back her dream that she finally calmed down.
"There you are, Little One."
I closed the channel and left her dream in tact before snarling and storming back to Nova, shoving him in his chest before punching his jaw.
"I could smell you from the Empire State Building, The wind carried your scent and it was intoxicating. I didn't know it was you at first, I was hoping for a family so satisfy my thirst and the window was open. The only reason why I was even in there was because I heard her fuss. I wouldn't have harmed her, Nova and no, I don't know all that you've done that's related to your name. Don't really care to be honest, only reason why I knew it was because I snooped through your head first time we met."
My throat was dry and I remembered the taste of his blood on my tongue.
"You also taste incredible and now that I know it's you..."
That may have been a mistake but I lunged, catching him around the stomach with a spear and taking us both to the hard floor of the balcony. I straddled his waist and grabbed his head, pulling it tightly to the right and digging my fangs into his throat. I moaned softly against his flesh and swallowed a few mouth fulls before I felt him move again.
![[Image: 8xpNjmb.png]](https://i.imgur.com/8xpNjmb.png)
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09-15-2013, 04:34 PM
I dropped to my knees and crawled closer, my hand reaching out and dragging my claw down his cheek. I ripped his hand away and dug my fangs into his throat again, drinking more down as I straddled his lap. Slowly, I pulled away and lifted his head, his eyes slowly opening to stare at me. Didn’t matter if you’re human or not, lack of blood had the same affect.
“Awe, poor Azreal, so confused.”
My fingers outlined his lower lip and I smirked, “I wonder what would happen if I did this.”
I held my wrist up to my own mouth and bit down, ripping away some of the flesh and holding it up to his mouth. At first, he tried to pull away but eventually, his mouth opened and he took my wound in his mouth. It forced another moan from my throat and I pulled away, smiling softly.
"Oh fuck...really...seriously oh fuck. You had to go and....change me. Fuck and now it's like a burning pounding in my skull that won't stop and you...you did this."
Nova surged forward grabbing me by the throat. Fire and rage filling his eyes; the light of an exploding supernova cast into his eyes really defining his namesake.
I snarled and hooked my leg around his, rolling us over and smashing his head into the ground. He groaned, his head rolling off to the side, baring his damaged side. I bent down and lapped up some of the blood that escaped his wound. Good thing he regenerates so quickly. God, I was acting like a junkie with a never ending supply of dope. I bit down again, this time drawing a moan from both of us…though I think his was pain filled and not like my pleasure filled moan.
(ooc: Nova helped...a little lol Gotta give credit where credit is due)
![[Image: 8xpNjmb.png]](https://i.imgur.com/8xpNjmb.png)
Jessie-ica Diaz
Only to find it again.
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09-15-2013, 06:50 PM
Holy fuck.
Yeah, this is all kinds of weird. Looking down from one of the grates in the air ducts, I can't see too much. However, I can hear perfectly what's being said. As opposed to what's being, fuck it. Too freaked out for sarcasm. Those words seemed to echo on after he said them, over and over again.
You just had to turn me.
This. Is not. Good.
However, this is a very interesting development. Reaching into my back pocket, I pull out the notepad and a pencil, and scribble down the development. Nothing too in depth, just "Nova's a vampire." Putting it back in however, I hit my elbow against the interior of the duct. Shit. They probably heard that.
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Minxs (09-19-2013)
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09-15-2013, 06:54 PM
Pain...that's all I could think of, pure pain. I opened my eyes softly and lifted one hand, seeing the burned away flesh healing over like it was nothing.
"Wasn't expecting a ride in space, Firecracker."
I gripped the edge of the small crater and pulled myself up, softly opening the channel to make sure the child was still asleep. She was and still having the dream about a mother.
"You're lucking she didn't wake up."
Closing the channel, I got to my feet and stumbled into the wall. Images of wars, death and destruction swarm through my head and I fell to my knees, ignoring the blood that was coming from my shoulder. I looked over at Nova and shook violently. These weren't my memories...they were his.
"What did you do to me?"
I tried to stand but my legs gave out, forcing me to collapse onto the balcony. My throat felt like it was on fire and it slowly started to spread through the rest of my body. He walked over, almost curious and yet, smug look on his face.
"What did you do?!"
My hands gripped the ground, trying to hold my weight up. I looked down into the small puddle of blood that my shoulder left and I got lost in my own eyes. They looked as if flames were behind them, trying to sooth and yet, burn them away.
More memories of Nova's flooded through my head, making me drop again. I saw his past forms and how he took to each one. I wanted it to stop!
![[Image: 8xpNjmb.png]](https://i.imgur.com/8xpNjmb.png)
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09-15-2013, 08:11 PM
The fire still burned through my chest, and I took his hand, using him to keep to my feet. The memories still flooded my head but it wasn’t as bad.
“You said noth-“
I dropped again, gripping his shirt and gasping.
Whatever it was I was seeing, wasn’t pretty and soon enough, I was staring into blackness. Laughter and screams filled my ears and I shook, violently. I couldn’t even hear his voice anymore…just this insane laughter. I finally felt true fear.
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09-18-2013, 06:40 AM
(ooc: Dreamland...kind of lol...this all takes place before Saturday...the rps for Shove It! and the NC thread that goes with it are in the days following shove it. sorry had to get shove it ideas outta the way before I could give Nova his reply)
It felt like I was floating in a sea of blackness. The same blackness that had engulfed me after the car accident. My mind reached out, searching for something when I felt the pull. Slowly, the scene came into view and I realized I was in the same dream as the little girl. She cooed and pulled at my hair...wait...my hair?
I looked down and saw that I was holding her in my arms, sitting in front of a fireplace with a slow snowfall just outside the window. She giggled and went to suck her thumb when another hand took her wrist.
"No, Lila."
I looked up at the man, realizing that it wasn't the Nova that I had bitten...but the Satellite that I had met when I first got here. How would the little one know about that?
"You're the one who said she shouldn't create such a habit."
He looked over at me with a soft smile, his eyes were the same as his current form but...maybe just a little darker. Like the virus had done more damage that he thought. Lila cooed in my arms again, forcing me to tear away from Nova's eyes. Her eyes, a bright hazel that had the power to draw anyone in but even they had the same black ring...smaller but still there.
I looked back at him to see him smiling at Lila, his fingers lightly pushing her hair back behind her ears. The scar on his neck made me flinch slightly, making his eyes shift towards me.
"What's wrong?"
He stared at me for a moment before looking up at the door, "Bout time you showed up."
I looked at him for a minute before following his gaze...and staring at the Nova that I had bitten.
![[Image: 8xpNjmb.png]](https://i.imgur.com/8xpNjmb.png)
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09-23-2013, 02:05 PM
I pulled my knees up to my chest and shook, my eyes still scanning the room.
"I...I don't know..."
I sniffed softly, freezing when I caught another scent mixed with Nova's...oh...Zak was a dead man.
"I still feel like I'm on fire...but I feel cold and lost..."
My eyes looked back at Nova just as lighting flashed across the sky and thunder filled the room. A whimper betrayed my lips and I curled tighter into the corner of the couch.
"How....How long was I out? Can....can you make sense of those dreams-nightmares?"
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09-23-2013, 03:01 PM
Nova's eyes widened slightly and I laid my head on my knees.
"I don't get them...I don't know why I would have them...they don't make sense...then scare me...can you just look? Would rather relive them without speaking...makes them too real."
I caught his little hickup and smiled, "You smell like my brother..."
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09-23-2013, 06:55 PM
"Why are you scared? Nova...tell me please..."
I felt tears welling up in the corners of my eyes and I took his wrist, tugging it gently.
"Stay and talk...please...I-"
A clap of thunder made me flinch and hide back into the couch, shaking and now sobbing into the back pillow. Fucking hated thunder.