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A Night of Sacrifice: Round Two
Author Message
Jessie-ica Diaz Offline
Only to find it again.

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

09-08-2013, 02:38 PM

Scene Six: An argument

"How can you sit there, and defend the actions of those, those thugs?!"

Coming back from commercial, we're treated to the white walled interior of the office room once more. Seated behind her desk again is Jessica, an unconcerned look on her face while the Administrator Network employee continues to rant at her.

"Easy. Who do you think ordered it done?"

Her jaw drops open as the words hit her ears. Audibly, she sighs and lays her hands down on the desk.

"You're a real bitch; you know that, don't you?"

"Oh, please. Go on. I'm really intrigued. Honestly, if you had as much of a problem as you claim to have about what happened; why didn't you just reverse the decision?"

"You know damn well why."

"Oh right; the contract that even gave you power in the first place! The power you used oh so wisely as to reverse a decision that was echoed just moments later! Great work, why haven't you been promoted from common office secretary yet? You clearly have the wherewithal to be one of Administrator's most trusted special needs students."

The employee's hands ball up into fists that she slams down onto the desk. Looking as though the only thing she wants to do is tear off Jessica's head, she decides it best just to leave the room altogether. Jessica turns to the cameraman with a mock sense of shock.

"Was it something I said?"

Mr. Radio
- vs -
Sean Falcon III
Great American Pastime Match: Baseball Bats of all varieties will be available for use

"Conquistador" by 30 Seconds to Mars plays over the loudspeakers, and Mr. Radio appears to just show up in the ring. One second he's nowhere to be found, the next he's in the middle of the ring, looking on at the ramp as if it was for pussies or something.

Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, from Space Ships Unknown. Weighing in at one hundred, ninety-eight pounds! MIIIIIIIIIIIIIISTAAAAAAAAAAAAA RADIOOOOOOOOO!


Gold strobe lighting flickers as "Perfect Strangers" by Deep Purple hits. Sean Falcon comes out in a black and gold sleeveless robe. He approaches the ring, as smug as ever, and upon reaching the ringside area, he raises his right arm and is showered in gold colored pyro. He enters the ring slowly, looking Radio in the eyes every step of the way.

The baseball bats are laid out on the ring apron. Wiffle Ball bats with thumbtacks glued to them, plastic forks bats, increasing up the ladder of heinous and twisted design until we come to the wooden bat, that has nails protruding from it's barrel. Anyone who thought this match was going to be a cakewalk was sorely mistaken.

Radio looks at Falcon, more than ready to get the match underway, but Falcon hesitates momentarily, and Radio gets the advantage. He charges in and hits a corkscrew neckbreaker on the stationary Falcon. Facing the apron, Radio walks over and picks up the first bat he can get his hands on, the wiffleball thumbtack bat. Stalking Falcon as he stands, Radio cocks the bat back and swings it right at Falcon's spine!

Radio: Yeah, human sports lingo, motherfucker!

Tacks stick out of Falcon's back, and he drops to his knees, shuddering in pain. An exasperated gasp escapes his mouth and Radio hits him in the chest as well, embedding even more tacks into Falcon's skin. Falcon lays down on his back from the impact, and Radio stomps him in the stomach a few times. Peeling him off the mat, he gets hit with a low blow from Falcon. People just do not like that alien's balls!

Falcon tries to rip the takes from his skin, allowing a small but steady stream of bright red blood to flow from the holes on his chest. Dropping to his knees, kneeling over the fallen Radio, he places his hands over the alien's throat and begins to choke the ever loving shit out of him!

Radio's legs begin to flail, but then lock around Falcon's head. He turned the chokehold into a headscissors! What the fucking fuck?!

On top of it, Radio's hitting elbow after elbow on the top of the man's skull! This is just brutality! Falcon stands up, getting to his feet and then dropping Radio down with an electric chair drop! Shades of Chair! VINTAGE INANIMATE OBJECT!

He walks over to the apron, and shies away from one of the crazy gimmick bats, preferring the feel of hard wood in his hands (nice double entendre, huh?) However, the bat begins yelling:

Bat: What the fuck, man? Can't you see me sleeping over here?!

Falcon: Fuck that shit!

He drops the bat on the ground and kicks it out of the ring.

Bat: OW! You fucking son of a bitch!

Welp, looks like Falcon's gotta use one of those gimmick bats. He reaches down and picks up a bat that has plastic forks sticking out of the sides. What the serious fuck is wrong with the people who made these bats?

He swings the bat, hitting Radio right in the stomach and poking holes into his abdomen. Radio screams out in agony, but Sean isn't done yet! He drops the bat down across Radio's back as he turns over onto his stomach. Once more, Radio screams. Will somebody stop this?

Falcon tosses the bat aside, and walks over to grab another one, when he spots the nail bat. Oh my, oh my. Sean's eyes widen with enthusiasm and a sick feeling sits in his stomach, knowing what this bat could do.

He picks it up by its handle, when Radio dropkicks him through the ropes, he isn't out yet! Next to the nail bat lay a barbed wire bat, which Radio grabs upon sight. Sliding out of the ring, he looks determined to use his new toy on his opponent. Approaching Falcon, he gets kicked in the midsection and drops the bat to the ground. Falcon dives for it, but Radio falls on top of it, not willing to let it go just yet.

They play a tug of war for it, Falcon giving up due to having the unadvantageous position of gripping it by the barbed wire laden barrel. Radio grabs Falcon's head and rubs his face into the wire, slicing up his face and forcing the crimson mask to appear on the third Falcon's face.

That's when the lights go out!

Over the speakers, we hear:


The lights come on, and miraculously the two are in the ring, joined by none other...



He points to Falcon.


He points to Radio.


Radio punches the shit out of this old fuck! What the shit?!

Falcon bursts into action! He tackles him to the ground, punching him in the face as many times as he can! Radio pushes him off, and stands up...


The cover!




Hogan's getting up while Radio gets back to his feet. He pulls Falcon in...


He turns his attention to Hogan! Backing him into the ropes with a series of punches...


Hogan's starting to shake!

Radio punches him.

Still shaking!

He punches him again.


One more time?

He points!


Another punch! Hogan blocks! Punch of his own! Irish whip, into a big boot!

He runs the ropes...


He picks up Falcon, and looks like he's about to give him an atomic drop...

He does! But the Falcon falls on top of Radio!





Scene Seven: One on One wit da Hulkster, BROTHER!

We're joined with Steve Sayors backstage, alongside Hulk Hogan.





Sayors: Oh, okay then.

Fade out.

Smoke Man
- vs -
Mr. Supernova
Belly of the Beast Match: Fight over a pit that contains not only a Rancor, but Moloch as well! The only way to win is to throw your opponent into the pit!

The two men are seen, standing on the platform high above the pit of doom. Smoke looks over the edge, a nervous look appearing on his face. Nova on the other hand, is calm as can be. The gong sounds, and the two get into a fighting stance! Why this is happening is beyond me.

Our camera switches over to a plane where it looks like there are only two dimensions to this area, when we can assure you that there are three! Nova approaches Smoke, staying in his stance the entire time. He throws a punch, but Smoke jumps over it, and Nova just turns around before he lands, hitting an uppercut that takes Smoke down tot he ground.

He hops up immediately however, and throws a three punch combo, that Nova blocks by throwing up his hands. Smoke then jumps once more and hits a flying kick, knocking Nova backwards and onto the ground.

On top of the screen, long horizontal bars appear. One has a picture of Nova, and is filled with mostly green, with a small section of black shadowing one end. Same for Smoke. They look up, confused as to what that's doing there. Weird, but they don't let that distract from the fight.

Nova approaches, back Smoke into a corner. He hits another uppercut, continuing to do so as he tries to land. What a bullshit strategy. Smoke's bar is declining rapidly, but Nova begins to tire, and Smoke lands once more on his feet. He jumps behind Nova, and as he turns around, Smoke slides into Nova's knees. We see an X-Ray cam, as Nova's knees shatter but he stays standing.

What is this fucking shit?

Nova's bar declines a lot from that one move. He starts to look tired, and is bleeding from the face, despite not getting there in a long time. Nova tries to throw another punch, but Smoke disappears and reappears behind him! Nova throws a fireball, knocking him back some. Then, he shoots out some thing that stabs Smoke in the stomach.


He pulls him in for another uppercut!

Smoke kicks him in the face instead. C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER!

Nova jumps up and pulls down his own bar! What?!

He goes nuts, beating him down with the bar! Smoke's bar goes down and down and down until it's all black. He then starts to stand, while wobbling back and forth unevenly on his feet.

Nova moves back and forth and all over. Nothing happens.

Nova: Fuck.

He does it again, and the screen goes black except for them. Nova approaches, and uppercuts Smoke off the edge and down into the pit.

Once he lands in the pit, the camera goes back to a normal angle again. Moloch tries to hit him, but instead smashes his giant ball into the skull of the Rancor! The Rancor looks pissed, and shoves Moloch. Moloch shoves back! The two giant beasts, begin having a slap fight?

Smoke ain't questioning that shit though, he's busy booking it from the pit!


Scene Eight: One phone call is all we need

Down in one of the dingy, dark subbasements of the arena is where the cameras take us this time. Through the mask of darkness, we see a hint of movement. It isn't quite clear who or what it is, but a voice cuts through the silence and shines as a beacon of light as to who it is that we're following.

"Okay, I'm alone."

"Dammit, do you hear me? I said I'm alone! Start talking now, or I'll just hang up!"

"Okay, good. Any word on whether or not we have the backing of...?"


"Oh, I'll make it known in a huge way!"

A click can be heard, presumably caused by the phone being flipped closed. An oh shit sensation comes over our camera man as he backs up and turns away from the scene. Obviously, he didn't want to be found out.

Juan Madison
- vs -
John Austin
Some Fire Match for Good Measure: There will be fire, and lots of it!

A spotlight hits the entrance and John Austin steps out as soon as "Lost Due to Incompetence" by YESCA begins. He throws his finger into the air and walks down the ramp to the ring.

Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, from Virginia Beach, Virginia. Weighing in tonight at two hundred, forty pounds. JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHN AUUUUUSTIN!"

Some mariachi music begins to play, and Juan Madison runs out on stage, waves to all of his fans, and runs to the ring.

Ring Announcer: "And his opponent, from Tijuana, Mexico! Weighing in at two hundred, twenty pounds! JUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN MADISOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON!"

A look at the ring shows that the ropes and turnbuckles have been removed from the ring, leaving only the canvas itself. Gasoline is poured on the apron, and set ablaze. The fire shoot up in the air, managing to stay at a consistent height of three feet tall. How this is even possible is beyond any grasp of logic, therefore is perfect for Shove It! Good job fire, you do you!

The two lock up in a test of strength, that Austin easily wins. He lifts Madison up in the air with a suplex, and slams him back first onto the mat. It looks as though his contact high has passed, and he drops an elbow with authority. Once more, he goes for an elbow drop, but Madison rolls out of the way!

Austin hops back up, and runs over to Madison, only to get brought down with an arm drag! Making his way back to his feet once more, Austin runs into another one! Is the third time the charm for Austin?


He runs at Madison for the third time, and hits a Yakuza kick! Madison drops to the mat, and Austin drops a knee on the fallen man. Austin peels him off the mat and Irish whips him into the flames, but Madison slides on his feet to a stop inches from the flames! From behind Austin runs at him, but Maddy leapfrogs over him, and now it's Austin who's in a bad spot! Madison hits a spin kick to the midsection, and lifts the bent over Austin up, suplex!

He rolls over, still holding onto the man...

Second suplex!

Once more, he rolls over and lifts Austin up...

Third suplex! It's that emphasis on threes in Mexico! He does everything in threes because of it!

Madison looks down at Austin, and hits a somersault leg drop! Peeling him off the mat, he lifts Austin once more in a suplex postion, but lands a brainbuster instead! Madison goes for another somersault leg drop, but this time Austin rolls out of the way! Austin's back to his feet, kick to the gut, STUNNER!

Wait, wrong Austin...

Doesn't matter, because that's what John Austin just did! Before Madison falls over though, he lifts him up and spins around with him on his shoulders. Around and around and around we go, until even Austin is too dizzy to continue. He finishes the move with a Samoan drop, before getting to his feet and wobbling.

Once more, he tries to roll Juan out of the ring, through the fire. He's winning this match, dammit! He's doing it! He's about to eliminate Juan!

But then he backs away, clutching his nose and gagging. Madison hops back up to his feet and charges at Austin, only to get an arm drag for his trouble! Trouble! TROUBLE!!!

Madison just got hit with his own signature move! How will he recover from something this embarrassing? He gets up to his feet, and charges at Austin again, this time hitting a flying headscissors!

Austin slides on the ground, and stops just a fingertip away from the flames!

He hops up and walks to Madison, kicking him in the stomach and lifting him up for a powerbomb. He's gonna powerbomb him into the fire and out of the ring! Wait, no!

Madison's fighting, punching Austin in the top of the head with everything he's got. Sweat is drenching both men's bodies at this point! Madison slips out of his clutch and hits a hurricanrana...

Sending Austin out of the ring!

Upon landing, the man is sprayed with a fire extinguisher! The flames are too put out, leaving only Madison in the ring, standing tall as the victor!


Scene 9: I'm only happy when it rains

We're joined outside of the office by Vincent Altieri, pacing back and forth before finally deciding to step in. The interior of the office is filled with smoke, and sitting at the desk, was Jessica, with some slight things looking out of place. For example, she wasn't wearing that rasta beanie before, was she?

"Come in, Valentino!"

Altieri shrugs before continuing in reluctantly. The odor of marijuana drowned out his senses, the smoke causing his eyes to water.

"Now, about my payment..."

"No need to be in such a hurry now, is there? Stay for a while, take that ridiculous jacket off!"

Vincent is not in the mood to hang out with a twenty something stoner with DID, is the vibe we can all get from his body language. He approaches the desk, trying to make sure she can see who he is from beyond the cloud of smoke.

"With all due respect, Jessica. I just want to get my money, and get the hell out of here."

"Valencia! My name is not Jessica!"

"Oh, it isn't? Enlighten me then; what is your name?"

"Kea! Come on, we've known each other, how long?"

"Two hours."

"And you can't remember my name! Some friend you are!"

"I'm not your friend; do you have my money, or do I have to find an alternate form of payment?"

She pulls a briefcase from below her desk and slams it on the table.

"Fine! Take it! You're all about the money, you douche!"

That's all Vincent needed to hear. He snatches the briefcase from the desk, making no effort to hide his eagerness to leave in his fast paced steps. Jessica leans back in her chair and sighs loudly, before the cameraman leaves the room in fear of choking.

Cam Lang
- vs -
Andrew Morrison
Thumbtacks and Barbed Wire Match: What? It's right there in the fucking name

The arena goes dark, when the lights come back on Morrison is at the top of the ramp with his head down, he then looks around and smirks before doing a slicing throat gesture and then walks down the ramp. he then enters the ring and climbs to the second turnbuckle where he raises both arms and looks to the sky and screams.

Ring Announcer: "Introducing first; from Houston, Texas. Weighing in tonight at two hundred, sixty three pounds! He is 'THE STORM' ANDREEEEEEEEEEW, MOOOOOOOOORISSON!"

"Bulls on Parade" by Rage Against the Machine starts to play as it grabs the audience's attention and the main lights throughout the arena turn off except one bright spotlight focusing on the beggining of the ramp. ''COME WITH IT NOW'' are the first lyrics of the song as one burst of pyro goes off as Lang emerges from the curtains and heads straight to the ring. Once he reaches the ring, he climbs onto the apron and hops over the top rope. He climbs onto one of the two turnbuckles facing the ramp and takes a seat.

Ring Announcer: "And his opponent; from Ottawa, Canada. Representing the Extreme Revolution; weighing in tonight at two hundred, ten pounds! CAM LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANG!"

A look at the ring, and we can it's back to normalish. The apron is charred black, and the ropes are still gone, replaced with barbed wire this time. In the corners opposite the ones that Lang and Morrison are standing in, are burlap sacks.

The bell rings, and right out of the gate Lang charges after Morrison, hitting him with a dropkick that knocks the bigger man off balance momentarily. Lang follows it up with a leg drop, and another. He leans in to peel Morrison off the mat, but gets shoved backwards toward the barbed wire ropes. Luckily, he wasn't a few feet closer, or else he would've been in a very uncomfortable position right now!

Morrison charges shoulder first into Lang, but he gets a knee up. The bigger man straightens out, and throws a big punch that knocks Lang back. He wobbles a bit, trying not to fall backward into the wire. Morrison approaches, and Lang throws a flurry of punches, advancing on the retreating man. Lang throws one more punch, but Morrison ducks and comes back with a kick to the midsection. Lang doubles over, and Morrison lifts him up. He's thinking powerbomb into the wire ropes

Lang struggles, fighting his grip. He drops off of Morrison's shoulders...

And Monkey Flips him into the wire!

Morrison's back and legs get tangled up in the barbs! Lang ain't letting up though, as he backs up and charges forward, hitting a sliding drop kick right into the face of Morrison! He connects, sliding out of the ring in the process.

Gravity starts to take over, and Morrison falls forward back onto the mat, the barbs removing themselves from his back in a stream of crimson, while his hair remains stuck to the bottom rope.

From outside the ring, Lang hits a forearm to the back of Morrison's head the frees his hair from the barbs, but leaves a few strands still attached. Morrison yells out in pain, and Lang rolls back into the ring. He climbs one of the turnbuckles, and leaps off!



Morrison rolls out of the way just in time!

Lang hits the mat and bounces up to his knees, clutching his gut. Morrison gets to his feet and drops Lang with a DDT. Content, he walks over to one of the two corners that contained a burlap sack and grabs it. Smiling, he pulls off the rope that held it closed and dumps the contents onto the mat. Thousands upon thousands of tacks rain from the burgundy tinted bag.

Up to his feet again is Lang; determined to not fall into that pile. He tries to whip Morrison into the wire, but he gets reversed and runs back first into the wire. Shuddering, he steps forward right into a big flapjack onto the pile of tacks! Morrison wastes no time going for the cover.





Morrison looks shocked, but goes right back on the attack. He rains down punches right onto Lang's face.

Wait a minute! Someone just hopped the barricade! He brushes by the nonexistent ring security and dropkicks Morrison off of Lang! It's Peter Gilmour! What is he doing; trying to help Lang win or something?

He peels Lang off the mat; and gives him the Deathstrike! What is this nonsense?! Morrison slowly claps, approaching Gilmour and the scene slowly...

Kick to the stomach! Gilmour doubles over, Morrison's thinking Vortex Piledriver! No, Gilmour gives him a back body drop instead, sending Morrison into the tacks!

Morrison sits up on reflex, and Gilmour sets him up...


Gilmour just laid out both men, and he walks from the ring smiling at the ramp.

Morrison's arm is draped over Lang's shoulders.





"Hold it! We all saw Gilmour interfere! Referee, restart this match! I will not have that, hooligan, stick his nose into the official decisions when he is not needed!"

Jessica steps out on stage, infuriated. From behind her however, we see the still unnamed Administrator Network employee step on the stage too.

"According to the rules in our contract, the decisions must be upheld! Remember that?"

A smart ass grin appears on her face, however Jessica flashes one back at her.

"Jesus, how did you get hired if you can't even read? It says that in your contract, the one you likely wrote up, that the highest ranking official of the Administrator Network, and not an officially titled head of the show; you are afforded one hint of involvement in any of the matches on the card. I on the other hand could come out here and reverse every decision without so much as a thought.

Now, restart the match!"

Cockily, and frustratedly respectively, Jessica and the Admin Network lady walk back to the backstage area once more, and in the ring, the ref rings the bell to start the match once more.

Lang struggles to get back to his feet, and does do before Morrison. Seeing his opportunity, he makes his way to the top rope once more, and goes for the 450!

MORRISON ROLLS OUT OF THE WAY! Lang crashes face and chest first into the thumbtacks! Morrison peels him off the mat and goes for the Downburst!

He has him set for it...

But Lang gets out of it at the last second! Morrison turns around...


Morrison falls back first into the pile of tacks! Lang falls on top of him!




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[-] The following 16 users Like Jessie-ica Diaz's post:
(09-08-2013), (09-08-2013), (09-08-2013), AlexandraCallaway (09-08-2013), Andrew Morrison (09-09-2013), Archie Lawson (09-09-2013), Cam Lang (09-08-2013), John Austin (09-08-2013), LJ Havok (09-08-2013), Minxs (09-08-2013), Mr. Radio (09-08-2013), Peter Fn Gilmour (09-08-2013), Rebel (09-08-2013), Sarah Parsons (09-09-2013), Smoke (09-08-2013), Tony Santos (09-08-2013)
Andrew Morrison Away
The Storm Of Destruction

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

09-08-2013, 06:26 PM

"You got a lot of nerve, bitch. I took Peter Gilmour out of this tournament for you and I get paid by getting screwed out of the victory I rightfully deserved, all because YOU failed to keep him out of the building after I took him out!?" "Oh...your reputation does not even begin to cover it, you fucking twisted egotistical bitch, rest assured, I will not forget this..."

OOC: WOW what a twist, such a great round and loved the ending to that last one, great writing by everyone involved especially Jessie. Cant wait to see what happens next.

W-L Record Since Return: 1-1 (singles or tag) 0-1 (special/gauntlet matches)
[Image: pdCdNLq.jpg]
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Andrew Morrison's post:
Jessie-ica Diaz (09-08-2013)
Jessie-ica Diaz Offline
Only to find it again.

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

09-08-2013, 07:34 PM

(09-08-2013, 06:26 PM)Andrew Morrison Said: "You got a lot of nerve, bitch. I took Peter Gilmour out of this tournament for you and I get paid by getting screwed out of the victory I rightfully deserved, all because YOU failed to keep him out of the building after I took him out!?" "Oh...your reputation does not even begin to cover it, you fucking twisted egotistical bitch, rest assured, I will not forget this..."

OOC: WOW what a twist, such a great round and loved the ending to that last one, great writing by everyone involved especially Jessie. Cant wait to see what happens next.

"I have a lot of nerve? No, you have a lot of nerve! How dare you? How dare you let Peter Gilmour run in and make a mockery of your match like that? No no, that was on you and you went and messed it all up!

How, enlighten me, was that win rightfully yours? You would've been laying there for ages if you didn't just happen to land so luckily on Lang, wouldn't you?

Wait, you-you're, working with him, aren't you?!

You lying, conniving bastard! You thought I wouldn't find out?!

I won't forget your blasphemy, Mister Morrison.

You can bet on that."

OOC: Thanks! In case enough shit hasn't gone down yet; there's much more to go down during the main event, that I'll likely start working on tomorrow after I get out of school.
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Jessie-ica Diaz's post:
Rebel (09-08-2013)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

09-08-2013, 09:03 PM

great ending! dont cry Andrew it was just business

im not done yet lol

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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John Msdison 2.Faggot

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

09-08-2013, 10:00 PM

OOC- Let me know if you want to do a rematch, John Austin. (any date after sep 16 is fine). I know there were distractions and whatnot with it being a big tourny-style show.

Other than that, show looks good!
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[-] The following 1 user Likes John Msdison 2.Faggot's post:
John Austin (09-08-2013)
John Austin Away
Grizzled Young Vet


XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

09-08-2013, 11:56 PM

(09-08-2013, 10:00 PM)John Madison Said: OOC- Let me know if you want to do a rematch, John Austin. (any date after sep 16 is fine). I know there were distractions and whatnot with it being a big tourny-style show.

Other than that, show looks good!

Sounds good my man, I'll let you know

Also....great show! ......two words...COMBOOOOO BREAKER! :D

To find John, turn those lights out because he will then appear...
XWF LEGEND and the only man who punked out Duke TWICE
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Cam Lang Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:

(crowd reaction varies; dips between face & heel)

09-09-2013, 12:12 AM

You do what you gotta do to win.
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Andrew Morrison Away
The Storm Of Destruction

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

09-09-2013, 07:27 AM

Seems to me like somebody is working with Peter, but it sure as hell isn't me. I don't control how much security we have around the ring. I wonder who that could be, Jessica....

OOC: Looking forward to this main event, should be chaos! lol

W-L Record Since Return: 1-1 (singles or tag) 0-1 (special/gauntlet matches)
[Image: pdCdNLq.jpg]
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

09-09-2013, 09:51 AM

all will be revealed soon mr morrison ;)

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Jessie-ica Diaz Offline
Only to find it again.

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

09-09-2013, 04:34 PM

"Andrew, look at the tapes some more. At no point, were there any form of ring security! You should've been expecting Gilmour being unable to control his emotions, and planned for his inevitable interference! You don't need to be a prophet of the Light to see that!"
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Jessie-ica Diaz's post:
Peter Fn Gilmour (09-09-2013)
AlexandraCallaway Offline
Demon or Angel? You decide!

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

09-09-2013, 04:44 PM


1x UFO E1999 Champion
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Jessie-ica Diaz Offline
Only to find it again.

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

09-09-2013, 05:01 PM

(09-09-2013, 04:44 PM)AlexandraCallaway Said: "Wow."

"See? I'm not the only one who sees this! Are you even listening, Andrew? The only one who can see your little conspiracy that I would help Gilmour of all people, is you. I'm sure Miss Callaway would agree with me that it looked like you were working with Gilmour, seeing as how you were the only one who stood to benefit from him getting involved."
Hate Post Like Post
Andrew Morrison Away
The Storm Of Destruction

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

09-09-2013, 05:45 PM

Why the fuck would I want to work with Gilmour? And if I was working with him, why did I try to take him out too? Continue to try and blame me for YOUR failure to keep the area secure and to keep Peter Gilmour out. YOU were the one who preached for weeks he wasn't going to make a mockery of this tournament and now you are blaming the man who ELIMINATED him from said tournament. And news flash you dumb bitch, Cam Lang was also in the match and he DID benefit from the interference or should I say the restart YOU ordered from Gilmour's interference. If anything it seems to me that all three of you had something planned. If you think you are going to make me out to be the liar and co-conspirator you are sadly mistaken. I am the one who put MY body on the line FOR YOU to personally take Gilmour out, so to sit here and accuse me of being the reason that he interfered is complete bullshit. And I am not responsible for security or any of that bullshit. THAT is all on YOU! I don't know what your reasons are and I don't really give a fuck! And I don't give a fuck what anyone in this federation thinks, they can think what they want, but anyone with half a brain would see that the fact that there was no extra security when you yourself stated there would be all evening, that the man who eliminated him from said tournament was victorious DESPITE that failure, and then the decision is reversed BECAUSE of said failure to where Cam Lang benefits, NOT me. So if you want to sit here and continue to make yourself look like a fucking fool and let Peter Gilmour turn your tournament into a mockery after all? Be my guest. But mark my words. You will regret your actions! As will as Peter Gilmour.

W-L Record Since Return: 1-1 (singles or tag) 0-1 (special/gauntlet matches)
[Image: pdCdNLq.jpg]
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

09-09-2013, 06:12 PM

to quote a famous man.. BRING IT BITCH!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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