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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
Confrontation with IT (RP 2)
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Mr. Radio Offline
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(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

09-04-2013, 03:33 PM

Radio had been staying at Alexandra's manor for less than a week now, It was mid-day and he was alone in it hanging out in the Living room when this all happened. Radio was sitting on the leather couch watching the Fresh Prince of bel-air when he felt a giant wind in his chest. He exhaled and smoke flew out of his mouth. Radio lowering his eyebrows and stood up and ran to the stairwell. As he was running up the stairs he got knocked over and tumbled all the way down. His eyes were flashing bright green over and over again. He tried to get back up but fell again only scratching the wooden floor with his nails. He grabbed his head and let out a quick scream. The electricity suddenly went and Greenish Blue mist started coming out of Radio's mouth. Radio looked around and couldn't see anything until he heard something come from the basement. he opened the door and saw IT coming from a door he had created through Radio.

radio grabbed his hair and fell backwards onto his butt. He was in complete shock he didn't know what to say. He felt free but now IT had finally gotten free and was now staring at Radio in the eyes for only the third time. IT stood up and was at least eight feet tall. Michael Radio stood up with complete control of his body, not being constrained by that Demon who had been in Radio since he left his time and came here. IT got right up to Michael's face and had the most evil grin. IT inhaled a whole bunch of air and exhaled a bunch of green smoke right in Michael's face. It then started laughing and began to talk.

IT: ahh, Micahel. It is so good to see you face to face again. I thought now would be the best time to come out and have a little, "Chat" with you. You're probably loving me not being in side of you for now. hehe, Don't worry, I'll be back inside of you soon enough. I don't want you to be free again and go back to attempt and save your pathetic Universe. Coming to this time isn't going to save it Michael. You know that I have made your life here the best time of your life! I helped you find the greatest love of your life. Because of me you were able to let your anger out and let all of these weak humans how you really felt inside! You know---

I never wanted to come here! I wanted to stay in my time and be with MY people. The people that I saved on multiple occasions! then you decided to come along and take all of that away from me you son of a bitch1 I loved being on Gado, My home there...My son...You ripped everything, Everything! away from me! I will always hate you no matter how much you try and persuade me that you have helped and make my life better. You haven't! I met Micah, Alexandra, My new Monkey Ray all on my own! You haven't done anything except cause me pain and misery! because of you...I'm Mr. Radio.

Radio puts his arms on top of his knees and looks at the floor. IT Smiles evilly again and popes three bubbles out of his mouth. An Image of Shawn Bowdrey, Jessica Williams, and Jason Farenfield appear on the bubbles. Radio looked stunned and his jaw dropped slightly. It began laughing again and looked at Michael.

These were the Three people that you have ever been closest to in your time, correct? Shawn was like your brother, you and him didn't do anything without each other until...You left him. Jason Farenfield, He was your Father figure since you were how old? nine? when he was shot down right in front of you and Shawn, you both fell apart seeing your Father figures go down like that. It was unfortunate. Finally we have Jessica Williams. oh, you loved her so much! you made a beautiful baby boy that you will most likely never see again. She died because you were careless and let her stay with you, then when you left her in the armory, she was doomed and there was no coming back. You laid over her dead body crying like a bitch! You are disgusting! You have let everyone close to you down! soon enough, you will let Micah down and then what? You'll be all alone again. You're a nice guy Michael, but Mr. Radio isn't. the moment you and Micah get torn apart is when you crumble and I take full control of your body! only then will I finally be able to seize control of the Universe again. this time a lot earlier.

Michael didn't know what to say. He sat there looking depressed and just listening to IT most likely telling him the truth. He pulled his hair back and he looked at IT in those evil eyes and spat right in on his face. IT didn't like that very much so IT grabbed Michael by the throat and slammed him on the wall. Michael had his hands on IT's hand that was holding on the wall, He was actually smiling and IT just kept slamming him until he stopped.

Stop smiling you son of a bitch!

Michael refused to stop and just wanted IT to get angrier and angrier. Michael noticed the clock and figured if he could hold him off just fifteen more minutes he would be forced to either escape through that door he created or go back inside of him. He knows that IT would do that because if anyone saw him he would be exposed and he can't be seen by Human eye's. That's one reason why the Flokyoks blew up earth in 2149.

hey, fuck face...ugh, Why don't you keep hitting me? C'mon I dare you, Fucking kill me right now! I fucking dare you motherfucker!

IT drops Michael and looks behind him and sees the time. He looks back at Michael and starts to Laugh again.

I'm not falling for your insolent trick! You're trying to keep me hitting you so when your friends get home the Human one will see me and I will go away for a long time. That's not happening today, sorry Michael but it's time that Mr. Radio comes back out. This time When I'm in control, mostly. Oh boy am I going to have a field day for your insolence!

IT turns back into a foggy state and starts to go through Michael's nostrils and mouth. Soon enough an evil sounding inhale and exhale go through Radio and his eyes flash a Really Bright green that turns the whole room that color momentarily. Mr. Radio was back. He stood up and wiped the blood off of his lip and cracked his neck and looked around to see where he was.

What the fuck happened this time...Did I hang out with NPH again? no, He's with that Triple X thing. It can't be nothing because I feel almost brand new. I couldn't have gotten drunk my body doesn't allow me to get drunk. Maybe I got high, my body does however let me do that. now that either...I'm in Alexandra's manor and I'm here alone...I woke up bleeding in front of the stairwell and The Fresh Prince of bel-air is on TV. just maybe...

At that thought the door opens and Alexandra, Micah, and Zak all walk into the house. Micah hug's Radio and asks what happened. Radio responds saying he doesn't know. Alexandra didn't seem very happy with the giant crack in the wall. Radio told her that he will pay for the repairs but he still didn't know why. Radio jumped on the couch and continued doing what he had been doing before the Confrontation.

[Image: tumblr_mo8afmAXfD1rregw1o1_500.gif]
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