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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Parables, Proverbs, and Communion
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Great Buzzard Eli James IV Offline
Speaker of Truth

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08-27-2013, 06:11 PM

It's dark and quiet. The world continues to rotate without a thought in anyone's mind that it would stop. Chimes are ringing. A whistle can be heard in a far distance. There's several people sitting around at a distance surrounding a campfire. The fire flickering shows the faces of all who sit.. Death Merchant, Casey Jones, Mystica, Sincere Lee Wild, Elisha, Eli James IV, and oddly enough Jessie Diaz.

Eli had called everyone to join him deep in the woods several miles away from The Village. Nobody is talking, and it appears to be a bit awkward since he asked everyone to join him but hasn't said a thing. Jessie stares with arrogance and a bit of a chip on her shoulder at Sincere Lee Wild. Eli looks around at everyone.. and everyone is looking right back at him awaiting him to say something, except Jessie.. her attention sits on Wild.

Blood is freshly dripping from Elisha and Sincere Lee Wild's lips after a kill. Elisha isn't all that excited to be so close to a place he never wants to go back to.. the barn. He rocks back and forth nervously and mumbling words. Wild is making sure no blood escapes the taste on her tongue while she stares at the love of her life, Eli. Mystica seems to be uneasy with the conversation between himself and David. Death Merchant sits with his arms crossed looking pissed off at the world. Casey Jones is watching everyone like he's studying every movement they are making. And Jessie is there to look at the group of 'crazies' and doesn't like it too much. She's there to work with Eli and help him win at War Games, not to blend in with the rest of the Congregation or even like them. She keeps eyeing Wild for some unknown reason.. like she wants to leap and attack.. but she knows she's outnumbered and the end wouldn't look nice.

Jessie Diaz "Soo, is anyone going to talk? Or are we just going to sit here.

Sincere Lee Wild "Hush, little girl. Eli will talk when it's time. You just have to sit and wait. Or are you scared of the big bad wolf? Hehehe.

Jessie Diaz "If...

Eli James IV "Colors. Ya look at the fire right in front of ya.. you see red.. orange.. yellow.. all blended in.. maybe some blue. What if you were raised by someone who taught ya the meaning of those words different than what the rest know about it? If you have a child.. and decided to tell them to look at the sky above.. and you told them at the very beginning the color of the sky is called 'threet'. They would grow up and believe anything 'blue' is 'threet'. Whenever another would say 'I like your blue shirt'.. he would say 'what's blue?'.

People out there.. those who oppose us and our message.. were taught a certain way of life and accept it. We come along and tell them their up is actually down.. their pleasure is actually bad.. their love isn't love at all. They've all signed an agreement with this world and just accepted blue is blue. But you.. you all saw the truth and knew it wasn't just blue. There was somethin' more underneath the surface. Blue isn't just blue.. there's different shades of the color.. and some of those shades don't even have the word 'blue' in them. You all saw that.

Those.. those people out there didn't. They haven't. They'll keep living their miserable pathetic lives in this evil world and think blue is just.. blue.

They place all the mammals in the world inside a dome or container of some sort.. because of some common ground and call it the same. They forget there's a lot of differences. They all look at me like a preacher they all have known before. They put me in a dome with those other preaches and say he's the same. They look at you and say you're just followers of another 'man of the Lord'. Heh. They don't know what we know.. I'm not just some old timely fashion preacher man and you're not some blinded followers. We know the truth. We know there's a great big difference in us and them. They will continue to be ignorant and place us in a dome of commonality when there's a greater difference to separate.

My job was never meant to save the world, but to only clear where there is blur.

Just because you don't see grass now doesn't mean it won't grow eventually. A hungry stomach will make ya eat things you don't like, but a satisfied one remains happy. Snakes are killed because of fear, but let some loose in your garden and the thieves will be no more. Show someone a good heart and a loose tongue, and you'll receive a harsh response. Show someone a good heart and tight lip, wisdom rests on that person. Reach out your arm and take the bright light you see, thinking its treasure.. but the bright lights will be fire to burn your reach all up.

People think he doesn't exist. He does. I know he does. I've seen him.

I exist, therefore he exists.

You lay in bed at night.. sleepin' with your eyes closed.. and ya wake up the next mornin' to get ready for your job.. school.. or to sit on a couch and do nothin'. Did you ever stop and worry about the possibility of the Earth no longer rotating? Is your next scare the thought of the Sun burning up? We worry so much about what we see and place our hope in man to save us. Sick? Call on a man to give ya medicine. Bad reception on your satellite? Call a man to fix it. Depressed? Call on a man to talk to. We seek help from man in different times of our lives. Who do you seek when it's outside your control? Who would you call on when Jupiter decides to stop protecting Earth? Man? Heh. A mere mortal is weak. A bullet.. a knife.. even a wrong landing can end a man. What a fragile life you place so much hope in. A temporary existence. Here one day and gone the next. Your world is so small. It's but a speck on the eternal.

They say a brick wall's only purpose is foundation. In their view.. we're no better than a brick.. just more evolved over time. Everything came from the same thing. Hehehe. It's really all the same.. the only difference is evolving. We're bigger.. better.. than a brick. Our purpose has significance. Our cause is meaning. Our world is eternal when yours will be swallowed up by time. Time? Time doesn't exist with us. Time is just somethin' you've placed for control and satisfaction. We're outside it.

David "Mystica" "Eli, I appreciate your wisdom and words. I do. You've helped me grow, but..

Mystica "This place is brilliant. It's a perfect home for me. Ignore David, Eli. He's been not himself as of late.

Jessie keeps her eye on Wild but directs her talking to Eli and Mystica.

Jessie Diaz "Weird. So, Eli, do you have a plan you want to tell us about? A pep talk of some sort? I think your boys over here, Mystica and.. David?.. need one.

Mystica looks directly at Jessie aggressively.

Mystica "Oh, I know what you need. You need a...

Eli gets a serious look on his face.

Eli James IV "You all need..

Eli leans forward like he's mad, then smiles.

Eli James IV " smile. Hehe

Jessie rolls her eyes at Eli's grin. Wild locks her eyes on Jessie. There seems to be a bit of disunity among everyone with Casey Jones and Death Merchant keeping quiet.

Eli James IV "Look.. I chose ya'll for a reason. Jessie, darlin', I didn't ask you to come so I can give you advice. I asked you to come here to be a part of the team. It's not about joining The Congregation, don't worry.. I know your decision. It's about being here to prepare ourselves for what's gonna take place. It's not about me.. it's about the cause.

Everyone on Angelus' team is in desperation mode. They want to beat you guys so bad. All I hear in their speeches and chats with each other is fear.. desperation.. cryin'.. sayin' all these mean things about me and you.

Did ya'll here what Steele said? The reason I'm a champion and he isn't is because I'm pathetic. How stupid does that sound? The only planning that went in advance is his early death bed. Someone doesn't like Steele by placing him in this match. He says he's so tired of hearing my message. I have a simple for him.. stop me. Hehehehe.

Jessie Diaz "Don't worry about Shawn Steele. Really. We're both on Monday Madness and he's not a big deal. I heard what he had to say about me, and quite frankly, he's about as stupid in the ring as he is understanding the English language. He probably thought War Games was some type of video game arcade he could go play with his little buddies.

Mystica "I want revenge on Griffin MacAllister. Sebastian Duke and Griffin took the Tag Team Titles from me. Elisha's failure. I will start at War Games and continue the beating on Monday following.

Eli James IV "How about we focus on somethin' bigger right now. I want everyone to take communion.

Jessie Diaz "Fuck this! Listen, I'm okay talking and being here with you Eli, but I'm not so sure about this whole communion thing. Have you ever heard of Jim Jones and his 'world'? A little stretch for me.

Eli James IV "This communion isn't for you, Jessie. To those who follow the teachings and obey the truth of the Almighty take it in a worthy manner. It makes us remember the sacrifice given up for our sins. It brings us in connection with the Almighty. If ya drink it unworthy, then you drink judgment upon yourself. I wouldn't want that on ya this early, Miss Diaz.

Jessie has a little bit of a freak-out look, but tries to hold back laughter at how serious Eli and his Congregation are taking this. She doesn't want to leave because of the entertainment value this is giving her. Eli raises up a golden communion type cup with red liquid in it. Eli stands up to his feet with the cup raised to the heavens.

Eli James IV "This is the blood that was poured out for us. Sin entered this world and the only way for it to leave is by death. You took it upon yourself as the sacrifice for all mankind. You drank the cup of wrath and sin was placed upon you. It is by that death as to why we can have life. You became the bridge from man's sinful ways to Almighty's holy ways. We do this in remembrance and take it upon ourselves to spread this message to the world.

E-Low-Yam-J-Keen. Jum-Ree-Lus-Fi-Gruden. Tris-Lo-P-Lada. Issa-Say-Me-Be-Hanna. Cay-Yu-Jam-Haas.

May all those who partake drink the life blood of the sacrifice and become new creatures. Let the face of the Almighty look down upon us from the heavens and smile. Our works are for the glory of you. We give up our lives for the cause of truth. We lay down our rights and temporary works for the eternal treasure.

Eli drinks the cup first. He hands it to his fiance', Sincere Lee Wild. She hands it to Death Merchant who is reluctant to drink so she walks past him. Casey also refuses to join in at the moment. Elisha drinks. She walks over to Mystica who is unsure to drink or not.

David "Mystica" "I'm not sure this..

Mystica "A toast to a better world.

Mystica drinks. Wild and Jessie exchange looks again, but she continues to walk back to Eli who has a large 'loaf' in his hand.

Eli James IV "This bread represents the body of the sacrifice. His body was broken, so this bread too shall be broken. May this bread keep your body strengthened to do the will of the Almighty and spread his truth across the world.

Everyone gets handed bread, except Jessie. This time everyone eats the piece they are handed. All eyes are locked on Eli with his grin while he chews. Jessie is waiting for someone, if not all, to drop dead. Eli looks at everyone and sits back in his rocking chair.

[Image: N1KpZEA.jpg]

1x Universal Champion
1x Undefeated Trio Champion (1/3)
1x Undefeated Tag Team Champion
1x Undefeated European Champion
2x Undefeated UFO/FTW (Ark of the Covenant) Champion
1x United States Champion
2013 July Star of the Month
The One Who Ended & The Administrator
Former Owner of the XWF
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