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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Put it all on the line.
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Cam Lang Offline
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XWF FanBase:

(crowd reaction varies; dips between face & heel)

08-27-2013, 03:07 PM

One more day and it's history.

Whatever happens in this match, I have confidence in myself as well as my teammates that we can move on to fight for the XTREME championship. Sure, they have Peter Gilmour leading them, that's definitely going to give them an advantage.

We're seeing Lang, who seems to be in a strange place. The camera pans out and somehow Lang is standing on top of the War room, making himself quite comfortable and taking a seat.

You better get your team into shape Gilmour, some of them haven't been around to even speak their piece. Where's Lionheart been? Where's that fake Russian Sokolov Red? We just heard from JTC, the man makes us believe he's ready to compete but how do we truly know? We've heard from Kronus once, but the matter of the fact is I and Jason E Smith already beat his ass last week.

You've really put yourself into a tight situation here Gilmour, I don't think you realize what you're about to get into. If you really want to win this fight, you're gonna have to put on the performance of your career big guy. It's common knowledge, you're starting to get a little older aren't you? But who am I kidding, there will be no stopping you from getting into that ring whether you're 30 or whether you're 70.

Lang chuckles to himself...

See Pete, that's the thing though... sometimes you need to realize when to quit and live to fight another day. I know you're not the sharpest so let me lay it down like this. You and your team will be going head to head with five of the most competitive wrestlers within the XWF. I'm sure your team wants a shot at the XTREME championship, they want it BUT we deserve it.

Lang starts to notice the wind picking up heavily around him, and it's already nightfall and the scene becomes perhaps a little eerie.

The five of us, we just don't know when to quit Pete. I feel the same drive in my four other partners and we're going to stop at nothing until we pick up the victory. If that means getting a few stitches or broken bones along the way, so be it. Hell if I'm gonna be honest with you, I wouldn't mind going to the point where I can't even compete in the match next week... that's how bad I want to WIN this.

But I'm not gonna call it a match, because this isn't a regular match my friend. This is surely going to be a battle, 10 different wrestlers locked into that structure. Anything can happen my friend, and personally I cannot wait until we get it going.

Suddenly, Lang hears somewhat of a whisper or cough. The wind has picked up immensely. Lang turns around and sure enough he sees someone who's sitting on the opposite end of the roof. He stands up and realizes it could only be one person. He starts to approach and eventually notices is it's a female, surely enough Lang has a hunch on who it is...

Christine Nash...

Lang walks a few steps closer and if he's correct on his guess, the girl has not answered Lang and remains looking out in the distance. Lang actually walks over and sits feet away from Nash and looks out with her.

The true beauty of nature is experienced during night isn't it?

Lang continues to look on and stares over to Christine who still hasn't acknowledged Lang's presence.

It's funny, I thought you were one who liked to voice their opinion. Regardless, I've had chats with Jason, I've had chats with Smoke, I don't need to talk with Paradoxica... you're the one I worry about.

This gets Christine's attention, she doesn't look up at Lang but turns her head in his direction.

I know they're all fighting for the same purpose as I am, but I need to know whether I need to worry about you getting my way.

Christine pauses for a few seconds before turning back and looking out into the night sky. Lang chuckles to himself a bit and starts to get up and turns his back and starts to walk away until he hears a noise. He slowly turns back and sees Christine Nash standing tall and now facing Lang making contact with him for the first time.

Well looks like Warfare has turned into Wargames and what do they do? They put me on a team against a bunch of idiot children. At least I am on a team with brains and not let by a moron. I tell you... this company have more idiot boys in it than real men. I bet you walk up to Peter whatever the fuck his name is... and point to a damn hole and he will tell you that is his fucking Ass.

Lang sees rage coming from Christine and he gives her a little smirk. Christine doesn't seem to acknowledge it and immediately turns around and goes back to sitting down. Lang starts to walk away and seems ready to leave until he stops yet again.

I just want to let you know, after we win this match I'm not gonna show you any mercy. We're all going to be fighting for the right to be named XTREME champion. I'm not gonna let anyone take that away from me, especially you.

Lang seems serious now and turns his head, he believes he may of a head a chuckle from Christine. Lang gives one back of his own, before proceeding to go to a door which would lead into the WAR room right from the roof. We're left with a shot of Nash looking out into oblivion.

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Christine Nash (08-27-2013), Smoke (08-27-2013)

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