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Monday Night Madness - 8/12/2013 - Part 2
Author Message
Paul Heyman

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

08-13-2013, 11:37 PM

Madness returns in the office of Paul Heyman. The old familiar buzz from the intercom is heard.

SLY: “Mr. Heyman, uhhhh, the uhhhh, Brotherhood is here to see you.”

PAUL HEYMAN: “Send them in.”

SLY: “Right away, sir.”

After a few seconds, Duke, Gilmour, MacAlister, Nightmare and the Messenger enter Heymans office. Neil Capra walks out in front of Heymans desk and stands in front of the Brotherhood.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “You wanna sit down, Nate? Or are you gonna make me sit you down?”

PAUL HEYMAN: “Neil. Back off.”

Capra returns to his position standing behind Heyman.

PAUL HEYMAN: “I guess the question that is on my mind is, why are you here?”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Just to fuck with the Black Circle, Paul.”

PAUL HEYMAN: “I do like what you did to their limo. Of course, it means they'll have a hard time leaving and that's not really good for anybody.

“Guys, level with me. Why have you come to Madness?”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “We just intend to ensure that no one from the Black Circle interferes next week.”

PAUL HEYMAN: “I've already made a ruling on that. Had you been at home watching, like you should be, you'd know that no one will be interfering because there will be severe repercussions.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Be that as it may, Paul, that's not going to deter us from doing what we plan to do.”

PAUL HEYMAN: “And what is that, exactly? What is the Brotherhood planning for tonight?”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise. Now, would it?”

PAUL HEYMAN: “I don't like surprises.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Let's just say a little pain in your ass, will be taken care of.”

Paul leans back in his chair.

PAUL HEYMAN: “Now, you have my attention, and my interest. I'll be watching.”

The Brotherhood leaves Heymans office. Heyman gives that old grin of his as Madness fades to commercial.

JIM ROSS: “We're back and Madness is really heating up!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “The Black Circle is here! The Brotherhood is here!”

JIM ROSS: “Things tend to get a little crazy when those two groups get together!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “I don't like it JR!”

JIM ROSS: “Be that as it may, Xavier, we're moving along here.”

JASON DANIELS: “The following Xtreme Rules match is set for 2 out of 3 falls!”

“Computer God” by Heaven & Hell plays.

JASON DANIELS: “Introducing first. From Virginia Beach, Virginia. Weighing 2 hundred 40 pounds. JJJJJOHN AUSTIIIIIIIN!”

JIM ROSS: “John Austin, seems ready for a fight tonight!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “Isn't he always?”

“The Campaign” by Affiance plays.

JASON DANIELS: “His opponent. From Tupelo, Mississippi. Weighing 2 hundred 23 pounds. He is the Savior, ELLLL JAYYYY HAVOK!”

JIM ROSS: “You know, the King was from Tupelo.”

XAVIER REIGNS: “God! You're not getting all nostalgic on me are you? I don't need to go out and get a plastic crown, do I?”

JIM ROSS: “Not that King, idiot! Elvis!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “Speaking of Kings, LJ Havok gets a shot at the crown, right here next week on Madness!”

JIM ROSS: “Indeed he does. And he beat 29 other men and women to make that dream a reality!”

2 out of 3 Falls
John Austin
- vs -
LJ Havok
Xtreme Rules

The bell rings as John Austin and LJ Havok meet in the center of the ring, nose to nose. John Austin backs up a step and extends his hand in a show of sportsmanship. Havok looks down at Austins hand and spits in it. Austin takes exception to this and throws a punch. Havok blocks and nails Austin with an uppercut sending Austin reeling toward the corner.

Havok charges into the corner and delivers a high impact knee lift right up under Austins chin. Austin staggers out of the corner and falls to the mat. Havok lifts Austin to his feet, then scoops him up and slams him to the mat. Havok bounces off the ropes and delivers a snap legdrop to John Austin. Havok hooks the leg.



Austin kicks out.

Havok lifts him up to his feet and pushes him toward the ropes. Havok is set to whip Austin to the far side, but Austin blocks. Austin pulls Havok back in close and dumps him up and over the top and down to the floor. The referee starts a ten count as Austin follows Havok to the outside.


Havok is on all fours as Austin grabs a length of cable and begins to choke the life out of Havok.


Havoks eyes begin bulging out of their sockets before Austin releases the choke.


Austin grabs a chair from the time keeper as Havok tries to regain his oxygen.


Austin swings the chair and nails Havok across the back.


Austin lifts Havok to his feet with the chair still in hand.


Austin places the edge of the chair against Havoks throat and sends the chair and Havok into the steel ring post causing the chair to impact Havoks throat. Havok falls to the floor and clutches his throat as Austin rolls himself into the ring.


Havok is on all fours.


Havok is struggling to get to his feet.


Havok makes it back to the ring just before the ten count expires.

Havok struggles to get back to his feet in the ring. Austin lets him do it under his own power. Austin grabs Havok and goes for a German suplex. Havok flips out of it and lands on his feet. Austin gets back up quickly and receives an enziguiri for his trouble.

Austin staggers backward and Havok lands a German Suplex of his own. Havok rolls through, still holding on to Austin and delivers a second. Then a third complete with a bridging pin attempt.



Austin kicks out.

Havok gets back to his feet and lifts Austin to his. He whips Austin toward the ropes and Austin reverses sending Havok off the ropes. On the rebound, Havok ducks a lariat attempt from Austin and nails him with a spinning forearm in the side of the jaw. Austin staggers backward and Havok charges toward Austin and sends him to the mat with a spear! Havok hooks the leg.




The referee signals for the bell.


John Austin – 0
LJ Havok – 1

Austin is livid that he got pinned. He argues with the referee that he kicked out before the three count. Havok sneaks up behind and rolls Austin up with a victory roll.



Austin kicks out.

Austin is back up before Havok and floors him with a lariat. Austin goes to the outside to grab a chair. He and the chair slide into the ring. Havok gets back to his feet and is immediately dropped with a chair shot to the head. Austin goes for the cover.



Havok kicks out!

Austin is feeling desperation as he's down one zip and can't seem to put Havok down for a three count. Austin gets back to his feet and waits with the chair in hand as Havok struggles to his feet. Havok is up and Austin drives the edge of the chair into the chin of Havok causing him to stagger backward and fall through the ropes and to the floor.

Austin tosses the chair away and follows Havok to the outside. Austin tackles a cop working security and takes something from him as the referee starts the ten count.


Austin kneels over Havok and is pounding away on his head, eventually busting him open.


Austin reveals the object he took from the cop and uses it to handcuff Havok to the barricade.


Austin gets back in the ring to wait out the rest of the ten count as Havok rolls over onto all fours.


Austin uses the barricade to get to his feet and heads toward the ring. He's stopped in his tracks as his cuffed arm becomes evident to him.


Havok struggles against the cuffs, trying to break them.


Havok is now hanging from the barricade trying to use his weight to snap the links. John Austin pays no attention.


Havok, trying to think quickly, decides to remove the four foot section of the barricade.


Havok is free, along with the portion of barricade and Austin urges the referee to speed up his count.


Havok is climbing the apron when Austin reaches over and grabs a hand full of hair. Havok nails Austin in the head with the barricade. Austin falls to the mat and Havok makes it to the ring before ten.

Havok gets to his feet and climbs to the top rope. Standing on the top with the barricade in front of him, he leaps off the top and drives the barricade and an elbow into John Austin. Havok leans back for the pin attempt.





JIM ROSS: “The would be King has done it!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “He defied the odds in this one, JR!”

JIM ROSS: “If he hadn't removed that barricade, he might have lost!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “That would have spelled disaster for him next week, because as we all know, momentum is everything in the XWF!”

JIM ROSS: “When we come back, the main event!”

Madness fades to commercial

After the commercial break, we return to the office of Paul Heyman, where we see the boss in question staring intently over at the guest he has with him at this moment. The cameras pan over and we see the reason he's staring, his guest at this time is none other than Jessie-ica? Diaz. After a few moments of silence, in which she presses her palms to each other, and bows to her boss before taking a seat in the chair opposite the desk Heyman is seated behind.

Paul He-Man: “So, is there anything you wanted to see me about, or are you going to just...?”

Jessie-ica places her index finger to Heyman's lips to silence him momentarily. With her other hand she forcefully clutches Heyman's right wrist, looking deeply into his eyes. Heyman sits there, an expression on his face that tells us how, awkward this situation is.

Jessica Diaz: “Mister Heyman, please remain silent.”

Heyman opens his mouth to speak again, only to have her finger pressed to his lips once more.

Jessica Diaz: “Now, onto the why, of this visit. I have come only to ask you one question. Have you seen the light?”

Heyman we see is still seated still as a stone. The look on Jessica's face quickly turns to an impatient glare. Startled, Heyman jumps back a bit, before stammering to an answer.

Paul He-Man: “Uhh...”

Jessica Diaz: “Come on, Mister Heyman. It isn't that hard of a question to answer, if you sit there and honestly think about it. Please, sit there and think about it for a moment. You just might be surprised what the answer is...”

Heyman attempts to avert his eyes from Jessica's, however she continues to follow his until inevitably, Heyman gives up.

Paul He-Man: “Umm... OW!”

Quickly, Jessica twists Heyman's wrist and slams it onto the desk. Hiding her annoyed demeanor behind a sweet smile, she reiterates her point to a Heyman who no doubt is paying attention this time.

Jessica Diaz: “Now now, Mister Heyman. I did not come in here with an intention to cause you physical harm. I did however, wish for an answer to my question. It does not seem like you're one to respond, so I will offer you a proposition.

“I will be your light, if you allow me to be.”

Heyman's eyes widen at the thought of whatever that proposition could entail. However, as he opens his mouth to make a response, he sees that Jessica is gone, left the room while he sat there, his jaw on the floor almost. Clutching his hurt wrist in his other hand, he leans back in his chair, almost at ease.

Paul He-Man: “Sly? Don't send anyone else in without my permission again.”

The scene then fades to commercial as Heyman wonders just what the fuck had happened.

Madness returns and the cameras are in the hallway watching Luca and Black Juan Madison walk toward the arena.

LUCA ARZEGOTTI: “John, I think Peter Gilmour will enjoy what I have to say.”

They continue to walk when Luca finally stops. He turns around and there is no John Madison.

LUCA ARZEGOTTI: “Black Juan! You forgot the King!”

Black Juan smacks himself in the head.

LUCA ARZEGOTTI: “He can't be wheeling himself around! He needs that energy to heal for next week! Go get him!”

Black Juan Madison turns around and walks the other way to retrieve John Madison. Luca continues on toward the ring. Moments later, the lights in the hallway go out. Yelling and 'thump' sounds can be heard. Soon, that familiar rumble is heard.

In the dark of the hallway a single light can be seen as the rumble gets louder and the light gets closer.

The light comes to a stop and the lights in the hallway return. Peter Gilmour is on his motorcycle. Chained up and attached behind the motorcycle is Luca Arzegotti. Peter throttles the bike and begins dragging Luca behind him as the rest of the Brotherhood looks on.

Madness fades to commercial.

JIM ROSS: “We're back here on Madness and Luca Arzegotti is in a world of trouble!”


JIM ROSS: “Hopefully nothing drastic happens, but right now, it's time for the main event!”

JASON DANIELS: “The following contest is a last man standing match!”

“Money” by Pink Floyd plays.

JASON DANIELS: “Introducing first. From Nottingham, England. Weighing in at 2 hundred 20 pounds. ANDREW ALLLLLLLDWAAAAAY!”

JIM ROSS: “Shawn Steele!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “He's not waiting, JR!”

Andrew Aldway
- vs -
Shawn Steele
Last Man Standing

Steele nails Aldway from behind with a chair. Aldway drops to the ramp and rolls down toward the ring. Aldway is trying to get to his feet when Steele hits him with the chair again. Steele tosses the chair and pounces on top of Aldway choking the life out of him.

Steele gets back to his feet and drives Aldway into the ring apron. Steele rolls Aldway into the ring and then himself. The bell finally rings for the official start of the match. Steele lifts Aldway to his feet and delivers a series of knee lifts to the midsection of Aldway dropping him to the mat. Steele bounces off the ropes and lands a running knee drop to Aldway.

Steele lifts Aldway to his feet and tosses him over the top rope and to the floor. Aldway lands with a thud. Steele follows him out. Steele lifts Aldway to his feet and drives him hard into the announce table. Aldway stays slumped against the table. Steele lifts Aldway off the table and drives him head first into the tv monitor.

Aldway falls to the floor and Steele clears the announce table. Steele lifts Aldway to his feet then lifts and drops him through the announce table with a release powerbomb reminiscent of Sid Vicious! Steele tells the referee to count.


No movement yet.


Still nothing.


Aldway begins to stir.


Aldway rolls over onto his side.


Aldway makes it to his knees.


Aldway is back to his feet, standing within the debris of the destroyed table. Steele stands on the ring apron. He waits for Aldway to turn. Aldways begins to turn and Steele leaps off the apron with a double ax handle. Aldway moves out of the way just in time and Shawn Steele crashes into the barricade.

Aldway takes advantage if the mistake by Steele and begins stomping away at him, keeping the much larger man grounded. Aldways lifts Steele to his feet and then immediately floors him with a European uppercut. Steele falls to the floor clutching his chin.

Aldway lifts Steele to his feet and pulls him out of the table debris. Aldway delivers a snap suplex sending Steele down to the floor hard. Aldway gets back to his feet and smiles as he taunts the ringside fans. Aldway lifts Steele to his feet and rolls him into the ring.

Aldway gets to his feet and lifts Steele to his. Aldway places him in the corner and deliver a loud and hard knife edge chop. Steele winces in pain. Aldway delivers a second. Steele clutches his chest and falls to his knees. Aldway grabs Steele by his head and neck and drives him head first into the mat with a snap DDT. The referee asks if he should count. Aldway shoves him away.

Aldway lifts Steele to his feet and whips him into the corner. Aldway follows him in and lifts him to the top rope. Aldway climbs up after him and goes for a superplex. Steele fights out of it by delivering stiff forearms to the midsection of Aldway. Aldway delivers a knee to Steeles face and lifts him to his feet on the top rope.

Both men standing on the top turnbuckle, Aldway goes for the superplex. Steele blocks it. Aldway goes for it another time. Again, its blocked. Aldway, maintaining incredible balance, deliver three knee shots to Steeles abdomen. Aldway tries one more time for the superplex and lands it to perfection.

Aldway makes it to his feet while clutching his ribs. The referee begins to count.


No movement from Steele yet.


Aldway antagonizes the crowd.


Steele begins to stir.


Steele rolls to his side and then to all fours.


Steele makes it back to his feet, ending the count. Steele turns around and is planted immediately by a capture suplex from Aldway. Aldway heads toward the corner. He steps through the ropes and climbs to the top. He leaps off and delivers a child killer-esque diving headbutt to Steele! Both men have blood trickling from their foreheads! Both men are down and the referee is forced to count both men out.


Neither man has moved.


Aldway begins to stir first.


Now Steele begins to move.


Aldway is on all fours.


Steele tries to lifts himself off the mat, but fails.


Aldway is up.


Steele is struggling, but manages to get to his knees.


Aldway yells for Steele to “stay down.”


Using the ropes, Steele makes it to his feet. Aldway shrugs and exits the ring and begins heading up the ramp. Steele looks on as the referee yells for Aldway to come back to the match. Steele won't have it. He exits the ring and gives a slow chase after Aldway.

Steele grabs him by the shoulder and Aldway spins around and drops Steele with a lariat. Aldway smiles cockily. Aldway lifts Steele to his feet and Steele busts out of Aldways grip and delivers an inverted atomic drop to Aldway sending a shockwave of pain up Aldways spine. Steele traps Aldways arms and delivers multiple headbutts to Aldway. Both men are bleeding profusely from their heads as Aldway staggers backward and falls on his back near the top of the ramp.

Steele lifts Aldway to his feet and then lifts him up and plants him on the stage with a jack hammer! The referee begins to count and Steele shoves him away. He lifts Aldway to his feet and tosses him hard into the steel frame of the Xtron. Aldway crashes hard. Steele charges after him. Aldways thinks quickly and grabs a hold of the bars above him and lifts his feet up. Steele crashes into Aldways boots and staggers backward.

Steele shakes it off and Aldway begins to climb the Xtron. Steele goes after him and grabs a hold of his leg. Aldway kicks him away. Aldway continue his climb toward the top. Steele climbs up after him. Aldway looks down at Steele, then up at the top of the Xtron. He hesitates, unsure of where to go.

He looks down at Steele. Steele is already there. Steele grabs a hold of Aldways leg and rips him off of the Xtron!

Aldway falls nearly twenty feet and crashes through the stage to the left of the entrance way! Steele looks down at Aldway through the hole in the stage. He leaps off the Xtron with an elbow drop! He falls out of sight of the cameras into the hole in the stage! The referee starts a ten count for both men.


No sight of either man.



Still nothing.




There's some movement. But, from who?


There's a head, but quickly dissapears.


Nothing again.


Someone has emerged from the abyss!

Who is it?

Andrew Aldway!?


Shawn Steele!?





WINNER: Shawn Steele

JIM ROSS: “By God! What a match!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “I can not believe what I just witnessed! Steele dove into the abyss!”

JIM ROSS: “Shawn Steele survives! He wins the match!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “Andrew Aldway will be back! He'll want another round!”

JIM ROSS: “After what we just saw, I don't think I have the heart to see it again any time soon!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “Shawn Steele emerges with some semblance of vengeance!”

JIM ROSS: “Stay with us!”

Madness fades to commercial.

Madness returns and the cameras are focused on Gilmour on his motorcycle who has just made it to the ramp. He throttles the bike and drags Luca behind him down the entrance ramp. Pete circles the ring at a high rate of speed and ensures that Luca slams off of everything from the barricades to the ring posts.

Gilmour finally kills the motorcycle engine and releases a battered and bruised Luca from the chains. It's revealed that Luca is handcuffed. Pete digs around under the ring and finds a chair. He tosses it into the ring and then lifts Luca and drapes him over his shoulder.

Pete climbs the ring steps with Luca over his shoulder. He walks the apron and dumps Luca over the top rope and into the ring. Pete steps into the ring and points to Luca with one hand. He clenches a fist with the other. The fans cheer loudly for the King of Xtreme.

Pete stands over Luca, who is on his knees. Using his left hand, he holds Lucas head in place against his knee. Pete reaches into the pocket of his jeans with his free hand and pulls out a set of brass knuckles. He secures the brass knucks on his fist and tells the cameraman to get a look. The camera zooms in. In raised lettering, across the knuckles, it reads BROTHERHOOD.

Pete reaches high into the air and drives his brass knuckles into the forehead of Luca. Then again. And again. Faster and faster as the blood flows from Arzegottis head! Repeatedly, dozens of times, Pete drives the bloodied brass knuckles into the skull of Luca.

Pete drops Luca. Then tosses the knucks to the mat. Pete grabs the chair and winds up to hit Luca.

????: “Stop! Gilmour! Don't do it!”

Pete looks up toward the entrance way. Emerging from backstage is Black Juan wheeling John Madison in his wheel chair.

JOHN MADISON: “You made your point!”

Luca is on his knees, facing Gilmour. His face a bloodied mess. Pete points at Madison, then crashes the chair into Lucas face, finally knocking him out cold. Pete then wraps the chair around Luca's ankle.

JOHN MADISON: “Black Juan! Wheel me down there!”

Black Juan begins to wheel Madison down the ramp. Pete climbs to the middle rope and looks at Madison and smiles.

JOHN MADISON: “Don't do it, Pete! C'mon, Black Juan! Faster!”

Pete now has a mic as he sits on the top turnbuckle.

PETER F'n GILMOUR: “That little runt just runs his fuckin' mouth! Look at him, Madison! He's not runnin' anywhere! I finally shut that cocksuckers mouth! If you don't stop right there, I'm gonna break his fuckin' ankle!”

Madison stops immediately, about midway down the ramp. He tries to talk into the mic but no sound comes out. He tosses the mic in anger and starts yelling at Gilmour. Gilmour then jumps off the turnbuckle and onto the chair, severely injuring Luca's ankle!

Madison motions toward the ring, but stops when he sees Gilmour on the ring apron with the chair in hand. Madison motions for Juan to take him back up the ramp. Juan begins pulling him back up the ramp. A little passed half way up, Juan turns the wheel chair around. Juan begins to push the wheel chair up the ramp when Madison gives him the signal to stop.

Standing on the very top of the ramp, is LJ Havok. Madison now tells Juan to go back toward the ring. Juan spins him around and he realizes Peter Gilmour is standing at the very bottom of the ramp. Juan positions the wheel chair sideways. Madison looks at Havok. Then Gilmour. Back at Havok. Back at Gilmour.

Both Havok and Gilmour charge toward John Madison...

Madness fades out.

[Image: HeymanSig.jpg]
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[-] The following 6 users Like Paul Heyman's post:
Archie Lawson (08-14-2013), Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson (08-13-2013), Hunter Payne (08-14-2013), LJ Havok (08-14-2013), Peter Fn Gilmour (08-14-2013), Shawn Steele (08-13-2013)
John Msdison 2.Faggot

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

08-13-2013, 11:55 PM

Before the two of you attack me, I want you both to think back to what happened at Gauntlet City! You know who attacked me viciously during that show? Gilmour and his buddies Unknown Soldier, Sid Feder, Mister Mystery, and Flo Feder. They beat the hell out of me but because of that beating, I was able to go on to win the King of the XWF crown on that same night.

So go ahead, put your hands on me, but realize that just because you put some scrapes and bruises on me, it doesn't make you the king. Go ahead-- power me up like they did at Gauntlet City!

And Peter, just because you put some chains on Luca and dragged him around the ring, it doesn't mean you're capable of defeating Luca in a legitimate wrestling contest.
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LJ Havok Offline
The Chose One

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

08-14-2013, 03:46 AM

Next Monday, Madison. Next Monday.

[Image: Lssnyr5.gif]
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

08-14-2013, 04:19 AM

get ready to get permanently put in a wheelchair Maddy and LJ, good luck.. u might get your neck broken and join Maddy in the hospital!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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LJ Havok Offline
The Chose One

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

08-14-2013, 04:26 AM

It isn't like I haven't ever been in a hospital before. Oh no! I'm so scared...(laughs) Like I said previously, you have no idea what I have in store for you two.

[Image: Lssnyr5.gif]
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

08-14-2013, 08:11 AM

oh i got a pretty good Idea LJ.. but i got something special for the both of you ;)


[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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LJ Havok Offline
The Chose One

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

08-14-2013, 08:25 AM

Haha. okay I will take your word for it. I doubt it though.

[Image: Lssnyr5.gif]
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

08-14-2013, 09:29 AM

keep doubting me dude... keep doubting...

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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LJ Havok Offline
The Chose One

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

08-14-2013, 09:34 AM

I'm not doubting that you can get it done in the ring. Not at all. I'm doubting that you are going to do something that no one will expect. I am currently looking at the two possible out comes. Meaning you or me winning the match and everything in between. And there isn't anything that you can fathom that I haven't already thought of happening.

[Image: Lssnyr5.gif]
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

08-14-2013, 10:03 AM

that may be true but I forsee a lot of blood and somebody getting FIRED! sure wont be the Brotherhood ;)

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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