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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Sayors searches for 'El Rey' (Epilogue)
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El Rey Offline

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

08-12-2013, 02:17 PM

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQfDUO5MfHlTMGBO34vlzd...DjM8p_Dpwj]

We continue with Steve Sayors in the Helicopter with El Rey and his Guide. It is silent for most of the ride before Steve Sayors starts to speak.

Sayors: So?

As soon as the word slipped out of Steve Sayors mouth, he caught the attention of The Guide and El Rey, who was previously staring at the beautiful earth out of the Helicopter window.

Sayors: So you have any words for your first opponent Cam Lang?

Guide: We have never heard of this Cameron Lang.

Sayors: Well he's a rookie.

Guide: A rookie? A rookie?? You drag El Rey out of his meditation to wrestle a rookie?

Sayors: Sorry, it wasn't my choice, but after all I had to do to get ahold of you El Rey, I want to see what you can do in that ring. Rookie or not!

El Rey: (growls) grrr!

Guide: He said "Your Welcome."

Sayors: For?

El Rey: (growls) grrr!

Guide: "For saving you from that Jaguar you encountered earlier."

Sayor: That was you that scared it off?!

El Rey: (growls) grrrrr!

Guide: He wants me to tell you why he isn't worried in the slightest about Cameron Lang. El Rey is not your stereotypical wrestler as you probably already figured out. The man has wrestled giants!

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRx_iZLqTk7GzcpAYTCUY8...I0Eb64jzKQ]

Guide: He's had wrestling matches that had to be stopped because the country was in the middle of a Civil War, and managed to avoid being detained by destroying anybody who tried!

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTiC-vSVdNzq0DeLC_fECR...Mj5Z1IcNMT]

Guide: He's wrestled bears! Bears Mr. Sayors!

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQOfngnL-oy3e1poPwseEE...6qwDlweLGD]

Guide: So what makes Mr. Lang so special of a talent that he can compare to these situations? Just because he was the best wrestler in his little 10 person high school wrestling league, he actually thinks he can be in the same ring as a world-renowned wrestler, known today as El Rey?! They don't even belong in the same sentence Mr. Sayors! The magnitude of what this man has accomplished is staggering!

Sayors: I take it you're not that big on rookies? So what are some of these great accomplishments of the mysterious El Rey?

El Rey: (growl) grrr!!!

Guide: He doesn't want us to talk about that right now.

El Rey is having another flashback.


El Rey's flashback continues where it left off.

Announcer(subtitles): And his opponent, The Legend formerly known as King! EL REY!

Let that shocking revelation sink in for a minute... The current El Rey (formerly King) had to wrestle his mentor El Rey (also formerly known as King) in a Deathmatch! How did this end up happening? Well we have to go back even further.


King(The Mentor of El Rey) almost never talked. Ever. It was just how some old school wrestlers were. Stay in your Character at all times. So if you wore a jaguar mask and were built up to be half man/half jaguar that only speaks Jaguar then you better be that! So you'd would think the few times this Legend of wrestling talks it would have to be pretty damn important. So we open to King(mentor) giving a speech on a podium.

King(mentor): We are here to celebrate! There are few days when the public gets to hear my voice. Well it's just one of those days. Two big things are happening on this day. First, I am announcing my retirement from the wrestling business.

The Audience is in shock. The wrestling legend is retiring.

King(mentor): But in this, there is greatness and that is Jaguar Jr. My apprentice and my greatest student. Jaguar Jr come up here please.

Jaguar Jr (El Rey) makes his way up and stands right next to his mentor.

King(mentor): Jaguar Jr has been under my tutelage for quite a while now as many of you know, and recently he spoke of his epiphany to travel the world to hone his craft. As there are just some things this old lucador just cant teach you. So I was thinking to myself, I could buy you something to help you on your journey. Then I thought, why don't I just give you money to help fund the trip. Then I realized, what is the best thing I could give you? Jaguar Jr, you are no longer a junior. I've decided the name KING will live on in the wrestling business. That's right, I pass my name onto you. From this point forward, you shall be known as KING!

That huge announcement was heard to applause and a great moment from mentor to apprentice. Most companies didn't like that the Legendary King would spring off his name and The new King wasn't allowed to use it right away. As he always changed it up throughout companies. Taking names like King Jr, King Jaguar, King Jaguar Jr. He was not able to take his mentors name by itself for many years beyond this point. Still this was a crucial moment in El Rey's career. Even though the future would show otherwise.

King(mentor) ends his speech with these words.

King(mentor): You will accomplish many great things, KING!

King El Rey starts to snap out of it...


El Rey: (roars) RAHHHHHHRRRRR!!!!!

Sayors: Woah!

Guide: It might be best if we stop talking. Besides it looks as if we're about to land.

Sayors: Just a few hours away now! San Diego here we come!

[Image: skalpovichyz-profile_banner-8c65935bd8a36e96-480.jpeg]
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(08-14-2013), Cam Lang (08-12-2013), Hunter Payne (08-12-2013)

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