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WARFARE: Our Main Bi-Weekly Show Bam Miller
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(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

10-01-2024, 10:18 AM

NAME: Bam Miller

NICKNAMES: The Slayer, The Motor City Outlaw,

BILLED FROM: Detroit, Michigan



WEIGHT: 225 lbs


PICTURE BASE:Hangman Adam Page


Entrance Music:"Rock You Like a Hurricane" by Scorpions

As the opening riff of Rock You Like a Hurricane blares through the arena, the crowd buzzes with anticipation. Suddenly, Bam Miller emerges from the crowd, pushing his way through the sea of fans. Dressed in his signature black leather jacket, he wears an intense, focused expression, barely acknowledging the outstretched hands of fans as he strides toward the ring.

Bam pauses halfway down the steps of the lower arena, pulling out a Miller Lite from his jacket pocket. He cracks it open, taking a long, deliberate swig before tossing the empty can carelessly behind him. With a smirk, he pulls out his infamous brick from his jacket, raising it high above his head, drawing a mix of cheers and boos from the crowd.

Descending the stairs, Bam hops the barricade and slides into the ring under the bottom rope. He quickly ascends the nearest turnbuckle, pounding his chest and using some choice words to hype himself up. With a final glance around the arena, Bam drops down and leans back into his corner, resting the brick by his side, ready for the fight ahead.


Bam Miller’s story begins in the harsh streets of Detroit, Michigan, where he grew up in the foster care system, his parents unknown. Discovered as an infant in a dumpster, Bam’s early life was a struggle. At 16, he found his calling at the Detroit Wrestling School, where his reputation for high-risk stunts, a tough attitude, and an aggressive wrestling style began to take shape.

After cutting his teeth on the indie circuit, Bam signed with IIW, quickly becoming a pivotal figure in the promotion. Fans dubbed him the "Top Guy Slayer" for his relentless rise through the ranks, taking down some of the biggest names in the business. However, Bam’s journey wasn’t without setbacks. Disillusioned by mistreatment in various promotions, he eventually signed with CCPE, determined to prove his worth by winning championship gold and erasing any doubts about his talent.

Bam’s manager, Chris Page, recognizing his potential, enlisted the help of Charles Barrett, one of the top wrestling trainers from the UK, known for his expertise in striking, strong style, and technical wrestling. The partnership between Bam and Charles was initially fruitful, with Bam evolving under Charles’s guidance, despite their contrasting personalities and lifestyles.

However, Bam’s career took a dark turn after a brutal feud with Cashe, culminating in a Hell in a Cell match at CCPE vs. The World. Although Bam gained respect for his performance, he suffered a severe head injury that would have lasting effects. Ignoring advice from his coach, Charles, Bam refused to seek medical attention, choosing instead to continue wrestling and engage in a heated rivalry with Mac Bane in the WGWF. His behavior grew increasingly erratic, culminating in a brutal Parking Lot Prison Match, which Bam narrowly lost.

The physical toll of these battles was immense, leaving Bam in rough shape. After a devastating Brick match with Larry Tact in November 2023, Bam suffered a serious back injury, sidelining him for almost a year. The road to recovery was grueling, but with the support of his trainer, Charles Beckett, and his physical therapist, Jessica Bailey, Bam slowly regained his strength. As he and Jessica grew closer during his rehabilitation, a romantic bond developed, giving Bam something he’d never had before: a sense of family. By August 2024, Jessica was pregnant with Bam’s child, fueling his determination to return to the ring not just for himself, but for his newfound family.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Bam is now driven to prove that he’s more than just a violent fighter he’s a man determined to be a champion for his family and the fans who once believed he could never amount to anything and to write some wrongs along the way.



Miller Time:Stunner 

Wired Shut:STF Submission 

The Last Shot:When the referee is distracted or down, Bam uses his brick to strike his opponent’s in the face.


Bullseye:  Buckshot Lariat

Double Shot: Double Arm DDT


Slams and Drivers:Belly-to-Back Driver, Belly-to-Belly Suplex, Death Valley Driver, Full Nelson Slam, Gutwrench Powerbomb followed by a knee strike, Lawn Dart, Poisonrana, Sleeper Suplex, Snap Dragon Suplex, Stalling German Suplex, Uranage 

Submissions: Crossface, Kimura Lock, Finger Manipulation, Heel Hook, Knee Bar, Boston Crab, Cattle Mutilation 
Irish Whip Snap Scoop Powerslam transitioning into a ground submission, Spinebuster, Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker 

Corner Moves: German Suplex into bottom rope followed by a delayed dropkick to a seated opponent, Standing One-Armed Side Slam as a counter to a running attack 

Diving: Diving Double Stomp, Diving Headbutt, Slingshot Senton, Suicide Dive 

Strikes:Biting, Chop Block to knees, Clawing face, Dropkick, European Uppercut, Face Gouge, Eye Poke, Forearm Smash, Headbutt, Knee Strike, Knife-Edge Chop, Muay Thai Kicks, Slaps, Stomping on limbs, Step-up Knee to cornered opponent, Throat Thrust

WRESTLING STYLE: Brawler and Technical
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