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The American is on his way
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Razor Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(Physically attractive male on every level; can seduce you; that disarming smile; those bedroom eyes.)

08-19-2024, 11:56 AM

The American nightmare is walking in the back rolling his suitcase and he was about to head out towards the Warfare ring when Steve Sayors stops him
[Image: mqdefault.jpg]
Steve Sayors: Razor. last Friday on Anarchy you were eliminated from the twelve-man battle royal and now on Monday you and Latoya. will team up to take out two Single Champions of Madison and Misty Waters. in a tag team on Warfare any thoughts Mr Blade.
[Image: sddefault.jpg]
American nightmare| Razor Blade: tonight when me and Latoya. defeat two Single Champions of Madison and Misty Waters. then someday we will fight for those Anarchy and X-Treme Championship in a tag team match but I know that Misty Waters. will defend her Championship on Anarchy this week on XWF.
Steve Sayors: and what about your fatal four way  with Cameron Parker and MasterMind and Marisol Vilaro. on Anarchy.
[Image: hq720.jpg?sqp=-oaymwE7CK4FEIIDSFryq4qpAy...yuZeslB9sg]
American nightmare| Razor Blade: first of all Iet's talk about MasterMind. I've heard that name before I just never been in the ring with him but I do remember one thing or two I did hear his name mutiple times so MasterMind. you better put one hell of a fight cause this match id gonna be for every man for theme selves and then there where two more Marisol he has finally step up to his plate and be apart of this match with the rest of us cause you see Steve. Marisol has one goal in that is win this fatal four way with three Particapants in that is why they don't stand a chance cause this Thursday at Anarchy I'm leaving out of West, Virgina when I defeat all three men inside of that ring and win the Fatal Four way on Anarchy at XWF.
Steve Sayors: but what if you lose the fatal four way at XWF.
American nightmare| Razor Blade: if I don't win the fatal four way then I probably won't get an X-Treme Championship as long as Misty Waters. retains her Championship this Thursday then consider herself lucky cause next week on Monday night Warfare I told these CWF Universe that if me and Latoya defeat two Single Champions of Anarchy and X-Treme Champion then they both will defend there Single Championship at the same time on the next Warfare at XWF.
Steve Sayors: can you even defeat Marisol and Cameron in MasterMind. this Thursday.
American nightmare| Razor Blade: depends on the match goes because once I get bacj iside of that Anarchy ring then I could be getting ourselves an shot when me and Latoya defeat Maduson and Misty Waters. in our tag team at Warfare and once we do that then Dyson and Waters will have no choice but to put their Anarchy and X-Treme Championship on the line next week on Monday night Warfare at XWF.
Steve Sayors: anything else you like to shout to the XWF Universe Mr Blade.
XWF Universe cheers for American nightmare when Razor looks straight into the camera
American nightmare| Razor Blade: Mastermind, Cameron and Marisol. you three better get something straight right now I mean now you may be the G.O.A.T but I'm the greatest XWF wrestler ever I've been in more matches hell I've even Main event for the first time at XWF but my point is this when the four of us enters that ring I promise you that I will stand up with my own two feet and be the winner of that fatal four way and earned myself a shot for any Championship of my choosing oh wait I am getting myself a shot for an Anarchy Championship once me and Latoya defeats Waters and Dyson. later on  tonight and once we beat them I'm coming to Anarchy and win this fatal four way Because The American nightmare is coming to Anarchy.
Razor exits out of the arena when Steve Sayors continues talking
Steve Sayors: thanks for the support Razor. and good luck tonight and on Anarchy.
Steve Sayors: we hope that Razor and Latoya. win there tag match tonight and Razor ends up winning his fatal four way when he faces three men and see who could pick up the win at Anarchy on XWF.
Camera fades where Razor is in his locker room to prepare for tonight's show of Warfare begins tonight and Anarchy this Thursday
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