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Feed him Bananas
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Razor Offline
Active in XWF

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(Physically attractive male on every level; can seduce you; that disarming smile; those bedroom eyes.)

04-24-2024, 01:14 AM

We saw The American nightmare in the area hallway talking to his tag partner No one like's men or women Latoya Hixx and when Steve sayors came out nowehere he see's Razor and ask him a few questions about the XWF
Steve Sayors: Pardon me Razor. but can I get a quick word from you.
American nightmare| Razor Blade: I don't see why not Steve.
Steve Sayors: last Saturday on Warfare you lost your match to Mark Flynn. and then this week you'll be fighitng A.L Gorilla. at Anarchy care to explain Mr Blade.
XWF Universe cheers We want Razor, We Want Razor We Want Razor We Want Razor!
[Image: hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEmCOADEOgC8quKqQ...rdr-e3ekGQ]
American nightmare| Razor Blade: when I entered that battle royal i was this close of winning that match but until Mr Oz done took that way from me but that's okay though it's not his fault it's mine I should've been focusing on someone else instead of that battle royal and enough of that though let's talk about my other two Opponents that I failed to the XWF Universe this past Saturday at Warfare I was about to win that match with Mark Flynn. until some chick who distracted me from outta nowhere and now I have to take care of A. L Gorilla. this week on the last Anarchy before I team up with Latoya Hixx in a Star Wars tag team match against '' Them No Good Bastards'' Bobby
Bourbon and Thunder Knuckles. they're our next challenger for next Saturday's Galaxy Wars of Star Wars and if me and Latoya wins our tag team match then Ned and Isaiah King. me and Hixx are coming for those XWF Tag team Champions after Galaxy Warfare Star Wars on XWF.
Steve Sayors: and what about A.L Gorilla. does he still exists with you on Anarchy.
American nightmare| Razor Blade: actually Steve. he doesn't know what's gonna hit him and he can try his best to out run me which it's not gonna happen cause when I beat A.L Gorilla. this week then hopefully me and Latoya. could win our tag team next Saturday with The Bastards Thunder and Bobby Bourbon. on Star Wars themed song Warfare.
Steve Sayors: can you even defeat A.L Gorilla. this Thursday
American nightmare| Razor Blade:  only hows the match gonna turned out cause once i get rid of Ookie haha A.L Gorilla. then it's onto Sabastin- Everett Bryce. for his Universal XWF Championship but it won't be at Star Wars on Warfare it will most diffidently be at someplace else besides Galaxy Wars-themed Star Wars at Warfare because when I get through with A.L Gorilla this week and next Saturday Warfare with me and Latoya taking out The Bastards THunder and Bobby Bourdon. then you're up for a XWF Tag team Championhsip for Ned and isaiah King. Championship at the next Anarchy on XWF.
American Nightmare | Razor Blade:  by the way A.L Gorilla. Since you can't speak human who's the best Gorillaan Ape or a Monkey.  see you Thursday on Anarchy at XWF.
Blade walks off when Steve Sayors continues talking
Steve Sayors: thanks for the support Razor. and good luck on Anarchy.
Steve Sayors: we hope that Razor. can win his first singles match with A.L Gorilla. this week until he ends up fighting THe Bastards next week at Star Wars themed song on Warfare and see if Ned and Isiah King. could defend there tag tema Championship against Razor and Latoya on the next Anarchy.
Camera fades when Razor goes catching up to Latoya before his match with A.L Gorilla this week and The Bastards next Saturday at Warfare.
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